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Current Federation Stardate:

    Once you have reached this site, you must be wonderingWhat ARE 'Fingers?'. Well, I guess I should explain. Fingers, as you can see, resemble the Human hand. In the year 2063 they discover warp technology, which allowed them to travel in sub-space, faster than light. In the 22nd century, the Fingers used this technology, and the first Starship was built(shown below).

UFF Blockade first Starship ever built(Later models will be shown in the future)

In the year 2190, they formed an alliance of several alien species called the "Federation". The Blockade(Federation Flagship at the time) came in contact with a new alien race, called the Foonies(event depicted below)

Though standard first contact rules were followed, the Foonies attacked.

     Over the years, more and more Starship were built. It is now the 24th century, and the Federation Ended a war with a Brutal, merciless race of Aliens called the Phonies. About months before the war ended, the Federation homeplanet(Ferra) was taken over, and was in rule by Phony leader, "Foktok Fleace". And for those past months, the Federation had tried to reclame what was left of their broken planet. Among the Fingers fighting the war, was Vice Admiral, Spike Finger. Here's a look at his ship:

UFFE Exstar, the fastest Federation Starship(warp 13)

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