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Let me introduce to you the master of power metal, Mr Kai Hansen, as you know he is probably the most known guy when we talk about this sort of music.

He started with two very old bands, one of them was called Gentry, (you can see one pic very old in "pictures", with a very young Kai).Afterwards, He and his friend Piet Sielck made up the first project of Helloween ever (Iron Fist), nowadays there is still a demotape from that old work. Next, Helloween would be founded, with Kai on vocals and on the lead guitar, but after that album, a new singer would replace him. We obviously refer to Michael Kiske. First off, They appeared in a compilation called death metal with two songs, one of them was "oernst of life" and the other one is "gorgar". After that, Helloween released the first Mini-LP, an EP called Judas and his real first LP, Walls of Jericho, which nowadays is still a great album for a lot of fans. In my opinion "Ride the sky" is the best song that you'll be able to listen, on that album but there are other great songs such as Starlight or Murderer available both of them in the first Mini-LP. The next albums are the famous keeper of the seven keys I and II, which contain great songs like Future World or I want out. These songs fortunately are still often played in the alive shows of gammaray .After recording these succesful albums, there is a live concert recorded in Scotland, which is named "Live in the UK", and where you can listen to Kai, and Kiske together in a live show. The set-list is rather short but the songs are very well chosen. As far as I'm concerned this show is pretty mucha funnier than the High live 96 performance.Furthermore this show would bring problems with the discography cos They commanded to record this show against the thoughs and desires of the band, that didn't want to record this show and which even brought problems with the discographic staff due to a song released in the next album and dedicated to them. We eventually could mention the best, the rest and the rare compilation like the last album of the Kai era, which contain a lot of songs that have been the inspiration of many bands so far. The coverartwork is very funny.

After this, A lot of problems appeared inside the band. There were too many differences and different ideas about how to focus the way of Helloween, and it's said that, that was the main reason that took to Kai to leave the band, and go on his own way alone.I'd like to mention thant I like a lot bootleg concerts, and I would also recommend you to listen to these era concerts if you can, cos these old concerts wery very funny shows and you also find a young band which wanted dearly to be very big. So, if you can take a look in the net, do not forget these mp3s.

Kai is a great friend of Blind Guardian, so that He collaborated with his contributions when They were going to release a new album then, and You can listen to Kai in songs like Valhalla, lost in the.... After joining Blind Guardian for these works, a new porjecto woul see the light.

But Kai needed a great band, so He formed a new one with his pal Rhap Scheepers, who played with kai some concerts singing for Helloween. But a few albums after, this guy left Gammaray to try be the frontman of Judas Priest, although He was refused and Judas Priest took for them to "The RippEr".Despite leaving Gammaray, there is still a good friendship between them, as you may see in the first album of Primal Fear where Kai appeared with a song called Promised land. The first name of Gammaray was Kai Hansen's Gammaray.

At the beginning Gammaray made a fantastic album called Heading for tomorrow and recorded a video under the name of Heading for the east after the success that the band got in Japan. This album is very good in my opinion and very great songs are contained there, like it might be the song that titles the album. The next albums aren't rather good cos a lot of changes and experimental ideas were introduced and carried out.And fans weren't very convinced by these albums, especially the sigh no more album. But the raising of the band began when Kai took the voice again,and the best album for the fans was released, "Land of the free". This album contains great hits of the band that are still played in most of the concerts at the present. Rebellion in Dreamland, Land of the free and Man on a mission are probably the best tracks of the album. Then the band was growing more everyday.In 1995 a live album recorded in Spain is released Alive 95 with a great setlist which contained many of the hymns of the band. After this album, it's another one called Somewhere out in space,typical german metal album, with great songs like Somewhere out in space, Beyond the blackhole and Men, martians and machines...y

The next album is Powerplant very powerful and fast album. In fact is my favourite album. There are great songs like Send me a sign, Anywhere in the galaxy or Armaggedon.My thrid time seeing Gammaray. I still remember that alive show which I attended some years ago like my favourite one of the rays, great setlist and brilliant show. The next work is a compilation album with many remasters and some songs recorded with guests like Michael Kiske and old songs with Kai on voice.This one is called Blast from the past.Here, for me reached the top of power metal. And bands like Helloween surely ought to support Gammaray very soon in festivals due to the limits that the band is reaching. Wonderful Helloween and Gammaray songs in the set-lists, a dazzling live show, and already the experience and compenetration of the band. Moreover, We can't forget that Kai Hansen is a great showman.

The last studio album released in the year 2001 is No world order and is a mix of the three last albums. You can listen here some good songs like Solid, Heaven or hell and Eagle. I don't like as much as the three previous ones, but it's also cool. The show that i saw in San Sebastian was great, the fans were amazing and the venue full.At that point, it's important the mention that Gammary is a stable real band withouth changes, even Weikath try to convince Henjo to play in helloween, but Henjo knows what great band is playing in, and of course, He doesn't want to leave it.

In the year 2003 a new live album was released Skeletons in the closet tour, but containing songs that are not included normally in the shows. It was recorded in Barcelona and Strasbourg with an amazing sound.

Kai also likes being in other chums projects, so you can see his contributions in songs like I want out performed along with Hammerfall, or his contribution in Heavenwood. I eventually wish to mention the work with Piet Sielck in Iron Savior his second band till a few months ago, where He also sang some songs like the amazing Watcher in the sky.And as time goes by We will see what happens and We hope the band goes on being stable in the future and releasing succesful and overall good albums...

Other important colaborations that Kai did in the past and I forgot to mention before are, Readiness To Sacrifice (R.T.S.) from Michael Kiske. And of course the twoo successful albums of Tobias Sammet Avantasia I and II. And other ones like his contribution in the first album of Heavenly. There is no doubt that We'll see a lot of things of Kai Hansen in the nearer future.

This the guitar of Kai Hansen, take a look here

Kai rules !

