WORLD OF RADIO #1055, produced October 18, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*Gigi Lytle, enthusiastic SWL many of us met at DX gatherings, has
 died of cancer. Condolences may go to her longtime companion:
 Tom McLaughlin, 2111-A 51st St., Lubbock, TX 79412. We`ll miss you,
 Gigi []
*Merlin claims SW is resurging in receiver sales, listenership
*Digital SW and MW radios will cost only slightly more than analog
*World Series may be carried by AFRTS/AFN on USB SW; AFN Europe 873
*Boy Scouts` Jamboree on the Air Oct 21-22; offers Merit Badge for
 amateur radio
*Scream of the Butterfly adding WBCQ to WRMI from November
*Other WBCQ program changes include Jean Shepherd on Mondays
*US senate bill Non Commercial Broadcasting Freedom of Expression Act
 would make it easier for religious broadcasters to get public
 radio frequencies. To be opposed: HR4201 See
 [also see: and]
*NAB and NPR ganging up on low-power FM, rider on must-pass
 appropriation bill to kill it; see Salon article of Oct 16
*Mike Malloy, liberal talkhost ex-WLS, launching own syndicated show;
*R. Barahona, Dominican Republic, back on frequency with good signal
*Dominican Republic changing timezone from UT-4 to UT-5
*R. Miskut, Nicaragua, now propagating 25 minutes in morning
*Two new Peruvians: R. La Voz de Abancay; and R. Uripa
*Chilean 47-48 MHz muzak FM stereo heard in British Columbia
*Independent-media-deprived Zimbabweans can hear BBCWS via cellphones
*High Adventure`s Voice of Hope registers SW frequencies in Liberia
*The midpoint of WOR 1055, or P O Box 1684,
 Enid, OK 73702, USA. may
 not work using voice-activated software; try adding on /index.html
*R. Mauritania back on exact nominal frequency for a while; then
 R. K`ekchi, Guatemala heard on same
*unID on 7357 is National R. of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic
*No trace of SW from Algeria on four former frequencies
*Correxion to last week`s Vatican item: cancer rates were *above*
*R. Yugoslavia employees set up editorial board, awaiting new director
 and editor-in-chief
*Switzerland cancelling Spanish from B-00, replaced with more English;
 see DXLD 0-124 for complete schedule
*French Guiana relay now expected to resume at Octoberend
*Deutsche Telekom tests heard on 17, 21 and 25 MHz
*RVI Belgium, new B-00 English schedule; new Bonaire frequencies
*One more new Media Network, finale Oct 26; then `Encores` of others
*Waveguide week of Oct 21 on BBC WS on rampant pirate radio in Brazil
*New comedy series on BBC Radio 4: 2000 Years of Radio
*R. Bulgaria`s new winter English schedule, all frequencies in ...00
*Galei Tsahal, Israel, 120m frequency was listed in 1968 WRTH
*R. Iran of Tomorrow, clandestine schedule updated
*Tajikistan`s English broadcast on clear but splashed channel
*V. of Jammu Kashmir Freedom heard with brief English commentary
*R. Station Pacific Ocean, Russia, heard again on SW
*R. Taibei International to add more languages, starting with Burmese
*Bougainville, PNG 5985 QSL explains usage beyond daytime
*Christian Voice, Australia test tones heard; new B-00 schedule
*R. Australia plans to increase Asian service, not until New Year
*Sunspot Cycle 23 may have peaked already
*Trans-equatorial and F2 TV DX, Peru to Argentina; South African gets
 TV DX from all over Africa, Europe, Asia; Bob Cooper`s outlook
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Oct 17: flux range
*Check our website for this summary,
*With a standard disclaimer, Glenn Hauser thanking you for listening
 and inviting you to hear me again next week              ###