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Hanging out in Southeastern Oklahoma

Hi my name is Justwhistle.
Actually it's Dennis,
But that's beside the point.
On here I will answer to either!

This is me!

I live in the southeastern part of the Great state of Oklahoma. A lot of people are under the false impression that there is nothing here worthy of their interest,I on the other hand know from experience that we have a lot to offer. If you are interested in the outdoors, there are several things here that would be of interest to you. We have some of the best fishing anywhere, lots of game to hunt, and recreation areas that are as beautiful as any in the world! If you are like me a lover of fine cuisine, We have some world renowned restaurants , such as Giacomo's in McAlester, Pete's Place in Krebs, and The J and M Restaurant in Eufaula. If rodeos are what you like, We have the only behind the walls prison rodeo held each labor day at the Oklahoma State Prison in McAlester. If you are more of the biker type, there is also the Party In The Mountains held in Higgins Oklahoma, also on Labor Day which features the premiere rock and roll band around these parts "EASY MONEY" (see the my favorite band link below). On Memorial Day McAlester is the home of the Italian Festival held at the Pittsburg County Fairgrounds. And it isn't just the holidays that are special here. You will find some of the friendliest people to be found on the face of the earth right here! But if by some chance you should find yourself to be slightly too tipsy, be sure to call the Checker Yellow cab company in McAlester for a ride . Our fine law enforcement officials do a lot more than frown on drunk driving, and all the rest of us want you to be able to come back and see us again!

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