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FF3 RPG Figaro Mercenaries

Ok, the idea of this site is so the players of the FF3 RPG can easily see what units the Figaro Player (me) has to rent out as mercenaries. Keep in mind that this is not a full estimate of what I have, (I can’t show that for security reasons) just what is available for rent. Mercenaries also make good guards, bouncers, scouts, diversions, and are great ways to even a battle against a superior opponent, or give you an edge. P.S. I’ll also do jobs for pieces of land.

The Plains Imp Tribe has joined the merc force.


AIM: Grimm Dagger

Last Update: 8:00 7-21-03 GMT


No. of units available/Units total | Unit Name | Unit Power | Usual Price for rent


0/6 Figaro Hover Tank - 15 power - 25 G

0/4 Chocobo Soldier - 7 power - 10 G
0/10 Archer - 3 power - 7 G

0/10 Figaro Soldier - 3 power - 4 G

0/0 Thief - 1 power - 3 G

0/3 Chocobo Squad - 15 - 30 G

0/8 Chocobo Hunters - 11 Power - 15 G

0/4 Yellow Chocobo - 3 Power - 4 G


0/0 Blockade Runner - 10 power - 75 G

0/0 Longboat - 15 power - 95 G

0/0 Man-of-war - 25 power - 105 G

0/0 Magitek Tank - 10 power - 65 G

0/2 Light Airship - 15 power - 105 G

0/1 Heavy Airship - 40 power - 165 G

Special Tech Units*:

Cargo Airships?

*Special Tech Units are units that were specially created by our scientists, or units/weapons that were found on searches. These units are usually high priced, but however very effective.

The rules for this are as follows:

· I am the King of Figaro, so I will not help my enemies.

· To rent a unit, contact me with your request and the units you want, and I'll send them to you until their job is done or until 4 days are up, unless we have agreed on something else. This is to keep people from holding mercenaries forever.

· Prices for rented units are usually about 1/4 the cost of the unit, excluding transport only missions. The actual cost depends on many factors like the level of danger involved or the distance traveled.

· I have final say on what my units do. I am pretty lenient on this, but if you try to send them to their death and you know it, I will call them back.

· Transport Missions' costs are also dependent on how many units you are sending and their size. Don't forget to tell me what your sending!

· The Blockade Runner is special in that I won’t rent it for transport only, but I will rent it for (gasp) running blockades. If you just want to move some units to a different place rent an airship or a boat.

· The main reason I won’t rent out the heavier transports is because I don’t want to tie them up for another request. However, if you are going over hostile land and need something with a little more armor, tell me and I’ll make arrangements.

These are just some base rules and are subject to change. Also more rules can be added at any time so take a look at them from time to time.