Bradley J's Humble Web Abode

So I felt the need to have my own little place on the web. Welcome to it. Wipe your feet please. ;)

For more up-to-date info on my happenings, check out my on-line diary at There is a link on the bottom of this page.

My new favorite movie quote of all time: "That thing. That moment. You kiss someone and it's like the world around you gets all hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this other person and you know that one person is the person you're meant to be kissing for the rest of your life. And for that one moment you've been given this amazing gift and you want to laugh and cry at the same time because you're so lucky you found it, and so scared that it will all go away. "-Josie from 'Never Been Kissed'

Ok, so I ran out of room to put all of my quotes on my Instant Messenger Profile. Sooooo I'm putting them on here! Yey for a webpage of quotes and pictures of me and my friends. OMG you must be SO excited!

"Brad, I think my boyfriend is sleeping with someone besides me and his girlfriend. This makes me very upset."-She shall remain un-named, but damn it was funny.

Me: "Can we spoon." Mer: "Sure." Monica: "I'll be the fork." Me: "Yay we can have a full silverware set!"

"Will you make your BBQ thing with my thighs?"-Coop in reference to chicken... however it didn't exactly sound like she was talking about chicken.

"It could be a midget, but I'm going with a little boy."-Kathleen (it's funny cause we were in a bar) :)

"Oh yeah I puked. See when I drink my stomach gets full. It doesn't like to be full. That's all."-Jackie

"I'm so tired of dueling."-Joe

Why are there so many freaks in this class?"-I screamed this in the middle of my debate class. I've become a very blunt person.

Natalie: "... the female species." Brad: "Nat, there is no gender-specific species. We're all sapiens." Tonia: "Some of us more homo than others."

"Did you fart? I couldn't tell with you sitting on top of me praying."-Lynn

"I am not telling you! You eat Jesus and you don't even know what it means!"-Me in reference to certain Catholics and their knowledge of their own faith.

"Dental damns? I don't get it. Are those for dentures?"-Tonia

"Get an STD from the wind."-Me in reference to the song 'Kiss the Rain.'

Lynn: "I think I walked in on you masterbating this week." Anth: "No! I was seriously lotioning my body!"

"Don't get anywhere near my balls... YOUR balls! YOUR balls!"-Lynn (that needs no explanation)

"Well if that doesn't smell like the mouth of a vagina."-Bochtler refering to Rolly's breath.

"Oh right. And I'm sure that's what you were thinking when you let your family eat my birthday present."-Lynn to Eric. He got her a birthday gift in February. Her B-day was October 31st.

"Maybe she'll spit on us... you know... one of the whores."-Lynn in reference to 7th row seats to 'Miss Saigon'

"Brad! You could get AIDS from that!" Sus in reference to my ear bleeding on me.

"What year was Clay the President?"-Lynn in a game of Tri-Bond.

"Sometimes I wonder if he has mashed potatoes stuffed in his ears."-Sus

"God I'd rather be fat and ugly than eat a beet."-Me

"Brad! You'll give me diarrhea."-Tonia in reference to the method I use to do dishes.

"I have never been in an STD pageant."-Anth (don't ask)

"Did you gayify my TV?"-Lynn

"He's got pork chillin' on a plate."-Sus in reference to the cleanliness (or lack of) in my dorm room last year.

"Is that thing made for eggs?"-Eric during Thanksgiving dinner.

"And again with the animal noises."-Lynn during a house meeting.

"Is that a dildo or a popsicle? Either way hand it over!"-A personal in the Bradley Scout. LOL

"I just got my face caught in my zipper."-Me

Anth: "What is Eric's favorite city?" Lynn: "Spain!!"

Brad: "What was the first foreign car company to import into the United States?" Susan: "Ford!!"

"I like to sniff markers!"-Sus

"Fork the O's on the prongs."-Sus again. :)

"Clearly if you are heavy, I am the size of a Buick!"-Sus once more.

Beth: "Whose movies are these?" Anth: "Mine." Beth: "Man! You have girly movies!"

Scene-On a horse drawn buggie- Nat: "What are their names?" Man with no teeth: "Well normally they're called Mike and Dan. But sometimes they're called 'Sons of bitches 1 and 2.'"

"Susan, if you were a hot dog I'd eat you."-Nat

"Aren't engines made of spark plugs and what-not?"-Lynn

"Don't kiss me on the lips Brad, you're gay!"-Sus

"Come on Suzy Q, show me your cream filling."-Me



My On-Line Diary
My most recent pictures.
Friends scrapbook
Crazy fun pictures!
Pride Fest 2003 weekend pictures
My future Alma-Mater!
My favorite on-line community

Some of Me...