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Languages of Arth

The Chart below shows all of the major languages of Arth. As outlined in the HSR, related languages share some similarity, which affects the cost of learning new languages depending on whether one knows other languages in the same group. The similarities are:

Languages with 4 point similarity. A player who speaks one language in this group has half points (rounding down) in other languages in the same group. For example, anyone with four points in North Kynish also has 2 points in South Kynish

Languages with 3 point similarity. Anyone with two points or more in a language within this group may understand some phrases in other languages from the same group with an INT roll. Also if you speak one language from this group, other languages in the same group are learnt at -1 to the cost.

Languages with 2 point similarity. If you speak one language from this group, other languages in the same group are learnt at -1 to the cost.

Languages with 1 point similarity. Languages in this group can be learnt with no penalties or bonuses. Languages learnt outside this group are +1 to cost - although once one knows a language in the new group, the penalty no longer applies to further languages in that group.


It will be noted that most languages fall into two broad groups. All of these languages are derived from the two great civilisations that sprang from the Dark Millenium, and although many ages of the world have passed since then, each group has retained some common features. This is because the cultures from which most modern civilisations have descended were themselves old and sophisticated, and even after their fall, they left reams of literature and treasure troves of art that enabled some transmission of their language. Their culture was so advanced compared to that of many of their primitive neighbours, that these tribes were absorbed and these languages have vanished without trace.

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