News at Bubblegum Universe

August 22, 2003
Back from Comic-con with Total Crash Collection, I'll review that as soon as I can tear myself away from all the other anime I got as well. In Tokyo 2040 news, for those of you who thought that the Perfect Collection ADV Films put out was as good as it got, you should check out the aluminum box for the 6 single DVDs over at, in addition to that they've also got varying custom deals going for the beautiful box so if you have all 6 DVDs, the Perfect collection or NONE of the DVDs at all, they can help. In probably old news on the Original Bubblegum Crisis, there's STILL vinyl model kits popping up on eBay, most of them out of Thailand and Hong Kong. I'm toying with the thought of picking one up because they look great, but I'm at a loss as to how to assemble, paint or build one considering I'm partially colorblind and am notoriously clumsy with such things. Anyway, to further plug, there's a lot of other things Bubblegum to be found if you do a search on "bubblegum crisis". VHS, DVD, comics, boxed sets. S'all good!

November 8, 2002
I uh, neglected to mention it in BGCU, but I *FINALLY* got around to putting the BGC Boxed Set review up!!! It's been finished for... uh, awhile. I just got so busy I completely forgot to link it! Sorry! I'm debating whether or not to pick up the Boxed set of Tokyo 2040... I lost the fifth DVD (don't ask) and I'm eager to save shelf space... besides that's a really neat lookin' box.

May 31, 2002
Picked up the rest of the Tokyo 2040 DVDs and to be honest, I was wrong about the series. Now Don't misunderstand me, the whole vein popping, fang growing, bubbling over nonsense that the Boomers go through when they go rogue is still totally stupid and the series still has tons of flaws. But after the second DVD things picked up A LOT and even through the ending left me wanting, I was still satisfied. Damn good series in retrospect, but had a few episodes that the series could have done without.

May 24, 2002
Finally have the New ADP series and I've got it up for review! Check the ADP news below or the Bubblegum Universe ADP section for the link to the review. Haven't run into a boxed set of Tokyo 2040 yet, nor have I run into the Original AD Police files on DVD. Yet. Also, I've just gotten clean from a Worm that infected my office about a week ago, unfortunately this set back some of my plans for the new BGC gallery >_<

The Original BGC series + Hurricane Live has been converted to DVD in the CORRECT fashion early this year with neat menus and some decents extras. Have the Boxed set up for review, but all four DVDs are available seperately at about $20 each or if you find the Boxed set (which is going to be hard being that it flew off the shelves of damn near everyplace around here, whilst it was in huge supply) for around $60 at decent places like Best Buy or much higher elsewhere. Boxed sets popped up at various video retailers in small numbers it's still available at here.
5/24/2002 - I found a lot more of the BGC Boxed sets popping up and I should have the review finished and up (finally!!!) by this weekend assuming everything goes according to plan.

Finally I've got the rest of the series and to be honest, it's a lot better than I gave it credit for. It stumbled quickly on the 2nd DVD, but after that, it turned into something worth watching! There are still a lot of things I have trouble swallowing and many aspects I find totally ridiculous, but after spending and entire day watching the entire series I can say that it was worthwhile after all.

The last DVD (For all Mankind) is on sale, as are all the other DVDs at here

Bubblegum Crash has... Crashed. So you won't see too much of that anymore, there is a tape available that I've come across with the entire series packed into it either dubbed or subbed. I haven't checked if it's in DVD form yet. Pick it up if you're desperate for closure on the original BGC series and drink a LOT while watching it because I see litte point in watching it sober. :) It's terribly depressing.
Update! The complete Crash Collection is on DVD, look for it wherever you buy anime DVDs (Suncoast, Best Buy, Sam Goody, Virgin Records, Borders, etc.) I'll review this when I have the spare time and cash to go buy it.

A.D. Police Files is available from Animeigo last I knew on 3 different tapes dub or sub. Saw imported tapes from the UK with different episode titles and all on one tape. Deperately hoping that another series will rear its head and NOT be like either the freaky ADP manga or the oversexed ADP series (which was based on the manga). Nor do I hope it to be like Tokyo 2040. I see a LOT of potential provided they avoid throwing in kinky sex and or robots that stupidly mutate into monsters (UGH!).
Update! The NEW series is out! Haven't watched it yet myself, but the cover art looks a lot like the Tokyo 2040 character designs. It appears to be an OAV like the previous series, this one called "To Protect and Serve" (I think that's backwards >_<) You can purchase it on DVD here, but it won't be available according to Amazon until April 9th. While the tape is already in stores. Will review when I get ahold of it.
5/24/2002 I've got a review of the New ADP Files from ADV Films HERE! Found it at my Best Buy for $24.99 and saw it at Suncoast for about the same. Hoping to see the Original AD Police Files on DVD (or at least available nearby) soon.

Email Tekyu with updates! ^_^

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