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"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who no longer pauses to wonder and stand in rapt awe, is as good as dead." by Albert Einstein.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato wrote about a glorious land named Atlantis with fertile soil, beautiful beings and glorious temples that "in a single day and night of misfortune disappeared into the depths of the sea."

Divers have found pieces of coliseums, houses, temples, statues and other artifacts that lay amazingly intact at the bottom of the sea. Plus some not so intact but when you think of centuries that have gone by and the extent of the ocean's floor its amazing that they were ever found.

The ruins of temples dated at least 12,000 years old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas, Egypt, and Malta. We just need more of the diving variety of archealogists.
"The ancient Gauls, as well as the Irish, Welsh, and British Celts, believed that their ancestors came from a continent that sank into the Western Sea, the latter two naming this lost paradise "Avalon".

On both sides of the ocean people of all colors heard and passed on the story of a Land filled with beauty, knowledge, and strange beings that sank. No race of people hearing could forget its existence or its fate. So many fairy tales have been about Atlantis and its people that some doubt it ever really existed. This name, in a variety of tongues, almost always contains the sounds of A-T-L-N.
A mermaid tells
The Song of Atlantis





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