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I think I'm in love with an angel, For everytime I lay my eyes upon her, Its like looking into the Garden Of Eden, Sweet, Pure, and full of sunshine._____________________________________________________________________________________ You are the only one, Who is more beautiful than the mythic phoenix, Whose voice sails among the angels, and soothes men's hearts. Your eyes, Are like diving in a deep majestic sea. The heavens surely cried when this angel fell, and they honor her by giving the seasons. The sun shines down, only to catch a glimpse of your beauty. The stars shine, only to show the hearts you've stolen. Finally, The reason love exists, is because men dream of meeting you, The most beautiful of all Celestial beings._____________________________________________________________________________________ You are so beautiful, That when you smile, The essence of you shines true and bright. Your hair reflects the sunshine, that warms my lonely heart. It seems as if you were taken from a picture, so perfect. I'm sure the angels threw you out of heaven, Jealeous of a being such as you.___________________________________________________________________________________________ On that night, Many things happened, But only you I remember. Your eyes, Yes, As beautiful as they are, Warmed my heart all night. Your hair, Glistening in the bright moonlight, Seemed to light our romantic walk. Your Kiss, Oh, I will never forget, So soft, so loving, Made me forget all my faults, All my troubles. So, my love, What I'm trying to say is, I LOVE YOU!___ Even though I know not where you are, My dream lover, In my heart I feel I do, And forever I will wish for you. And when that wish comes true, I will alwayz be there for you. If it does not come true, Then forever I will sit here, Wishing for you. Sitting here in my chair, Wondering, If she will come, I can get so lonely, Just sitting here in my chair. She is my lover, yes, But only in my dreams, If my dreams were to come true, I would be, The happiest man in the world. But until then my love, I remain here, Sitting in my chair. ___________________________________________________________________ Sitting here, Sitting there, No matter where i am, I cannot help this feeling, Of wanting to be with you. It consumes my soul, this feeling, of love for you, And i hope, you feel it too. Because my love, I love you!_________________________________ In my world, It's you and me, Because i love you, And you love me. Sitting here, thinking of you, is all that it seems i can do. Your kiss, is so warm against my cold lips, Your love, So warm it melts the iciness of my heart. Your beauty, Cannot even compare to a red rose, This is why i love you so, in this world of, depression and sadness. In my world, Of love for you.___________,....... sorry, i had to do all the ____ to seperate them. any comments, etc. would be appreciated :)
