Unit 5 Test

PHYS 1014

1:00 – 4:00 T/Th

Instructor:    Karen Evans


Student Name__________________________________     Date_________________


______1.  ___ is composed primarily of carbon dioxide with small amounts of other


A.     Pluto                     B.  Mercury                C.  Neptune              D.  Mars


______2.  The second layer of the sun that reaches temperatures of 27,800°C is called

                        the ___.

A.     Corona                 B.  chromosphere         C.  photosphere              D.  core


______3.  The ___ is very thin and is responsible for absorbing the most energetic

                        photons from the sun.

A.     Mesosphere        B.  thermosphere     C.  troposphere         D.  stratosphere


______4.  ___ is the closest planet to the sun.

A.     Mars                     B.  Venus                  C.  Mercury                D.  Neptune


______5.  The ___ is movement of air in a curved path as a result of the earth’s


A.     corona affect       B.  Coriolis force      C.  Jet Stream          D. Aurora borealis


______6.  ___ is the only planet less dense that water.

A.     Neptune              B.  Uranus                 C.  Jupiter                  D.  Saturn


______7.  The surface of the sun is called the ___.

A.     Corona         B.  photosphere          C.  chromosphere             D.  core


______8.  The river of wind high in the atmosphere is called the ___.

A.     Coriolis force      B.  Jet Stream           C.  Aurora borealis        D. Corona affect


______9.  ___ is the fourth planet from the sun and is commonly referred to as the Red


A.     Mercury                B.  Mars                      C.  Jupiter                  D.  Saturn


_____10.  ___ clouds are thin, wispy clouds that usually form above 18,000 feet and

                        generally move from west to east across the sky.

A.     Cirrus       B.  Stratus         C.  Cumulus          D.  Contrails         E.  Mammatus


_____11.  The temperature at which water vapor will begin condensing from the air at

                        any particular time is called the ___.

A.     relative humidity                        B.  humidity          C.  dew point          D.  coriolus force


_____12.  A ___ occurs when the moon comes between the earth and the sun.

A.     lunar eclipse                   B.  aurora borealis               C.  solar eclipse


_____13.  ___ is the fifth planet from the sun and is the largest one in the solar system.

A.     Saturn                  B.  Neptune               C.  Pluto                     D.  Jupiter


_____14.  ___ clouds form as water vapor condenses in strong, upward air currents

                        above the earth’s surface and usually have flat bases with lumpy tops.

A.     Cirrus         B.  Stratus       C.  Cumulus          D.  Contrails        E.  Mammatus


_____15.  The outer layer of the sun that is only visible during eclipses is the ___.

A.     Corona           B.  photosphere         C.  chromosphere           D.  core


_____16.  ___ clouds look threatening, but actually signal the weakening of a


A.     Cirrus         B.  Stratus        C.  Cumulus         D.  Contrails         E.  Mammatus


_____17.  In a ___ storm, severe weather occurs as strong downbursts, large hail, and

                        weak to violent tornadoes and has an extreme degree of danger to the


A.     single cell                        B.  multi cell              C.  super cell


_____18.  An electrical discharge that travels between 2 oppositely charged surfaces is

                        called ___.

A.     Lightning             B.  friction                  C.  downburst


_____19.  Of the following, ___ is not a terrestrial planet.

A.     Mercury                B.  Venus                  C.  Uranus                 D.  Earth


_____20.  The earth’s atmosphere is primarily composed of 78% of ___.

A.     Oxygen                B.  argon                    C.  nitrogen               D.  hydrogen


_____21.  An intense storm with high winds that circle a small center of extremely low

                        pressure is called a ___.

A.     Typhoon              B.  hurricane             C.  monsoon             D.  tornado


_____22.  ___ has the largest volcano, Olympus Mons, in our solar system.

A.     Pluto                     B.  Saturn                  C.  Neptune              D.  Mars


_____23.  ___ is the third planet from the sun.

A.     Venus                  B.  Mars                      C.  Earth                    D.  Pluto


_____24.  Cyclonic storms that develop over warm ocean water are called ___.

A.     Waterspouts        B.  dust devils           C.  tornadoes            D.  hurricanes


_____25.  A ___ occurs when the moon passes into the shadow of the earth.

A.     lunar eclipse                   B.  aurora borealis               C.  solar eclipse


_____26.  The ___ is the outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere.

A.     Corona                 B.  chromosphere                C.  photosphere


_____27.  The ___ is where all weather takes place.

A.     Mesosphere        B.  thermosphere        C.  troposphere         D.  stratosphere


_____28.  The ___ of the planets are ellipses with the sun at one focus.

A.     Orbits                    B.  andromeda          C.  coriolus                D.  ecliptic


_____29.  ___ is distinguished by the fact that it is tipped on its side.

A.     Uranus                 B.  Neptune               C.  Jupiter                  D.  Saturn


_____30.  The nearest galaxy to the Milky Way is ___.

A.     Megallanic                      B.  Andromeda                     C.  Corona


_____31.  Small dense objects that are orbiting the sun are called ___.

A.     Asteroids             B.  comets                 C.  moons


_____32.  Small icy objects with highly eccentric orbits are called ___.

A.     Asteroids             B.  comets                 C.  satellites              D.  planets


_____33.  In a ___ storm, severe weather is limited to brief, isolated downbursts, small

                        hail, and weak tornadoes and has a low degree of danger to the public.

A.     single cell                        B.  multi cell              C.  super cell


_____34.  The strongest winds on any planet were measured on ___.

A.     Uranus                 B.  Neptune               C.  Saturn                  D.  Jupiter


_____35.  Of the following, ___ is not a jovian planet.

A.     Jupiter                  B.  Saturn                  C.  Neptune              D.  Venus


_____36.  A tornado over a body of water like a lake is called a ___.

A.     Typhoon              B.  waterspout                       C.  dust devil             D.  hurricane


_____37.  The sun’s energy output is produced by ___ reactions.

A.     nuclear fusion                B.  nuclear fission                C.  emission


_____38.  The ___ lies above the stratosphere and extends to 85 kilometers high.

A.     Mesosphere        B.  thermosphere        C.  troposphere         D.  stratosphere


_____39.  Fog is a form of ___ clouds.

A.     cirrus          B.  stratus        C.  cumulus          D.  contrails         E.  mammatus


_____40.  ___ has a dense atmosphere that produces a greenhouse effect that makes

                        it hotter than the closest planet to the sun.

A.     Earth                    B.  Venus                  C.  Mercury                D.  Mars


_____41.  ___ is the only planet to rotate the same as the orbit of its satellite.

A.     Pluto                     B.  Jupiter                  C.  Uranus                 D.  Neptune




_____42.  ___ is the only planet that rotates from east to west, causing the sun to rise in

                        the west and set in the east.

A.     Mars                     B.  Mercury                C.  Venus                  D.  Neptune


_____43.  ___ is the second planet from the sun.

A.     Earth                    B.  Mars                      C.  Neptune              D.  Venus


_____44.  The winds of the ___ determine the locations of areas of high and low air

                        pressure at the earth’s surface.

A.     Jet Stream           B.  Corona affect      C.  Aurora borealis       D.  Coriolis force


_____45.  The ___ lies above the troposphere and extends to 50 kilometers high.

A.     Mesosphere        B.  thermosphere     C.  troposphere         D.  stratosphere


_____46.  On July 20, 1969, ___ became the first man to step onto the surface of the


A.     Edwin Aldrin       B.  Thomas Stafford                  C.  Neil Armstrong       D.  Jim Lovell


_____47.  The largest weather system in our solar system, the Great Red Spot, is found

                        on ___.

A.     Jupiter                  B.  Saturn                  C.  Neptune              D.  Mercury


_____48.  ___ is the seventh planet from the sun and is the third largest in the solar


A.     Jupiter                  B.  Neptune               C.  Pluto                     D.  Uranus


_____49.  ___ is the last gaseous giant in our solar system.

A.     Uranus                 B.  Neptune               C.  Saturn                  D.  Neptune


_____50.  ___ is the only planet that has not been visited by a spacecraft.

A.     Uranus                 B.  Pluto                     C.  Neptune              D.  Jupiter


_____51.  In a ___ storm, severe weather occurs as downburst, moderate size hail,

                        flash floods and has a moderate degree of danger to the public.

A.     single cell                        B.  multi cell              C.  super cell


_____52.  The sun, earth, and the 8 other planets are found in a spiral galaxy called the


A.     Andromeda                     B.  Milky Way                        C.  Megallanic


_____53.  Variously sized objects that orbit the planets are called ___.

A.     Asteroids             B.  comets                 C.  planets                 D.  moons


_____54.  ___ is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest planet in our solar


A.     Jupiter                  B.  Neptune               C.  Saturn                  D.  Uranus