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Full Name: Michael James Cuccione

Last Name Pronunciation: Coo-chi-own-nie (ie = the end of "really") "cc" in Italian is pronounced "ch"

Age: 16

Birthday: January 5, 1985

Ethnic Group: Italian

Status: Single (he hasn’t had a girlfriend since he was 10! Awwww how cute is that?!?)

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Wavy, dark brown (it was straight and blond before his chemotherapy treatments)

Born In: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Current Residence: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Mother's Name: Gloria Cuccione

Father's Name: Domenic Cuccione

Siblings: Sophia, 17; Steven, 12

Religion: Roman Catholic

Favorite TV show: "Friends"

Favorite actors: Jim Carrey, Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks

Favorite actresses: Sharon Stone and Helen Hunt

Favorite movies: "The Green Mile" and the "Godfather" series

Favorite food: Pasta

Favorite candy: Sourpatch Kids

Favorite band: 112

Hobbies: All sports, except golf

The News Article from BCTV News

MTV's Article on Michael

Michael's Obituary's article on Michael

ABC New's Article

Yahoo News has the story as well

If you would like to check out the Michael Cuccione Foundation website click here