(Part 6)


        "A LIE gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." - SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL
        "Whoever CONTROLS THE MEDIA, controls the MIND." - JIM MORRISON
        "FREEDOM and LIBERTY were the ideals upon which our country was founded. Once upon a time, they were ideals that Americans were willing to fight and die for. But somewhere along the line we got sold a bill of goods that assured us comfort and security were a small price to pay for GIVING UP those ideals. Must have been true. They said so on TV." - UNKNOWN
        "There is no such America as an independent press." - JOHN SWINTON
        ''The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is WORTH knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands.'' - OSCAR WILDE
        "When a well-packaged web of LIES has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.'' - DRESDEN JAMES
        "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what WE decide they OUGHT to have." - RICHARD SALANT
        "We are going to impose OUR agenda on the coverage by dealing with the issues and subjects WE choose to deal with." - RICHARD M. COHAN
        "News reporters are certainly LIBERAL and left of center." - WALTER CRONKITE
        "The 'New York Times' is deliberately pitched to the LIBERAL point of view." - HERMAN DISMORE
        "The news media in general are LIBERALS." - BARBARA WALTERS

    (*For those of you unsure of the exact meaning of "liberal," in theory a "liberal" is one who is tolerant of any and all ideas. I was one throughout my early adulthood - until I found out what it really means. It is simply a euphamism for socialistic or communistic ideas. "Liberals," however, have absolutely NO tolerance for traditional American and Christian ideas.  In actual practice, therefore, "liberalism" means "UNAMERICAN!" - OL  Too harsh?  I invite you to read the following:)


        "I love journalism. I never got the network here in the United States that I wanted, one of the major networks, but I'm very close to getting one in Russia. And I'll just move over there, goddammit, and I'll keep on trucking, because Russia needs me a lot more than the United States does anyway." - TED TURNER ("Press/Politics" - Shorenstein Center for Press and Public Policy - Harvard University) (Summer 2001)
        "The major TV networks are planning a full-scale attack on TRADITIONAL values and sensibilities... ABC, CBS and NBC are considering dropping many of the few remaining standards on network prime-time TV programs - and will likely allow expletives and four-letter words never spoken before on broadcast TV. The 'New York Times' reported over the Labor Day weekend that NBC's 'The West Wing' program is planning on breaking 'a longstanding network taboo' this fall..." - JOHN EDWARDS ("Networks Plan on BLASPHEMING GOD - Most Shocking TV Season Ever" - "") (9/4/01)
        "The world's biggest communist regime and the world's biggest media capitalists are cutting a deal to bring Beijing's televised propaganda into millions of American homes. As part of the package, the People's Republic of China is prepared to allow Rupert Murdoch's 'STAR' network to telecast directly to a prospering mainland province near Hong Kong. If the Australian mega-billionaire's deal with communist China goes through, the stateside partner of his own umbrella international conglomerate, News Corp., would be AOL TIME WARNER, another gigantic global media conglomerate that blankets the United States. The combination of News Corp.'s 20-plus affiliated television stations and numerous cable channels in the United States with AOL Time Warner's far-flung U.S. cable connections and other mass-communications operations would gain access for the Chinese government's TV programming to a fast-growing audience of millions of Americans whom the communist rulers in Beijing are eager to influence." - JOHN L. PERRY ("Red China's TV Coming to U.S." - "") (9/7/01)
        "The producer of NBC's 'The West Wing' told the 'Times' he would insert into a script a character taking the Lord's name in vain. 'We're seeing a coarsening of our society,' Irvine said in reaction to that. 'I don't know how long it's been since we had a president that didn't swear or tell off-color jokes. But up until this time, it has never been considered fitting and proper that, just because it's 'reality,' it deserves to be put out throughout the country.' Remember, he cautioned, children pick it up. 'When I was growing up, if you used the cuss words, you got your mouth washed out with soap.'
        "There are those who liked to break through barriers, the AIM boss acknowledged, 'but what do you do if everybody uses the 'F' word constantly? What do they do next?' As for the broadcast network argument that the cable networks have made big money by breaking those barriers: Irvine sees that as a serious problem, where 'everything is reduced to the lowest common denominator,' but the cable channels are not reaching the same number of people that the broadcast networks are reaching." - REED IRVINE ("Watchdog: X-Rated TV Content Was Predicted 10 Years Ago" by Wes Vernon) (9/5/01)


        "Governments need armies to protect THEM against their enslavedandoppressedsubjects." - LEO TOLSTOY
        "If there is one basic element in our Constitution, it is civilian control of the military." - HARRY S. TRUMAN

    (*You don't say! Not military control of the civilians? Hmmm. Maybe somebody should point this out to Klinton, Bush, and Ashcroft! - OL)

        "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." - DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER
        "DEMOCRACY. Government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of 'direct' expression. Results in MOBOCRACY. Attitude toward property is COMMUNISTIC - negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences." - U.S.ARMY WAR DEPARTMENT TRAINING MANUAL NO. #2000-25 [Definition of "Democracy"](11/30/28)
        "A REPUBLIC is a form of government UNDER A CONSTITUTION which provides for the election of (1) an EXECUTIVE and (2) a LEGISLATIVE BODY, who working together in a REPRESENTATIVE capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation, all power to raise revenues and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create (3) a JUDICIARY to pass upon the justice and legality of their governmental acts and to recognize (4) certain INHERENT (innate, constitutional)
INDIVIDUAL rights. Take away any one or more of those four elements and you are drifting into AUTOCRACY. Add one or more to those four elements and you are drifting into DEMOCRACY." - U.S. ARMY WAR DEPARTMENT TRAINING MANUAL NO. 2000-25 [Definition of "Republic"] (11/30/28)
        "OVERGROWN MILITARY ESTABLISHMENTS are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty. Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." - GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732 - 1799)
        "Military pay has been allowed to lag behind to the point where career-enlisted men with families to feed have been forced to resort to FOOD STAMPS.'' - THOMAS SOWELL ("Clinton has undermined military'' - "Manchester Union-Leader") (3/16/99)
        "The United States Program for General and COMPLETE DISARMAMENT..." - STATE DEPARTMENT PAPER #7277

        (*Although Stevenson carefully chose the words "make war," in reality is demanding that the U.S. give up its ability to PROTECT itself from international enemies - because you can count on it: THEYcertainlywon't be disarming!)

        "There is only one way to eliminate nuclear weapons...use them" - RUSH LIMBAUGH ('The Way Things Ought to Be')


        "The American people must be willing to GIVE UP...PERSONAL PRIVACY in exchange for safety and security." - LOUIS FREEH (FBI Director - From the "National Review") (11/24/94)

    (*OK. We are daily giving up our personal privacy. Does anybody really feel "safer" or more "secure?" I certainly don't! - OL)

        "Oh mortal man, is there ANYTHING you cannot be made to believe?" - ADAM WEISHAUPT (founder of the ILLUMINATI and the "Great Plan" to DESTROY CIVILIZATION to make way for a LUCIFERIAN NEW WORLD ORDER!)
        "BRAINWASHING is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality. Facts and fancy whirl round and change places...However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform." - EDWARD HUNTER ('Brainwashing') (1956)

        (*Try substituting the word "LIBERAL" for "Reds." Sound familiar? - OL)

        "Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumble puppy...In '1984'...people are controlled by inflicting pain. In 'Brave New World,' they're controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us." - NEIL POSTMAN ('Amusing Ourselves to Death') (1985)

        (*And both of them were right! But I need to correct one misstatement: Huxley never "feared" any of this. He was working to bring it about! - OL)

        "The fact is that most psychiatrists and psychologists and other respected people have ESCAPED FROM MORAL CHAINS and are able to think freely..." - J. A. STORMER

        (*Right. By selling their soul to the Devil! - OL)

        "We were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical for the DESTRUCTION OF THE CAPITALISTIC SOCIETY AND CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of PSYCHOPOLITICS...the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and FAKE mental health...During the past few years I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public." - KENNETH GOFF (member of the U.S. Communist Party from 1936 to 1939)
        "We believe that mental health is just as important as physical health maybe even more so." - DONNA SHALALA (Department of Health and Human Services)
        "Mental health refers to how a person thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life's situations." - NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE NETWORK
        "We need a program of PSYCHOSURGERY for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be SURGICALLY MUTILATED. - DR. JOSE DELGADO (Testimony before Congress) (1974)
        "...Man does not have the RIGHT to develop his own mind...We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain." - DR. JOSE DELGADO (Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School - "Congressional Record," No. 26, Vol. 118) (2/24/74)

    (*Excuse me: our Constitution guarantees to PROTECT our unalienable rights, such as the one mentioned above - because they come from GOD - our CREATOR! So, who told you that YOU could make that decision? Rocky? Be warned: like his master, Lucifer, HE LIES! - OL)

        "If we teach everybody, including, say, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, habits of skeptical thought, they will probably not restrict their skepticism to UFOs, aspirin commercials, and 35,000-year-old channelees. Maybe they'll start asking awkward questions about economic, or social, or political, or religious institutions. Perhaps they'll challenge the opinions of THOSE IN POWER. Then where would we be?'' - CARL SAGAN
        "I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is MASS PSYCHOLOGY...Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda...Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. THE POPULACE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO KNOW HOW ITS CONVICTIONS WERE GENERATED.'' - BERTRAND RUSSELL
        "...INTELLECTUALS would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, 'and this will always be the man in the street.' Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to EMOTIONS and INSTINCTS, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology...HATRED and CONTEMPT must be directed at particular individuals.'' - H.TREVOR-ROPER (ed. - 'The Goebbels Diaries,' cited in Regan, Geoffrey 'Great Military Disasters' - M. Evans and Company) (1987)
        "You have to be an intellectual to believe such nonsense. No ordinary man could be such a FOOL." - GEORGE ORWELL
        "...absolute BEHAVIOR CONTROL is imminent...The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will...never self-consciously know that it has happened." - RAYMOND HOUGHTON ("To Nurture Humaneness" ASCD - curriculum arm of the NEA) (1970)


        "If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability." - HENRY FORD
       "The great crimes of the twentieth century were committed not by money-grubbing capitalists but by dedicated idealists. LENIN, STALIN, and HITLER were contemptuous of money. The passage from the nineteenth to the twentieth century has been a passage from considerations of money to considera- tions of power. How naive the cliche that money is the root of evil!" - ERIC HOFFER
        "The monstrous evils of the twentieth century have shown us that the greediest money grubbers are gentle doves compared with money-hating wolves like LENIN, STALIN, and HITLER, who in less than three decades killed or maimed nearly a hundred million men, women, and children and brought untold suffering to a large portion of mankind." - ERIC HOFFER

    (*Oh, horsefeathers! None of these men were "idealists" and they had a great deal of interest in the money Rocky, Morgan, etc, paid them! But like these traitors, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler  simply hated other people having it. Power-mad dictators all (as are their globalist creators), they equated capitalism with the common man being independent and equal to them - a thought they can't bear! - OL)

        "Every era has a currency that BUYS SOULS. In some the currency is pride, in others it is hope, in still others it is a holy cause. There are, of course, times when hard cash will buy souls..." - ERIC HOFFER
        "If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose - because it contains all the others - the fact that they were the people who created the phrase 'to make money.' No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity - to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created." - AYN RAND
        "Prices are important not because money is considered paramount but because prices are a fast and effective conveyor of information through a vast society in which fragmented knowledge must be coordinated." - THOMAS SOWELL


        "Morality is always the product of terror; its chains and strait-waistcoats are fashioned by those who dare not trust others, because they dare not trust themselves, to walk in liberty."- ALDOUS HUXLEY

    (*Poor man! I guess he never found out that morality makes one feel so much better than immorality, that terror is unnecessary. But then, neither of the Huxley brothers would know anything about trust - since THEY were both totally untrustworthy! - OL)

        "While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when ONCE THEY LOSE THEIR VIRTUE THEY WILL BE READY TO SURRENDER THEIR LIBERTIES to the first external or INTERNAL invader...if virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security." - SAMUEL ADAMS
        "The people of this State, in common with the people of this country, profess the general doctrines of CHRISTIANITY, as the rule of their faith and practice...We are a CHRISTIAN people, and the MORALITY of the country is deeply engrafted upon CHRISTIANITY, and NOT upon the doctrines or worship of those IMPOSTERS [other religions]." - CHANCELLOR KENT ("The People v. Ruggles;" 8 Johns 545; Sup.Ct.N.Y.) (1811)
        "THERE IS A WAR WAGING IN AMERICA. The battle is over values, beliefs and the cultural basis of western civilization...the elitist avant-garde arts community uses the NEA to advertise and disseminate their political beliefs. The NEA then uses our scarce tax dollars to fund works which are intended to shock Americans into an acceptance of DYSFUNCTIONAL behavioral lifestyles and to DESTROY THE FAMILY." - LOU SHELDON (Traditional Values Coalition - Hearing on the NEA) (4/91)
        "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." - GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732 - 1799)


        "Let no one come to you without leaving better and happier." - MOTHER TERESA
        "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so MUCH!" - MOTHER TERESA
        "If you judge people, you have no time to LOVE them." - MOTHER TERESA

    (*Funny, isn't it? That last is exactly what is happening to us here in New Babylon aka Soviet America, or Moscow West - formerly known as the "United States of America!" - OL)



        "If the food in [another] part of the world is under lock and key, and the people who live there have to work to get it, then you're among people of our culture. If you happen to be in a jungle in the interior of Brazil or New Guinea, however, you'll find that the food is not under lock and key. It's simply out there for the taking, and anyone who wants some can just go and get it. The people who live in these areas, often called aboriginals, stone-age peoples, or tribal peoples clearly belong to a culture radically different from our own." - DANIEL QUINN ("Schooling: The Hidden Agenda" - speech at a home-schooling/unschooling conference) (2000)
        "Those who came before us were savages, little more than brutes. Those who continue to live the way our ancestors lived are savages, little more than brutes. The world is well rid of them, and we're well rid of every vestige of them, including their ludicrously primitive skills."- DANIEL QUINN ("Schooling: The Hidden Agenda" - speech at a home-schooling/unschooling conference) (2000)

      (*Obviously you never read the Bible, Daniel, or studied archaeology, and your description of our ancestors shows you know absolutely nothing of the history of America - or the world. Could it be that you are hoping your victims, i.e., "students" have learned very little of their history in school - so they won't know the truth? Legitimate research would show that our ancestors, dating all the way back to the Flood - were incredibly well-informed on the subjects of God (something few - thanks to you and your fellow "social engineers" - can claim today), animals, nature, weather patterns, oceanography, biology, ship-building, farming, ranching, astronomy, etc., etc., etc. Aside from Bible evidence, what about Egypt and China? Surely you've heard of them?  Oh, but I guess you do know this, don't you? After all, you are one of the biggest players in the current "DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA!"  - OL)



        "Exit polls data showed that more than a third of all voters who cast ballots Tuesday said they supported the National Rifle Association - and two-thirds of those voters cast their ballots for Republican candidates." - "WASHINGTON POST" (11/10/94)
        "35% of the voters had a positive impression of the NRA and went overwhelmingly Republican." - "MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT" (11/10/94)
        "The National Rifle Association...rebounded with a vengeance Tuesday (Nov. 8th) when at least a dozen of the gun-control supporters in Congress it had targeted were defeated by candidates who OPPOSE weapons restrictions." - HEARST NEWS SERVICE ("Portland Oregonian") (11/10/94)
        "Though only one of the many forces in Tuesday's (Nov. 8th) political watershed election, the 3.5 million member NRA made an impression in political circles that could again drive home the value of its goodwill - or the power of its ire." - "LOS ANGELES TIMES" (11/10/94)
        "They [NRA members and gun owners] alone may have well made the difference in this election." - SEN. HARRIS WOFFORD (commenting on his loss to Rick Santorum in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race - AP) (11/12/94)
        "Their [NRA's] grassroots effort is the best. They are alive and well." - REP. BILL HUGHES (D-NJ - ret. - "Richmond Times Dispatch") (8/15/94)
        "As candidates who backed gun control legislation fell one by one across the nation Tuesday night, the National Rifle Association re-emerged as a high-caliber POLITICALforce that politicians cross at their own peril." - "THE HILL" (11/10/94)
        "After suffering big defeats in Congress this year on handgun control and a ban on certain assault rifles, the National Rifle Association made good on its promise not to get mad but to get even." - "WASHINGTON POST"
        "A highly-placed library source in Washington, DC told A&D that the American Library Association lobby and the National Rifle Association lobby are the only ones whose information was considered consistently truthful and reliable by legislators. We will not even consider the 'strange bedfellows' variations possible to that remark." - "LIBRARY JOURNAL") (9/1/88)

        (*Well, WE will! Check those sources again. Notice WHO is singing the praises of the NRA? They are all establishment entities. Now doesn't it seem more logical that these anti-gun lobbyists - and their mainstream media cohorts - would want to SUPPRESS the power and popularity of the NRA, rather than give them free publicity?! It certainly does to me - IF the NRA legitimately wanted to protect our Constitutional right to bear arms, that is! The truth is, the NRA is nothing more than another Trojan Horse: while loudly and openly supporting the 2nd Amendment, it is quietly backing the globalists' taking of our land and our Constitutional rights. Don't be deceived. The only group honestly fighting to protect the Constitution today is GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA - and no: I do not get a kickback or anything else from them! - OL)


(Divine, Common)

        "The American Republic was founded upon the natural law...From natural law flow basic human rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, which are ultimately derived from GOD and which are antecedent to all government. Natural law was thus perceived by the Founders to be unchanging because it was grounded in the constancy of human nature." - ROBERT K. DORNAN & CSABA VEDLIK, JR. ('Judicial Supremacy: The Supreme Court on Trial' 1986)
        "Natural law-natural rights was...a body of MORAL law superior to human law...[The Founders intended that] Each department of the government be composed of men imbued with natural law-natural rights principles." - ROBERT K. DORNAN & CSABA VEDLIK, JR. ('Judicial Supremacy: The Supreme Court on Trial') (1986)


        "Without law and order our nation cannot survive." - ADOLF HITLER

        (*That depends entirely on what kind of law you are talking about - but, of course, we know what kind Hitler was talking about: the UNCONSTITUTIONAL DICTATES OF A TYRANT - the kind of "law" and order one might find in a prison or a concentration camp. The same kind we see enforced by the International Mafia! That was seventy years ago. Today we are reliving Nazi Germany's experience. Thousands of totally UNConstitutional laws are added daily to the millions of laws already on the books, including a good number of Executive Orders - which are also UNConstitutional. And yet, there is less and less ORDER with each passing day! What is wrong with this picture? - OL)

        "There is no such thing as truth." - ADOLF HITLER
        "All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the LEAST INTELLIGENT of those towards whom it intends to direct itself.'' - ADOLF HITLER ('Mein Kampf' - "My Struggle," Vol. I)
        "The social, political, and military resiliency of the Third Reich is inconceivable without the HJ (Hitler Youth). It was the incubator that maintained the political system by replenishing the ranks of the dominant party and preventing the growth of mass opposition. It may be impossible to define the influence millions of young people had on parents, teachers, and adults in general, but there can be little doubt that the uniformed army of teenagers had something to do with promoting the myth of Hitler's invincible genius. When the war began, the importance of the HJ as the cradle of an aggressive army became apparent to military leaders and to the creators of the combat wing of the SS." - GERHARD REMPEL ('Hitler's Children, The Hitler Youth and the SS') (1989)

    (*Our "social engineers" have discovered that using little kids - and voice-changing machines that sound like kids - works well in changing ADULT values and beliefs! The next time you hear one of those politicately correct commercials, stop and listen to the "child's" voice. Note it's sweet little lisp - and then note that the very same "child" appears to be doing every commercial that is pushing the new world agenda. I have been listening to this same "child" for ten years now, and throughout this time, he/she/it never seems to age, and uses the same inflection - in language that no child of today would use - in every commercial, whatever its subject!  - OL)

        "Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a DEMOCRACY, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
bidding of the leaders. That is easy. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED,and denounce the peacemakers for LACK OF PATRIOTISM and EXPOSING THE COUNTRY TO DANGER. It works the same in any country." - HERMANN GOERING (Nazi Reichsmarschall)

        (*Goering was certainly right. Look at how well it is working HERE! - OL)

        "What luck for the rulers that MEN DO NOT THINK.'' - ADOLF HITLER
        "Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA - ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns DOESN'T SERVE THE STATE.'' - HEINRICH HIMMLER
        "All military-type firearms are to be handed in immediately...The SS, SA and Stahlhelm give every respectable German man the opportunity of campaigning with them. Therefore anyone who does not belong to one of the above-named organizations and who unjustifiably nevertheless KEEPS his weapon...must be regarded as an ENEMY OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT.'' - SA OBERFUHRER OF BAD TOLZ (3/33)

        (*Which is why we now have more FOREIGN troops here than our own. These troops claim they are here to TAKE AWAY OUR GUNS! - OL)

        "The smell of the WEIMER REPUBLIC is in the air.'' - GORE VIDAL (from a speech at the National Press Club) (1996)
        "During the Great Depression, Germans rallied to one-man-one-party rule, UNIFORMS, FLAGS and RIFLES, MASS RALLIES, RACIAL HATRED, and APPEALS TO NATIONAL GLORY. What would happen in other countries if small businessmen, housewives, artisans, white-collar workers, and students felt BETRAYED by an ALIEN (i.e., un-American) political establishment, a fraying WELFARE net, and chronic ECONOMIC DISLOCATIONS?" - CLAUDIA KOONZ

    (*Good question! What IS happening HERE today? The conditions are certainly the same! - OL)



        "NO ONE will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to WORSHIP LUCIFER. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." - DAVID SPANGLER
        "One Church for One World." - WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES (1948)
        "...change will probably be radical, if not total. Those whose lives are dedicated to serving the Church of the past will resist these suggestions with a vehemence that always emerges from threatened hierarchies and dying institutions. But the seeds of resurrection are present in the exile, and in time those seeds will sprout and bloom. When they do, we will once again be able to see continuity between the Church of the past and the purged and opened church of the future." - EPISCOPAL BISHOP JOHN SHELBY SPONG ('Why Christianity Must Change or Die')

       (*Of course, we have already been seeing much of that - what with members of the world council of churches honoring homosexual preachers, and marrying same-sex partners. But now, Governor Schweiker - who came to world prominence with the Pennsylvania mining crisis - has now agreed to signing legislation that will make it illegal for preachers to QUOTE FROM THE BIBLE any verses that are anti-homosexuality, even if it is GOD Himself that he is quoting! Now, how about that for hubris (arrogance)?!! I wonder how he justifies that with the prayers and "family values" he displayed so prominently before the whole world?
        Isn't it interesting how Humanist politicians have so easily managed to persuade the American people that they - not the Creator - "gave" our rights to us? Talk about audacity: they have "fired" Yahweh - the God of our fathers - and set THEMSELVES up as gods! - OL)

        "The past several decades have been marked by an unprecedented degree of discontinuity with the past. Part of that discontinuity is reflected in the new rule book on how to do church in the new millennium..." - LYLE E. SCHALLER ('The Very Large Church: New Rules for Leaders')
        "The Lutheran Youth Organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)...voted to support ecumenism...and to develop a conference for gay, lesbian and bisexual youth. Lutheran youth should 'be ready for a big turn-around..." - ELCA NEWS SERVICE 1997 (reporting on plans for the AD 2000 youth "Gathering")
        " communities of faith and interdependent people rooted in our faith, we now unite for the sake of peace and healing among religions, peoples and nations, and for the benefit of the earth and all living beings." - THE UNITED RELIGIONS CHARTER (Draft1999)

       (*Please remember, this "peaceful" union includes, Wizards - like Harry Potter - and Witches, Voodoo, Demonology - which calls for the sacrifice of virgins, including babies and animals - along with Cannibalism. Are these beliefs YOU subscribe to? - OL)



        "Call it what you want - 'New World Order,' 'International Order,' 'International Community,' 'World Law.' It all means The end of U.S. sovereignty and independence. Americans need to be aware that power-hungry politicians from both parties pose a much greater threat to our liberties than any foreign terrorist does. - CHUCK BALDWIN (12/01)

       (*As is being made crystal clear today with the Homeland Defense and Total Information Awareness programs - which completely nullify our Constitution! - OL)

        "Ultimately 'a world government of delegated power, complete abandonment of U.S. isolation- ism, strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty, international control of all armies and navies. A universal system of planned as to prevent inflation and deflation'...(much better treatment for negroes in the U.S.) humiliating decrees of war guilt...A 'democratically controlled'
international bank 'to make developmental capital available in all parts of the world...This program was adopted Last week by 375 appointed representatives of 30-odd denominations called together at Ohio Wesley University by the Federal Council of Churches." - "TIME" MAGAZINE (3/16/42)

        (*Sound familiar? Remember, the UN did not come into being for another 3 years. But, 1942, however, was the very same year that a map shows how Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin secretly divided up our entire planet between themselves. Reading the above and comparing these plans from SIXTY years ago with what is happening today, is there anyone out there who can seriously doubt there was a definite "conspiracy" to possess and rule the whole world? - OL)

        " 'COLLECTIVISM (communism) is coming, whether we like or not,' the delegates were told by
no less a churchman than England's Dr. William Paton, co-secretary of the World Council of Churches...the conference...urged TAXATION designed 'to the end that our wealth may be more equitably distributed.' It urged experimentation with government and cooperative ownership...
        "[the conference's most important assertion was that many duties now performed by local and national governments] 'can now be effectively carried out only by international authority.'
        "[Individual Nations, it declared, must give up their armed forces] 'except for preservation of domestic order' (Federal police) and allow the world to be policed by an international army and navy. This LEAGUE-OF-NATIONS-WITH-TEETH would also have the power of final judgment in controversies between nations...the regulation of international trade and population movements among nations." - EXCERPTS from above program
        "It is in the American interest to put an end to Nationhood." - WALT RUSTOW
        "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." - JAMES PAUL WARBURG
        "...In short, the 'House of World Order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but AN END RUN AROUND NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY, ERODING IT PIECE BY PIECE, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." - RICHARD N. GARDNER ("Foreign Affairs") (4/74).

        (*The fact that he made Gardner one of his top advisors should tell you volumes about Presi- dent Klinton's real agenda! But, don't breathe a sigh of relief quite yet. Unfortunately, this is the same agenda that all U.S. "Presidents" have been following, ever since Lincoln's assassination. With his death - ordered by Rothschild and his fellow international bankers, to whom both sides were indebted - declared us an occupied nation under the international Lieber Code. From this point on, the U.S. Constitution was used strictly for show and to hide behind, while they slowly destroyed the freedoms an sovereignty guaranteed by it. - OL))

        "Soon it will be possible to assert almost CONTINUOUS SURVEILLANCE over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen..." - ZBIGNIEW BREZHINSKY

        (*Hmmm. And just think: this prediction was made long before "Homeland Defense" and "Total Information Awareness!" - OL)

        "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an institutional Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently DOES so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years in the early 1960s to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain UNKNOWN, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.'' - DR. CARROLL QUIGLEY
        "The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)...the American Branch of a society which originated in England...believes NATIONAL BOUNDARIES SHOULD BE OBLITERATED and one-world rule established." - CARROLL QUIGLEY

        (*And now you know the REAL reason our border patrols just can't seem to control all this illegal immigration - and legal crossing of terrorists from both borders Canadian, as well as Mexican! - OL)

        "A spider web of 'patriots for profit,' operating from the HIGHEST positions of special trust and confidence, have successfully circumvented our constitutional system in pursuit of a New World Order." - LT. COL. JAMES "BO" GRITZ (Ret)
        "Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomor- row they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat... whether real or promulgated [advertised, promoted], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS will be willingly relinquished  for the GUARANTEE OF THEIR WELL-BEING granted to them by the world government." - DR. HENRY KISSINGER (Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France) (1991)

        (*Note the date. How many rights have we Americans given up since then? Of course, the "world government" is fronted by the "leader of the free world," the President of the United States! - OL)

        "We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in BLOOD as well as in words and money.'' - ARTHUR SCHLESINGER, JR. ("Foreign Affairs") (7-8/95)
        "The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation of our century, will give birth - in Morocco - to the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION, the third pillar of the NEW WORLD ORDER, along with the UNITED NATIONS and the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND.'' - Part of a FULL-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT by the government of Morocco ("New York Times") (April 1994)
        "Is there a NUMBER or MARK planned for the HAND or FOREHEAD in a new cashless society? Yes, and I have seen the machines that are now ready to put it into operation." - RALPH NADER
        "We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents...The results are frustration, inferiority, neurosis and inability to...make the world fit to live in...[People with] guilts, fears, inferiorities, are certain to project their hates on to others...Such reaction now becomes a dangerous threat to the whole world..." - DR. BROCK CHISHOLM (former head of the World Health Organization) (1946)

        (*For once, you got something right, Chisholm: with all your hate for the common people - YOU have now definitely become an extremely "dangerous threat to the whole world!" I would like to point out, however, that during the entire time Americans were being fed these "poisonous certainties," our way of life was the envy of the whole world! You - and your fellow liberals changed all that, when you communized this country. It was the LOVE taught by Jesus - not hate - that was given to us and to our fellow man. Hate was reserved for evil criminals and degenerates - like YOU!   - OL)!

        "Social institutions such as FAMILY and school impose their imprint early...Thus prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism (loyalty to and protection of one's own country and people) may become deeply embedded in the developing personality...often at great human cost...Change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered." - "MENTAL HEALTH AND WORLD CITIZENSHIP" (International Congress on Mental Health) (1948)
How's this for arrogance:

        "Anyone who refuses to take part in this universal system WILL HAVE NO RIGHT TO EXIST..." - DR. KURK E. KOCH

        "The problem with the global villiage is all the global villiage idiots." - P. GINSPARG


        "We shall unleash the NIHILISTS* and the ATHEISTS, and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm, which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. They everywhere the people forced to defend themselves against the world minority revolutionaries will exterminate those DESTROYERS OF CIVILIZATION.
        "And the multitudes, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be, from that moment on without direction or leadership, and anxious for an ideal but without knowledge of where to send its adoration, will receive the TRUE LIGHT through the universal manifestation of the pure DOCTRINE OF LUCIFER brought finally out into public view, a manifestation which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." - ALBERT PIKE (letter - until recently, to be found in the archives of the British Museum in London.) (8/15/1871)
        "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations COLLAPSE? Isn't it OUR responsibility to bring that about?" - MAURICE STRONG (Head of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro) (1992)
        "Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what WORKED with what SOUNDED good.'' - THOMAS SOWELL
        "The re-interpretation and eventual ERADICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF RIGHT AND WRONG are the belated objectives of nearly all of psychotherapy..." - DR. G. BROCK CHISOLM