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mattslipknot12:  hey you
BAGYGRL:  hey  
mattslipknot12:  hey
mattslipknot12:  what did you do yesterday
mattslipknot12:  ?
BAGYGRL:  not much, i applied for some jobs
BAGYGRL:  what did u do?
mattslipknot12:  nothing went to work
BAGYGRL:  i was ganna go to the warped tour
mattslipknot12:  yah where di you go to find a job
BAGYGRL:  but marilyn wouldnt wake up
mattslipknot12:  oh
BAGYGRL:  haha ya
BAGYGRL:  i went to albertsons, and some video places and stuff
mattslipknot12:  lol
mattslipknot12:  thats funny you and a job
mattslipknot12:  i cant see that
BAGYGRL:  haha ya
BAGYGRL:  i had an interview today
BAGYGRL:  the guy said he would call before 5
BAGYGRL:  which means im a loser and he wanted me to leave  
BAGYGRL:  haha jk
mattslipknot12:  lol
mattslipknot12:  thats funny
mattslipknot12:  what was the interview for
mattslipknot12:  ?
BAGYGRL:  rite aid
mattslipknot12:  lol
mattslipknot12:  thats kool
BAGYGRL:  haha
mattslipknot12:  lol
mattslipknot12:  so what are ytou going to do today?
BAGYGRL:  sit around like a bum, and gain weight
mattslipknot12:  you
mattslipknot12:  yah that would be the day
BAGYGRL:  huh?
mattslipknot12:  you couldnt gain weight if your life depended on it
BAGYGRL:  ya right
BAGYGRL:  i could too
BAGYGRL:  haha
BAGYGRL:  maybe
BAGYGRL:  so what is up brother man?
mattslipknot12:  nothing
mattslipknot12:  just have to go to work in a little while
BAGYGRL:  u work a lot
mattslipknot12:  yah i know
mattslipknot12:  so what about
BAGYGRL:  what about what?
mattslipknot12:  what
BAGYGRL:   mattslipknot12:  yah i know
mattslipknot12:  so what about 
mattslipknot12:  what
mattslipknot12:  im confused
BAGYGRL:  nevermind haha
BAGYGRL:  the heroine must have done it
mattslipknot12:  oh
mattslipknot12:  o
mattslipknot12:  oh
mattslipknot12:  oh
mattslipknot12:  whata re you oing?
mattslipknot12:  doing?
BAGYGRL:  getting kicked off
BAGYGRL:  damnit!
BAGYGRL:  haha  
BAGYGRL:  and talking to u
mattslipknot12:  oh ok
BAGYGRL:  what r u doing?
mattslipknot12:  nothing just geting for work
BAGYGRL:  super cool
mattslipknot12:  yah
BAGYGRL:  have u seen peacocks wandering the streets before?
mattslipknot12:  yah 
mattslipknot12:  all the time
BAGYGRL:  really?  
mattslipknot12:  yah
BAGYGRL:  or are u just joking?
BAGYGRL:  aw man
BAGYGRL:  really?
mattslipknot12:  yah
BAGYGRL:  haha
BAGYGRL:  i saw one yesterday crossing the sidewalk in front of me, and it was kind of creepy
mattslipknot12:  brb
BAGYGRL:  haha
BAGYGRL:  okee
mattslipknot12:  forget it
mattslipknot12:  huh
mattslipknot12:  huh]
mattslipknot12:  purple
BAGYGRL:  purple
mattslipknot12:  da
mattslipknot12:  bears
BAGYGRL:  purple
mattslipknot12:  yah
mattslipknot12:  so
mattslipknot12:  where are you and what have you done with stacey
BAGYGRL:  egypt
BAGYGRL:  i swallowed her!
mattslipknot12:  thats not kool
mattslipknot12:  huh
BAGYGRL:  super cool
mattslipknot12:  not really
BAGYGRL:  sure it is
BAGYGRL:  no more stacey!
BAGYGRL:  woo!
mattslipknot12:  thats not kool
mattslipknot12:  hey when are you coming down again
BAGYGRL:  saturday is kims bday party
mattslipknot12:  kool
mattslipknot12:  im going to see you and where going to do stuff
mattslipknot12:  lol
BAGYGRL:  ur going?
mattslipknot12:  yah
mattslipknot12:  is that bad
mattslipknot12:  are you going to wear a bathing suit
BAGYGRL:  ya, but i have to sew the hole in the knee
mattslipknot12:  huh
mattslipknot12:  i want to see you in a two peace
mattslipknot12:  plz
BAGYGRL:  haha
mattslipknot12:  hey are you there
BAGYGRL:  ya im here
mattslipknot12:  so can i 
BAGYGRL:  i dunno
mattslipknot12:  yes no maybe so
BAGYGRL:  if u go
mattslipknot12:  ok
mattslipknot12:  hey stacey what do u thin kabout me 
BAGYGRL:  um i dont know
BAGYGRL:  why?
mattslipknot12:  cause i want toknow
mattslipknot12:  cause you know how we went o out and stuff
mattslipknot12:  you dont want to anwser
BAGYGRL:  um, i dont know what to say
mattslipknot12:  its ok
mattslipknot12:  yah you never know what to say
BAGYGRL:  haha
mattslipknot12:  but thats kool just say whats ever on your mind
BAGYGRL:  i dunno
BAGYGRL:  i havent really thought about it
mattslipknot12:  oh
mattslipknot12:  so you never think about me anymore
BAGYGRL:  haha
mattslipknot12:  no really
BAGYGRL:  sure i do
BAGYGRL:  sometimes
mattslipknot12:  this is being serious
mattslipknot12:  are you ok
mattslipknot12:  if you dont want to talk about this just tell me
mattslipknot12:  im use to it with you
BAGYGRL:  haha
BAGYGRL:  gosh
mattslipknot12:  thats what you said last time we talked about this
mattslipknot12:  so you dont want to talk about this
mattslipknot12:  _or_
mattslipknot12:  you dont have to if you dont want to
BAGYGRL:  well, what do u think of me?
mattslipknot12:  you really want to know
mattslipknot12:  are you going to tell anyone?
mattslipknot12:  i miss you
mattslipknot12:  i miss going out with you
mattslipknot12:  i miss making you laugh
mattslipknot12:  and all the good times that we had
mattslipknot12:  i miss kissing you
mattslipknot12:  and all that stuff
BAGYGRL:  but what about your gf?
mattslipknot12:  yah
mattslipknot12:  but you were different
mattslipknot12:  you werent all the dramam
mattslipknot12:  we never got into fights
mattslipknot12:  and we had the best relationship
mattslipknot12:  and i fucked that up
BAGYGRL:  how?
mattslipknot12:  by breaking up with you
BAGYGRL:  but i wanted it too
mattslipknot12:  did you want it really
BAGYGRL:  so what was the reason that we broke up?
mattslipknot12:  cause we lived to far
mattslipknot12:  and i could handle you being so far
mattslipknot12:  and it was hard that i couldnt see you all the time
mattslipknot12:  why did you want it
BAGYGRL:  pretty much the same thing
mattslipknot12:  oh
mattslipknot12:  do u miss me
mattslipknot12:  ?
BAGYGRL:  but also sometimes u would make me mad
mattslipknot12:  i would really
mattslipknot12:  what was it
BAGYGRL:  i dunno, u just like wouldnt call for a long time, and then when i talked to u, u would be sort of i dunno
mattslipknot12:  oh
mattslipknot12:  yah 
mattslipknot12:  im sry about that
BAGYGRL:  it was just u missing me the whole time
mattslipknot12:  not just that
mattslipknot12:  but i really liked youalot
mattslipknot12:  and i didnt want to talk on the phone i wanted to see you
BAGYGRL:  ya i know
BAGYGRL:  i got so sick of the phone
mattslipknot12:  yah i dont like the phone
mattslipknot12:  i like looking at you when i talk
mattslipknot12:  ya but do u miss me
mattslipknot12:  ?
BAGYGRL:  but i dont want to get back together or anything
mattslipknot12:  y?
mattslipknot12:  what did i do
BAGYGRL:  im going out with someone
mattslipknot12:  oh thats kool
mattslipknot12:  im happy for you
BAGYGRL:  did u already know?
mattslipknot12:  no i just found out now
mattslipknot12:  but i hope that he treats you right
BAGYGRL:  he does
mattslipknot12:  good
mattslipknot12:  but do u think that i would ever have a chance agian
mattslipknot12:  ?
BAGYGRL:  i dont know
BAGYGRL:  im still with him
mattslipknot12:  oh but when your not
mattslipknot12:  when ever you are not
BAGYGRL:  i dunno
mattslipknot12:  do u still like me at all
mattslipknot12:  at all
mattslipknot12:  k
mattslipknot12:  hey is he there
mattslipknot12:  hey i have to go now
BAGYGRL:  ow sorry
BAGYGRL:  okee
mattslipknot12:  for work