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The Pickens' Homestead

Keep in touch with the Pickens family....
Even though our family and friends are spread out throughout Texas and Pennsylvania, Karl & I still would like you to share in our exciting (or not so exciting) lives!
Stay tuned for career, house, vacation, and family updates, as well as other news you can use!
Don't forget the other members of the Pickens clan, Brutus, Bella, and Fuzz. Big Fatty passed away in December, and he is sadly missed.

Brutus is definitely the naughty one in the family.

Bella is our sweet, obsessive compulsive doggy.

Picture Pages

Candid Wedding Pics
Candid Wedding Pics page2
Candid Reception Pics
Cozumel Vacation
Cancun Vacation with Jon
La Isla Mujeres
Cacun Vacation Cont'd
Karl & Lori's Videochat (Visit Us)
