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Chapter 7 - Confused

The babies' deaths put a strain of Brian and Charmony's relationship. They were blaming themselves for the babies's deaths though both didn't care to admit that. Charmony went into depression and hardly ever said a word. AJ and Brian both realized this and tried their best to get Charmony to open up to them. All efforts wer failing and all the rest of the BSB could see Brian and Charmony's relationship quickly fading away. Months had gone by since the babies' deaths and still no talking from Charmony.

*Four Months after the Twins' Deaths*

"Frack, I don't know what to do. She doesn't speak to me, she hardly ever smiles, life has gone out of her eyes, and she spends most of her time wrapped up in Bone's arms having him comfort her. I can't take it anymore," Brian confided.

"Do you still love her," Nick asked.

"Of course I still love her. She's my "Lucky Charm." I'll always be in love with her. That's something that will never change," Brian answered Nick.

"Well, Let her go and see if she comes back. Maybe having to be around you all the time is what is keeping her in her depression," Nick suggested.

"You're right. Charm and I do need a break. After all we have been together for 14 years and engaged for 5 years. It's obvious we aren't ready to be married and losing the twins just made it even a bigger revelation that we need space."

"Spare me the monolouge, Frick and tell her. She needs to her it not me," Nick reasoned.

Brian luaghed, "When did you grow up oh immature one? The last time I checked I was the one giving you advice."

"What can I say I have my moments." Both men laughed, said farewell and went their separate ways.

30 Minutes Later

Brian walked in to the apartment he shared with AJ and Charmony. Charmony was on a conference call with her agents.

"Well, I could care less about what they think or what you think for that matter...What do I mean by that statement? I mean you try carry twins inside you for nine months, deliver them, nurse them for a month and then have to bury them in the ground...Oh so now I'm damaged goods?... No, that's where you're mistaken!!!... Do you know who you are talking to?... Yeah well you're a pompous asshole who molests underage teenage girls.... Oh, you forgot I knew about that? Well maybe I'll just have to report you to the authorities?... You tell them that I will be at that shoot at 10:30 in the morning tomorrow and they better have outfits for me or I'm going to be really pissed. They can't give me 24 hour notice telling me I'm not wanted on the set....I don't care what you don't think what you can do. DO IT or I will fire you anf fine an agent who does know how to do there job!!!" She slammed down the phone. Then she realized that Brian was home, "Hi, when did you get back?"

"A few minutes ago," Brian answered somberly.

Charmony noticed Brian's tone and atittude, "Lucky, What's wrong Honey?"

Brian couldn't answer her. How could he tell someone he loved so deeply and for so long that they needed their space for the time being.

"Lucky, You're starting to scare me. What's the matter?" She asked after about five minutes, when he didn't answer her.

"Charm? We need to talk."

"You know we can always talk about anything, Lucky. Why are you acting like this?"

"Not anymore."

"What do you mean not anymore," Charmony asked incrediously. She didn't know what Brian was talking about.

"Ever since the twins' death, you've alienated yourself from me, you've been in the deepest depression, and you won't talk to anybody. When you do talk, you yell, or swear. You just become real volital. It's like I don't even know you anymore," Brian said softly and painfully.

"What do you mean," Charmony asked incrediously again.

"I think we should call off our engagement and take a break from each other for a while," he began as tears started rolling down his cheeks, "Charm, I love you but we need to break up and have our priorities reconsidered."

"I can't believe you are saying this to me. Lucky? You're my best friend, my lover, my first and only boyfriend. Hasn't the last 14 years meant anything to you? Please don't do this! I love you!!" She pleaded.

"I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore. I love you too much and my only solution is to let you go." With that said Brian and Charmony sat quietly staring at each other. The eventually hugged each other and cried, not believing this was really happening to them. Not knowing what life was going to be like without each other and being scared of the world.

Brian broke the embrace first, wipe the tears off his face, kissed her on her forehead and ended his romantic relationship with his best friend since birth. Charmony just broke down and cried as Brian walked away from her forever.

10 pm that night

AJ came home from his day off. The last thing he expected to see was Charmony crying her eyes off on the couch while sleeping. He walked quietly and slowly over to her not to startle her but his attempts failed. Charmony whailed in surprise. She realized it was AJ and flung her arms around his shoulds resting her head on his chest; clinging on to him for dear life, still crying.

"What wrong Charmony?"


"Brian... What?"

"Brian broke up with me," she finally managed to get out and cried.

"He WHAT?"

"He said something about being being distant and depressed and it was all the babies' fault." She babbled incoherently.

AJ knew Charmony wasn't making this up. The three months that he had being living with Charmony and Brian together he could tell how close they were. Seeing Charmony like this just reminded him of the nights he spent with her all those years ago and didn't know who she was. "Charmony, did he say anything else?"

"He said that he needed some space. That he didn't know me anymore. I'm confused as to how he doesn't. I love him so much." She cried and with what was left of her heart crumbled.

AJ could see Brian broke Charmony's heart with his sudden need to be free from his and Charmony's relationship. It tore AJ up as well inside. He loved Charmony and kept his feelings to himself. He didn't want to jeopardize his friendship with Brian anymore that it was now. I'm going to have a talk with that whimp. He's not going to remember what hit him after I'm through, he thought while stroking Charmony's hair and shushing her to calm down. "He'll be sorry he let you go Charmony. Any man is... I mean would be lucky to have you as his girl."

This just made Charmony cry even harder. "I don't want any man. I want Lucky," she whailed.

AJ felt lost and confused as well. He thought he was making Charmony feel better, but he was only making her feel worse. "It'll be ok. Everything will be just fine."

Charmony at this point fell asleep in AJ's arms and stirring in her sleep. AJ lifted her up and carried her over into his room and laid in bed pulling his covers over her body. Then quietly exited his room and closing the door. He walked to the hallway linen closet and pulled out a blanket and so pillows, walked to the living room and set up camp on the couch. What a night. Brian might not to cross pathes with me in the morning, AJ thought while falling asleep.
