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Ala Bala tells !


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The truth was at the beginning.The Man was not ready to endure it. He was not ready to understand it.To realize it. To enjoy it!

And then came the WOMAN.

She came with her apple and offer it to the Man.

She knew, that he needed the lie in order to understand the truth.

And he accepted it with the trust of the innocent.

That made the lie more awful.More difficult to be overcome.

The Woman ,with the snake`s wisdom, helped in the growing up.

Sometimes friendly, other time non.She took turns lie with truth , leading him, as a little child in the labyrinth of the knowledge. He couldn`t act still by himself.He was dependent on her.In this dependence he got the knowledge of the feelings.

They made him feel alive.

So he recognized the force of the wants.They taught him to struggle.

For the bread!

For his home!

For his family!

He grew up in this struggle. He learnt to take care of his security, too. And he already

knew how to threaten another`s. How to control somebody else`s fear - this means a

power! The power is a force. This force brings a calmness. The calmness - an


It was so long ago.SHE came and free him from the emptiness.

And now he knew himself.He had wants and knew how to satisfy them.His “I” was so

declared, strong and independent.

He knew the fragile man`s love. He devoted to it. Obeyed it. United it.Because it is

the truth.

The truth is a calmness.

And the calmness is all. All. All……


Who is there?!

Yes! Yes! Behind the tree!

The JOY !

Written by Sylvia /1998!

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