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Sunday October13 2002


4:00 PM CST: No Update today. Check back for Links tomorrow, a new design for the DC Page, and new DCs. Thanks!

-Jedi Chazz

Saturday, October 12, 2002: New Links to appear tomorrow. 7 New DCs (CONTEST WINNER) over at the DC Section. Thanks!

-Jedi Chazz

Monday, September 30, 2002: Dream Card of the Week is over at Coruscant Underground (link to be put up this week). The Winners are listed on the Dream Card Page. Check em out. Thanks!

-Jedi Chazz

Saturday, September 21, 2002: Sorry about the lack of updates. I've been really busy trying to work on my new Legend of Zelda: TCG. Well, those of you who participated in the Rebelbasers Dream Card Contest #2, the Winners are Darth Vader for his Darth Maul (X), The_Ewok_Ranger for Admiral Ackbar (A), Pinsther for Chewbacca (K), and Talith for Sarlaac Pit (A). Thanks to everyone who participated. Congrats to the winners. I also put up DS-181-4 and TIE Fighter Saber 4. No new SOTE DCs. Check back through out the week for an update. Thanks!

-Jedi Chazz

Saturday, September 07, 2002: Hey there! Big update today! 9 NEW! Dream Cards. The Text Dream Card Contest is over and 3 Dream Cards were chosen to be made into Graphical Dream Cards. Winners are: Greedo's Greedo (A), Starkiller's Hell To Pay, and Nom Anor's Jedi's Rage. Awesome Dream Cards they are, yes. Also up today in the Dream Card section is a Special DC made by me: Willow Rosenberg (A). This DC is based on when Willow turns evil on the final part of Season 6 on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of my favorite shows. Over in the SOTE DC expansion area, 5 new cards: 4. Darth Vader (A), 10. Leia Organa (A)*, 13. Luke Skywalker (D), 63. Black Sun Fleet, and 68. Luke Skywalker (C). That's 9 Dream Cards for the weekend. *10. Leia Organa (A) has a story behind its asterisk here and the disclaimer on the SOTE expansion area page. I used a picture on her card that probably isn't suitable for people under the age of 17. I've been trying to look around for a better picture and will replace the pic as soon as I find a new one. Till Monday's update, May the Force Be With You! Thanks!

-Jedi Chazz

Thursday, September 05, 2002: Well, 4 new Dream Cards in the SOTE expansion area. Check them out. They are: 33. C-3PO (B), 40. Imperial Walker, 47. R2-D2 (B), and 48. Rogue Snowspeeder. I hope you like them. Tomorrow at this time, the Dream Card contest will be closed at's Message Boards and I will begin judging the Dream Cards. You have exactly 24 hours to finish submitting cards. Thanks!

-Jedi Chazz