WORLD OF RADIO #1010, produced Nov. 2, 1999 by Glenn Hauser

*Our new schedule via World Radio Network; Europe Sat 0430 and 0930
 on WRN1 and WRN2; North America Sat 1700, Sun 0630; also to Asia,
 Pacific, Africa and view new AfriStar direct broadcast. Details at
*WWCR has additional time for us listed: Sat 2030 on 12160; new
 specialty program listing at
*RFPI off both 21460-USB, and 6975 for weeks; still 24h on 15049
*November Continent of Media soon on RFPI;
 already at
*KNLS, Alaska, English schedule for now and next spring
*Allan Weiner of WBCQ married Elayne on Halloween, but he has been
 in hospital for Lyme disease; WBCQ-2 hopes to test before winter
*Spectrum decides to continue show, back to basics, new time
*WRMI shifts frequency to avoid Norway, also for Prague relay;
 Wavescan no-show
*New frequencies for Radio Marti
*Lost and Found Sound on All Things Considered about WHER, All-Girl
 Radio in Memphis; part two this Friday; numbers coming up
*Fred Calland, NPR classical producer and host, and quiltmaker, died
 October 22
*Radio Hall of Fame broadcast November 20; lobby stations to carry it
*FCC establishes new Enforcement and Consumer Info Bureaux
*NYC FM station with "compatible" digital, puts noise on sidebands
*Home networking VDSL taking over HF bands, expected to wipe out SW
 reception. See
*Monitoring Coast Guard after Egypt Air crash
*Begging Radio Cairo to fix its modulation
*CBC denied return to 940; CIQC to start all-news there November 24
*XERTA, Mexico City, suspended SW; XEYU still on, barely modulated
*AWR closes down TIAWR Costa Rica prior to sale; special final
 broadcast was November 2; promotes move to Guatemala but frequency
 faces Marti and Cuban jamming
*Via satellite, SW, FM, AM, internet, cable, this is World of Radio
 1010; or P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702, USA;
 fax 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser
*Our website completely updated with our new schedules, and info on
 our publications:
*Thanks this week for financial support to James Strader
*Colombian and Ecuadorian MW harmonics
*New Peruvian, Radio San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, Ucayali
*Identity of Peruvian intruding on 40m hamband: La Voz de Huarinjas
*Radio Ghana's schedule, where SW remains supreme
*Plans for a new radio station in Mauritius, we hope shortwave
*Radio Portugal no longer 24 hours to Timor, and new frequency
*Spain's new English schedule
*BBC WS previews: Pushing Back the Curtain; International Question
 Time special from South Africa; Remembrance Day Service
*Some BBC schedules show wrong frequency; clash with Japan
*R. Netherlands documentaries about Panama Canal Zone
*Deutsche Welle African broadcast also covers North America
*Croatian Radio plans to move into 40m hamband to North America
*R. Yugoslavia's new English schedule
*Romanian domestic service puts numerous spurs on 7 MHz band
*Voice of Greece's new English frequencies
*R. Belarus, Minsk, new English schedule
*R. Vilnius, LIthuania, back on lower winter frequency
*R. Finland not heard with English in our mornings, but evenings,
 including Latin news
*Masshad, Iran regional in Uzbek changes frequency
*R. Thailand's new English schedule
*Ujung Pandang, Indonesia, goes back to original name
*Australian Referendum on Republic Nov 6
*R. Australia makes changes Nov 8, including Timor service
*New Zealand tried 17 MHz overnight, booming in to Europe
*Check 35 MHz band for broadcast harmonics from SW, e.g. Antigua
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Nov 2; flux peak 190
*Standard disclaimer
*That's WOR 1010; I'm Glenn Hauser                           ###