The Aviation Art Of Lynn Redfern
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The Aviation Art of Lynn Redfern
Welcome to my Aviation Art sight!
Let me first introduce myself and tell you something about me.I was born in Oklahoma ,raised in Texas and have been a certified airplane nut since birth.I am married and have two sons.I am a pilot (CASLI)E.A.A. member and former member of the U.S. Air Force and Texas Air National Guard.
I started painting as hobby in 1976. I am self taught and have done about a two hundred different paintings.The medium I use is oil , but I have included some of my earlier works in acrylics on here.I have had lots of encouragement from well known aviation artists such as Dru Blair, But I am as yet unpublished.In December of 1999, I was placed on the Smithsonian's list of aviation artists.Here for your perusal are my paintings .I hope that you enjoy them and return often as this sight is dependent upon activity for existence. The guest book has been removed.Thank You !!!!!!! Lynn

The Aviation Art of Lynn Redfern ,feel free to save as wall paper , all other copy rights reserved.
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