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To my friend, Mari from 'Resa... Happy Journaling!!!

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for December 2002
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December 31, 2002

I woke up this morning thinking about how I wanted to start out my New Year. I want to laugh more and make others laugh like I used to be able to do. If I can’t make people laugh I am hoping I can at least get a smile out of them. I also want to be more organized. I have ordered some under the bed boxes that have rollers on them. I will be able to hide some of my stuff and get it out of sight… My wish for 2003 is that they will find a cure for Alzheimer’s… I called my Mother and we had a nice visit. Then I called my Aunt Florence, she always makes me laugh out loud… My friend Virginia called… I did laundry, fed some house plants, and played some dominoes… Today was Dave’s last workday before his retirement… This will be my last entry for 2002. To read tomorrow’s entry you will need to go above to the drop down menu and click on January-June 2003… Thanks to all my supporters who come here to read my journal, sign my guest book, and vote for all my site… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 30, 2002

Thanks to Janey in Plainfield, Illinois for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… I enjoyed watching The Sound Of Music last night on TV… I didn’t sleep well last night and was still sleeping when Sally called this morning at nine… I have not had any energy today… David came by and brought some leftovers and some of Danielle’s birthday cake. They sure did come in handy for tonight because I didn’t feel like cooking anything… I called friends Martha and Jaunita… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 29, 2002

Thanks to Buddy in Lizella, Georgia for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… I slept really good last night and woke up feeling great… I went to check the birdfeeders and the Squirrel was eating away. The birds won’t come around when the squirrel is there. I ran the squirrel off by pecking on the window and it was no time until it was back… I put a pork roast in the oven for supper and Dave asked why I put the roast in the oven and I said to cook it. Then he said to me that I needed to turn on the oven. It is a good thing I have him to follow me around or we wouldn’t have had any supper… I had gone out to the garage to get something out of the freezer and on the way back in I shut the door before my foot got in and skinned up the heel on my good foot… I called my Mother but didn’t get an answer. I called my sister, Martha just had some surgery and I was concerned about her. I am glad she has her daughter and nurse Melenie by her side… When I am thinking of someone I like to call him or her and let them know it. So I called Diana in Florida and we had a nice visit. Then I was thinking of a school friend whom I just found out has Alzheimer’s so I got my class reunion newsletter out that has everyone’s phone number in it and called her in Ohio. But guess I waited too long to call Kay. Her husband said he thought she was in the final stages. She did say Hi to me but that was it. Her husband also told me that they just found out two years ago that she had Alzheimer’s. I also talked to her daughter and I could tell she has such a loving family. Right now I am counting my blessings and hurting for my classmate and her family… Thanks to Glenna in Canada for thinking of me today and calling me… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 28, 2002

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY!!! Lucy is Dave’s sister in Huntington, West Virginia… Thanks to Aralee in Schertz, Texas for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… Dave left early this morning to go pick up the plane from the A&P and took it back to the hangar. But of course he did some flying first. He now has 160 hours of flying time… Dave has only seven more days until he will be retired… I stayed home today because I needed some ME time. I was invited to Danielle’s second birthday party but I made the decision to just stay home. I did laundry and rested then I washed my crystal and rested and then washed a couple windows and rested and then I shampooed the couch, love seat and three chairs and rested some more… One of my Christmas gifts was delivered today; it is a McCoy turtle cookie jar… I have had a good day and now I am tired but have a good reason to be… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 27, 2002

It was so nice to be back hosting the DASNI Chat last night and also to have Morris, a long time friend in Texas join us... We are still waiting on our new chat room. I have lost track of how many chat rooms we have had since I started hosting chats over two years ago and I am so thankful for all of you who have followed me to all of them… I owe a big thank you to Sharon in North Carolina for getting me into training for hosting chats and helping me to get my first job since my diagnosis. It was the first online chat for Alzheimer’s patients that was available to everyone … I also am happy to say that DASN International now has 200 members and growing… The Christmas tree and all the other decorations are now back in the attic. I am always happy to get our house back in order… Dave got the call he has been waiting for today. The annual is done on the plane and we can even afford to pay for it. We never know what that will find but the Aircraft Inspector said it was in good shape and the plane was well cared for… Dave and I were watching the OSU and USM football game when Janey in Illinois called . She was on her way home from work and listening to her car radio and heard that OSU was winning and thought of us… Wade and Jan/Mina called. They got to enjoy an Oklahoma White Christmas… Goodnight all… KTFIOK …

December 26, 2002

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALAN!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT!!! Alan is a DASNI friend in New Zealand and Pat a friend in Carson, California… Thanks to Edie in Dayton, Indiana for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… George and Martha called last night and they had gotten to spend Christmas with our Mother in Peru, Indiana. They took Mom out of the Nursing Home for Christmas Eve dinner at Donnie and Martha's home… I wish I could have been with them… The Dell man came and replaced the motherboard on my laptop. But after he left I found I still couldn’t get online so Dave figured it must be the LAN card that is bad and went to the BX and bought me a new one and that fixed it up. So after being offline now for about five days I am back… David and Bill came by to visit and my phone buddy Virginia called to tell me about a newsletter saying that there was a Alzheimer’s Support Group not too far from here so maybe we will check it out… I am still low on energy. I did get the ornaments taken off the tree… Most of the snow has melted… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 25, 2002



HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOANNE!!! Carole is a DASNI friend in St Louis, Missouri and Joanne is our long time friend in Benton, Arkansas… Thanks to Sue in Canada and Dewey in Lexington, North Carolina for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… Last night we had a total of fourteen of us here for our family gathering. Everyone had a good time making Christmas cookies, playing dirty Santa, and opening gifts… I am beginning to think all the excitement is getting too much for me though. I had nightmares all night and all day I have felt like the grandma who got ran over by the reindeer… David and Kenny called this morning… I called Carole and I called and left a message on my Mother’s answering machine… Dave and I were invited to Barbara and Marc’s today for a Christmas dinner but because of the way I felt we decided not to go. Thanks Marc and Barbara for the invite and I am sorry we couldn’t make it because we have always enjoyed being with all of you on Christmas Day… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 24, 2002

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARRY!!! Larry is our DASNI friend in Nashville, Tennessee… Kenny called last night and we had a long talk. Maybe I should say he listened and answered all my questions… Maybe that is why he doesn’t call that often, because I ask too many questions. Any how Kenny, I am always happy when you call me… We woke up to some more snow this morning. Dave filled the bird feeders and we had our coffee and watched all the birds. We had so many from the smallest Chickadee to the large Blue Jay. Then the Squirrel found the black oiled sunflower seeds and it seemed like it was there for an hour just eating away. There has to be one full Squirrel out there. Cindy was so upset because she could see the Squirrel out the window but couldn’t get to it… I have been busy today trying to get ready for our family gathering tonight… I did laundry, and gave the dogs a bath. Dave has been a big help. He helped me make the Happy Birthday Jesus cake… Dave has had a couple naps today and I am like the energizer bunny that just keeps on going… I am trying not to think about not being able to stay online on my computer… I just hope I can get online long enough to get this posted… I had phone calls from my Sis (Sue) in Canada and also one from my cousin Beverly. Looks like the weather will keep us from getting together this time but we hope we can get together soon even if we have to make a trip to Wisconsin. David called and their friends Bill and Norma were visiting from Dallas… I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and remembers what Christmas is really all about… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 23, 2002

Happy Birthday Jenni!!!Jenni is our granddaughter in Moore, Oklahoma who turns 21 today… Thanks to Sandy in Ohio for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… When I woke up at 8:30 it was just starting to snow and in an hour the ground was covered, it is so beautiful. Looks like we will have a White Christmas for sure. They are saying this will be the first one here in twenty some years… I picked up around the house, folded yesterday’s laundry and cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floors… Dave got groceries after he got off work… Later we will make up the cookie dough for tomorrow night… I would like to share my cookie dough recipe here…

Mary's Sugar Cookies

1 1/2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar 1 cup butter or margarine 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. almond flavoring 2 1/2 cups flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. cream of tartar

Mix sugar and butter. Add egg and flavorings; mix thoroughly. Stir dry ingredients together and blend in. Refrigerate 2-3 hours.

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Divide dough in half and roll 3/16" thick on lightly floured pastry cloth. Cut with cookie cutter; sprinkle with sugar. Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake 7-8 minutes, or until lightly golden. Makes 5 dozen cookies.

(If you are using self-rising flour, omit soda and cream of tartar.

These are the best sugar cookies I have ever eaten. I have made these cookies every year since the boys were little. Now my kids and their kids make them here on Christmas Eve. They have the best time doing it and I enjoy watching them… I double the recipe now so everyone has cookies to take home with them when they leave… I have a bad motherboard on my computer. So it has really been trying my patience. Can’t even do my DASNI Chat because I can’t stay online... Dave has notified Dell and I am sure they will be here as soon as they can… My phone buddy called… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 22, 2002

Thanks to Evelyn in Peru, Indiana and Dana and Irene in Colorado Springs for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… I woke up with a clear head this morning and it was wonderful. The two days of resting paid off… I fixed Dave a big country breakfast and did some laundry and then we went to visit Jenni and Chris’s new home. Madison was busy playing with her brothers Jake and Trevor. She is walking so good and is saying a few words… Then we picked up our dirty Santa gifts for our Christmas Eve families get together… Sometimes I smell things that no one else can smell. Sometimes they are good smells and sometimes not so good. What really is scary is when I smell smoke… I called my Mother and my friends Teresa in Missouri and Janey in Illinois… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 21, 2002

Thanks to Pat in Carson, California and Richard in Smithville, Tennessee for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… My cousin Beverly in Wisconsin called last night and she will be in Tulsa for the Christmas holiday visiting her daughter and she was hoping we could get together. It has been thirty years or so since we have seen each other… Today is the shortest day of the year. We will be having a White Christmas according to the weather forecast… It has been another cloudy day and the only thing I can remember getting accomplished today was feeding the birds… Tomorrow will be a better day… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 20, 2002

I had a phone call from my friend Ruth in Georgia last night…I got woke up too early this morning. Cindy, one of our dogs wanted to go outside and once I get woke up I might as well get up… That makes for a long day for me… I did have a surprise today. My DASNI friend, Chip in Florida called. It was nice visiting with him on the phone. Dave and I got to meet Chip and Sharon on Halloween night for the first time in Ashville, North Carolina. Chip and I have been chatting for several years on the Internet… Jenni called and invited us to come see their new home this weekend… Dave fixed his first turkey today and it was really good. I am so proud of him… I have had one of my cloudy days… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 19, 2002

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROGER!!! Roger is my nephew in Colorado Springs, Colorado… Thanks to Jeanne in Hawaii for the package… I wish I could stick to one project and finish it before I start another one, it would sure help me to get more accomplished. But I can’t seem to manage it anymore. I start one thing and get sidetracked and forget what I had started in the first place… I have all my angels set out now and my Santa’s too. I have been remembering who gave me each one or where I bought them… Last night I called my Aunt Althea and she told me that she would soon be 89 years old and that no one would believe that she is that old. Aunt Althea is Dad’s sister and my oldest living Aunt. Dave and I hope to go visit her in Louisville, Kentucky next year… I called Roger and my Mother… I am really enjoying all the Christmas cards we have been receiving… I did laundry and Dave and I have been working on the computer room going through a lot of junk and throwing away stuff… We had a visitor from Japan in our DASNI chat this afternoon. How exciting that was… I really appreciate everyone who reads my journal everyday and votes for my site. I also like it when you sign my guest book… You can vote once a day and by voting you will see other great Alzheimer’s/ Caregiver sites also… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 18, 2002

Thanks to Dave in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… Today has really been a fun day for me… Dave had his retirement luncheon. So many of his friends showed up for a big Chinese Buffet with many speeches and gifts for him. David, Lori, and Madison were there also. Kenny and Kathy wanted to be there also but they weren’t able to get off work. Dave brought tears to my eyes when he gave his speech and was thanking everyone. Especially when he was thanking me. I am so proud of my husband and happy he is finally getting to retire… David and Lori came to the house later with Madison and David helped Dave put up the tree and Lori did all the decorating while I got to play with Madison till Chris, her Daddy came to pick her up. I was so busy playing with Madison I forgot all about hosting the afternoon chat. That is a first, without having someone lined up to host for me… It is so nice Lori did all the decorating while I got to play with

December 17, 2002

When I posted the date tonight I couldn’t believe that Christmas is just a week away. We still don’t have our Christmas tree up but I am sure Dave will put it up soon and put the lights on it so I can start putting our favorite ornaments on it. Putting up a tree is a lot of work for us anymore. I don’t think we would even bother with a tree if it weren’t for the grandkids coming. They so look forward to all of our decorations each year and we do make memories for them… We had to call the Dell people because my laptop case had a crack in it. Dave called them yesterday and they were here this morning. They sure take good care of their customers… Dave took me to get a manicure and pedicure. I now have red fingernails and toenails… My thermostat has sure been going crazy, one minute I am too cold and the next thing I know I am too warm. I ended up having to go to bed and turn on the electric blanket to get warmed up… I had a phone call from David and phone buddy Virginia… It has been near 70 degrees here today… Dave fixed our supper, thanks honey… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 16, 2002

When I woke up this morning it was a Monday and I had lots of things I needed to get accomplished… I gave the dogs a bath, fed the birds and filled the birdbath, did laundry, ordered my Mother’s Christmas gift, and fixed supper. Well I tried, I had the spaghetti all ready when I realized I had forgotten to bake the breadsticks… I called my Mother and we had a nice visit. She had seen Santa and had her picture made with him holding her great grandson Kasey. Mom loves Kasey so much. He is only a few months old and she says he smiles all the time and is so cute. My sister gave Mom a manicure; she said her nails are a pretty pink. Thanks Martha for doing that for Mom. I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you are having your procedure and praying for good results… My legs and feet have been so cold today. Dave got the heating pad out and put it on them… My friend Chip and I are featured in the National Alzheimer’s Association Winter 2003 Newsletter… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 15, 2002

David and Alice left early this morning. I told them good bye last night since they told me they would be gone before I woke up this morning. We all had a wonderful time and really enjoyed their visit… We first met them in New Hampshire and later Dave and David had spent a year remote in Thailand together… When I got up I found a Santa Bear with a bag full of chocolates and a thank you note from Alice... I have been resting today and played some computer games… My friend Jeanne in Hawaii sent me lots of pictures of her trip to Barcelona so I have been enjoying looking at them. Since I wasn’t able to make the trip, the pictures are the next best thing. I put water in the bird bath and Dave bought another fifty pounds of Black Oiled Sunflower seeds so that should last awhile… Dave got our Christmas tree out of the attic so we will have our house looking like Christmas soon… I called Jan and my sister… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 14, 2002

Happy Birthday Trevor!!!Trevor is our great grandson who is four today in Moore, Oklahoma... Last night Kenny, Kathy, Josh, and Heather came by to see and visit with Alice and David... We found out we are going to be great grandparents again. Jamie and Mitch are expecting. This will make number six for us... Another day with sunshine and I love it. This morning Dave and David took the plane from Page Airport to Wiley Post Airport to have the annual done. Alice and I have been visiting and talking constantly. Well almost, we do take a break every once in awhile… I called my brother to make sure he had made it home safely from his son-in-law’s funeral. He was having a pot roast dinner for my cousins so I got to talk with them also… David came by to visit with David and Alice… Alice fixed us a delicious supper. She made homemade rolls, Johnsonville Bratwurst. I helped a little by making the coleslaw. I also baked a Mrs. Smith Pumpkin Pie for dessert…Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 13, 2002

I woke up at 4:00 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. I guess I have had too much excitement the past couple days… Dave and I fixed a big country breakfast this morning. Then Dave took Alice and David flying and then to see the sights downtown. I stayed here waiting for the Merry Maids to come clean the house… I got the bills paid and wrote a check to the Salvation Army. Writing them a check always helps me get in the Christmas Spirit. They were sure good to us when me and my brothers and sisters were kids. There were Christmas’s we probably wouldn’t have had a toy if it hadn’t been for the Salvation Army. So it is now my turn to pay back… I called my friend Joanne in Benton, Arkansas and found out her husband Ken has Leukemia. I sure was sorry to hear that… I finally got to see the sun. It seems like forever since we have had sunshine... Tonight we are going out to dinner… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 12, 2002

Thanks to Richard in Smithville, Tennessee and Edie in Indiana for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… I got up earlier than I wanted to this morning because Cindy wanted to go outside… I was doing laundry and picking up around the house because I had called Merry Maids to come tomorrow, a few days earlier than scheduled because of the guests I was expecting this weekend. Well the phone rang and it was Alice telling me that she and David were in Amarillo, Texas and would be here soon. It is a good thing I had a path cleared for them… Dave took me to the beauty shop to get my haircut and I feel so much better. Our guests arrived and we have been visiting and talking about the good times we used to have at Pease AFB back in the early 70's. We did a lot of camping and fishing back then. It is good to have old friends to visit with… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 11, 2002

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHERINE!!! Catherine is our Sister-in-law in Gahanna, Ohio… Thanks to Jeanne in Honolulu, Hawaii, Sandi in St. Charles, Missouri and Arlee in Schertz, Texas for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… I went to bed last night right after hosting the DASN Chat. It seems like I need more sleep than I used to. I go to bed earlier and wake up later… I woke up this morning and I was sixty-three years old. I had phone calls from David, Lori, Kenny, Kathy, Jenni, Erin, Norita and Wesley in California, Margot in Colorado, Aunt Florence in Texas, Martha in Yukon, Jaunita, brother George in Kentucky and sister Martha in Indiana. David, Lori, Jenni and Madison came this afternoon and brought me cards, gifts and a Red Velvet birthday cake that Lori baked for me. They also brought me a beautiful Poinsettia plant from my Sister Martha. I have gotten many birthday cards. Dave took me out to dinner and tonight Kenny, Kathy, Josh, and Heather will be here... I called my Mother and when I told her how old I was she said you are getting old like me then she said that she only wanted to have one more birthday… Thanks to all my family and friends for making me feel special on my birthday… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 10, 2002

Dave and I spent a lot of time making decisions on his retirement. He had a retirement briefing this morning. There are so many decisions to make. I just hope we make all the right ones… Dave’s wish that when I was diagnosed seven years ago that I would be able to stay alone until he retired was granted… I am ready for him to retire, as I seem to need him more and more. I feel my memory is getting worse. I forget to take my medicines, forget to take my daily shower or comb my hair, seems like I can’t remember to do both. I forget to drink water, and forget what I was going to do… Dave took me to Dillard’s to get a new winter coat tonight... A phone call from Virginia… I am tired tonight and have a headache… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 9, 2002

Thanks to Maxine in New York City, New York for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… I realized last night when I took my bedtime medication that I had missed my daytime medicines. No wonder I was on a mood roller coaster yesterday. I wasn’t even up to hosting the DASN chat last night. I just went to bed and watched a TV movie, The Locket. After watching it I had a good cry… Dave picked up some hair color today and colored my hair and I have an appointment for a haircut on Thursday. So I think I will look and feel a lot better and hopefully be easier to live with… Poor Dave, I put him through so much and he tries so hard to be such a great care partner and he is. I love you Dave and please, don’t ever forget that… I had a phone call from Kathy, Jaunita, and David and I called my phone buddy Virginia… I picked up around the house, watered my plants, fed the birds, worked on the checkbook, and cooked a chicken for Tortilla Soup for supper… I told you that tomorrow would be a better day… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma.

December 8, 2002

Dave and I watched the OU football game last night and I was so happy when they won… I woke up with a foggy head this morning and it hasn’t left me… I pushed myself to try and get out of this rut by calling a long time friend, Mary Ann in Michigan. I think I need a haircut, hair color, face-lift and a tummy hem. I can’t believe how I got this old so fast… Dave went to the airport and I played on the computer and watched some TV… Tomorrow will be a better day… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 7, 2002

I forgot to mention in my journal last night about Heather’s fifth grade Christmas program that we went to see at her school. It was called Santa’s Stuck in the 50’s. It was really cute. We found out Heather has a beautiful singing voice when she did her solo. I had never gotten to hear it before… It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine… Dave helped me give the dogs a bath and I washed their bedding and got the guest bedroom ready for our next guests… I got another package in the mail today. This is a so much fun opening gifts from my friends. This was a perpetual calendar of Hummingbirds from my phone buddy Virginia… I have called family and friends today checking to make sure they have survived the ice storm and I found out some of them are still without power in North Carolina… I had a nice visit with my Mother on the phone and that always makes my day… Sandy, it was so good to have you back in DASN chat. I am sorry about your computer crash but glad you now have a new and faster one. It was great to hear the news that the Aricept is working so well for you… I got so involved in playing dominoes I forgot about supper. That has to be a first… The area around my flu shot is quite red and Dave’s isn’t… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 6, 2002

Happy Birthday Chris!!!Chris is our grandson in Bethany, Oklahoma… Dave and I both had an early doctor’s appointments this morning. We were there at 8:00. We both got our flu shots and don’t have to return for four months… On our way to the doctor’s I noticed so many tree limbs were down from the ice storm. It had warmed up above freezing and the ice was starting to melt by the time we were coming back home. Ice was falling from the trees and wires… Our friend Pat dropped by for a little while and it was so good to see a friend with skin stop by for a visit. That seldom happens anymore… I received a package in the mail from my classmate Helen in Georgia. Thanks Helen for the fudge and rum balls. Dave and I dug right in. Yummy… I fixed Bacon, Eggs, Gravy, and Biscuits for supper… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 5, 2002

HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY BEN AND BETH!!! Ben and Beth are DASNI friends who live in Irving, Texas and celebrated their anniversary yesterday… I have had a lazy day. Nothing wrong just a lazy day… Maybe there is something wrong. I am worried about Dave. Every time I look at him he is taking another nap… Tonight we are going to Bethany to see our granddaughter perform in her Christmas program at school… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 4, 2002

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNNE!!! Lynne is our friend in Iowa Park, Texas… I called Lynne this morning and sang happy birthday to her and she didn’t hang up on me, LOL… Thanks to Judy in Lexington, North Carolina for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… Our power went off during the night for a little while because of the ice. It woke Dave up at 4:00 when his C Pap quit working… We woke up to some snow this morning and the trees are covered in ice… I did laundry, picked up around the house and fixed supper with the help of Marie Callender… My friend Pat in Midwest City, Oklahoma and my niece Kathy in Seagrove, North Carolina called. Kathy was excited because they were getting snow… Goodnight all… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma

December 3, 2002

Thanks to Howard, Catherine, Uncle Bill, and Ollie in Gahanna, Ohio for visiting Mary’s Place and signing my guest book… Last night I called Sue in Canada. It was great talking to you again Sue and I am so glad we found each other… I haven’t gotten much accomplished today. I folded clothes and put them away. I guess that counts as something… Yesterday we had 60-degree temperatures. But not today it is only in the 30’s and we are getting rain that is turning to ice and snow later tonight… It is a good thing Dave and I decided to put the flannel sheets on our bed last night… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 2, 2002

Last night I was in terrible pain from reflux. I think too much eating and too much activity got the best of me over the four-day weekend… I woke up feeling pretty weak this morning but kept pushing myself to get things done around here. I don’t like it when I get so far behind on my household duties… I fed the birds, watered the indoor plants and planted the Crown Of Thorns that I had been rooting in water. Then I started washing our bedding. It wasn’t long till I had to lie down for a little while. I just got real weak and it was like my legs were giving out on me. I have come so close to falling several times today… Thanks to Ray and Eileen for the New Zealand calendar. The pictures are so beautiful. I have always wanted to go to New Zealand… I called my friend Martha to thank her for the early birthday present. A turtle that walks and sings and some good smelling Glorious bath and shower gel… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

December 1, 2002

I would like to thank my Web mistress Teresa, for this beautiful Christmas journal page. It is my Christmas gift from her... We had and enjoyable time with our friends Alfred and Martha last night. We had the best prime rib dinner ever. Dave and I hadn’t been to Ken’s steak house in over nine years so it was good to go back there. It was much larger than I remembered it being… After dinner we went to see the Christmas lights in Yukon… I had a phone call from my school friend Carolyn in Florida this morning and also a call from David inviting us out to the Lockhart Farm… Dave helped David cut up some firewood. I spent most of my time playing with Madison. Lori fixed a pot of soup beans, corn bread and fried potatoes. They were so good… David gave me a starter from his Keifer… Lori and I went up to see Chris and Jenni and they gave me some recent pictures of Jake and Trevor. They have just bought a house so were packing up to move from the mobile home on David and Lori’s property. They will sure miss having them so close… On our way home we saw a beautiful Oklahoma sunset… I have had an enjoyable four-day weekend with my family and friends… Goodnight all… KTFIOK

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