ASA Coaching
Certification Clinics
for Metro Tulsa Area

Febraury 19, 2005 Broken Arrow, OK BA Community Center
Febraury 26, 2005 Tulsa, OK Savage Park Boardroom
March 5, 2005 Owasso, OK First Baptist Church ~ 13307 East 96th St. North
March 12, 2005 Claremore, OK Rogers Country Bldg ~ 416 South Brady (NE corner of Expo Ctr)
March 19, 2005 Sand Springs, OK Community Center
March 26, 2005 Tulsa, OK (LAST CHANCE)  Savage Park Boardroom

Times Are For All Clinics
1st/2nd Year ~ 9:00am - 11:30am    /    3rd Year ~ 12:30pm - 2:30pm    /    4th Year ~ 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Note:  2nd, 3rd, 4th year can be completed by mail - Call For Details  (918) 496-8484

Cost For Clinics
$21.00 - 1st Year   ($20 plus $1 administration fee)
$13.00 - 2nd, 3rd & 4th Year   ($12 plus $1 administration fee)

To Register - Contact:
Steve Olsen   (918) 496-8484

ACE Coaching Certification

ASA/USA Softball is proud to introduce the ACE Coaching Certification Program.  This program replaces the ASA’s current coaching education program–the VIP (Volunteer Improvement Program) Program.  The ACE (Achieve, Certify, Educate) Coaching Certification Program is a brand new certification program, developed and designed to provide softball coaches of all levels – from beginning coaches to experienced veterans – an opportunity to certify as a coach with a national softball organization.

As the National Governing Body of Softball, it is the ASA’s responsibility to ensure that our coaches achieve a certain level of understanding of what their duties are as coach of a youth softball team. The ACE Certification video and the ACE Certification Manual are practical guides to the everyday situations you will encounter as a youth softball coach. After obtaining your ACE certification, you will be well prepared to coach a youth softball team.

A-chieve: A certain level of knowledge.
C-ertify: To confirm that a coach has obtained a level of understanding over that which he/she has been tested on.
E-ducate: To assist with the gathering of knowledge and information.

Certifying as an ACE Coach is a simple, straightforward process. You must attend an ACE Coach Certification Clinic (hosted by your local ASA association) where you will watch the ACE Certification video and sign a “Code of Ethics” pledge.  The video covers such topics as Principles of Coaching, Legal Issues in Sports, First Aid, Practice Organization, Coach/Umpire Relations, and Sport Specific Skills.  You will then be tested on the material covered in the video.  Once you have passed the ACE Certification test and signed the “Code of Ethics” pledge you are an ACE Certified Coach.  It is that easy.

Benefits of ACE membership:
• Take-home copy of ACE Coaching Certification manual
• $5,000,000 liability insurance policy (only if coaching an ASA-registered team)
• Personalized membership card as an ASA/USA Softball ACE Coach
• ACE Coach Certificate
• ACE Coach Training Cards
• Discount coupons on ASA merchandise and training videotapes

The ACE Coach Certification Process First Year Certification
1. Attend an ACE Clinic put on by your local ASA Association* where you will view the ACE Coaching Certification video.
2. Successfully complete the ACE certification exam (questions taken directly from the ACE Coaching Certification video).
3. Read and sign the “Code of Ethics” pledge.
4. That’s it!
Benefits: Insurance coverage, certificate and ID card

Second Year ACE Coach Certification
After your first year of certification, you do not need to watch the ACE video again to re-certify. To stay an ACE certified coach for a second year you must:
1. Take and pass the second year exam out of the ACE Coaching Certification manual or complete a local ACE clinic in your area.
2. Pay a minimal re-certification fee.
3. Sign the “Code of Ethics” pledge.
Benefits: Insurance coverage and updated ID card.

Third year certification and beyond: If a coach surpasses his/her second year certification exam they become eligible for the third year certification. Certification for this level a coach must:
1. Take and pass a rules test.
2. Pay a minimal re-certification fee.
3. Sign the “Code of Ethics” pledge.
Benefits: Insurance coverage and an updated ID card.