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PoPsIcLe'S pAgE!!!

WeLcOmE 2 mY pAgE!!

Hi Guys-N-Girlies..... you obviously know who's page this is or you wouldn't be here .... for those who have trouble remembering their own names, much less the names of their friends (JuSt KiDdIn!!!!!!!!!), I'm Caroline.

Heyhey to my friends..... Zak - Hon I dont want to know about "the band's" spare time..... love you ...... Ashley S - Hazing? i think that qualifies..... Nan - The Zak/boobs analogy ~ priceless ..... Lizzy - what??? you dont like my tae bo right kicks??? ..... Ashley C - I still have his CD....... Bek - the hoopty rocks ... literally when Michael's around..... Miranda - Drivin out of Pizza Hut ~ the ultimate test hehe...... To the rest.... you know who you are ..... my fingers are just tired..... byes - Carolina

ThE rEsT oF mY pAgE!!!