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Jenny's Page

Hi all! If you're here in the first place it means you probably know me, so check out my pages, and sign my guestbook. If not, I'm not exactly sure how you got here, but oh well, I guess you also should sign my guestbook. I know my site isn't all that wonderful, but please don't say evil things to me in my book. Guess that's it for this page, enjoy! Quick hi to Ree, Meghan, My Ryan, Danny, Kenny, Stacy, Aliboo, and everyone else!

P.S. Yay!! I started a live journal, and it actually works! So, visit it! What have I been up to lately? Check out my journal!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Mush for a Day
All About Moi
Pictures (crappy and big)
