If you are just beginning with HTML,
it is recommended that you not do too much tinkering with this template
as it is quite complicated.
There are a few things that SHOULD NOT be changed.
Here is a list :
1. Don't change the <DIV></DIV> settings
for the iFrame content. It is set exactly the way
it should be so that the backgrounds match as closely as possible.
Changing it could affect the way your page looks.
2. Don't change the <STYLE> BODY { settings are here
} </STYLE>. This will affect the way your page looks.
However, if you would like to ADD MORE STYLE ELEMENTS,
by all means DO! The BODY portion
of the STYLE tag is what makes the background image
STAY PUT! Some things will look funny in your HTML
or WYSIWYG EDITOR, but it will look fine when you
view it in your browser window.
Simple adding of pages and links should be no problem. Also changing
link colors and text changes would be fine too. Remember, these
are just suggestions to help you with this type of a template. These
are NOT rules or anything of that nature.