WORLD OF RADIO #1040, produced June 14, 2000, by Glenn Hauser

*Standard disclaimer
*RFPI may convert USB transmitter to MW, delaying return to SW SSB
*WOR/COM schedule on website revised, but still lots of times to hear
*New Mundo Radial starts June 16 on WWCR, Friday 2115 on 15685
*World Radio Conference 2000, Turkey, plans agenda for 2003 conference
*New SW station for Zimbabwe starting today, broadcast from outside
*RVI Belgium testing via South Africa June 19; previously also via
*Lubumbashi, Congo DR, active again on 7 MHz band; new transmitter?
*V. of Oromo Liberation, Ethiopian clandestine, has website with
 English audio archive: and
 address SBO, P O Box 73247, Washington DC 20056
*V. of the Democratic Path of Ethiopian Unity a.k.a. Radio Voice of
 United and Free Ethiopia: Finote Democracy, Box 88675, Los Angeles CA
 90009, also with audio archive, all in Amharic
 and E-mail address
*Spanish Inquisition lives: REE requires SINPO, personal data for QSL
*Spain`s Spanish lessons have secret books if requested
*July BBC On Air goes back to GMT as primary time listing, but with
 local times for Americas ignoring the great middle
*BBC barely refers to Calling the Falklands, but still in schedule
*Via SW, satellite, cable, internet, FM, AM, this is World of Radio
 1040, or P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA; if
 really necessary fax to attn of Hauser 1-580-233-2948. Explore our
 website thoroughly:
*Radio Montecarlo/Oriental, Uruguay seems on only one frequency
*Radio Blandengue, South American pirate off for repairs till mid-July
*Argentine frigate Libertad on 6-month training voyage; where to tune
*Brazilian truckers have SW net on four frequencies
*Spanish 2-way on 10000; WYFR on 15000 blocking timesignals
*R. Eco San Borja, Bolivia on 60m
*R. Yura, Bolivia also heard on 60m
*R. Cielo, Peru, on almost same frequency
*La Voz del Zapatista, Chiapas clandestine program, heard via pirate
 KIPM on 13 MHz
*San Diego market loses one of three classical stations to jazz
*Classical fans persuade new owners of WTMI Miami to keep format; see
*Longtime classical host in New England Robert J. Lurtsema died;
*PBS has new CEO, ex-CNN; look for her to shake up programming 
*Amateur Radio Week June 18-25, culminating with Field Day
*During solar disturbance last week, CFVP Calgary believed heard in
 Denmark, 100 watts
*International Radio Report, now archived as well
 as webcast:
*David Crystal disputes reasons for RCI cancelling African service;
 complete piece in DX Listening Digest 00-72
*National Radio of Armenia`s current schedule of 20-minute Englishes
*V. of Shariah, Afghanistan, opening in English now hearable at and times for English, Russian
*Many are monitoring Solomon Islands for coup news; see DXLD 00-73, 74
*New SW receiver, Grundig Satellite 800 Millennium is now available;
 Larry Van Horn pans; John Norfolk likes it despite shortcomings; his
 full review under Reception Tips on WOR website (as above)
*Another SW radio coming soon from Radio Shack, DX-402, clone of ATS-
 505, under $100; Dave Frantz of WGTG excited about it for SSB
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, issued June 13; flux range 210-150
*World of Radio 1040 concluding; I`m Glenn Hauser           ###