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Information For The Health Professional
For Doctors, Midwives, and Nurses Interested In What the DONA Certified
Doula Does, and Represents.

Thank you for your interest in doulas. I made this page to provide information that particularly addresses the questions and concerns health professionals have about doulas. If you have any suggestions or additional questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

I am concerned with what reputation has been set by other doulas here before me, since I am new to the Springs. I do invite you to call or email me if you have any questions for me. Personally, I would like to make clear that there are many people calling themselves doulas and practicing in different ways. Some have been to training, and are not sure whether they want to certify, or are in the process of doing so. You do not have to be certified or trained to offer yourself for hire as a doula. I do feel it is a bit more ethical and professional to have some standards and guidelines to stand behind, and clarify your terms of practice. There are also those who are certified but do not practice in a way that keeps the reputation of fellow doulas in good standing.

I would ask you as a health professional
to please not judge all doulas
according to one doula's behavior.

There is also the "monitrice" who practices much like a direct entry midwife in the home before accompanying the mother to the hospital. She does clinical tasks such as vaginal exams, and heart tones. I do not practice in this way. I am a midwife's assistant when hired by the midwife to help at a home birth with her, but that is assisting, not practicing or diagnosing. When I am hired by a hospital birthing client for labor support, **I keep my hands completely out of the clinical realm.**
I know clearly what those boundaries are, and I abide by them.

There are now more and more associations training and certifying doulas. They each have different values and guidelines they ask you to adopt for affiliation, and certification with their group. Doulas Of North America is the most well known organization and has been the largest for many years.

As a member, and certified doula with Doulas Of North America, I feel firmly about abiding within the standards of practice and limitations that are clarified for the doulas certified with them. I invite you to read from the informational link library below, that connects directly to the DONA website for specific topics I felt would be helpful in understanding my role and scope of practice.