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Penyakit Tidak
dimuntahkan Dari Langit.
Ingat Kerusakan
Termasuk Lingkungan
Moral, Rusak!
adalah Penyebab
Segala Kehancuran.

Hospital Safety

Hospital Waste

Pain & Diathermy

Safety Program

Touch me!
Touch me!

Text Box: I have soothed myself into imagining sudden change as something that happens outside the normal order of things.  An accident like a car crash,  or  beyond our control like a fatal illness.
 We do not conceive of sudden radical, irrational change as built into the very fabric of existence.
Yet it is.   And chaos theory teaches us that straight linearity, which we have come to take for granted in every thing from physics to fiction, simply does not exist. Linearity is an artificial way of  viewing the world.  Real life isn’t a series of interconnected event occurring one after another like beads strung on a necklace.  Life is actually a series of encounters in which one event may change those that follow in a wholly unpredictable, even devastating way. That’s a deep truth about the structure of our universe. But, for some reason, we insist on behaving as if it were not true.”


Touch me!
All the subjects at here are taken from the qualified book, some of them are written by Mang Ali,Materi yang disajikan disini kami ambil dari buku-buku yang bermutu dan tentu saja sangat bermanfaat bagi para praktisi di-bidang ini.


it is not doubt those articles  provided are important because all of them can not be found in theBuku-buku referensi semua tidak beredar di Indonesia, ini kami dapatkan dari pengiriman langsung baik dari British atau Amerika


bookstores or some libraries.
So, You are on the right way if you choose them for your further  

     planning for your Hospital Safety program, or other  related work.

Ambulan SiapSedia
Check and Recheck Ambulan
Barak Bersih Karyawan Sehat!
Kesehatan Kerja
Ohhh, Dokter ku..stress
Ini dia...Cepat tanggap..Selamat!
dari pada menaikan bendera Kejora, mendingan jadi dokter dan Pak Haji...
Safety Group Foto Sehabis Audit
Incinerator, Good and as Standard
Incinerator, special for Medical waste


Now, The world need You, to improve Environmental and Health.

     And to carry out the Safety program well in your workplace !

     Brothers and Sisters, You are the experts so don’t be shame


To join us.
SaksiKan FotoFoto!
Tempat Sampah Medis, sharps
Hasil Endoscopy
Ini Pasien
Siap-siap untuk inspeksi..!
Good Incinerator..!
Hospital Isolation Room
Jembatan Penyeberangan yg Aman
Sebuah kantor Safety
Dingin dan kabut....Flu !
Tempat Sampah Medis.
Tambang, dengan pengolahan limbah yang baik
Kantor Ruang Rawat Hospital,..Strategis
Ruang Rawat...
Ruang Emergency Hospital...



 Tingkah Laku Unsafe

      Sewaktu Bekerja

Kecelakaan Kerja!
Saksikan FotoFoto
Bencana? Kumpul disini!
Periksa pasien
Ruang USG
Kamar Ronsen

Ini Kamar periksa Pasien
High Care Unit, kantong sampah Medis
Kerja Di Lab.
Kebersihan adalah Keselamatan Kerja
Pasien berobat
Ini juga pasien
Pasien Bayi, diperiksa
Ruang pasien
Ruang rawat inap
Ini juga ruang rawat inap
kamar Kerja dokter
Kamar Rontgen..

Saya Yakin disamping interest di bidang Kesehatan Lingkungan Dan Keselamatan Kerja, Anda adalah Ahli-nya!, Jika Anda berkenan silahkan kirim Articles Anda "kepada Mang Ali",Sehingga Articles Anda tersebut dapat dibaca oleh setiap visitor disini dan Insya-Allah bermanfaat bagi kita semua, amin.

Bahaya Rokok
Articles You
Articles me
Articles You
Articles me
Articles me
Articles making
Articles You
Articles You
Articles me
Articles me
Articles me


Mari Ikut Dialog!


CopyRightby Mang Ali