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Septic Tumor Lyrics

Born Blind

Most of humanity may never come to see
why this world angers me
Populated by poeverty
Dominated by the greedy
Mankind may never be free
Think of someone but yourself
Think of something but your wealth
Its monetary status
that leads to world wide pain and sadness
I will be this way til I die
a hate from deep inside
but you not need know why
know only soon it will be you
Time has come to end for you and the rest of humanity to end
for you and the rest of humanity too
but it only knows that its days are through
Through time mankind has seen many deaths in the name of greed
but I will never be a part of that sick machine
Machines now dominate our earth
we're trained to be one since birth
but never did we think first
it only goes to show what we're worth

80,000 Hens

Eighty thousand hens in a henhouse
Go so insane they peck each others eyes out
Who gives a fuck just debeak them
No one cares about this inhumane system
A calf born in a cage can't even turn around
On a shit covered floor she can't even lie down
Spends it's life as an imprisoned slave
When it's fat and plump take it's life away
Eighty thousand hens in a henhouse
gotta let em go gotta let em out
a calf born into a tiny cage
gotta be freed gotta be saved

Bad Apples

Selfish as individuals
preservation as priorities
Suicidal altogether
Extinction bound collectively
Our short sighted actions
Thinking me instead of we
Drives us to extermination
Like lemings to the sea

Our hedonistic self-indulgences
Has created this industrial hell
We efficiently raped our enviroment
But ultimatly we fucked ourselves

future generations
Will curse what they've been given
A chance to die painfully
In a world they didn't want to live in
The wastefilled aftermath
Of greed gone unbridled
Will only prove
that humans are altoghther suicidal

all songs anti-copyright © by Septic Tumor 1999

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