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Baby-Sitting Co-Op Guidelines


Purpose – The purpose of this co-op is threefold: First, the exchange of baby-sitting for free-time, second, the social development of pre-schoolers and third, parents’ exchange of information.

  1. All MOMS Club of Broken Arrow members are welcome to join.
  2. All co-op members must be in good standing with the MOMS Club.
  3. Every family who joins the co-op will, at the beginning of their "commitment", be given the same number of coupons per child.
  4. Every family will receive 5 hours of coupons per child.
  5. Each coupon equals 1 hour of play at another’s house. Only one coupon per child will be allowed. For example: Judy and Jamie, 3 hours of play equals 6 coupons.
  6. A phone list of all participating members will be given out to other co-op members. When you need a babysitter, use this list to find an available co-op member.
  7. Any family can say "NO" to a request for baby-sitting – no excuses necessary.
  8. If for any reason at any time, you do not wish to sit for a certain child because of continuous biting, hitting, sickness, etc., please contact Sherry Robinson and let her know the situation. No children that are dangerously aggressive will be permitted to remain in the co-op.
  9. Any member of the MOMS club can join or quit at anytime. No questions asked.
  10. No medication of any kind shall be administered by a sitter regardless of reason. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medication.
  11. Please remember, keeping your door open will assure an open door for you, too.
  12. If you are keeping other children during your arranged time, you must inform all members whose children will be in your care. Any member may request that no other children be kept during that time that she has arranged.
  13. No disciplinary action of the physical kind, in any way, shape or form will be allowed at any time. Time outs and quiet time are okay.
  14. Lost coupons are just that….lost. No replacement coupons will be issued ever.
  15. No sitting is done on "credit." All coupons are to be paid at the end of the sitting job.
  16. Limits on hours: 25 hours is the maximum that one sitting can last.
  17. Overnight babysitting is okay, as long as it is agreed upon by the two families.
  18. If the babysitting is during a meal or snack, the leaving mom will provide the meal or snack for her child(ren), unless other arrangements have been made in advance.
  19. Emergencies: Each family in the co-op will receive a folder at the beginning of their "commitment." It shall contain the Co-op Guidelines, an information sheet on each family in the co-op, blank medical authorization forms and their starter coupons. At each sitting, the family leaving must fill out a medical authorization form – THIS MUST BE DONE EACH TIME. Medical authorization is limited to the sitting-occasion and cannot be carried over to the next sitting-occasion.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Now that we have the rules set, go out! Do some of the things you did before you had children. Take an afternoon and go shopping. Meet a friend for lunch. With the money you are saving schedule a haircut, a facial or a manicure. Drop the children off and pick up your husband at the office for dinner and a movie. Enjoy some time together knowing your children are being well taken care of and are making new friends.

