Bubblegum Crash

Tekyu in a Jar Presents...

Bubblegum Crash!

Let’s say you came up with the perfect plan to take over the world, let’s also say that in order for it to work out you had to die...
After you die you get put into a new body with incredible powers and enough shadowy influence to take down the monster who once commanded and controlled you...
When the final stage of your plan is in effect something you didn’t predict happens, no matter, you will go back to your lair and rethink things...
What’s this? Rescue Anri?! Well now, it’s a KnightSaber...

From there, let’s say everything goes horribly wrong. Your arm is torn off, your satellite beam blast nails YOU instead, and you get a bullet in your head just when you almost salvage some dignity! Then to top things off you fall off possibly the largest man-made structure on the planet, the friggin' GENOM tower!!!!!

Would you be bitter? I thought so... THUS comes the Sequel to the definitive cyberpunk 8 part OAV series:

Bubblegum Crash!

Following the Lawsuit that killed the previous series, Sonoda and Artmic got together and created this 3-part series which is meant to act as closure for the BGC (many would argue that it instead bastardized it, but that's for another time and soapbox). Years later we see our lovely ladies have moved on in life, Mackie's gone off to Europe and either everyone forgot about Genom or it simply disappeared! Things are pretty tame until a certain Hyperboomer comes back to tear things up and bring Megatokyo to its knees!!! In a complex and twisted series of events, the toughest opponent the Knight Sabers had ever faced comes back and begins to manipulate people for mysterious reasons. The girls have more widget related stuff this time around with improved suits, a new gunship, tons of neat gadgets (particularly for Priss' suit) and, of course, some new clothes.
While not the most memorable portion of the BGC Universe. It stood out for the primary reason that it ENDS the series. That's probably the only thing it really had going for it since the production values (story, audio, visuals, etc.) took a back seat for this obviously rushed project. A must see for any BGC completist who bemoans the hanging conclusion to the original series or wants to see why people turn their noses up when they hear Crash mentioned as continuity.

The 3-part series is available on one tape (dub or sub) and on DVD from Animeigo in "The complete Crash collection", pick it up at your local DVD retailer for $24.99 (price seen at Suncoast Video).
I picked up the Total Crash Collection DVD in late July of '03 so expect a review sometime soon.

Bubblegum Crash Reviews, by X. Luevano

Crash Links

Bubblegum Crash Website

My Priss Bubblegum Crash Cels

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