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Septic Tumor Bio

Septic Tumor is a Hardcore/Punk band from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Septic Tumor started as a five piece band in the summer of '98. Septic Tumor's second guitarist quit and the band is now a four piece.

we just got back from tour with hollowed out
it was great. we would like to thank the following: everone who set us up (almost), all the bands we played with (for the most part), anyone who helped us in any way .our girlfriends for supporting ,us any one who watched our ,animals and our animals for not getting hit by cars or something everone who bought our records . hollowed for being so cool. grant for being so toughand playing in both bands. anyone i forgot sorry
septic tumor

The Septic Tumor/Dairy Queens split should be out in November
We also have a tape coming out on Male No Cicro in poland which will probably be out in November

In January we will be on a benifit comp for the Angola three with Resist and Exist (CA), Strong Intention (MD), Boycot (Holland), Hell On Earth (WI), Los Rezios (Peru), Dr. Green (Lithuania), Bramborak (Lith.), One Reason (MS), Lead Nitrate (Singapore), Nose Candy (Singapore), My Lai (IL), Academy Morticians (UK), Too Many Screaming Children (CA), Migra Violenta (Argentina), Septic Tumor (OK), Stop The Presses (SD), Excreta (Slovenia), En Tu Contra (Peru), Disidentes (Peru), Malgobierno (Peru), and Autonomia (Peru).

We are also going to appear on a 7 inch comp with Herpees, Burnpile, Snotrokitz, Asembly of God, St. Peter Ghidora

I think we are also going to apear ona comp for Riotous Assembly records

Next Project

Septic Tumor/Black Market Fetus split LP

Septic Tumor is

If you would like to contact Septic Tumor you can E-mail Jesse by clicking on his name below.

E-mail Jesse

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Septic Tumor