The FUN OF DYING Find Out What Really Happens Next Roberta Grimes Greater Reality Publications
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Roberta Grimes’ The FUN OF DYING Find Out What Really Happens Next based on the writer’s stated study and life experiences is a work I found to be attention-grabbing, encouraging and very interesting.
When asked to do the review I did ponder what the book might reveal. Despite the fact that I may not have the same opinion with or accept as true every single thought expressed in the writer’s book, I do find Grimes’ conviction to be provocative.
The FUN OF DYING is not a story book or a novel per se, it is a coming to believe result of the writer’s own experiences, investigation and continuing study into the fact and reality of what we call death.
I think few living have not pondered what takes place following death. Christian religious believers hold to the notion that we go to Heaven or hell while others believe that we become dust and nothing more and others believe something in between. Whatever the notion regarding death and what comes next; it remains an intriguing, out of the ordinary subject leading to peace, fear and discussion of many possible answers depending on initial belief.
Writer Grimes endeavors to ease some of the fears as beset much of society through her readable, motivating book. The FUN OF DYING Find Out What Really Happens Next is focused upon that one matter which has intrigued and plagued humans from the beginning of time. Medical science has, on occasion, noted that there is no real reason for death, on the other hand, people, as all life does, does die.
Grimes puts forth the notion that the main reason for the fear and controversy surrounding death is the real dearth of tangible proof or concrete understanding regarding afterlife and or what we may anticipate when we, as those before us, do depart this life.
Following years of study into the topic, Grimes informs with some determination that death is actually an uncomplicated and even pleasurable changeover likely very dissimilar to what most of us may foresee in our minds. Grimes’ belief is that the moment of death is not a cruel act, nor is it terrifying.
Grimes’ research has included study into out of body experiences, reincarnation, the moment of death, afterlife which has led to her belief that these data lead to equivalent results. She depicts feelings people may experience during the period of pre-death and post-death. Her assessments are largely based on the experiences of people who themselves are reached during those stages.
It is Grimes’ belief that each one having made the passage from this life to the next will come face to face with a review of their temporal life and deal with the good and learn to forgive themselves for the moments of spite they may have experienced. It is her contention that learning to forgive self is a major reason for our time of life here on earth.
She believes that in this next stage we will each meet those we may know, family and others, who will appear in the prime of life whether their passage transpired during that period or not.
I found The Fun of Dying to be a soothing, informative, well-written work based on the writer’s examination of various written works as well as investigation and talking with others in which is expressed the writer’s understanding regarding that passage we identify as death moving us from earthly juncture into succeeding life's phase. On the other hand, some of the ideas found mentioned in the work may cause a sense of enormous ire for the religious purist and scientific purist alike who may find Grimes’ notions to be inconsistent with Biblical or other religion, or, scientific literature alike regarding teachings pertaining to death.
It is the author’s contention that Death is not to be dreaded, and she explains fully in her book why she believes this. The Fun of Dying is an uplifting, out of the ordinary, instructive read, for another view of death and what it may actually be.
Whatever the reader background or belief; if the work serves to motivate readers toward beginning to love and to forgive others and self while alive; then the book has done a good job.
As stated above; despite the fact that I may not have the same opinion with or accept as true every single thought expressed in the writer’s book I am happy to recommend The FUN OF DYING Find Out What Really Happens Next for all who may wonder or worry about death and what happens next.