"...a nation or world of people who will not use
their intelligence are...Beasts of Burden...and
Steaks on the table by CHOICE and CONSENT..."

PART 4b of 5

...on the PATH to DESTRUCTION]

McCarthy. A guy we love to HATE, right? Why, sure: he was that rabid "witch-
hunting" Senator who was found guilty of destroying so many 'innocent' lives [especially
in the Film industry]. Or WAS he? According to the other side, McCarthy was the VICTIM!
Well, who was right? Who WERE America's REAL enemies? Perhaps a close look at the
FACTS will help us to decide what IS the truth. Of course, that story is but a small
segment of the FABULOUS FIFTIES. Were they the BEST OF TIMES - or the WORST?
Let's take a look and see what history can tell us:

"All warfare is based on DECEPTION. Therefore, when capable, FEIGN
INCAPACITY...Offer the enemy a BAIT to lure him...PRETEND INFERIORITY and
ENCOURAGE HIS ARROGANCE...When he is united, DIVIDE HIM...To subdue the enemy
WITHOUT FIGHTING is the supreme skill..." [1] These words come from a favorite
guidebook of the Communists and the One-Worlders. Remember them as we move on
with another chapter of this American expose, keeping in mind at all times, that warfare
doesn't necessarily have to take place on a BATTLEFIELD - nor does it even need to be
DECLARED! So MANY unanswered questions. What IS the truth? Is it merely RELATIVE?
Perhaps this Report will give us some clues - but, be warned: it will be nothing like
'American History 101! OK. Seat-belts fastened? Engines warmed up? I know it's hard to
believe, but up til now, we've just been taxiing, while slow - ly picking up speed. Now, it's
time to pull back on the wheel. WATCH OUT! Expect plenty of TURBULENCE along the
way! Everybody ready? OK: LIFT OFF!!

"Every American knows about the AMERICAN COMMUNIST PARTY as an absolute
servant of Soviet Russia. What he does NOT know is that there is ANOTHER batch of
American Soviet agents who do not belong to the Communist Party - and who keep
carefully AWAY from it...In 1943 and 1944 - and later - there was a small set in Washington
known as the 'Silvermaster Group.' NATHAN GREGORY SILVERMASTER had been with
the Agricultural Department and became head of the Near East Division of the Board of
Economic Warfare. However, at some point, the FBI and the Intelligence Sections of both
War and Navy reported that he was a dangerous COMMUNIST. But he had powerful
friends. LAUCHLIN CURRIE, a Presidential assistant, and HARRY DEXTER WHITE,
Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury and later Assistant Secretary, vouched for him.
He was permitted to resign quietly and return to his old job in Agriculture.

"This group consisted of seven people - in addition to Silvermaster - all holding
positions of high importance inside the government. One of them was HARRY DEXTER
WHITE, a member of the Treasury - HENRY MORGENTHAU [Secretary]...being a person of
very limited abilities and still less capacity for leadership. White was a timid man and had
to be handled by his Communist contacts with infinite delicacy. His access to the most
secret information was almost unlimited. He not only had at hand the SECRET SERVICE -
which is a Treasury agency - but could get the most secret documents from OTHER
government agencies. His secretary, SONIA GOLD, was a Communist - who was supplied
to him by the Silvermasters. There were many other such personages in Washington. [2]

"...What our educated Americans have not understood is that the RED
REVOLUTIONIST does not promote his cause with DEBATE and DISCUSSION. He knows
that ideas are planted in minds not by debates and discussions, but by certain
PROPAGANDA techniques. For one thing, neither Socialism nor Communism is to be
successfully sold under these labels. They must be given OTHER NAMES. Second, the
Communist product must be sold in PIECES - not in one big package. Third, the sales job
must be done by people WHO ARE NOT SUSPECT...people who DENY they are
Communists or socialists - and who sell their product in our SCHOOLS, our
PICTURES...And I repeat, it is not to be sold in one package. You buy one little idea
today, another little idea tomorrow. Someone else buys a third idea the next day, and so
on, until presently you will be perhaps so far on the way to communism that TURNING

The train of events which led us into Korea, actually had their origin in the
struggle in CHINA which began over 60 years ago: "Japan fought China by invading her
with an army, first in 1931 and again in 1937. Russia fought China with an army of
Chinese revolutionaries, directed and armed by Russia. Russia's war in China was
precisely the same as Russia's war in Korea. In China, CHIANG KAI-SHEK was fighting
Communism with the aim of restoring peace and setting up a REPUBLIC...in China,
incredible as it may seem, we actually told the Chinese government to do what Russia
wanted - UNITE WITH THE COMMUNISTS. When Chiang Kai-Shek refused, we DISARMED
him...the Soviet cherished the ambition to convert what was left of China...of course,
[Russia] was powerless to oppose Japan in 1931. She was never able to do anything until
1945...after the United States had utterly wiped out Japan's capacity to make war. And
when Russia moved into Manchuria to complete her long-nourished plans, she did it with
1,250,000,000 Russian soldiers ARMED BY THE UNITED STATES...

"PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT...was now occupied with the shape of victory...in April
1943, the 'SATURDAY EVENING POST' printed an article by Forrest Davis [4] outlining
Roosevelt's dream of victory. It was an obviously White House-inspired piece. Roosevelt,
we were informed, had a GRAND DESIGN. It was a plan for the United Nations...[He] had
not the slightest doubt he could soften Stalin down and induce him to join a great
institution of world government of which he, Roosevelt, would be the head - PRESIDENT
OF THE WORLD. This was Roosevelt's great and fatal design and the most deadly
ingredient in it was his decision to make EVERY CONCEIVABLE CONCESSION to Stalin
to induce him to join.

But STALIN, too, had a GREAT DESIGN - not some hasty improvisation, but a
program of expansion of Soviet power in Europe and Asia. It was the well-matured
COMMUNIST dream of a RED WORLD...he would use his war-created power to crush the
two enemies he feared on either end of his vast empire - GERMANY and JAPAN. His
inflexible purpose was to make a Carthaginian peace with these countries, after they had
been defeated - to WRECK them militarily, industrially, and politically by robbing them of
their material resources, wrecking their productive plant, carting away what he could and
DESTROYING the rest. Second, Russia was determined to bring under her wing, if
possible, ALL OF THE COUNTRIES OF EASTERN EUROPE on or near her borders. And
Stalin was determined to do the same in Asia - beginning with CHINA and KOREA, which
were essential to his ambitions with reference to Japan, which were eventually to disarm
her, take Korea and deprive Japan of her Asiatic empire...

"Here then were the TWO GRAND DESIGNS - Roosevelt's for a world federation,
with himself sitting in majestic and historic eminence at the top; Stalin's for a massive
bite of the prostrate globe that would bring Eastern Europe and China into the orbit of
power, with Germany and Japan helpless on the western and eastern boundaries of his
empire." [5] But there was yet another "GREAT PLAN," which neither Roosevelt, nor
Stalin had considered. The "Great Plan" emanating from the GREATEST ADVERSARY IN
ALL HISTORY: Satan, himself - as presented by SIR FRANCIS BACON back in the early
1600s. "Bacon authored a novel entitled 'NEW ATLANTIS,' which laid out the idea for a
utopian society across the ocean from Europe, where mankind could build a new
civilization based upon the principles he believed to be those of the legendary lost
continent of ATLANTIS, 'cherishing as he did, the dream of a great commonwealth in the
NEW Atlantis'." [6] Not even Bacon, though, could have envisioned the outcome of a
MASONIC/ ILLUMINATI alliance, taking his plan - and wedding it to Adam Weishaupt's

Hold on, though. There's MORE: Recently, the irrepressible Texe Marrs reminded
us of another chillingly-familiar plan. It is spelled out graphically in GEORGE ORWELL's
'1984' - According to Marrs, "As the plot of Orwell's nerve-tingling book unfolds, we
discover that an ELITE GROUP OF EVIL LEADERS [Well, now. Sound like anybody YOU
know?] has spent years to concoct a PLAN which they are using, with devastating effect,
to CONTROL HUMANITY...The POLICE POWERS and apparatus of government will insure
compliance. THOUGHT and HATE CRIMES [Isn't that exactly what KLINTON is pushing
today?] by those less spirtually and culturally advanced shall be harshly dealt with, first
by law enforcement authorities and then by counselors and facilitators trained in the
newest, approved techniques of psychological health. Above all, resistance by the
masses must be crushed - ruthlessly, inevitably, completely. The future [on the other side
of that famous "bridge"] shall belong to the conscious, superior race who know of and
are dedicated to 'The Plan.' For the others - the vast, helpless and pitiful majority who are
trapped in their obsolete ways of thinking and reacting - the future shall be exactly as
prescribed in George Orwell's vision of Big Brother's 1984: 'IF YOU WANT A PICTURE OF

Why is THIS plan more "chilling" than the others? Because '1984' is the book
which "MOST INFLUENCED [HILLARY's] POLITICAL THINKING!" and, lest we forget, this
is a CO-presidency, in which husband Bill is the de facto president of the rest of the
world - in charge of FOREIGN policy, while Hillary is the de facto president of THIS
country - in charge of all DOMESTIC policy! This is scary enough, but according to Marrs,
"The would-be tyrants of 1990's America ALSO have conceived a PLAN to achieve THEIR
objectives....[It was] set forth by the super-rich conspirators who have CHOSEN AND
ELEVATED HILLARY AND BILL CLINTON INTO POWER..." [7] And now, the stage is set.
People innocently go about their daily lives, not knowing that the fate of the world hangs
on the final outcome. Which plan will get us to ARMAGEDDON first? WHO will win?

A couple of days ago, I watched the "true" story behind the making of "ROMAN
HOLIDAY." It was all about the struggles of a poor screen-writer [one of the so-called
"HOLLYWOOD TEN"], who was being unfairly persecuted by Mc Carthy and his
committee. Now, this writer was being sent to prison and his poor family was going to
starve and be thrown out on the street, while he was being imprisoned for "standing up
for his ideals." So, he wrote the story and made $100,000, using another writer as a
"front." The family was saved and the front writer made some money, too, writing the
screen-play. A touching story, right? Maybe. But, first listen to the words of one of this
brave, "innocent" group who refused to tell a Congressional committee whether or not
they were members of the Communist Party - and you can judge for yourself. The
COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES discovered that, lecturing to a class of
student actors in Hollywood, JOHN HOWARD LAWSON instructed:

'Unless you portray any role given you in a manner to FURTHER THE
REVOLUTION and the Class War, you have no right to call yourself an artist or an actor.
TELLS YOU. Even if you are nothing more than an extra, you can portray a society
woman in a manner to make her appear a villainess and a snob - and you can portray a
working girl in such a way so as to make her seem a sympathetic victim of the capitalist
class.' Mr. David Platt, in the 'PEOPLE'S WORLD,' a Communist paper on the West Coast,
on April 8, 1944, wrote: 'The ostrich age is over as far as the silver screen is concerned.
The year 1943 will go down as the year of the GREATEST AWAKENING IN HOLLYWOOD.
Never before in the history of the screen has there been such a vast succession of
'pictures WITH A PURPOSE'." [8] The following is a perfect example of what Mr. Platt was
referring to:

"One of the popular pictures during the war was 'SONG OF RUSSIA.' When it
appeared, the Russian armies were driving the hated Nazis back across the steppes.
Russia was our ally - in fact, she was our 'NOBLE' ally - and we had been softened down
a good deal...In this picture, ROBERT TAYLOR appeared as a young American music
conductor who visited Russia during the war, traveling around as a guest conductor
leading Russian symphony orchestras. As a matter of fact, despite the war, Russia
seemed to be CRAWLING with symphony orchestras...Now, one of the black marks
against the Soviet regime was the PERSECUTION OF RELIGION. People believed this and
of course it was and IS true. It would be perfectly futile to write articles in the papers and
magazines or books to deny this obvious fact. However, it was possible to INSINUATE a
different version in the mind of an unsuspecting spectator in a moving-picture house.
There he sits, wholly oblivious of propaganda, interested in the story, his heart stirred
and warmed by the magnificent music.

"There is a happy scene on a Russian farm. There is the farmer with his family. It
is a beautiful HOLLYWOOD FARM such as DOES NOT EXIST in Russia. The farmer is
entertaining all his neighbors and there is the VILLAGE PRIEST moving about happily
amongst the guests. This gets over two ideas - that there are PROSPEROUS FREE
FARMERS in Russia and that the priest is a NATURAL part of the scenery. Suddenly there
is an alarm, a warning siren sounds, the Nazi planes are heard overhead. The scene shifts
to an open farm field some distance away. The bombers dive, release their bombs and an
innocent boy is struck down in the field. Instantly, from out of the shrubbery, leaps a
priest to rush to his side to give him the Last Rites of the Church.

"Later in the picture there is a beautiful marriage ceremony. The wedding is held
in the old church and the altar is crawling with PRIESTS and ALTAR BOYS. Now, nothing
is said in this picture about religion...but the innocent spectator who does not study
Russia, or the ARTS OF PROPAGANDA, goes out of the theater thinking to himself, 'What
do they mean...no priests and churches in Russia?' [I SAW the "truth" with my own eyes!]
He now carries around in his mind this clear visual refutation of this 'slander' of
Russia...[Later] Robert Taylor had the courage to say publicly that he did not realize the
use that was being made of him in this picture and that he PROFOUNDLY REGRETTED
HIS PART IN IT...Never in history has a nation of free people had brought to bear upon its
mind so vast a war of propaganda, by engines of propaganda so powerful as those which
shaped the opinions of Americans toward supporting the program that has ended by
COMMUNISM." [9] OH MY! How long has THIS been going on? Reckon they would use TV
for stuff like this? Or video tapes and games?

SUBVERSION in the Fifties - and the decades before - was not limited to a few
misleading stories in movies and books, though. It was REAL and it was UGLY: [The
Conspirators] "moved into many organizations which could be used powerfully to
promote their aims. probably the most important of these was the INSTITUTE FOR
PACIFIC RELATIONS [IPR]...The overall international ruling body was called the PACIFIC
COUNCIL...The active head of the whole international institute was its Secretary-General,
EDWARD CARTER...The top officials and trustees of the AMERICAN COUNCIL of the
Institute for Pacific Relations...was made up of a cast of characters beyond
criticism...This American Council was directed by an executive committee of ten persons.
It was this group which ran the show..." [10]

Before we proceed any further, we are going to check with DR. JOHN COLEMAN,
the preeminent expert on subversive organizations. In his consummate book
'CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY' ["COMMITTEE OF 300"], he advises us that "The ASTOR
family is believed to have selected OWEN LATTIMORE to carry on their association with
the opium trade, which he did through the Laura Spelman-funded Institute For Pacific
Relations (IPR). It was the IPR that oversaw China's entry into the opium trade as an equal
partner...It was IPR that paved the way for the Japanese attack on PEARL HARBOR."
Furthermore, Coleman explains, "The Institute for Pacific Relations...was welcomed in
Canada after Owen Lattimore and his fellow members had their treasonous activities
exposed in 1947 and left the United States before they could be charged...At the top of
British Crown control of Canada was WALTER GORDON. A former member of the
Queen's hands-on oversight committee [Privy Coucil]...Gordon SPONSORED the Institute
for Pacific Relations via the Canadian Institute of International Affairs..." [11] Now, back to
Flynn's account:

"The IPR, as it was known, had two organs of expression. One was a quarterly
journal called 'PACIFIC AFFAIRS,' under the auspices of the International or Pacific
Council. The other was 'FAR EASTERN SURVEY,' published by the American
Council...Owen Lattimore was the editor of 'Pacific Affairs' for many years
and...LAWRENCE E. SALISBURY was the editor for 'Far Eastern Survey'...The executive
secretary of the American Council was FREDERICK VANDERBILT FIELD, a notorious
Communist...Not only was Field executive secretary and active leader of the Council; he
was also its financial angel. Field admitted on the witness stand before the MC CARRAN
COMMITTEE that he had been 'paying each year's deficits.' Does anyone in his senses at
this day of bitter enlightenment suppose for a moment that Field was NOT using his
position there to PROMOTE his communist faith and the communist aims in China?

"Field is a scion of the VANDERBUILT family, inheriting a part of its great wealth,
and is popularly known as the 'MILLIONAIRE COMMUNIST.' He has been for years an
active contributor to all sorts of communist activities both as writer and donor."
Concerning the Communist leader, MAO TSE-TUNG's TAKEOVER OF CHINA, Field wrote:
' 'CHINA'S NEW DEMOCRACY' [authored by Mao Tse-Tung] reaches the English-
speaking public just as the Chinese nation faces the sharpest test in its history. If we
thoroughly comprehend the reasons which Mao Tse-Tung teaches, our effort to
SUPPORT THOSE POLICIES...will be immeasurably strengthened'...The pamphlet
admitted its author was 'a member of the editorial board of the 'NEW MASSES.' [A
Communist OFFICIAL publication]...'Field has been for years a contributor to all sorts of
communist publications - 37 articles in the 'New Masses' up to 1947, 54 articles in the
'DAILY WORKER' - and in 'POLITICAL AFFAIRS' (successor to 'THE COMMUNIST') for
January 1949, he wrote;

'A special responsibility devolves upon AMERICAN Communists. The China issue
presents a signal opportunity to DEAL A MIGHTY BLOW at the FORTRESS OF WORLD
REACTION. The opportunity and the power exists to SMASH American imperialist plans
for China. Under the leadership of the great Communist Party of China and its renowned
CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG, the heroic Chinese people will discharge their duties with
honor. The Imperialists are being decisively beaten back in China.' [12] Of course this
'fortress of world reaction' at which he proposed to deal a mighty blow was - AMERICA."

Kinda' hard to believe these are fellow AMERICANS we're talking about, isn't it?
Space will not permit going into ALL the traitorous activities that were taking place at this
time, but suffice it to say that - with the INVALUABLE help of American Communists -
CHIANG KAI-SHEK was effectively removed, and Mao's Communist regime was
PERMANENTLY installed. Well, let's move on:

On September 20, 1945, the "NEW YORK TIMES" published the following story:
'The STATE DEPARTMENT revealed today a decision for a social and economic
revolution in Japan and emphasized that it would be carried out regardless of what might
be said about slashing the American army of occupation. SECRETARY ACHESON said
that the United States government and NOT GENERAL MAC ARTHUR was determining
American policy toward Japan.' This was issued because of General MacArthur's decision
to begin the GRADUAL MILITARY EVACUATION OF JAPAN. And later, in 1946, when
MacArthur issued a warning against Communist activity in Japan, John Carter Vincent
took it upon himself to reprimand the General (September 19, 1946), charging that the
General was instituting an ANTI-SOVIET campaign in violation of the State Department's
directives to use Japan for 'building a BRIDGE OF FRIENDSHIP to the SOVIET UNION'."
[14] Hmmm. Does that last expression sound slightly familiar? What kind of a "bridge"
ARE the Klintons building, I wonder?

"The pact between HITLER and STALIN had spread a black pall over the spirits of
the aggressive pink salons, committees, councils and leagues of Washington and New
York. When finally Hitler turned on his partner-in-crime of 1939, the effect upon the
frustrated 'liberals' in the capital was magical. HELEN LOMBARD commented that 'it was
like a moral and intellectual explosion in Washington.' The light pinks and the dark pinks
and the deep reds and the one-worlders opened their arms to the monster who had
betrayed them by teaming up with Hitler. Stalin was now PURGED OF HIS CRIME by the
simple process of being attacked by his partner-in-sin.

"The old Commies crawled out of their holes and came flooding into Washington.
In their excess of liberation, they actually began to howl for the heads of the old-
fashioned conservatives, who still believed that Hitler's blow at Stalin had not reformed
this old butcher. A great RUSSIAN WAR RELIEF concert was staged in Washington. 'THE
EVENING STAR' described it as 'spectacular, emotionally high pitched, the greatest union
of music with PATRIOTIC feeling the DAR [Daughters of the American Revolution!!] HALL
has ever witnessed.' [WHA - AT? The ANCESTORS of the DAR must have been rolling
over in their graves!] And as the orchestra played the battle hymn of the Boshevik
Revolution, the whole audience rose. Almost at once there sprang into being a NATIONAL

1950 STARTED THE DECADE OFF WITH A BANG: Puerto Rican nationalists
attempted to assassinate PRESIDENT TRUMAN, and Congress passed MC Carran's
'INTERNAL SECURITY ACT,' setting up a program for detention of 'subversives'...Also
during this time, the CIA began building a network of 'proprietaries,' [front companies
and organizations]. 1950 was also the approximate starting date of the building of
MOUNT WEATHER and the year that the ROCKEFELLERS welcomed the enemy to our
shores - donating land in New York City for the UNITED NATIONS.

"The FEDERAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES was becoming very suspect, so in 1950
they changed the name to the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES...If you are a member
of any congregation whose pastor and church are members of this Judas organization,
you and your contributions are helping the ILLUMINATI'S plot to DESTROY
YOUR Church is a member of the National Council of Churches and FOR THE LOVE OF
GOD AND YOUR CHILDREN, if it is, WITHDRAW from it at once...!" [16]

The BIG NEWS, of course, was the start of the KOREAN WAR. Not as well
publicized, perhaps, was the news that both North Korea and China accused the US of
GERM WARFARE...a San Francisco disease outbreak matched the Army bacteria being
used on the city. [17] Of course, it was true: the US Army was merely continuing its
'simulated' germ warfare program. The only difference was this time they got CAUGHT!

And finally, let's see just how much progress the NWO lawyers had made in their
SOCIALIZATION of the States: " 'The Uniform Marriage License Act,' 'Uniform Adoption
Act' and the 'Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act' (URESA) were approved by
the members of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. The
Support Act has been one of the most successful of the ULC products." [18] [As you
continue reading about each new "uniform" act [and you have only BEGUN], try to keep
in mind that these are NOT "acts of Congress" and these areas of law are NOT the
domain of the Federal government!! [These are SUPRACONSTITUTIONAL DECREES,
imposed on us by PRIVATE lawyers - working for the same INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS

"...'when Washington showed its eagerness to create a NEW GERMAN ARMY of
500,000 men, the SS...together with the old Wehrmacht officers - started an all-out
campaign for the immediate RELEASE of all WAR CRIMINALS. It was a superbly
organized blackmail action, enjoying wide support from the public, from all parties, and
carried toward success by Dr. Adenauer's astute maneuverings." [19]

"...SENATOR GLEN TAYLOR (D-ID) [another "liberal" - spell that "S-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t"]
introduced a PRELIMINARY DRAFT of a WORLD CONSTITUTION, declaring that 'iniquity
and war inseparably spring from the Competitive Anarchy of the national states [You
should know: Your bosses are responsible for creating all that chaos!]...therefore the
AGE OF NATIONS must END." [20] There were, however, some POSITIVE things taking
place, as well. 1950 was also a very good year for PATRIOTIC Americans:

"...THREE congressional committees were by then investigating communism. Not
wanting the HOUSE UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE to have all the glory,
Senators EASTLAND and MC CARRAN had...created the SENATE INTERNAL
SUBCOMMITTEE, which conducted its own hearings (for another 27 YEARS!) and which
maintained very close liaison with the FBI. When it came to rooting out subversives, the
a number of state investigating committees were probing alleged Communist subversion;
New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and San Francisco all had police 'RED
SQUADS' or intelligence units; at the university level, campus police - many of them
former FBI agents - monitored student and faculty organizations and conducted loyalty-
oath investigations...It was a great time for ex-agents. Many of those not employed by the
various committees formed their own security consulting firms, such as FIDELIFAX, INC.
(forty-five former FBI agents in thirty cities), which offered 'fact-finding and personnel
reporting services for business organizations;' [21] others, such as AMERICAN
BUSINESS CONSULTANTS and AWARE, INC. first smeared blacklistees (in the
publications 'RED CHANNELS' and 'COUNTERATTACK'), and then CLEARED them FOR A
FEE." [22]

"In January 1950, KIM IL SUNG proclaimed in a New Year's Day statement that this
would be Korea's 'YEAR OF UNIFICATION,' and called for 'complete preparedness for
WAR'...Two weeks later, Secretary of State DEAN ACHESON declared that South Korea lay
outside the 'defensive perimeter' of the United States. This gave a CLEAR SIGNAL to Kim,
who invaded the South that June, under Soviet auspices [i.e., authority]." [23]

One of the most fortuitous things to come out of the fifties was a book entitled
'FROM THE SECRET DIARIES OF MAJOR JORDAN.' From it, even the common citizens
could learn the truth about its government. The truth, however, turned out to be far more
shocking than Mr. & Mrs. America could possibly have bargained for:

"In charge of uranium purchases for the MANHATTAN PROJECT in 1944 was DR.
PHILLIP L. MERRITT. Appearing January 24, 1950 before the Un-American Activities
Committee, Dr Merritt swore he was taken by surprise, a day earlier, on discovering for
the first time that the EASTMAN KODAK order had been shipped to Russia by way of
Army Ordnance...When American supplies were cut off, the device of out-maneuvering
GENERAL GROVES was to procure the materials clandestinely from Canada. Not until
1946 did the commander of the Manhattan Project learn from the Un-American Activities
Committee that his stockade had been undermined...the Canadian bypass was aided by
MR. HOPKINS. At his direction, LEND-LEASE issued a Certificate of Release, without
which the consignment could not have moved. Lend-Lease channels of transportation
and Lend-Lease personnel...were used. Traces of the scheme were kept off Lend-Lease
books by making it a 'CASH' transaction. The shipment was paid for with a check of the

"One of my lucky experiences was...chancing upon the February 27, 1950 issue
of...'LIFE,' shortly before my second appearance before the Un-American Activities
Committee. I bore the copy with me to the witness chair. It contained an illustrated article
on the ATOM BOMB. I learned for the first time that a plutonium pile consists of giant
blocks of graphite, surrounded by heavy walls of concrete and honeycombed with
aluminum tubes. In these tubes, it was related, are inserted slugs of natural uranium,
containing one per cent of U-235. The intensity of the operation was declared to be
governed by means of cadmium rods. 'GRAPHITE, CADMIUM, ALUMINUM TUBES' - where
had I met these words before? In the Russian lists of Lend-Lease figures which I had
added to the Jordan diary. Re-examining those pages, I discovered that during the four-
year period 1942-45 we contributed to the Soviet Union 3,692 TONS of natural GRAPHITE,
417 TONS of CADMIUM metals, and tubes in an entry designating 6,883 TONS of
'ALUMINUM TUBES.' The figure for cadmium was arresting in view of its EXTREME
SCARCITY in this country and because of the fact that it occurs, so far as we know,
sparsely - if at all - in the Soviet Union. Under war stimulus, American production of
cadmium rose from 2,182 SHORT TONS in 1940 to 4,192 in 1945.

"It was interesting to find that in 1942-45 we shipped to Russia 437 TONS of
COBALT - a staggering amount when collated with American production, which was
nothing before the war, and increased to 382 TONS in 1942 and 575 in 1945. That cobalt is
valuable in the A-bomb for retarding radioactive emanations, and could be equally so in
the hydrogen bomb, has been affirmed by a chemical engineer who was consultant to
one of the war agencies. 'Cobalt,' says he, 'was one of our highest SCARCITY materials. If
I had known that so large a proportion was going to the Russians, I should have
suspected them of being at work on the bomb.' Incidentally, Cobalt was the first item to
be RESTRICTED by President Truman in the Korean emergency. Almost as curious was
the discovery that we shipped to Russia more than 12 TONS of THORIUM SALTS and
COMPOUNDS. Two other elements alone, besides uranium and plutonium, are
FISSIONABLE. They are Protoactinium and Thorium. The former may be disregarded
because of its rarity in nature. But THORIUM, which is relatively plentiful, is expected by
physicists to RIVAL URANIUM some day, or even supplant it, as a SOURCE OF ATOMIC
ENERGY. Then there were CERIUM and STRONTIUM, of which the Soviet Purchasing
Commission obtained 44 TONS. Both metals, along with cadmium, thorium and cobalt,
figured in Colonel Kotikov's dossier on experimental chemicals...

"In any event, it is heartening to know that, on the whole, our uranium embargo
stood firm. Moscow was prevented from winning its grand objective of 17 tons, in
contrast to the delivery of 15 tons of uranium chemicals to Great Britain which the
Manhattan Project authorized [But certainly not for a lack of TRYING by our State
Department, obviously!]. The steadfastness of the General Groves organization against
Russia was the more admirable in that it was challenged by MR. HOPKINS, with the power
of the White House behind him." [25]

"Nearly 40 years after the death of SENATOR JOSEPH R. MC CARTHY, twice-
elected United States Senator from Wisconsin, the term 'MC CARTHYISM' is still widely
used as a convenient epithet for all that is evil and despicable in the world of politics...it
is quite clear that not one critic of McCarthy in a hundred has the slightest idea of what
he said and did during that controversial period from 1950 to 1954...Those who contend
that McCarthy stumbled across communism while searching for an ISSUE to use in his
1952 re-election campaign will be disappointed to know that the senator had been
speaking out against communism for years. He made communism an issue in his
campaign against HOWARD MC MURRAY in 1946, charging that McMurray had received
the endorsement of the 'DAILY WORKER,' the Communist Party newspaper.

"In April 1947, McCarthy told the 'MADISON CAPITAL TIMES' that his top priority
was 'to stop the spread of communism.' During a speech in Milwaukee in 1952, Senator
McCarthy dated the public phase of his fight against communists to May 22, 1949, the
night that former Secretary of Defense JAMES FORRESTAL was found dead on the
ground outside Bethesda Naval Hospital. 'The Communists hounded Forrestal to his
death,' said McCarthy. 'They killed him just as definitely as if they had thrown him from
that sixteenth-story window in Bethesda Naval Hospital.' McCarthy said that 'while I am
not a sentimental man, I was touched deeply and left numb by the news of Forrestal's
murder. But I was affected much more deeply when I heard of the COMMUNIST
CELEBRATION when they heard of Forrestal's murder. On that night, I dedicated part of
this fight to Jim Forrestal'." [26]

"Truman tapped former CFR member James Forrestal to be Defense Secretary.
Forrestal stunned the Establishment, however, with overtly ANTI-COMMUNIST activities.
His initiative was largely responsible for preventing a Communist takeover in Italy in
1948. Discerning the true intent of Establishment foreign policy, he stated with revulsion:
'Consistency has never been a mark of stupidity. If the diplomats who have mishandled
our relations with Russia were merely stupid, THEY WOULD OCCASIONALLY MAKE A
MISTAKE IN OUR FAVOR.' He resolved to counteract treason within the government.
TRUMAN FIRED HIM in March 1949. Forrestal then planned to buy the 'NEW YORK SUN'
and convert it into an ANTI-COMMUNIST CITADEL - an undertaking sure to mean steamy
revelations about Washington. He never had the chance.

"Five days after his dismissal, he was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital (for
'fatigue'), where he was HEAVILY DRUGGED and held INCOMMUNICADO for seven
weeks. All visitors except immediate family were denied. FORRESTAL'S DIARIES -
undoubtedly explosive - were meanwhile confiscated by the White House. His priest,
Monsignor Maurice Sheehy, finally prevailed upon Navy Secrtary JOHN SULLIVAN to
authorize his release. On May 22, 1949, Forrestal was scheduled for discharge. But, at 2
A.M. that morning, he fell from a window near his sixteenth-floor room. HIS BATHROOM
CORD WAS FOUND KNOTTED AROUND HIS NECK. The death was declared [Surprise!]
SUICIDE. Forrestal's brother Henry called it MURDER. The tragedy, subsequent COVER-
UP, and CONTRADICTIONS in the 'suicide' verdict were canvassed by Cornell Simpson in
his 1966 book 'THE DEATH OF JAMES FORRESTAL'." [27]

"Thus, Joe McCarthy was receptive in the fall of 1949 when three men brought to
THE STATE DEPARTMENT. The trio had asked THREE other senators to awaken the
American people to this dangerous situation, but ONLY MC CARTHY was willing to take
on this volatile project."

"The TYDINGS COMMITTEE was a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee that was set up in February 1950 to conduct 'a full and complete study and
investigation as to whether persons who are DISLOYAL TO THE UNITED STATES are, or
have been, employed by the DEPARTMENT OF STATE.' The chairman of the
subcommittee, SENATOR MILLARD TYDINGS, a Democrat, set the tone for the hearings
on the first day when he told McCarthy: 'You are in the position of being the man who
occasioned this hearing, and so far as I am concerned in this committee you are going to
get one of the most complete investigations ever given in the history of this republic...'

"Addressing the OHIO COUNTY WOMEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB on February 9,
1950, Senator McCarthy first quoted from Marx, Lenin, and Stalin their stated goal of
world conquest and said that 'today we are engaged in A FINAL, ALL-OUT BATTLE
and other countries to the communists in the previous six years on 'the traitorous
actions' of the State Department's 'bright young men,' and he mentioned specifically
HARLOW SHAPLEY, ALGER HISS, and DEAN ACHESON. The part of the speech that
catapulted McCarthy from relative obscurity into the national spotlight contained these
words: 'I have in my hand 57 CASES of individuals who would appear to be either CARD-
nevertheless are still helping to shape our foreign policy'."

"...[In] a letter that Secretary of State JAMES BYRNES sent to Congressman
ADOLPH SABATH in 1946...Byrnes said that State Department security investigators had
declared 284 persons UNFIT to hold jobs in the department because of COMMUNIST
CONNECTIONS and other reasons, but that only 79 had been discharged, leaving 205
STILL ON THE STATE DEPARTMENT'S PAYROLL. McCarthy told his Wheeling audience
that while he did not have the names of the 205 mentioned in the Byrnes letter, he did
have the names of 57 who were either members of or loyal to the Communist Party." [28]

"On February 9th, 1950, the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee introduced
Senate Concurrent Resolution 66. The introduction began: 'Whereas, in order to achieve
universal peace and justice, the present CHARTER of the UNITED NATIONS should be
changed to provide a true WORLD GOVERNMENT CONSTITUTION'." [29]

"On February 20, 1950, McCarthy gave the Senate information about 81
individuals - the 57 referred to at Wheeling and 24 others of less importance and about
whom the evidence was less conclusive...the 57 and 81 were part of the 205 mentioned in
the Byrnes letter...McCarthy did not make the names public. Four times during
McCarthy's February 20th speech, SENATOR SCOTT LUCAS demanded that McCarthy
make the 81 names PUBLIC, but McCarthy REFUSED to do so, responding that 'if I were
to give all the names involved, it might leave a wrong impression. IF WE SHOULD LABEL
BAD.' What McCarthy did was to identify the individuals only by CASE NUMBERS, not by
their names...

"...it took McCarthy some six hours to make that February 20th speech because of
harassment by hostile senators, four of whom - SCOTT LUCAS, BRIEN MC MAHON,
GARRETT WITHERS, and HERBERT LEHMAN - interrupted him a total of 123 TIMES. It
should also be noted that McCarthy was not indicting the entire State Department. He
said that 'the vast majority of the employees of the State Department are loyal' and that he
was only after the ones who had demonstrated a loyalty to the SOVIET UNION or to the
COMMUNIST PARTY...Further, McCarthy admitted that 'some of these individuals whose
cases I am giving the Senate are no longer in the State Department. A sizable number of
them are not. Some of them have transferred to other government work, work ALLIED
WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT. Others have been transferred to the UNITED
NATIONS'." [30]

Also in February of 1950, "State Department Publication No. #3580 discussed the
1942 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON POST-WAR FOREIGN POLICY: the report '...established
that an international organization should be SET UP during the war to be ready when
needed to create a world political organization.' Back in 1942, SD3580 discussed the work
and findings of the political subcommittee. Its discussions throughout were founded
upon belief in unqualified VICTORY BY THE UNITED NATIONS...The secret creation of the
United Nations began with: '...a SECURITY COUNCIL consisting of 11 members, who have
veto power. The 5 PERMANENT members are the UNITED STATES, RUSSIA, FRANCE,
UNITED KINGDOM and CHINA. The membership in the other 6 places is rotated. A
GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the UN constitutes the other main organ of the organization
itself. It is comprised of all the members of the United Nations in good standing, and has
no enforcement powers'."

The globalists were not satisfied with simply a United Nations, however. They
UN...quickly set up many specialized agencies to work under UN banners in all member
countries and in almost every field of human endeavor. Some of the [current and future]
major subsidiary organizations were [are]: 'THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION'
ORGANIZATION' [UNESCO] - [For those of you unfamiliar with this organization, UNESCO
are the ones who have been trying to STEAL OUR LAND in Kentucky, Tennessee,
Arkansas, Utah, California, etc. Our Congress dropped our membership years ago, but

[About five years ago, UNICEF was busted for running a CHILD PORNOGRAPHY
ring. The ringleaders never spent one night in jail and they are still operating today, with
the sanction of the WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES. The airwaves are full of them every
Halloween, compliments of the U.S. POST OFFICE. In addition, part of the funds little kids
collect for them go to fund various Communist groups, i.e., the Viet Cong!]

HUMAN RIGHTS;' - [They spend most of their time and labor stripping the US
[Basically, this is an international MAFIA ring] the 'COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF
WOMEN;' - [A mostly man-hating LESBIAN organization] and many, many others.
Subcommittees of these committees are formed in great proliferation. It gives the UN the
MACHINERY to interfere or INTERJECT ITS INFLUENCE into the affairs of any member
nation..." [31]

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee in February of 1950,
international banker James P. Warburg (CFR) warned its members: "We shall have world
government, whether or not we LIKE it. The question is only whether world government
will be achieved by consent or by CONQUEST." [32] Well, y'all can't say they haven't been
OPEN about all this. I guess we just weren't LISTENING!

"...To block Western rearmament programs, the Soviet government regularly
condemned NATO [beginning in 1947] and launched a global propaganda campaign
calling 'for the unconditional abolition of atomic weapons and the branding of any
government which first used such weapons against another as guilty of war crimes
against humanity.' In March 1950, the WORLD PEACE CONGRESS, a SOVIET-FRONT
organization, met in Stockholm and initiated the STOCKHOLM PEACE CAMPAIGN, which
gathered millions of signatures throughout the world in an attempt to MOBILIZE
policy based on nuclear weapons (Moscow's detonation of an atomic bomb in September
1949 was conveniently IGNORED)..." [33]

Getting back to Major Jordan: "After the Un-American Activities Committee closed
its hearing on March 7, 1950...government investigators...tried to lure me into admitting a
possibility, however faint, that the person to whom I spoke might have been EDWARD R.
STETTINIUS, JR., who had DIED FIVE MONTHS EARLIER on October 11, 1949. My answer
was that never once, during my two years at Newark and Great Falls, did I hear so much
as a mention of Stettinius, though reference to HOPKINS was daily on the lips of the
Russians." [34] [Reckon the name of this committee was a Freudian choice? Why not
'ANTI-American Activities' instead of 'UN'? Who do you think they were really reporting

"On Sunday morning, June 25, 1950, as Americans were reading...their papers, the
Communist armies of NORTH KOREA had crossed the border in an invasion of the
southern republic. Two days later, PRESIDENT TRUMAN announced: 'I have ordered the
United States air and sea forces to give the Korean government troops, cover and
support.' In another day, American ground and air forces were fully engaged in South
Korea in what the president called 'a POLICE ACTION'." [35] "The UN Security Council
promptly passed a resolution fixing blame on the North Koreans and urging UN members
to render assistance to repel the Communist aggression. Two days later, the Security
Council approved another resolution calling on UN members to supply military
assistance to the Republic of Korea." [36]

"One of the remarkable ironies of the Korean episode was that the SOVIETS, by
simple exercise of their VETO in the Security Council could have easily prevented the
UN's intervention on behalf of South Korea. But they staged a WALKOUT, allegedly over
the failure of the UN to seat Red China. They did not return until AFTER THE KOREA
VOTE, even though UN Secretary-General TRYGVE LIE expressly invited them to attend.
Why would the Soviets pass up a conspicuous opportunity to protect their surrogate
operation in Korea? This raises the possibility that their 'blunder' was INTENTIONAL.
Two days after the invasion by North Korea, President Truman declared: '...I have ordered
the Seventh Fleet to prevent any attack on FORMOSA. As a corollary of this action, I am
calling upon the Chinese Government on Formosa to cease all air and sea operations
against the mainland. The Seventh Fleet will see that this is done.' [37] This was done
allegedly 'to preclude any military action against Formosa by Red China, and VICE
VERSA'." [38]

"...In effect, beginning with the second day of the war, our Seventh Fleet was
assigned to PROTECT THE RED CHINESE who, five months later, would ATTACK OUR
FORCES in Korea. GENERAL MAC ARTHUR was ordered to: 'isolate the Nationalist-held
island of Formosa from the Chinese mainland. The United States Seventh Fleet was
turned over to my operational control for this purpose, and I was specifically directed to
PREVENT any NATIONALIST ATTACKS on the MAINLAND [For those of you unfamiliar
with this war, the nationalists were the GOOD guys!], as well as to defend the island
against Communist attacks.' The decision to move across the 38th Parallel into North
Korea presented MacArthur 'with problems of the greatest import. It immediately raised
the shadow of RED CHINESE INTERVENTION. Actually, the possibility of such
intervention had existed ever since the order from Washington, issued to the Seventh
Fleet in June, to NEUTRALIZE FORMOSA, which in effect PROTECTED the RED CHINA
mainland from attack by CHIANG KAI-SHEK's [Another GOOD guy] force of half a million
men. This released the two great Red Chinese armies assigned to the coastal defense of
central China and made them available for transfer elsewhere'." [39]

"The war...had a number of anomalies [i.e., irregularities]. First, American soldiers
were fighting as part of a UN POLICE FORCE (even though they made up 90% of it).
Constitutionally, only the U.S. Congress is authorized to declare war. But in the case of
Korea, the President BY-PASSED Declaration of War. We had RATIFIED the UN CHARTER
and were subject to ITS statutes. [Back] in 1944, the CFR had prepared a confidential
memorandum for the State Department that prophetically anticipated this circumstance. It
noted: '[A] possible further difficulty was cited, namely, that arising from the
Constitutional provision that only Congress may declare war. This argument was
countered with the contention that a TREATY would OVERRIDE this barrier, let alone the
fact that our participation in such POLICE ACTION as might be recommended by the
international security organization need not necessarily be construed as WAR.' [40]

"Thus we became enmeshed in an obscure tangle of circumstances...The
President of the United States, in complete DEFIANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION, plunged
us WITHOUT CONSULTATION WITH CONGRESS into a distant Oriental war in pursuit of
ends no one understands, and involving costs and consequences we cannot measure.
The President would not do this - he would not dare - IF...THERE HAD NOT BEEN
CREATED IN OUR MINDS a collection of assumptions and attitudes that had broken down
completely the NORMAL RESISTANCE which our people would raise against so strange
and daring an enterprise. Before this was possible, something, over a course of years,
had to be done to the minds of the American people...In these last 20 years [this was
written in 1951] this country has become a LABORATORY for the dark and insidious
science of MODERN REVOLUTIONARY PROPAGANDA. It is difficult for the American to
realize that the IDEAS, the PREJUDICES, the CONVICTIONS he holds may have been
deliberately...PLANTED IN HIS MIND by men who possess the instruments of thought
control and understand how to operate them. Miracles can be wrought by those who
know this art. Never has there been so large and so generally sophisticated a population
so defenseless against such an enterprise as the PEOPLE OF AMERICA. Generous in
their attitudes, disturbed by a long seige of war, exposed to the most powerful engines of
propaganda the world has ever known, they have been a MARK for the EXPERTS trained
in their use.

"Here we may recall the parable of JESUS in the early days of His mission - the
parable of the man who sowed GOOD SEED in his field. But when the blade was sprung
up and brought forth good fruit, there were TARES [weeds] also. And when his servants
went to him and told him what they had found, he said - AN ENEMY HATH DONE THIS

"...Despite the wide-spread FEAR by 'the French, the British, and the smaller
European countries' of a REMILITARIZED GERMANY, 'the outbreak of the KOREAN WAR
(June 1950) brought a total change. The provisions which banned all military and
veterans' organizations lost all their meaning and were no longer enforced. Western
Germany was allowed by the Allies to set up its own General Staff, camouflaged under
the name 'BLANK OFFICE.' Supported by Bonn and tolerated by the United States, a
nation-wide network was created to reactivate the experienced officers and the manpower
of the old WEHRMACHT. The short period of 1950-51 must be marked as the time when
Hitler's old officers, SS leaders, and [Nazi] party functionaries returned to power and

"Tetens' comment that the NAZI'S return to power in Germany was 'TOLERATED
by the United States' was a historical understatement. By the time Tetens' book was
published in 1961, HUNDREDS of convicted NAZI WAR CRIMINALS had already been
smuggled out of Germany to avoid prosecution at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg,
recruited by, and on the payroll of several U.S. government agencies, including the ARMY
CIC, the OSS, and the OFFICE OF POLICY COORDINATION within the State Department.
Over the past fifty years, it is now documented, these Americanized fugitive Nazi war
criminals have been involved in, and in many cases in charge of, many U.S. government
COMMITTEE'S ETHNIC HERITAGE COUNCILS, and the Presidential campaigns of

In July, Harry L. Baum, a 33rd degree Mason warned that CHRISTIANITY was a
THREAT to the SURVIVAL OF FREEMASONRY: "Any teaching which is completely
antagonistic to all that we consider sacred, in religion, in morals and in government, is
subversive of those fundamentals...Our first duty, therefore, becomes one of self-
preservation, which includes defense of those principles for which we stand and by
which we live..." Proving that the principles of Freemasonry SUPERSEDE THE US
CONSTITUTION, Baum adds: "This nation was nurtured on the ideals of Freemasonry...its

"...By the winter of 1950-1951 the most senior levels of the U.S. Government had
decided to ABROGATE [cancel] their WARTIME PLEDGE to bring Nazi war criminals to
justice...While nazism and Hitler's inner circle continued to be publicly condemned
throughout the West, the actual investigation and prosecution of specific Nazi crimes
came to a standstill'. One case merits special attention: SEPP DIETRICH, 'the organizer of
the Fuehrer's bodyguard...carried out Hitler's personal murder assignments' and...'was in
charge of the liquidation of the Jewish population in the city of Kharkov. During the
BATTLE OF THE BULGE his troops committed the MALMEDY MASSACRE, killing more
than 600 military and civilian prisoners, among them 115 AMERICAN G.I.s. He was
sentenced to death, and the sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. In 1955
he was one of the last poor devils' quietly released from prison and greeted by the Bonn
government with the homecoming pay of 6,000 marks'." [44]

"...the North Koreans had initial success. But on September 15, 1950, GENERAL
DOUGLAS MAC ARTHUR's troops, after a brilliant landing at INCHON, drove them back
across the 38th parallel, LIBERATING NEARLY ALL OF KOREA up to the Yalu River,
which marks the border of China. To halt the Chinese Communists' advance across the
Yalu, MacArthur ordered the river's bridges bombed. Within hours, his order was
countermanded by GENERAL MARSHALL. MacArthur said of this: 'I realized for the first
time that I had actually been DENIED the use of my full military power to SAFEGUARD
foreshadowed a future tragic situation in Korea, and left me with a sense of inexpressible
shock.' [45]

The "LITTLE MAN FROM INDEPENDENCE" was not bothered by feelings of loyalty
to America, or any need to consider our safety in his global dealings: "That all-
SUBSERVIENT UN MILK COW [the UN Charter], is even more frightening in light of
President Harry S. Truman's claim in 1950 that 'there is no longer any real DIFFERENCE
between DOMESTIC and FOREIGN affairs'." [46]

On October 10, 1950 military forces under U.S. command crossed into North
Korea. On October 25th, units of the Chinese People's Liberation Army crossed the Yalu
River from Manchuria into North Korea. The next day Chinese troops invaded TIBET
(which had been autonomous since the fall of the Ch'ing Dynasty in 1911). [47] At this
point, the Communist Chinese armies pushed Mac Arthur's forces back.

Chinese troops expelled UN Forces from North Korea in the BATTLE OF
HUNGNAON on the 24th of November. [48] "The 'UNITING FOR PEACE'
RESOLUTION...that was adopted by the General Assembly on November 3, 1950,
'provides one of the most spectacular illustrations of a LIBERAL INTERPRETATION of the
CHARTER.' [49] The 'Uniting For Peace Resolution was yet another ALLEGEDLY anti-
Soviet move resulting from the Korean War which actually MENACED the interests of THE
FREE WORLD. The Charter as originally approved gave little effective power to the
General Assembly to act against aggression. Using frustration over Soviet abuse of the
veto power in the Security Council as an excuse, Secretary of State DEAN ACHESON led a
move to shift power from the Security Council to the General Assembly WITHOUT
FORMALLY AMENDING THE CHARTER. This was virtually an admission that the Charter's
ORIGINAL provisions for collective security GAVE MORE COMFORT TO AGGRESSORS
than to the VICTIMS of aggression! As summarized by the United Nations Office of Public
Information, the proposed Resolution provided:

'Where there appears to be a threat to peace, breach of the peace or act of
aggression, and where the Security Council FAILS TO ACT because of a negative vote of
one of its permanent members, the Assembly may meet in emergency special session
within 24 hours at the request of the Council on the vote of any seven Council members,
or at the request of a majority of United Nations members. In such a case the ASSEMBLY
may make recommendations to members for collective measures, including, in the case
of a breach of the peace or act of aggression, the USE OF ARMED FORCE, to maintain or
restore international peace and security.' [50]

"The 'Uniting For Peace' Resolution was conceived by Americans who allegedly
wished to halt Communist aggression. In practice [Surprise!], the Resolution merely
SHIFTED the UN'S center of gravity from the SECURITY COUNCIL to the increasingly
much extra-legally, and gathered so much power without Charter authority, that even
some influential UN supporters readily acknowledge that any attempt to LEGALIZE
formally what has been done would result in a FIASCO." [51]

"On December 15, 1950, the Republicans in the house of Representatives resolved
UNANIMOUSLY that DEAN ACHESON be removed from office. [52]

In 1951, the US ARMY continued its 'simulated' germ warfare in
MECHANICSBURG, PA. "African-Americans were exposed to a potentially-fatal stimulant
in Virginia RACE-SPECIFIC fungal weapons test." [53] This year was also the approximate
date that CBS - a subsidiary of RCA - began active cooperation with the CIA, North Korea
began brainwashing American prisoners, and "TIME" Magazine popularized the term
"BRAINWASHING," [54] and according to ADLAI STEVENSON, Council on Foreign
Relations member, co-creator of the United Nations, and General Dwight Eisenhower's
Democratic competitor for the US Presidency, "The U.S. Program (UN program) called for
TOTAL ELIMINATION of NATIONAL capacity to make international war."

"...the people continued to regard the U.N. as a sure means for peace even AFTER
it was revealed in 1951 that the U.N. (using our own American soldiers under U.N.
command, under the U.N. flag, in collusion with our traitorous State Department and the
Pentagon) had been INVADING many small cities in California and Texas in order to
perfect their plan for the complete TAKEOVER OF OUR COUNTRY. Most of our people
brushed it off and continued their belief that the U.N. is a HOLY OF HOLIES." [55]

"...the communications field was [and still is] tightly controlled. Going back to
RCA, we find that its Directorate is composed of British-American establishment figures
who feature prominently in other organizations such as the CFR, NATO, the Club of
Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Bilderbergers, Round
Table, Milner Society and the Jesuits-Aristotle Society. Among them was DAVID
SARNOFF who moved to London at the same time SIR WILLIAM STEPHENSON ['Kiss the
Boys Goodbye'] moved into the RCA building in New York. All three major television
networks came as spinoffs from RCA, especially the National Broadcasting Co. (NBC)
which was first, closely followed by the American Broadcasting Co. (ABC) in 1951. The
third big television network was Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) which, like its
sister companies was [and still is], dominated by British intelligence. WILLIAM PALEY
was trained in MASS BRAINWASHING techniques at the TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE prior to
being passed as qualified to head CBS.

"Thus, if we the people of the United States but knew it, ALL our major television
networks are subject to BRITISH OVERSIGHT, and information they provide first goes to
London for clearance. It is interesting to note that the Tavistock intelligence paper written
CONSPIRACY' was funded by donations from all three major television networks. All
three major networks are represented on the Committee of 300 and are affiliated with the
giant of the mass communication business, the XEROX CORPORATION of Rochester,
New York, whose ROBERT M. BECK holds a seat on the Committee. Beck is also a
director of the PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., which is a subsidiary of the LONDON

"...Originally the MOSSAD consisted of 3 groups, the Bureau of Military
Intelligence, the Political Department of the Foreign Office and the Department of Security
(Sherut Habitachon). DAVID BEN GURION, a member of the Committee of 300, received
some considerable help from MI-6 in putting it together. But it was not a success, and in
1951 Sir William Stephenson of MI-6 restructured it into a single unit as an arm of the
Political Department of the ISRAELI FOREIGN OFFICE, with a special operations group
for espionage and 'BLACK JOB' operations. British intelligence gave further assistance in
training and equipping for servicing the SARAYET MAKTAL, also known as the 'General
Staff Reconnaissance' unit, in the format of Britain's SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (SAS).

"This service unite of the MOSSAD is never mentioned by name and is known
simply as 'THE GUYS'...It was 'The Guys' who killed the leaders of the P.L.0. and
kidnaped ADOLPH EICHMANN...The Mossad has a tremendous advantage over other
intelligence services in that every country in the world has a large Jewish community. By
studying social and criminal records, the Mossad is able to pick agents among local Jews
it can have a hold over and make them work for it WITHOUT PAY. The Mossad also has
the advantage of having access to the RECORDS of all U.S. LAW ENFORCEMENT
(OM) ELINT services the Mossad at no cost to Israel. Citizens of the United States would
be shocked, angered and dismayed if ever it was discovered just HOW MUCH THE
MOSSAD KNOWS about the lives of millions of Americans in every walk of life, EVEN

"The first head of the Mossad, REUBEN SHILOACH, was made a member of the
Committee of 300, but it is not known whether his successor enjoyed the same privilege.
Chances are that he does. The Mossad has a skillful DISINFORMATION service. The
amount of disinformation it feeds to the American "market" is embarrassing, but even
MORE embarrassing is how it is SWALLOWED hook, line and sinker and all. What we are
actually witnessing in the microcosm of the Mossad is the extent of control exercised by
the 'OLYMPIANS' [Committee of 300] over the INTELLIGENCE SERVICES,
ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLISHING, opinion-making (POLLS) and the television 'NEWS'
MEDIA' on a global scale. TED TURNER was recently given a seat on the Committee of
300 in recognition for his 'news' (MAKING) CNN broadcasts. The Committee has the
power and the means to tell the people of this world ANYTHING, and it will be BELIEVED
by the VAST MAJORITY..." [57] [Could THIS be why Teddy-Boy calls us "THE DUMBEST

"...in the late 1940s 'the United States and its leaders [had] faced an agonizing
MORAL [??!!! My goodness! Talk about the Pot calling the Kettle black!] problem in
coming to terms with those German industrialists who had willingly done business with
the NAZIS and who were now just as willing to do business with the Americans in the
reconstruction of Germany. The problem was dramatized when those German
industrialists who had been convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg were all RELEASED
from Landsberg Prison in early 1951, their sentences COMMUTED by the American High
Commissioner [of German Occupation], JOHN J. MC CLOY...Whatever the motivation...the
blanket release of the convicted industrialists was taken within Germany - and by them -
as a sign that BUSINESSMEN were not to be seriously BLAMED for their involvement in
matters for which OTHERS WERE HANGED or suffered long imprisonment'...

"Eventually...'[KLAUS] BARBIE's employment (and protection) by the Americans
began to reach FRENCH NEWSPAPERS and POLITICIANS at least as early as 1948. They,
in turn brought increasing pressure on the U.S. government...the CIC chose to provide
Barbie with a NEW IDENTITY and SAFE PASSAGE to Argentina in 1951...If the CIC had
dumped Barbie when the French government began requesting his extradition, he would
have had plenty of COMPROMISING things to say about the CIC...' " [58]

"Men may be willing to DIE FOR THEIR COUNTRY...for FREEDOM, but who - as
author JAMES BURNHAM asked - wants to die for 'CONTAINMENT?' One man who
comprehended this was [Gen] Douglas MacArthur. In April 1951, TRUMAN FIRED HIM
WITHOUT A HEARING, supposedly because his dissent with Washington had been made
public, but more probably because he was detrmined to WIN rather than settle for
stalemate...The dismissal outraged Americans. Within forty-eight hours, 125,000
telegrams were sent to the White House. MacArthur returned home to the LARGEST
TICKER-TAPE PARADE IN U.S. HISTORY. Before Congress he declared that there is 'NO
SUBSTITUTE FOR VICTORY.' The Truman administration was finished.' [59]

That spring, while we were deeply immersed in pursuing the "AMERICAN
DREAM," our enemies were quietly preparing the secret infrastructure for our REAL fate:
the progressive and silent takeover by the NWO, ending with WORLD-WIDE
ENSLAVEMENT! "On May 18th, during a joint meeting with the AMERICAN LAW
INSTITUTE in Washington, D.C., the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC) was approved.
Later that year the ABA formally approved the code as well. Considered the outstanding
accomplishment of the Conference, the Code remained the Uniform Law Conference's
(ULC) signature product. One of the Uniform Laws drafted by the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the American Law Institute governing
commercial transactions (including sales and leasing of goods, transfer of funds,
commercial paper, bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers,
warehouse receipts, bills of lading, investment securities, and secured transactions), the
UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC), was adopted in whole or substantially by ALL
states." [That's that little BAR CODE they scan at the checkout counter]

Imagine! AMERICA WAS BANKRUPT and a PRIVATE group of bankers and
lawyers was turned loose by the Supreme Court to take control of all our laws and our
judiciary: "In essence, all court decisions are based on commercial law or business law
and has criminal penalties associated with it. Rather than openly calling this new law
bankrupt nation, America was [and IS] OWNED COMPLETELY by its CREDITORS [The
International Bankers]. The creditors own the CONGRESS...the EXECUTIVE...the
JUDICIARY, and...ALL THE STATE GOVERNMENTS. Do you have a Birth Certificate?

On June 14, 1951 Senator McCarthy delivered a 60,000-word speech about General
George Marshall to the Senate (later this was published as a book entitled 'AMERICA'S
RETREAT FROM VICTORY'). Oddly, ''McCarthy drew almost entirely from sources
FRIENDLY to Marshall in discussing nearly a score of Marshall's actions and policies that
had HELPED THE COMMUNISTS in the USSR, Europe, China, and Korea. 'I do not
propose to go into his motives,' said McCarthy. 'Unless one has all the tangled and often
complicated circumstances contributing to a man's decisions, an inquiry into his motives
is often fruitless...' One may agree or disagree with McCarthy's statement that AMERICA'S
conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of
man. A conspiracy of infamy so black that, when it is finally exposed, its principals shall
be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest men.' That statement was very
controversial in 1951, but after NO-WIN WARS in KOREA and VIETNAM, decades of
doesn't seem so controversial anymore." [61]

A series of "practice manuevers" on July 31, 1951 ended in the TAKEOVER of nine
Fort MacArthur, California arrested the mayors and police chiefs [newspaper photos later
showed the incarceration of these men]. The officers issued manifestoes declaring these
actions to be sanctioned, "By virtue of the authority vested in men by the United Nations
Security Council." At Huntington Park, they took down the AMERICAN FLAG and
REPLACED it with the UNITED NATIONS FLAG!* [62] What were these idiots THINKING?
Why didn't they just tell them right then and there, "Not only NO, but HELL, No!" while
they were still being given an option?? Maybe I'm taking this too personal, but how much
money must change hands, and what kind of promises of future power were necessary,
to persuade the mayors and the members of the city councils to SELL OUT THEIR OWN

In October, 1951, Representative Wood (R-ID) exposed the ugly truth about the UN
CHARTER: "Our national fortunes are not ensouled in the United Nations flag. We cannot
hitch our wagon to that star. Straight ahead under the glorious banner [OLD GLORY]
which has won our hearts, and is capable of exciting our love and devotion, is our only
course. The Charter of the United Nations was written by ALGER HISS, the
TREASONABLE FELON, assisted by HARRY DEXTER WHITE, later cited before a
congressional Un-American Activities Committee as a possible communist; MOLOTOV of
Russia; and EDWARD STETTINIUS who was then Secretary of State. It was
PARAPHRASING THE WORDING of that document!" [63] Assuming that is so, how can
KLINTON take an oath to BOTH: the US CONSTITUTION, and the UNITED NATIONS - an

" 'In preparation for the 1952 EISENHOWER-NIXON campaign, the Republicans
formed an Ethnic Division, which...RECRUITED the 'displaced Fascists' who arrived in the
United States after World War II...These Fascist emigres supported the Eisenhower-Nixon
'LIBERATION' policy as the QUICKEST MEANS of getting back into power in their former
homelands and made a significant contribution 'in its first operation (1951/1952)...over the
years the DEMOCRATS had acquired one or two NAZIS of their own...But in 90 PERCENT
of the cases, the members of Hitler's political organization went to the REPUBLICANS...' "

"...JOHN STEWART SERVICE was arrested [5 years before McCarthy mentioned
the name] for giving CLASSIFIED documents to the editors of 'AMERASIA,', a Communist
magazine. The TRUMAN Administration, however, managed to cover up the espionage
scandal and Service was never punished for his crime. McCarthy also produced
considerable evidence that Service had been 'part of the pro-Soviet group' that wanted to
bring communism to China, but the TYDINGS COMMITTEE said that Service was 'not
disloyal, pro-communist, or a security risk.' Over the next 18 months, the State
Department's Loyalty Security Board cleared Service four more times, but finally, in
December 1951, the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Loyalty Review Board found that there
was 'reasonable doubt' as to his loyalty and ousted him from the State Department...The
Supreme Court REINSTATED him...

"As for PHILLIP JESSUP, all that Joe McCarthy said was that he had an 'UNUSUAL
AFFINITY for communist causes.' The record shows that Jessup belonged to at least
FIVE Communist-controlled fronts, that he associated closely with communists, and that
he was an influential member of the Institute for Pacific Relations (IPR)...in 1951 [The
Senate] REJECTED JESSUP'S NOMINATION as a delegate to the United Nations. After the
Senate adjourned, however, President Truman APPOINTED HIM anyway... [Any of this
sound familiar? How about KLINTON's appointment of BILL LANN LEE as his new "Civil
Rights Czar" and his appointment of his gay ambassador to Switzerland, JAMES
HORMEL - both done while Congress was on vacation - and AFTER Congress had
TURNED DOWN their appointments?]

"OWEN LATTIMORE was one of the principal architects of the State Department's
PRO-COMMUNIST FOREIGN POLICY in the Far East. In a closed session of the Tydings
Committee, Senator McCarthy called Lattimore the 'TOP RUSSIAN SPY' in the
department...McCarthy later modified his statement on Lattimore, saying that 'I may have
perhaps placed too much stress on the question of whether or not he has been an
espionage agent,' and went on to say that '13 DIFFERENT WITNESSES have testified
under oath to Lattimore's Communist membership or Party-Line activities.' Although the
Tydings Committee CLEARED LATTIMORE of all charges, another Senate committee, the
SISS, vindicated Joe McCarthy when it declared in 1952 that 'Owen Lattimore was, from
some time beginning in the 1930s, a CONSCIOUS ARTICULATE INSTRUMENT of the

In 1952, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER was elected President and REP. JOHN F.
KENNEDY was elected to the US Senate. The US Army continued its "simulated" germ
warfare in KEY WEST, FL and FT. MC CLELLAN, AL. Congress enacted legislation calling
upon the President each year to proclaim a NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. [66] The
UNIFORM RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE were approved - the first venture of the
Conference (ULC) into this area of the law. [67] Meanwhile, a SILENT WAR on the
American people continued: the original grant period for the Rockefeller-funded Harvard
economic research project for the "Study of the Structure of the American Economy"
ended, and a high level meeting of the ELITE was held to determine the next phase of

"The way in which HENRY KISSINGER, the RllA's [Royal Institute for
International Affairs] chief asset in the United States, came to power is a story of the
triumph of the institution of the British Monarchy over the Republic of the United States
of America...After a stint in the United States Army, beginning with the job of driving Gen.
Fritz Kraemer around war-torn Germany, thanks to the OPPENHEIMER family, Kissinger
was picked to attend Wilton Park for further training...In 1952 Kissinger was sent to the
TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE...He was later drafted to serve under GEORGE FRANKLIN and

"It is believed that the official nuclear policy adopted by the United States was
delivered to Kissinger during his stay at Tavistock and further shaped by his participation
in 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND FOREIGN POLICY,' a Round Table seminar which brought
forth the doctrine known as 'FLEXIBLE RESPONSE,'...which became known by the
acronym MAD. Thanks to WILLIAM YANDELL ELLIOT and under the tutelage of JOHN
WHEELER BENNETT, top intelligence director of the Round Table and chief of MI-6 field
operations in the United States, Kissinger became Elliot's 'favorite son' as he explained in
his book, 'THE PRAGMATIC REVOLT IN POLITICS.' Kissinger was co-opted into the
Round Table to push monetarist policies he studied at Harvard International Seminars..."

An FBI raid on the offices of 'AMERASIA,' a magazine produced by the INSTITUTE
OF PACIFIC RELATIONS (IPR) - an off-shoot of the CFR - uncovered 1800 STOLEN
JUDICIARY declared: The Institute of Pacific Relations was a vehicle used by the
Communists to orient American Far Eastern policies TOWARD COMMUNIST
OBJECTIVES. Members of the small core of officials and staff members who controlled
IPR were either Communist or pro-Communist..." [70] And the Senate Committee on the
described [The IPR] as 'a vehicle used by Communists to orientate American Far Eastern
policy toward Communist objectives'...[and] 'reported that 46 PERSONS connected with
the IPR - while Jessup was a leading light there - had been named under oath as

In 1952, in 'ZORACH v. CLAUSON,' the Court found that "...We are a religious
people whose institutions PRESUPPOSE a Supreme Being...When the state encourages
religious instruction or cooperates with religious authorities by adjusting the schedule of
public events to sectarian needs, it follows the BEST of our traditions...To hold that it
may not would be to find in the Constitution a requirement that the government show a
callous indifference to religious groups. That would be PREFERRING those who believe
in NO RELIGION over those who DO BELIEVE [and that's called DISCRIMINATION,'
Folks!]...We find no Constitutional requirement which makes it necessary for government
to be hostile to religion and to throw its weight against efforts to widen the scope of
religious influence.' The Court concluded that the argument for separation of church and
SCHOOL HOURS...'Unless separation of Church and State means that public institutions
can make no adjustments of their schedules to accomodate the religious needs of the
people, We cannot read into the BILL OF RIGHTS such a philosophy of HOSTILITY TO
RELIGION'." [72] Take THAT, Bill Mahr!

"The Establishment knew that to divest Taft and MacArthur of the Republican
nomination, they would have to present a candidate who LOOKED credibly tough and
anti-Communist. GENERAL EISENHOWER, who was still wearing an aura of World War II
glory, became the choice. By no stretch of the imagination was Ike a Republican
traditionalist. In fact, until he ran, he had NO PARTY AFFILIATION [He was simply an
OPPORTUNIST, Folks!]. The Democrats tried to draft him in 1948, and Harry Truman had
even approached him about running on the same ticket. [73] Nonetheless, when
Eisenhower beckoned to GOP ears during the 1952 campaign, he began mouthing the
same things Taft and Mac Arthur were saying.

"He condemned the Yalta agreement, even though it was Ike himself who had
executed a number of its provisions: during the war [Second], he held his troops back,
allowing the Soviets to conquer Prague and Berlin; and as commander of postwar
occupation forces, he authorized 'OPERATION KEELHAUL,' REPATRIATING AT LEAST
Establishment machine worked at full throttle for Eisenhower...'HUMAN EVENTS' (1/23/52)
told how certain bankers applied pressure 'on businessmen who favor Taft but have the
misfortune to owe money to these Eastern bankers. We have, on investigation, spotted
several cases in which businessmen...have received communications from their New
York creditors, urging them to join pro-Eisenhower committees and to raise or contribute
funds thereto'." [75]

In February, 1952, SEN. JOHN BRICKER (R-OH) introduced Senate Joint
Resolution 130, more commonly called the "BRICKER AMENDMENT," which provided
that: any treaty "which CONFLICTS WITH THIS CONSTITUTION shall NOT be of any force
or effect." Section 2 stated that treaties could not effect INTERNAL law, except through
legislation. Section 3 was probably the most important provision of this resolution [and
undoubtedly the one that killed it with the President and his water-carriers in Congress!].
It gave Congress the power to REGULATE all EXECUTIVE ORDERS and foreign
agreements. And finally, Section 4 gave Congress the power to ENFORCE Resolution 130.
[76] Regardless of the lack of support from Congress and the Administration, Bricker was
getting an overwhelming reaction from Conservatives: They "built a grand coalition
which included all the Major Veterans groups, the Kiwanis clubs, the American
Association of Small Businesses, many women's groups, as well as the conservative
activist organizations...such as the Freedom Clubs and the Committee for Constitutional
Government. The conservative press joined in the campaign. In an article in 'HUMAN

EVENTS,' Frank Chodorov wrote:

'The proposed amendment arises from a rather odd situation. A nation is
threatened by INVASION, not by a foreign army, but by its own legal entanglements. Not
soldiers, but theoreticians and visionaries attack its independence and aim to bring its
people under the rule of an agglomeration of FOREIGN governments. This is something
new in history. There have been occasions when a weak nation sought security by
placing itself under the yoke of a strong one. But, here we have the RICHEST NATION IN
THE WORLD, and apparently the STRONGEST [And we still were - when KLINTON took
office!], flirting with the LIQUIDATION OF ITS INDEPENDENCE...' According to their own
interpretation, these greedy traitors blamed it all on the CONSTITUTION! Chodorov
explained: 'The breach in our defenses,' wrote Chodorov, 'is in ARTICLE VI of the
Constitution, which provides that '...All TREATIES...shall be the SUPREME LAW OF THE
LAND...any Thing in the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding.'* At the time of the
Founders, the division between foreign and domestic policy was clear enough; there was
never any intention, as Jefferson wrote, to enable the PRESIDENT and the SENATE to 'do
by TREATY what the WHOLE GOVERNMENT is INTERDICTED [i.e., forbidden] from doing
in any way.' " [77]

*"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and this is a perfect example. Chodorov
- like the globalists - was quoting only PART of Article VI. Read the WHOLE article: "THIS
Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made IN PURSUANCE
THEREOF, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the
United States, shall be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, and the judges in every STATE
shall be bound thereby, anything in THE Constitution or Laws of any STATE to the
contrary notwithstanding." Article VI is referring to STATE constitutions. The UNITED
STATES Constitution was DIFFERENTIATED from STATE constitutions by designating it
as "THIS Constitution."

"...as the concept of limited government was eroded - and under pressure from
the endless stream of Pacts, Covenants, and EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS issuing forth
from the United Nations and its American enthusiasts - the chink in our constitutional
armor was widening...under Truman and Eisenhower the burgeoning body of treaty law
threatened to OVERTHROW U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. Executive agreements have created
administrative law of a new type: Treaties which seek to REGULATE DOMESTIC AND
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR to a degree never achieved by the Brain Trusters...According to the
UN 'Declaration of Human Rights,' human beings are endowed with all sorts of 'RIGHTS,'
including the right to a JOB and the right to 'SECURITY.' There are, however, certain
significant OMISSIONS, chief among them THE RIGHT TO OWN...PRIVATE
PROPERTY...When three Supreme Court justices, including the Chief Justice, cited the
UN CHARTER and the NATO TREATY in support of their argument that TRUMAN HAD
THE RIGHT TO SEIZE STEEL MILLS, conservatives went into action - and the fight for the
Bricker Amendment began in earnest." Meanwhile, on the other side:

"The Eisenhower Administration, and particularly the US STATE DEPARTMENT,
went all out to DEFEAT the Amendment. Leading the opposition was Secretary of State
JOHN FOSTER DULLES...Although the Bricker Amendment started out with fifty-six co-
sponsors, it eventually went down to defeat in the US SENATE, 42-50, with 4 not voting (A
watered-down version, the 'George proposal' lost by a single vote.) The defection of
Senators William Knowland and Alexander Wiley from conservative Republican ranks on
this occasion was particularly significant, and marked the beginning not only of Wiley's
chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but also the decline of the
movement to PUT AND KEEP AMERICA FIRST." [78]

"Back in 1945, DEAN ACHESON told a Madison Square Garden rally of the
SOVIET-AMERICAN FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY: 'We understand and AGREE with the Soviet
leaders that to have friendly govenments along her borders is essential both for the
security of the Soviet Union and for the peace of the world.' This attitude was reflected in
Acheson's diplomacy. While undersecretary of State, he approved a $90 MILLION LOAN
for POLAND, even though our ambassador to that country, Arthur Bliss Lane, protested
because of the Communist government's severe HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES. To secure the
loan, the Poles had retained Acheson's law firm, which made over $50,000 on the deal.
DONALD HISS, brother of Soviet spy ALGER HISS, was Acheson's law partner. In the
State Department, Acheson helped Alger himself, as well as several other men later
identified as spies or security risks (John Stewart Service, John Carter Vincent, Lauchlin
Currie) to high positions. He promoted Service even AFTER the FBI had caught him
passing secrets to Communist agents. It was this Acheson clique that HELPED PUSH
CHINA INTO MAO TSE-TUNG'S HANDS...When Ambassador Lane heard that Acheson had
been appointed Secretary of State, he said: 'GOD HELP THE UNITED STATES!' " [79]

Nine months after the practice manuevers in California, the Military Government
Reserve Units hit LAMPASAS, TX. They took over the town, closed CHURCHES, strutted
their authority over the TEACHERS and posted guards in CLASSROOMS, set up
CONCENTRATION CAMPS, and interned businessmen, after holding brief, one-sided
trials WITHOUT 'HABEAS CORPUS.' But 'the staged action almost became actual drama,'
reported one newspaper, 'when one student and two troopers FORGOT it was only
'MAKE-BELIEVE.' 'Ain't nobody going to make me get up,' cried John Snell, 17, his face
beet-red. One of the paratroopers shoved the butt of his rifle within inches of Snell's face
and snarled, 'You want this butt placed in your teeth? Get up!' The invaders put up
posters listing many offenses for which citizens would be punished. One of them read:
PUBLISH OR CIRCULATE, any printed or written matter...HOSTILE, DETRIMENTAL, or
DISRESPECTFUL...to the government of ANY OTHER of the United Nations." [80]

EXCUSE ME! Did I miss something here? Didn't they themselves "publish,"
"circulate," and "print" THESE POSTERS? And weren't these posters "HOSTILE,
founding member, and it's LARGEST contributor]?? And exactly WHAT do they mean by
''any other?" What in tarnation is the MATTER with our people? Even when they draw us
a picture, we don't seem to get it!! P.S. Did they completely forget about "FREEDOM of
the PRESS - not to mention SPEECH?" GRRRRR!!!

"On April 8, 1952, WILLIAM C. BULLITT (former Ambassador to both the USSR
and France; CFR) testified before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, reminding
Subcommittee members that 'CHIANG KAI-SHEK OFFERED TO SEND 30,000 TROOPS
IMMEDIATELY, just as soon as the attack of the North Koreans took place. Our
Government REFUSED to accept them. He not only offered 30,000, he also offered to send
as many more as we wanted. I would have taken a great quantity of them. I think if you
had taken them, and put them into the fight, WE WOULD HAVE WON in the very early
days...' Asked by Senator Arthur V. Watkins (R-Utah) if the Free Chinese had a navy,
Bullitt replied:

'Oh, yes. As a matter of fact, it has been quite an efficient force, although it is
forbidden to act in any way by FIAT of our government which has given orders to our
fleet to PREVENT it from STOPPING THE COMMUNIST SUPPLY SHIPS going up to Korea.
They sail right by Formosa, loaded with Soviet munitions put in the Polish Communist
ships in Gdynia. They come all the way around and go right by Formosa and sail past
there taking those munitions up, taking those weapons up to be USED TO KILL
NAVY IS FLATLY FORBIDDEN TO STOP THEM on their way up there.' Senator Watkins
then asked: 'Would the Chinese Navy have the power, except for that order, to intercept
them and capture them?' Ambassador Bullitt replied, 'Certainly, without question,

According to future Secretary of State JOHN FOSTER DULLES: "...TREATY LAWS
can OVERRIDE the Constitution." Furthermore, treaties "can take powers away from
CONGRESS and give them to the PRESIDENT...take powers from the STATES and give
them to the FEDERAL government or to some INTERNATIONAL body and...cut across
[82] First, let's get one thing straight: Not the US Constitution, the Declaration of
Independence, nor even the Bill of Rights "GIVES" us one single right. They simply spell
out our GOD-given NATURAL rights, which our Constitution then empowers our
representative government to PROTECT! Now, to see just how WRONG Dulles is, let's
take a look at some of the LEGAL RULINGS on this point, and what ALEXANDER
HAMILTON, one of the Founders, had to say:

"The only constitutional exception to the power of making treaties is that it
SHALL NOT CHANGE the Constitution...On natural principles, a treaty, which should
NULL." [83] How did the Supreme Court view the question of the supremecy of
international treaties? In 'NEW ORLEANS vs. UNITED STATES' (1836), the Court ruled that
the Constitution FORBIDS Congress from ENLARGING federal jurisdiction:

"The government of the United States...is one of LIMITED POWERS. It can
exercise authority over no subjects except those which have been delegated to it.
Congress cannot, by legislation, enlarge the FEDERAL jurisdiction, nor can it be enlarged

In a candid defense of UNESCO's role as a global school board, a "SATURDAY
REVIEW' editorial advised New World Order advocates to stop apologizing: "If UNESCO
is attacked on the grounds that it is helping to PREPARE the world's peoples for WORLD
GOVERNMENT [Of course, if he had been honest, he would have said "World
SLAVERY"!], then it is an error to burst forth with apologetic statements and denials. Let
us face it: the JOB of UNESCO is to help create and promote the elements of world
citizenship. When faced with such a 'charge,' let us by all means AFFIRM IT FROM THE

"In a letter dated July 3, 1952, accompanying his report on UN activities for the
previous year, President HARRY W. TRUMAN asserted: 'In the United Nations no counrty
can escape the judgment of mankind [Nor can any MAN escape the judgment of GOD, Mr.
President!]. This is the first and greatest weapon against aggression and international
immorality. It is the greatest strength of the United Nations'." [86]

"The first concrete step toward the abolition of the European nation-states was
taken in 1951 with the signing of the treaty creating the EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL
COMMUNITY (ECSC). 'This was a truly revolutionary organization,' wrote PROFESSOR
CARROLL QUIGLEY, the Insiders' own INSIDE historian, 'since it had SOVEREIGN
POWERS, including the authority to raise funds OUTSIDE ANY EXISTING STATE'S
POWER.' The ECSC treaty, which went into force in July 1952, merged the coal and steel
industries of six countries (West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and
Luxemborg) under a single High Authority. Professor Quigley wrote in his 1966 history of
the world, 'TRAGEDY AND HOPE':

'This 'supranational' body had the right to control prices, channel investment,
raise funds, allocate coal and steel...Its powers to raise funds for its own use by taxing
each ton produced made it INDEPENDENT OF GOVERNMENTS. Moreover, its decisions
were BINDING, and could be reached by majority vote without the unanimity required in
most international organizations of sovereign state'." [87] The proposal for ECSC was
introduced, amidst great fanfare, in May 1950 as the 'SCHUMAN PLAN'...The American
Insiders leapt to praise the Schuman Plan..." MONNET's [author of the plan] biographers,
Merry and Serge Bromberger wrote: '...A day would come when governments would be
forced to admit that an integrated Europe was an accomplished act, WITHOUT THEIR
would have to do was to merge all these autonomous institutions into a single federal
administration and then proclaim a UNITED STATES OF EUROPE...' " [88]

THEY'RE BA-ACK! Well, it's been over a year now, but apparently our people
STILL haven't learned! On August 20th, a third "practice seizure" took place in
WATERTOWN, NY...Once again, American Military Government Reserve Units replaced
our beloved 'Stars & Stripes' with the United Nations blue & white "PEACE" flag. [89] This
is getting RIDICULOUS! Wonder if anybody bothered to ask, "WHO are they planning to
attack for REAL?" P.S. Just exactly WHEN did we establish a "MILITARY Government?"
WHO do they SERVE - and Who's PAYING for them?? That kind of government is
absolutely diametrical to a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC...it more closely resembles
HITLER'S and STALIN'S governments!

"The FBI warned the State Department in the mid-1940s of EXTENSIVE
COMMUNIST PENETRATION of the department, but the warning was disregarded for the
most part. It was not until Joseph McCarthy turned the spotlight on the situation that
dozens of security risks were removed. The FBI had also sent some 40 confidential
reports about the communist activities of EDWARD ROTHSCHILD [Hmmm. Now THAT
name sounds familiar], an employee of the Government Printing Office, but Rothschild
wasn't removed from his sensitive position until his background was EXPOSED BY THE
MC CARTHY COMMITTEE in 1953." [90]

In 1953, DR. FRANK OLSEN committed suicide after receiving a secret dose of
LSD from the CIA, under the direction of the mysterious DR. SIDNEY GOTTLIEB. The CIA
then considered developing drugs which would cause AMNESIA, to be given to retiring
agents. The US Army "simulated" germ warfare was used in PANAMA CITY, FL. Some
KOREAN WAR PRISONERS, who had undergone BRAINWASHING techniques, were
returned. As a result, 21 POWs defected. [91] PENNSYLVANIA was the first state to enact
the UCC and the Uniform Rules of Evidence were adopted, [92]

The following sounds like something straight off the JERRY SPRINGER SHOW.
Granted, Jerry is very quick to characterize his guests as EXCEPTIONS, but he gives no
indication of this on or during his shows. On the contrary, his show leads its viewers to
believe the guests are TYPICAL of today's young people! At a recent press conference of
the Concerned Women of America [CWA], the results of several years of studies on the
Kinsey METHODOLOGY were released. See if any of this sounds familiar:

"DR. ALFRED KINSEY'S GOAL was to CHANGE [corrupt] the way Americans view
sex - through education, medicine and the legal system." During the past fifty years,
Kinsey's ideas - expressed in his 1948 book 'SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THE HUMAN MALE'
and his 1953 book, 'SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THE HUMAN FEMALE' have achieved that goal
with remarkable success: "...Kinsey believed and taught that ALL CHILDREN ARE
SEXUAL FROM BIRTH and molested these children to obtain the 'scientific' data
presented in his books... Dr. C.A. Tripp, a Kinsey colleague...declared that
'RESPONSIBLE' PEDOPHILES [Excuse me?! Anybody care to define THAT?] were used.
They used stop watches to do their thing...the responses from the children were noted by
sobbing, tears, and pulling away from the partner.' Kinsey labeled PRISONERS, RAPISTS,
AVERAGE American men!" Although the CWA believes that Kinsey's early childhood
sexuality data was 'fraudulent and criminally derived'...MODERN SEX EDUCATION WAS

MEDIA MOGULS ADMIT "NO FREE PRESS!" "Called by his peers, 'The Dean of
His Profession,' JOHN SWINTON, former 'NEW YORK TIMES' Chief of Staff and one of
America's best-loved newspapermen was asked to give a toast before the New York Press
Club. He shocked his fellow journalists with the following:

'There is NO SUCH THING, at this date of the world's history in America, as an
INDEPENDENT press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to
write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never
appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions OUT of the paper I am
connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you
who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets
looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my
paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The BUSINESS of the
journalist is to DESTROY THE TRUTH; to LIE outright; to PERVERT; to VILIFY; to fawn at
the feet of MAMMON [the God of Earth: Money], and to SELL HIS COUNTRY AND HIS
RACE for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an
independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men BEHIND THE SCENES. We
are jumping jacks, THEY PULL THE STRINGS AND WE DANCE. Our talents, our
possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. WE ARE INTELLECTUAL
PROSTITUTES'." [I am a retired reporter and I have to agree with everything Swinton said.
He missed one adjective, however: we are - WERE in my case, until I wised up, thank
God! - TRAITORS!] Here are the thoughts of more media moguls on this subject:

RICHARD M. COHAN, Senior Producer of CBS POLITICAL NEWS said: "We are
going to IMPOSE OUR AGENDA on the coverage by dealing with the issues and subjects
WE choose to deal with."

RICHARD SALANT, former President of CBS NEWS agreed: "Our job is to give
people not WHAT THEY WANT, but what WE decide they OUGHT to have."

HERMAN DISMORE, Foreign Editor of the "N.Y. TIMES" from 1950 to 1960
revealed "The 'NEW YORK TIMES' is deliberately pitched to the LIBERAL
(SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST) point of view." And, finally,

WALTER CRONKITE admitted, "News reporters are certainly LIBERAL
(SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS) and LEFT of center." [94]

The KOREAN WAR ended at 12:00 midnight on January 27, 1953 and SENATOR
JOSEPH MC CARTHY took over as chairman of the SENATE PERMANENT

"...from February 9, 1950 until January 1, 1953, Joe McCarthy publicly questioned
the loyalty or reliability of a grand total of 46 PERSONS, and particularly dramatized the
cases of only 24 of the 46...McCarthy 'never said anything more damaging about
known to one or more responsible persons as having been members of the Communist
Party, WHICH IS IN EACH OF THESE INSTANCES TRUE'." [95] [In other words, they
couldn't take the light of day!]

"Vice President NIXON's SECRET WAR of Nazis against Jews in American politics
was never investigated at the time...The motive for under-the-table financing was clear:
Nixon used Nazis to OFFSET THE JEWISH VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS...In 1953, when
Republicans were in office, the immigration laws were changed to admit Nazis, even
members of the SS. They flooded into the country. Nixon himself oversaw the new
immigration program. As vice president, he even received Eastern European Fascists in
the WHITE HOUSE. After a long, long journey, the Croatian Nazis had found a new home
in the United States, where they reestablished their networks...[Syndicated Columnist]
JACK ANDERSON's famous expose of Nixon's Nazis appeared in 'THE WASHINGTON
POST' at the same time as the November 1971 convention. Among those mentioned was
LASZLO PASZTOR, 'the industrious head of the GOP ethnic groups, [who] was never
asked about HIS WARTIME ACTIVITIES in Hungary by the four GOP officials who
interviewed him for his job.' It was too embarrassing for Nixon to admit that Pasztor had
been a RANKING MEMBER of a Fascist government AT WAR WITH THE UNITED
STATES...After 1953, the Republican administration changed the rules, and even
members of the WAFFEN SS could immigrate to the United States..." [96]

COMMUNISTS! "...in his first State of the Union message to Congress on February 2,
1953, 'President Dwight D. Eisenhower (CFR) announced the decision to lift the blockade
of Formosa by the United States Seventh Fleet, as a base for Nationalists' attacks on the
Communist Chinese mainland. The President said that he was 'issuing instructions that
attack by Chinese Nationalists on Formosa. He wanted to 'make crystal clear this order
implies no aggressive intent on our part. But we certainly have no obligation to protect a
nation fighting us in Korea.' [97] Most of the damage, of course, had already been done.
The overall military situation was so incredible that GENERAL MARK CLARK [who
succeded GEN. MATTHEW RIDGWAY - MacArthur's successor after Truman fired him]
later speculated:

'...perhaps COMMUNISTS had wormed their way so deeply into our government
on both the working and planning levels that they were able to exercise an inordinate
degree of power in SHAPING THE COURSE OF AMERICA in the dangerous postwar era. I
could not help wondering and worrying whether we were faced with open enemies across
the conference table and HIDDEN ENEMIES who sat with us in our most secret councils.'
[98] General Clark's concern was justified. General MacArthur...had written:

'That there was some leak in intelligence was evident to everyone. [Brigadier
General Walton] WALKER continually complained to me that HIS OPERATIONS WERE
KNOWN TO THE ENEMY IN ADVANCE through sources in Washington...information must
have been relayed to them, assuring that the Yalu bridges would continue to enjoy
sanctuary and that their bases would be left intact. They knew they could swarm down
across the Yalu River without having to worry about bombers hitting their Manchurian
supply lines.' General MacArthur then cited an official leaflet published by RED CHINESE
GENERAL LIN PIAO: 'I would never have made the attack and risked my men and military

On March 5, 1953, Josif Stalin died. The cause of death was listed as a "brain

In that same month, "the MC CARTHY COMMITTEE heard testimony from REED
HARRIS, deputy head of the State Department's International Information Administration
and author of 'KING FOOTBALL.' Harris' book, however, was not confined to football. The
author also advocated that COMMUNISTS AND SOCIALISTS be allowed to TEACH in
colleges and said that hungry people in America, after 'watching gangsters and corrupt
politicians gulp joyously from the horn of plenty,' just might 'decide that even the horrors
of those days of fighting which inaugurated the era of COMMUNISM IN RUSSIA would be
PREFERABLE to the present state of affairs' in the United States. The following colloquy
between Harris and Senator John McClellan is never quoted by McCarthy's critics:

SEN. JOHN MC CLELLAN: 'Here is what I am concerned about. In the first place, I
will ask you this: If it should be established that a person entertained the views and
philosophies that you expressed in that book, would you consider that person SUITABLE
or FIT to hold a position in the 'VOICE OF AMERICA,' which you now hold?'

REED HARRIS: 'I would not.'
SEN. MC CLELLAN: 'You would not employ such a person, would you?'
REED HARRIS: 'I would not, senator.'
SEN. MC CLELLANM: 'Now we find you in that position.'
REED HARRIS: 'That is correct.'

"Before shedding any tears for Mr. Harris, who resigned his post in April 1953, be
advised that when anti-McCarthy hysteric EDWARD R. MURROW took over the U.S.
INFORMATION AGENCY" in 1961, he HIRED REED HARRIS as his deputy."

"The security problem at the State Department had worsened considerably in 1945
when a merger brought into State thousands of employees from such war agencies as the
Office of Strategic Services, the Office of War Information, and the Foreign Economic
Administration - all of which were RIDDLED with MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNIST

"TRYGVE LIE retired at the conclusion of his second term as UN Secretary-
General on April 10, 1953 and was succeeded by Sweden's DAG HAMMARSKJOLD. Yet
another Socialist imbued with an exaggerated, humanistic view of his ability to 'save the
world,' Hammarskjold once wrote to a girlfriend, 'I think I was 12 years old when I had a
very strong feeling that I AM A NEW JESUS.' [101]...In another letter to a friend in the mid-
50s Hammarskjold confided...'CHOU [EN-LAI] is so much more dangerous than you
imagine because he is so much better a man than you have ever admitted.' [102] This
despite the fact that Chou En-lai, in association with Mao Tse-tung, administered in China
MASSACRE IN HUMAN HISTORY,' [103] slaughtering (according to a study commissioned
by a Senate subcommittee) between 34,300,000 and 63,784,000 human beings [That's 34
to 63 MILLION people, folks!]

COULD THIS BE YOUR [OUR] FUTURE? Check out the parallels: "In Stalin's last
years the Soviet empire was beset by a series of crises which struck at every facet of
government, the Party and its policies and ideology, and the international Communist
movement...The SECRET POLICE, fed by an army of INFORMANTS [i.e., Klinton's
"responsible citizenship" program] arrested countless thousands of Soviet citizens
deemed to hold ANTI-SOVIET views ["politically-incorrect THOUGHT CRIMES"]...Across
Siberia was strung a network of PRISON CAMPS [there are HUNDREDS in Amerika today,
and MORE being built. Who are they FOR?] in which millions of Soviet citizens

"Only ZHDANOV, Secretary of the Party's Central Committee and a possible
successor to Stalin, with a small group of fellow Leningrad associates, dared to discuss
alternative policies among themselves...[including] relief for the collective
farmers...encouragement of private initiative...and de-emphsis on mass
repressions...ZHDANOV DIED SUDDENLY in mysterious circumstances, and his
ASSOCIATES were SHOT...Undeterred by the fate of Zhdanov, [LAVRENTIY] BERIA [the
head of the SECRET POLICE] planned a coup d`etat to enable him to implement his own
programme. He intended to abolish the 'KOLKHOZY' [collective farms]...Underlying all
[his stated plans] Beria's principal aim was to establish a PERSONAL
DICTATORSHIP...Not entirely without reason, he was exposed as an 'agent of
imperialism,' arrested and SHOT." [104]

"The KOREAN ARMISTICE agreement was signed on July 27, 1953. More than
33,000 Americans had DIED, another 103,000 had been WOUNDED, and GENERAL CLARK
(who signed the agreement) was compelled to lament that he had 'gained the unenviable
distinction of being the first United States Army commander in history to sign an
armistice WITHOUT VICTORY.' [105] "Diplomatic relations with ISRAEL and YUGOSLAVIA
were reopened. [Premier Georgiy] MALENKOV supported Beria's decision to reduce the
number of security personnel in Germany - which was put into effect before the revolt in
East Germany in June...After the revolt, Malenkov decided that, in order to create a basis
for DE`TENTE [a break with the past] with the West, he too was prepared to sacrifice the
Communist regime in East Germany and to accept REUNIFICATION, provided that a
reunited Germany was neutralised. He thought that this would lead to the dissolution of
NATO and that East-West de`tente would then become reality." [106]

On July 30, 1953, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, chaired by Senator
William Jenner, released its report, 'INTERLOCKING SUBVERSION IN GOVERNMENT
DEPARTMENTS.' Among its conclusions:

1. 'The Soviet international organization has carried on a successful and
important penetration of the United States Government and this penetration HAS NOT

2. 'This penetration has extended from the lower ranks to TOP LEVEL policy and
operating positions in our government.'

3. 'The agents of this penetration have operated in accordance with a DISTINCT
DESIGN fashioned by their Soviet superiors.'

4. 'Members of this conspiracy HELPED to get each other into government...to rise
in government, and PROTECTED each other from exposure.' [Sounds a lot like the CFR
and the MASONS!]

"Summarizing the 1952 testimony of former Soviet courier ELIZABETH BENTLEY,
who had identified 37 Soviet agents within the U.S. government, the subcommittee also
said that 'to her knowledge there were FOUR SOVIET ESPIONAGE RINGS operating
within our government and that only TWO of these have been exposed'." [107]

The 'APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF 1954' forbade the use of any of its funds for
engaging in or promoting of world government: Section 110. "NONE of the funds
appropriated in this title shall be used - (1) to pay the United States contribution to any
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION which engages in the direct or indirect promotion of
the principle or doctrine of ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT or ONE-WORLD CITIZENSHIP;
(2) for the PROMOTION, direct or indirect, of the principle or doctrine of one-world
government or one-world citizenship." [108]

"There were three main areas in which PREMIER GEORGIY M. MALENKOV sought
to make important policy changes: the Economy, the role of the Security Service, and
Relations with the West...It was with this in mind that he made his speech to the Supreme
Soviet in August 1953 about adopting 'a new course.' His policy was to abandon the
PREFERENTIAL development of industry by transferring capital investment to light
GOODS. [This has been the standard Communist practice for decades - and you can bet
they don't get many consumer complaints!] He increased investment in light industry, in
agriculture and in house-building while REDUCING MILITARY EXPENDITURE. At the
same time, he announced the postponement of Stalin's 'GREAT COMMUNIST
CONSTRUCTIONS' - a large power station and a canal in Central Asia...

"He planned to REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE ARMY in order to free more capital and
labour for light industry. He provided the peasants with some INCENTIVES: collective
farms were EXCUSED some debts to the state; and PRICES of farm products were
allowed to be increased, while TAXES WERE REDUCED. Furthermore, Malenkov
instructed Beria to declare a GENERAL AMNESTY for prisoners. On Malenkov's initiative,
a secret decision was taken to CLOSE DOWN 80% OF SOVIET PRISONS within two to
three years of the amnesty taking effect...Malenkov gave instructions that 'CHEKISTS'
(secret policemen) of the 'old school' SHOULD BE RETIRED. This reduced the total
number of security police and opened the way for the entry of better educated men. He
ordered the service to comb out imaginary suspects and to concentrate on the selective
surveillance and suppression of REAL 'enemies of the state'...Malenkov initiated a
GENUINE DE`TENTE with the West..." [109] [Where did this guy COME from?? Now, we
know HE's got to go, DON'T we?!]

In October 1953, a Soviet defector named Colonel Ismail Ege estimated that a
MINIMUM of 20 SPY NETWORKS were operating within the United States in 1941-42, when
he was chief of the Fourth Section of Soviet General Staff Intelligence." [110]

In 1954, a group of Puerto Rican nationalists attempted to assassinate several US
Congressmen and the Senate condemned Senator Joseph McCarthy, following his
charges of communist subversion in high places. US Army "simulated" germ warfare was
practiced in POINT MUGU and FORT HUENEME, CA.. [111]

Also in 1954, the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was amended. [36 U.S.C. Sec. 172]
"The House Report recommending the addition of the words 'UNDER GOD' stated that
those words in no way RUN CONTRARY TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT but recognize 'only
the GUIDANCE OF GOD in our national affairs.' [112] [Good for THEM!]

"SENATOR FERGUSON, who sponsored the measure in the Senate, pointed out
that the words 'In God We Trust' are OVER THE ENTRANCE TO THE SENATE CHAMBER!
[100 CONG. REC. 6348] He added: 'I have felt that the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag
which STANDS for the United States of America should recognize THE CREATOR who we
really believe is IN CONTROL of the destinies of this great REPUBLIC. It is true that under
the Constitution no power is lodged anywhere to establish a religion. This is not an
attempt to ESTABLISH a religion; it has nothing to do with anything of that kind. It relates
America cannot be defended by guns, planes, and ships alone. Appropriations and
expenditures for defense will be of value ONLY if the God under whom we live believes
that we are in the RIGHT. We should at all times RECOGNIZE GOD'S PROVINCE over the
lives of our people and over this great nation'." [113] [You tell 'em, Fergie!]

"For more than a century, MOSCOW has alternated between fascination with and
fear of GERMAN discipline, drive, efficiency, and technology. The revival of German
military power is a cause of constant Soviet concern. In 1954, an article in 'KOMMUNIST,'
the journal of the CPSU, charged that to realize its 'aggressive plans,' the UNITED
STATES needed 'a powerful, well-trained LAND ARMY in Europe equipped with the latest
weapons' and therefore had initiated GERMAN REARMAMENT in order to make West
Germany 'into an obedient instrument of its aggressive policy, into a MAILED FIST that
would be directed against the Soviet Union and the People's Democracies and at the
same time be used to subject NATO to United States control.' This Soviet interpretation
has not changed fundamentally." [114]

"Engineered in the last half decade of the 1940's...the QUIET WAR MACHINE
stood, so to speak, in sparkling gold-plated hardware on the showroom floor. With the
creation of the master, the promise of unlocking unlimited sources of fusion atomic
energy from the heavy hydrogen in sea water and the consequent availability of
UNLIMITED SOCIAL POWER became a possibility only decades away. The combination
was irresistible. At a meeting of the INTERNATIONAL 'ELITE' (the Alliance, i.e.,
BILDERBERGERS, perhaps? Or more likely, the "300"), their appropriately-named 'Quiet
War' [THE ELITE'S WAR AGAINST THE CITIZENRY] was quietly declared ." [115] If you
think this is hogwash, and sounds like just another sci-fi plot, just keep on reading. After
all, if authors and film-writers could come up with bizarre plots, what could possibly
STOP the 'SMARTEST PEOPLE ON EARTH' [or so THEY think] from doing it? ETHICS?!

For decades, the upper class (or "ELITE," as they prefer to think of themselves)
tried to find a way to take over the world. As always, their biggest stumbling block was
the American people - the most INDEPENDENT people on earth, along with their
damnable CONSTITUTION and BIBLES: "In 1954 it was well recognized by those in
positions of authority that it was only a matter of time, only a FEW DECADES, before the
GENERAL PUBLIC would be able to grasp and UPSET THE CRADLE OF POWER, for the
very elements of the new Silent Weapon technology were as accessible for a public
utopia as they were for providing a private utopia. The issue of primary concern, that of
DOMINANCE, revolved around the subject of the ENERGY SCIENCES..." [116]

"We operate here under directives which emanate from the WHITE HOUSE...The
substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant-making
power to ALTER LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES so that we can comfortably be MERGED

"The decision to base the UNITED NATIONS in NEW YORK CITY was greatly
influenced by the Soviet Union, which obviously recognized the enormous value of
having such a potential TROJAN HORSE located within the borders of its chief adversary.
According to former UN Secretary-General TRYGVE LIE: 'As the Headquarters battle got
underway in London...The Russians disappointed most Western Europeans by coming
out at once for a site in Ameria...ANDREI GROMYKO of the USSR had come out flatly for
the United States...' " [118]

No matter how pretty their smiles, or how "caring" their demeanor and speech,
the "Elite" hold nothing but CONTEMPT for the common people. Away from the cameras
and microphones, THIS is what they REALLY think about YOU:

"...SOCIAL SCIENCE, theoretically expressed as ECONOMICS, is the study of the
sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: MATHEMATICS.
Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And THE BOOKKEEPER CAN BE
KING if the public can be kept IGNORANT of the methodology of the bookkeeping. All
science is merely A MEANS TO AN END. The means is knowledge. THE END IS
CONTROL. Beyond this remains only one issue, 'WHO will be the beneficiary?'...In 1954
this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called 'MORAL ISSUES' were
raised, in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of
people WHO WILL NOT USE THEIR INTELLIGENCE are no better than animals...Such
people are BEASTS OF BURDEN and STEAKS ON THE TABLE by choice and consent...

"...in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it is decided to
privately wage A QUIET WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PUBLIC with an ultimate
objective of permanently shifting the natural social energy (WEALTH) of the undisciplined
and irresponsible MANY into the self-disciplined, responsible, and WORTHY FEW. In
order to implement this objective, it is necessary to create, secure, and apply new
weapons which, as it turns out, are a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated in
their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name
'SILENT WEAPONS'. In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the lower class
elements of the society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be HOUSE-
BROKEN, TRAINED, and ASSIGNED A YOKE and long-term social duties from an early
age, before they have an opportunity to QUESTION the propriety of the matter.

"In order to achieve such conformity, the lower class family unit must be
DISINTEGRATED by a process of increasing PREOCCUPATION of the parents and the
establishment of Government-operated daycare centers for the occupationally-orphaned
children. The quality of EDUCATION to the lower class must be of the POOREST sort, so
that the MOAT OF IGNORANCE isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and
remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright
lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their
ASSIGNED LOT in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintaining some measure of
social order, peace, and tranquility FOR THE RULING UPPER CLASS." [119]How does
one go about spotting - let alone fighting - such a weapon? Well, let's go undercover to
one of their TRAINING SCHOOLS, and see how THEY describe them:

"Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent
weapon...but...It shoots SITUATIONS, instead of bullets...originating from bits of DATA,
instead of grains of gun powder; from a COMPUTER, instead of a gun; operated by a
COMPUTER PROGRAMMER, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a BANKING
MAGNATE, instead of a military general. It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no
obvious physical or mental injuries...Yet it makes an unmistakable 'noise,' causes
DAILY SOCIAL LIFE...When a silent weapon is applied GRADUALLY to the public, the
public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to TOLERATE ITS ENCROACHMENT on
their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and THEY
CRACK UP. Therefore, the Silent Weapon is a type of BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. It attacks
the VITALITY, OPTIONS, and MOBILITY of the individuals of society by knowing,
understanding, MANIPULATING, and ATTACKING their sources of natural and social
energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES..."

DOUBLE OU-CH!!! The public doesn't understand this type of weapon, or this
kind of war, so they IGNORE any QUESTIONS or SUSPICIONS that arise - dismissing
those who would warn them, as "EXTREMISTS" and "CONSPIRACY NUTS" - exactly as
have predicted, the people decide it is easier JUST NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT. After all,
this is the Fifties, and this is America: the freest, most prosperous nation on earth. If
there really were something going on, it would be all over the news - WOULDN'T it? Hey,
Mr. McGoo! Yoo-hoo, Miss Pollyanna: it IS! Try LISTENING! Or better yet, take time to
read something besides the sports section and paperback romances!

"...JULIUS ROSENBERG, who was executed in 1953 for selling U.S. atomic
secrets to the Soviet Union, worked as an inspector at Fort Monmouth (New Jersey) from
1940 to 1945 and maintained his Signal Corps contacts for at least another two years after
RISKS at Fort Monmouth, but the Army paid little attention to the reports of
subversion...During 1953 and 1954, the MC CARTHY COMMITTEE, acting on REPORTS
OF COMMUNIST INFILTRATION from civilian employees, Army officers, and enlisted
personnel, heard 71 witnesses at executive sessions and 41 at open hearings.

"The Army responded by suspending or discharging 35 persons as security risks,
but when these cases reached the ARMY LOYALTY AND SCREENING BOARD at the
Pentagon, all but two of the suspected security risks were REINSTATED and given BACK
PAY. McCarthy demanded the names of the 20 civilians on the review board and, when he
threatened to subpoena them, the Eisenhower Administration, at a meeting in Attorney
General HERBERT BROWNELL's office on January 21, 1954, began plotting to STOP
McCarthy's investigations once and for all. Virtually ALL of those suspended were
eventually RESTORED TO DUTY at Fort Monmouth...VINDICATION of McCarthy came
later, however, when the Army's top-secret operations at Fort Monmouth were quietly

In December 1953, an Army general alerted Senator McCarthy to the incredible
story of this NY dentist who was drafted into the Army as a captain in October 1952; who
REFUSED a month later to answer questions on a Defense Department form about
membership in subversive organizations; who was recommended for DISMISSAL by the
Surgeon General of the Army in April 1953; but who requested and received a
PROMOTION to MAJOR the following October. ROY COHN gave the facts on PERESS to
Army Counsel JOHN G. ADAMS in December 1953, and Adams promised to do something
about it.

"When still no action had been taken on Peress a month later, McCarthy
subpoenaed him before the committee on January 30, 1954. Peress took the Fifth
Amendment 20 TIMES when asked about his membership in the Communist Party, his
attendance at a Communist Training School, and his efforts to RECRUIT MILITARY
PERSONNEL into the Party. Two days later, McCarthy sent a letter to Army Secretary
ROBERT STEVENS by special messenger, reviewing the testimony of Peress and
requesting that he be court-martialed and that the Army find out WHO PROMOTED
PERESS...On that same day, February 1st, Peress asked for an HONORABLE
SEPARATION from the Army, which he promptly received the NEXT DAY from Brigadier

"McCarthy took the next logical step and summoned General Zwicker to a closed
session of the committee on February 18th. There was no reason at that time for
McCarthy to suppose that Zwicker would be anything but a frank and cooperative
witness. In separate conversations with two McCarthy staff members, on January 22nd
and February 13th, Zwicker had said that HE WAS FAMILIAR WITH PERESS' COMMUNIST
CONNECTIONS and that he was opposed to giving him an honorable discharge, but that
he was ORDERED to do so by SOMEONE AT THE PENTAGON. When he appeared before
McCarthy, however, Zwicker was evasive, hostile, and uncooperative. He changed his
story THREE TIMES when asked if he had known at the time he signed the discharge that
Peress had refused to answer questions before the McCarthy Committee. McCarthy
became increasingly exasperated and, when Zwicker, in response to a hypothetical
question, said that HE WOULD NOT REMOVE from the military a general who originated
the order for the honorable discharge of a communist major, KNOWING THAT HE WAS A
A GENERAL." [122]

"In his 'New Course' speech, MALENKOV called for negotiations to IMPROVE
RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES. Most important of all, in a public statement on
March 12, 1954, he admitted that 'in the Third World War there would be NO VICTORS'...In
KHRUSHCHEV's opinion, Malenkov should have said that the CAPITALIST system would
PERISH but that COMMUNISM WOULD SURVIVE even an atomic war. For these political
mistakes, MALENKOV WAS REMOVED from his position as Prime Minister." [123] [TOLD
YOU! It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how THIS would end!]

"On March 11, 1954, the ARMY accused Senator McCarthy and his staff of using
improper means in seeking PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT for G. DAVID SCHINE, a
consultant to McCarthy's committee, prior to and after Schine was drafted into the Army
in November 1953. McCarthy countercharged that these allegations were made in bad
communist subversion at Fort Monmouth and from ISSUING SUBPOENAS for members
of the Army Loyalty and Screening Board. A special committee, under the chairmanship
of Senator Karl Mundt, was appointed to adjudicate these conflicting charges, and the
hearings opened on April 22, 1954.

"The TELEVISED HEARINGS lasted for 36 days and were viewed by an estimated
20 million people. After hearing 32 witnesses and two million words of testimony, the
committee concluded that McCarthy himself had not exercised any improper influence in
behalf of David Schine, but that ROY COHN, McCarthy's chief counsel, had engaged in
committee also concluded that Army Secretary ROBERT STEVENS and Army Counsel
JOHN ADAMS 'made efforts to TERMINATE or INFLUENCE the investigation and hearings
at Fort Monmouth,' and that Adams 'made vigorous and diligent efforts' to BLOCK
SUBPOENAS for members of the Army Loyalty and Screening Board 'by means of
personal appeal to certain members of the [McCarthy] committee.'

"In a separate statement that concurred with the special committee report, SEN.
EVERETT DIRKSEN demonstrated the weakness of the Army case by noting that the
Army did not make its charges public until EIGHT MONTHS after the first allegedly
improper effort was made in behalf of Schine (July 1953), and then not until AFTER
Senator McCarthy had made it known (January 1954) that he would SUBPOENA members
of the Army Loyalty and Screening Board. Dirksen also called attention to a TELEPHONE
March 8, 1954, THREE DAYS BEFORE the Army allegations were made public. In that
conversation, Stevens said that any charges of improper influence by McCarthy's staff
'would prove to be very much exaggerated...I am the Secretary and I have had some talks
with the [McCarthy] committee and the chairman, and so on, and by and large as far as
the treatment of me is concerned, I HAVE NO PERSONAL COMPLAINT.'

"In his 1984 book 'WHO KILLED JOE MC CARTHY?,' former Eisenhower White
House aide WILLIAM BRAGG EWALD JR., who had access to many unpublished papers
and memos from persons involved in the Army-McCarthy clash, confirms the good
relations that existed between McCarthy and Stevens and the lack of pressure from
McCarthy in behalf of Schine. In a phone conversation on November 7, 1953, McCarthy
told Stevens NOT TO GIVE SCHINE ANY SPECIAL TREATMENT, such as putting him in
the service and assigning him back to the committee. McCarthy even said that Roy Cohn
had been 'COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE' about Schine, that 'he thinks Dave should be
a general and work from the penthouse of the Waldorf.' Ewald also reported a phone
conversation between Stevens and Assistant Secretary of Defense FRED SEATON on
January 8, 1954, in which Stevens admitted that Schine might not have been drafted if he
hadn't worked for the McCarthy Committee. 'Of course, the kid was taken at the very last
minute before he would have been ineligible for age,' said Stevens. 'He is 26, you know.

"Another thing confirmed by Ewald was the SECRET MEETING at the JUSTICE
DEPARTMENT on January 21, 1954, when a group of anti-McCarthyites came up with a
plan to STOP MC CARTHY, either by asking the Republican members of his committee to
talk him out of subpoenaing members of the Army Loyalty and Screening Board or, if that
didn't work, by drawing up a list of alleged efforts on behalf of David Schine and
threatening to make the list public unless McCarthy backed off. Those at the January 21st
meeting were Attorney General HERBERT BROWNELL, U.S. Ambassador to the UN
HENRY CABOT LODGE, Deputy Attorney General WILLIAM ROGERS, White House Chief

In April, yet another Congressman tried to warn his fellow members of the danger
they faced, "After examining the record, can anyone doubt that the UNITED NATIONS was
ARMS...? Why do we remain in the United Nations when we can plainly see that the whole
scheme is directed to OUR DESTRUCTION?" [125]

"On May 4th, Senator McCarthy produced a two and one-quarter-page document
with the names of 34 SUBVERSIVES at Fort Monmouth, half of whom were STILL THERE.
The document, which had been given to McCarthy by an intelligence officer in 1953, was
a summary of a 15-page report that FBI Director J. EDGAR HOOVER had sent on January
26, 1951 to MAJ. GEN. A. R. BOLLING, chief of Army Intelligence...Welch made it appear
that McCarthy was presenting phony evidence'." [126]...........................