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THROUGH THE BIBLE by Thedora Wilson Wilson Published By Collins London and Glasgow 1938

It is indeed a wonderful journey to travel down the centuries in the company of the men, women, and children of the Bible. We are out to understand how they lived, and what they thought, and we shall lose the best thrill of our journey unless we try to put ourselves side by side with them. We shall then delight in their joys, and be sorry when they are disappointed, or when they do wrong.

We shall often admire them, and feel proud of their actions, but sometimes we shall feel surprised at what they do. For in those long ago days, men had strange ideas as to what was right and wrong. The Bible is the greatest library in existence, for the stories contained in it help us to understand the marvellous patience of God with mankind.

The real "Hero" of the Bible is God.

God is called "Jehovah" in the early stories; and we shall discover that some of our Bible companions loved Jehovah passionately and faithfully, and to some extent understood Him. But many, like the heathen round about, still thought of God as hard and even cruel, and as a God who must be appeased by sacrifices.

It was only gradually that men and women began to under God better, and to discover Him as a Father who loved them.

When we reach the Third Part of our Journey, we shall find that God is just like Jesus Christ.