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Car 55

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This page is about my band called Car55. It consists of Stephen(guitar and vocals), Kirk(bass and vocals), and Craig(drums). We also have a trombone player though he's not a permanent member of the band. He plays on our ska songs and since we really havent developed a permanent style yet, he doesnt play on all our songs. We have been together for about 5 or 6 months. We play punk,alternative, and ska. We cover songs from bands like Plankeye, MxPx, and The Supertones. We are starting to accumulate a lot of songs written by us. (mainly Kirk). We played a concert on August 8th with Doubting Thomas at our church. To see pictures of the concert click here.

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Butterflies - Car 55

Go Away - Car 55

The Band
See Pics of Our Latest Concert