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BERMUDAGRASS is a forage well-suited to grazing and hay production. It is a deep- rooted grass that is easily managed and very productive when properly fertilized. Due to extensive research and the introduction of numerous hybids, it is possible to reach stockings rates as high as 1/1 (one cow per acre) and harvest as much as 6,000lbs. of QUALITY hay per acre. An excellent form of grazing management for this forage is the use of 4-way rotational grazing system on a monthly cycle, but if this is not possi- ble, it will tolerate continuous grazing. For the highest quality summer hay, Bermuda should be cut approximately once a month (4 wks.). Allowing it to grow longer will usually increase yield only to sacrifice quality. In addition, Bermuda perfoms well when overseeded with ryegrass for winter grazing (although Spring growth will be slowed somewhat). Overall, Bermudagrass is probably one of the best warm season forages for cattle in the South. FURTHER INFORMATION REGUARDING BERMUDAGRASS CAN BE FOUND IN: Progressive Farmer, July 2000, p.26 [and many other issues], AND: Hort Technology, July/Sept., vol. 9, p.359-365.

Other Informative Bermudagrass Sites:

Clemson U. Extension Service- Bermudagrass establishment.
Tifton 85 study
On-line publications about forages, etc.