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Welcome to the PoGrau webpage!

PoGrau is a group of (2!) people who want to give back something to the world that has given them so much... for example... To the military, the 'PG Challenger Smtank MK.198645.5' or the 'The PoGrau P-Vitesse Piano' or the 'PG Special 670S Sports car' or even the 'PoGrau R-2003 Drag racer... 'About as useful as a penknife-shaped condom, but twice as fun!' Order yours today! Limited edition... only 200 made!' 'Evil cold' - Po, of PoGrau 'It's alright' - Grau, of PoGrau '

Five things about PoGrau...

Pages of Linkingness

PoGrau music page...
PoGrau .comishness page of completely pointlessnessness...
oecartoon - Brilliant cartoon animation thingies
Guitaretab - More tabs...
mxtabs - Great guitar tabs
