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Further information on EXTRA 89/02 (ASA 17/059/2002, 6 December 2002) and follow-ups (ASA 17/002/2003, 9 January 2003, and ASA 7/006/2003, 22 January 2003)

Fear of imminent execution/death penalty/unfair trial/torture or ill-treatment/incommunicado detention/possible "disappearance"
1 Lobsang Dhondup (also known as Luo Rang Deng Zhu) (m)
2 Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche (also known as Ngawang Tashi or A An Zha Xi) (m)
3 Tsultrim Dargye (m), aged 36
4 Tamdring Tsering (m), aged 33
5 Ashar (or Aka) Dhargye (m), aged 40
6 Tashi Phuntsok (m), aged 39
7 Tserang Dondrup (also known as Jortse or Jotse) (m), aged approximately 65
8 Choetsom (m), aged 19

  Amnesty International has received reports that Lobsang Dhondup was executed on 26 January 2003, after his conviction was upheld for alleged involvement in a series of bombings in Sichuan province, southwest China. There are serious concerns that Lobsang Dhondup's trial was unfair. He appears to have been held for several months incommunicado, he was not given full and adequate legal representation and his trial was held in secret. According to official sources, this was because the case involved "state secrets", but the authorities have not explained how this related to the charges the defendants faced, which included "inciting separatism", "causing explosions" and "illegal possession of guns and ammunition".
  Lobsang Dhondup's co-defendant, the Tibetan religious leader, Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche, had been given a death sentence with a two-year suspension of execution in connection with the same case. His appeal was also rejected by the Sichuan High People's Court on 26 January 2003.
  Amnesty International has also learnt that Tserang Dondrup, arrested in connection with the monks' detention, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment, and not to eight as previously stated. Some six others arrested in connection with the case are believed to remain in detention. The whereabouts of two young monks who were reportedly interrogated and beaten in connection with the case remain unknown and there are 
serious concerns for their safety.

According to media reports, Lobsang Dhondup's execution was confirmed by a local court official at the Kardze (Ganzi) Intermediate People's Court, in the Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. If this is true, it would be the first known case of the execution of a Tibetan for alleged political offences in many years. Until now, the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR), home to the mainly Muslim Uighur minority, was the only place where Amnesty International has recorded executions of political prisoners in recent years. There are serious concerns that this case could signal a move by the Chinese authorities to extend the use of the death penalty to those branded as political opponents, 'separatists' or  'terrorists' beyond the XUAR. In China the death penalty is used extensively, arbitrarily and frequently as a result of political interference. There is often an increase in executions and death sentences on or around major events or before public holidays, such as on National Day (1 October) or the Chinese New Year, which this year falls between 1-3 February. Execution is by shooting or lethal injection.

Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Chinese or your own language: (Luo Rang Deng Zhu and A An Zha Xi are the 
Chinese names of Lobsang Dhondup and Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche. Please use these Chinese names in letters to the authorities).
- expressing dismay at the reported execution of Luo Rang Deng Zhu (Lobsang Dhondup) on 26 January 2003;
- expressing opposition to the death penalty as the ultimate form of cruel and inhumane punishment, and a violation of the right to life, as guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
- calling on the Chinese government to end its extensive and arbitrary use of the death penalty and not to carry out further executions prior to the upcoming Chinese New Year (1-3 February 2003);
- expressing grave concern that the trials of both Luo Rang Deng Zhu (Lobsang Dhondup) and A An Zha Xi (Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche) were unfair, and calling on the authorities to conduct an immediate and impartial review of the case against A An Zha Xi (Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche);
- if the charges are well-founded, calling on the authorities to conduct a re-trial in an open court in line with international fair trial standards; if the charges are not well-founded, calling for A An Zha Xi (Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche) to be released unconditionally;
- calling on the authorities to reveal the names and whereabouts of all those believed to be detained in connection with this case and to clarify the charges against them;
- urging the authorities to release them unless they are charged or convicted of a recognizable criminal offence;
- calling on the authorities to launch a full, immediate and impartial investigation into all allegations of torture or ill-treatment with a view to bringing the perpetrators to justice.

(NOTE: Fax numbers may be difficult to obtain, but please keep trying)

*Acting Governor of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government ZHANG Zhongwei Daishengzhang Sichuansheng
Renmin Zhengfu Duyuanjie, Chengdushi Sichuansheng,
People's Republic of China
Telegram: Provincial Governor, Chengdu, China
Fax: +86 28 8435 6784 / 8435 6789 (c/o Foreign Affairs office of Sichuan Government)
Salutation: Dear Governor

*Director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Justice ZENG Xianzhang Tingzhang Sifating 24 Shangxianglu,
Chengdushi 610015 Sichuansheng People's Republic of China
Telegram: Director, Sichuan Justice Department,
Chengdu, China
Fax: +86 2 8435 6784 / 8435 6789 (c/o Foreign Affairs office of Sichuan Government)
Salutation: Dear Director

*Minister of Justice Zhang Fusen Sifabu (Ministry of Justice)
10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie, Chaoyangqu Beijingshi 100020, People's Republic of China
Telegram: Justice Minister, Beijing, China
Fax: +86 10 65 292345 (c/o Ministry of Communications)
Salutation: Dear Minister

*President of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China XIAO Yang Yuanzhang Zuigao Renmin Fayuan
27 Dongjiao Min Xiang
Beijingshi 100726 , People's Republic of China
Telegram: President of Supreme People's Court,
Beijing, China
Fax: + 86 10 6529 2345 (c/o Ministry of Communications)
Salutation: Dear President

COPIES TO: Diplomatic representatives of the People's Republic of China accredited to your country.