Metric System
Test Review below
The metric system is a universal system of measurements. It is based on powers of 10. Every step is a power of 10.
In 1 meter there are 10 decimeters, 100 centimeters, and 1000 millimeters. In 1 kilometer, there are 10 hectameters, 100 decameters, 1000 meters, 10,000 decimeters, 100,000 centimeters, and 1,000,000 millimeters.
- Length is measured in meters (m)
- Volume is measured in liters (L)
- Mass is measured in grams (g)
kilo- ______
hecta- ______/ /|\
\ | |
deca- ______/ | |
\ | |
(basic unit) ______/ | |Move up the chart -
\ | |move the decimal
deci- ______/ | |to the left
\ |Move down the |
centi- ______/ |chart - move |
\ |the decimal to |
milli- ______/ |the right
- Count the number of steps between the units. That will identify how many places you will move the decimal point.
4,100 mm = __4.100___ m
(moving from small (mm) to large (m), the decimal must be moved 3 spaces to the right)
0.0780 kg = __78.0___g
(moving from large (kg) to small (g), the decimal must be moved 3 spaces to the right)
Metric System Test
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
- Be able to do calculations involving Density
- Do metric system conversions
- Calculate problems or express numbers using scientific notation
- Know the basic units of measurement for length, volume, mass, time, and temperature