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The Electronic Chapbook Concept

Books of poetry are not exactly a boom business, unless one wins a National Book Award. It also helps if one is dead, preferably by one's own hand.   Many living poets have self-published chapbooks so their work may reach some type of audience.  The World Wide Web now makes it possible to “publish” one's work to a significantly wider audience.  And with the number of "free" web-hosting sites available, the cost is significantly less than paper publishing.

So, the web offers an inexpensive form of vanity publishing.

What this particular “vanity publication” offers is a set of poems, collectively called the Saturn Sequence.  These poems are intended to be read in the order in which they were written; at the end of each poem you'll find an arrow labeled "Next" which will (logically enough) take you to the next poem in the sequence.

Also included are several other poems leading up to one long poem titled “Still Life With Icons.”  These are listed in historical order on the Home page, but may be read in any order desired.  At the bottom of  these pages is an appropriate icon to return the reader to the Table of Contents.

The final poem (“Still Life With Icons”) has footnotes available in a frameset.  I doubt that this frameset as footnote device is unique, but I had a lot of fun putting it together.

By the way, this site was built using Cascading Style Sheets.  It is best viewed using Netscape 3.7 or Internet Explorer 4.x (or higher).

James Collins
February 2002
Oklahoma City, OK

Picture from NASA Photograph taken by James Collins
Read the introduction to the sequence
Begin reading the sequence
Read the other poems