GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-68, Dec 6, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} ** ANGUILLA. DGS on 11775 around 1201 UT Dec 6 was putting out modulation peak spikes as high as 11865. As DGS was saying that in CR two transmitters are running 24h and the other three are most of the day and at night for sure, 11870 came on at 1203. Also heard him talking about ``Nov. 31'' as under CR below (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** AUSTRALIA. LNL on RN and RA 9580, Dec 6 at 1220-1242 was interviewing Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-GA, on holding corporations responsible for human rights violations. Why haven't I heard her on US media?? (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** BELARUS. R. Minsk was heard in German at 2130 with a fair signal on 7105, Dec 4. English is on Tuesday and Thursday on two broadcasts: 2030 and 2130, also on 7105, a winter channel per PWBR-2000. (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia) ** COSTA RICA. Glenn, On the weekend, I heard Gene Scott mention that the first month's bill for his Costa Rican operation was $30K, plus $1K for "wire services". He was angrier than usual, begging for money since 1/4 of the November budget had "disappeared" and that he wasn't closing the books for November until people donated enough to make it up. $2500 donations was what he needed, he didn't want to waste time with "piddly" $1000 donations. He threatened to close the cathedral and/or move somewhere else where they'll appreciate him. This program was taped from Wed Dec 1st, since he said that he was extending the month of November ("Today is Nov 31st, tomorrow Nov 32nd, etc. until enough money is pledged to made up the budget shortfall"). We must be up to Nov. 36th now! He was also upset ("P'ed off") that he missed the inauguration ceremonies of his Costa Rica operation, ("It was like missing your wedding night".), having to take care of the budget shortfall in LA. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., Dec 6) ** ECUADOR. HCJB continues to be the source of interesting music. The Japanese service on 9730 Mon Dec 6 at 1135-1147 played a string of Sousa marches on the marimba. I also did find another half hour of Musica del Ecuador in Spanish Sunday Dec 5 at 1100 on 11960 (Glenn Hauser, Okurahoma) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Glenn, The Radio Africa transmission was heard with a good signal and through measuring via SSB on my Drake SW8 I measured the frequency to be 15184.2 at 1915 UTC (Joe Hanlon, PA, Dec 5) It varies ** IRAN [non]. CLANDESTINE. 7520, Radio Ante National or (Radio International) 1730-1800. Beside Telephone Number, e-mail - mail address in England as Box ... ? London WC ...M ...XX England was given just before went off and also Iran Kurdistan and Kurdi has been mentioned many times (Mahendra Vaghjee, Dec 4) ** IRAN [non]. An Iranian colleague of mine has listened to Radio International, and my report on her findings is at the end of this message. As you can see, I am now sure that this is the same "Radio International" as previously aired via WWCR about a year ago. Mr Javadi makes an appearance again, as does his newspaper 'Porsesh', both of which were named in connection with the WWCR programme. They now announce a UK phone number, rather than a Toronto one as before. Location of transmitter: What is the source of the suggestion that it broadcasts from Tajikistan? My own theory is this: The opening announcement says the station does not broadcast on Mondays or Wednesdays. The Persian word for Monday is "Dushanbe". My guess is that non-Persian speaking DXers heard the word Dushanbe in the opening announcement and jumped to a conclusion. Of course it could still be coming from Tajikistan. Listening to it tonight (5th December) I heard the former Soviet Union tune-up tones prior to 1730, but from the excellent strength I wonder if the site is closer to us. Report follows: Iran: "Radio International" heard broadcasting in Persian from unknown site A Persian-language radio station calling itself "Radio International" was heard broadcasting at 1730 gmt on 2nd December on the shortwave frequency of 7520 kHz. An opening announcement stated that the radio broadcasts daily, except Mondays and Wednesdays, at 2100-2130 Tehran time (1730-1800 gmt). There then followed a discussion programme chaired by Azar Majedi and with the participation of her "colleague in Canada" Mostafa Saber and Ali Javadi [see Note below], editor-in- chief of the newspaper `Porsesh' (`Question'). Their discussions covered the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle and the current controversy in Iran over the imprisonment of the liberal former interior minister, Abdollah Nuri, and the surrounding disputes by various political factions. The broadcast ended with an invitation for listeners' comments. A UK mobile telephone number of 44-771-461- 1099 and an e-mail address of were announced. (Note: A broadcast by a programme of the same name - "Radio International" - was heard in late 1998 and early 1999 being carried by the US shortwave station WWCR in Nashville, Tennessee, which hires airtime to a variety of political and religious groups. At the time, WWCR stated that the airtime in question had been hired by "Eric [sic] Javadi", thus indicating that the current broadcasts by "Radio International" are linked to those previously aired on WWCR. No announcement was heard from the current broadcast of "Radio International" as to where its broadcasts are now emanating from.) (Chris Greenway, BBCM) I recall hearing ``Dushanbe'' mentioned in the IDs on WWCR. At the time I thought perhaps they were giving local time for listeners there or an address there. There is an interesting story how the city came to be named for a day of the week, market day, I believe. Where did I see that? (Hauser) ** TAIWAN. I heard Taiwan on 9355 (I was looking for WBCQ-2 at the time!) //5810 2200-2300 in English, Via WYFR, Dec 5. Excellent reception on both freqs. (Ivan Grishin, Ont.) Yes, I had been meaning to point out new 9355, which had not been used previous winters (Hauser) ** U K O G B A N I. Poor Miss Davis, she didn't make it to the Brain of Britain final, but it was fun while it lasted. 73, (Ivan Grishin, Ont.) She was on this week's show, I believe, heard her unmistakable voice when spot checking the tape I was making. Still repeats at: 1530 Wed on 17840, 15220, 9590, 9515; also to Af Thu 1430 on 21660. Remember, if you want ``entertainment'' this is the only show on the entire BBCWS schedule in that category! -- except Foul Play which succeeds BOB for one episode the week of Dec 25 (Glenn Hauser, which American state has tornados in December?) ** U S A. The traditional airing of the late John Henry Faulk's Xmas story will be on NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday, Dec 19 at about 1345 UT, repeated 2-hourly (WESUN Dec 5 via Hauser) This will lump your throat, tear your eyes ** U S A. After February 1, VOA Communications World will be changed from 12 x 8.75 minutes to 6 x 21.75 minutes on News Now. This means NN listeners will hear all the CW they're going to get in one sitting. But total time will be reduced -- I'll probably eliminate audience feedback from the NN edition. The half-hour edition continues as a 28-minute show and takes on added significance given the abbreviation of the NN version. 73 (Kim Andrew Elliott, Dec 5) ** U S A. The Jack R. Poppele Transmitting Station in Delano verifies reports directly with a beautiful special QSL card from the following address: US Information Agency [sic, no longer exists], International Broadcasting Bureau, Delano Relay Station, 11015 Melcher Road, Delano, CA 93215 (Marcelo Cornachioni, Argentina, Conexion Digital) ###