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Da End


(02-03-2000) ... It's been almost a year that I've updated this site almost every single day and I'm finally gonna shut it down for good ... with the amount of hits that I get here, I guess there are ppl out there who likes this site and visits everyday and put up with the trash I say ... I don't know and have no idea if this site contributes to anything for the society but I really do hope that you ppl out there are wiser and richer now after visiting this site ... :)

Market Getting Too Hot for me ... don't wanna be involved much ... liquidate again and wait ... ;)
Every dumb F has become an Expert in giving tips with sure reach targets ... hehe ... just play for fun now ... be very careful and take care.

CI Breaches 750 ... hehe ... all trend back on UP with a downward failure on the mid term ... very good on paper ... ;)

Could be the start of a Super Bull and more ppl who has lost money starting to come in again since quite some already breakeven from the price they bought ... ;)

From my last update, it's been a year ... and most of the shares already up 50-200% or more for certain shares, that's multiple decades of of FD based on current rates... hehe. So what else to do but to liquidate and wait and see if the trend can continue with index breaching 750.
As for the trend, it's been Up for about 10 months. Not too bad especially with the xxx % gains on certain shares... if the trend can continue up then I'll consider playing for fun, else it'll be sometime before my next update.

On Trend ... the Long Term is still Up but very critical currently. If it break down these few days, it'll catch a lot of ppl again. Syndicates are trying to liquidate as much as possible due to the run-up.
Mid-Term ... Critical and Short Term is already on Down.

IF index can break 750, we could be in for another Mega Bull but the Short Term has to turn up 1st. Hopefully the syndicates will combine arms and make that happen, else they'll get stuck again and the stupid unit-trust dumb ppl will have to do road-shows to gather more money ... ;)

Last few trading days looks good for a reversal due to a quite significant trend stop signal. Lots of shares dropped more than half of their value from the 800 level.
Short/Mid/Long Term Trends still show down, but prices are real good, lots of shares at historical lows, Risk to reward starts looking better everyday. If the market don't bottom out soon for preparation of a major BULL trend, then a lot of shares will be really really cheap, even school children can afford 1 lot per week ... especially shares in MESDAQ ... hehe
Good opportunity to collect hard to get shares now since there are willing sellers ... active shares are riskier since they follow trends ... Genting still a long way from my buy below RM 9, but still a lot of great bargains around .. probably you'll get 3-4 years of FD by 1st Q next year .. If you wanna contra, wait till the trend changes ... could be another week or 2 months ... mabbe in Mid-End November (Based on my secret recipe ... this sh*t changes all the time but since May when I liquidated, my traget hasn't changed yet especially since Genting finally started dropping, the stupid counter has been screwing up the CI real Bad, it's about time) ... :-)

Most everyone who bought any stocks for the last whole year has got at least 50% gains from stocks, which is equivalent to around 10+ years of FD based on 3.x - 4% FD rates.
There are a number of shares that has went up 100% or even 200% from the low, IMO, that pretty good for around a years worth of play ... :)
You can see that most of the stupid S-hole who are providing stock market seminars are trying to make money from Bull Runs, 2 IMPORTANT Questions to ask yourself before signing up for the seminars.
1. Why are the seminars not there when the market is low, especially near historical lows last year or just around Half a year ago? Anybody could have made at least 50% or even 100% off the capital invested if they bought at that time ???
2. If these S-holes are making money from Stocks, why is there a need even for seminars to make money?
The way I see it, these seminar guys are pretty useless, how many people out there who knows anyone who got rich goin to 1 of the stupid Stock Seminars.... hehe

The CI needs to Break 850 for a solid move further up, Some resistance at 800, 3 river Evening Star Last week moving index below 800 ... could be a game over signal, Most major Index Linked Stocks at levels where CI was 1000 around 2 years ago, Long term still on UP, Trade with caution, it's not so easy now for the stocks that already move more than 100% to move another 100%, but those that are hovering near the lows still has potential movements and good risk/reward ratio but it all depends on next week, very critical IMO .... :-)

And if you're wondering why I'm updating this site ... it's because I hate to see people lose money all the time and also I need to do it before Angelfire closes up my account. If the Index Breaks out from 850 or 2nd Board breaks 150 ... I might consider updating this site everyday again just like old times ... hehe

All CLOB shares should be out soon ... market has not been moving anywhere for the past few months ... should see some major turning point soon ... if there hasn't been intervention on CI linked counters earlier ... index would have been around 300 or less now which makes it very good for buying opportunity ... I don't really wanna say exactly where the market is headed due to the fact that a lot of S-holes are using my site for plagiarism ... hehe.

Play 2 win

Da Linkz

Check out this site for medical info ... :) HouseDoctor

Notes: (02-03-2000) The last update

I just wanted to point out that the current BULL market is when CI was at 270 all the way to 1000 ... which is very very good and if you think that there wasn't a SUPER BULL during the last few years ... think again ... hehe

Good Luck ... Good Bye ... Take care and Trade Carefully ... :)

If you wanna be on a mailing list and wanna be the 1st to be informed if I ever decide to continue on a later date ... email me at and I'll include your name ... I'm truly sorry for not replying emails due to laziness ... and I only check my angelfire email account if my hotmail account is down ... :)




Site will be updated by 6:00pm if possible. 12:30pm updates will depend on what time I wake up :)

No Pain No Gain, No Bears No Bulls.
If u think this page is 2 white N' bright, wear shadez, cuz your future is gonna be mega bright.

Since 1st May 1999


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