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Merchicks Fiction

Hey peoples this is my fiction page. These stories are an expression of what I am feeling at the moment so most of the characters have a little bit of me in them. I hope you like them. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER This is a disclaimer for all the stories and poems on this page. None of the characters are real, not even Hanson. They are personified as I see them. I am in no way affilated to Def Jam/ Island, Mercery, or Moe Records. None of the events in these stories are true. They come from my brain or are based loosly on something that is true.

Hanson Stories

Celebrity Skin

Intro: Hanson wormed their way through the pulsing crowd, trying to get to a place where they could actually see the stage. It took a while, but they finally got to the third row. Hole wasn't there yet, but their equipment and instruments were already set up. People were dancing to pre-recorded music. Taylor shivered and hugged himself as he danced. "Ya know, I used to like this place before that law, but now . . ." He let his voice trail off. His brothers nodded grimly. They knew exactly how he felt.

Potty Humor

Intro: "Ya know, you're gonna hafta pay for that guy's psychiatrist," Ann whispered to Michelle a few seconds later. Michelle irratibly slapped her upside the head. "Oh, shut your-" she started, then broke off. There was a loud noise coming from behind them, sort of a dull roar of shrill shrieks. Michelle glanced back towards the door, but all she saw was a flash of blond before the mob of screaming girls closed in on whoever it was. It kinda reminded her of the time that she, Ann, Lizabeth, and the rest of the Fan club Green Jello had crowded in front of Hanson in the hotel when they were in her hometown, but she shook that feeling off. "Do ya think. . . maybe we should go check that out?" 'Lizabeth asked, still staring dreamily ahead. Michelle shook her head. "Naw. That Skeet Ulrich look-alike must have walked in. The poor guy probably doesn't even know what hit him. Come on, let's go." She grabbed Devon with her free hand and hauled him into the theater with a series of tugs.


Funerals and Birthay Parties

Intro: I narrowed my eyes at the blond head in front of me, the one that belonged to the oh-so-beautiful Amber Stonewall, the popular girl who didn't know what it was like to be lonely. What would make her see what it felt like to be pushed away? I sighed again, then involuntarily reached down to touch the lump in the front pocket of my Jansport. 'Only as a last resort,' I reminded myself, checking to see that no one had been watching me.

Once in a Blue Moon

Intro: On top of the fact that it was Monday, her so-called friends had found out that her blind date for the weekend before had professed his undying love for the girl that set them up, and spread it around school. The deep laughter and shrill cat calls had followed her down the hall all day. Lizzie seriously wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Lizzie lifted her head slowly to see a guy that she had never seen before standing in front of her locker. 'Cute,' she decided, checking him out. 'But in the way.'


Behind These Haunted Eyes

Intro: "So, you want to hear my life story, do you? Find out why I did the things I did? Why I'm here?" The psychiatrist nodded grimly, staring at me with piercing topaz eyes. "That's what I'm here for, Misty," he said softly, mesmerizingly. I refused to be taken in. "Alright then. But-" I started, wanting to test him a little. "I don't want you interrupting with any phyco-bullsh**. I want to tell it the way it happened with out any of your stupid little comments." I glared at him from the couch, carefully watching his expression.

Destiny in the Stars

Intro: "Well Shawn, I can usually interpret peoples emotions and to me, you seen upset. May I ask what's bothering you?" She cocked her head to the side and smiled invitingly. Shawn found himself nodding in spite of himself. "Destiny," he answered simply. Sister Catherine flinched slightly, then tried to hide it. "Well son, everybody thinks about it at one-" "No." Shawn shook his head violently, contradicting her. "A girl . . . Destiny." "Oh."

I'll put up more as soon as I get the chance. *~