Heather's Pictures

A tall, sexy brunette bombshell turned gainer. Heather has intentionally given in to her own desire to become fat and has found that it attracts certain guys. In Heather's mind, gaining weight is just like trying out a new fashion style, and she thinks she can lose it whenever she grows tired of it. However, her rate of gain is acceleratingand she doesn't realize that she may have already lost control... Height: 5'10"; Current Weight: 167 pounds; Hair: Long straight dark brown; Eyes: Hazel;


Tall, dark, and gaining...


Tall, dark, and topless!!


Don't you just love how there's one of those coffee shops on every corner now? Too bad those frappucinos are sooo fattening...


It's amazing that a girl like Heather would go out in public in a bikini like that at her weight... She doesn't realize just how fat she's gotten


After discovering that nothing in her closet fit anymore, Heather has finally realized that her weight is out of control. What will she do now?


Self conscious of her larger figure, Heather dons her sweatpants and dark glasses to go buy some clothes that will actually fit...


Is this what happens when weight-conscious fat girls have nightmares?...or is it just because Heather devoured an entire box of fudge pops before going to bed?