GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-59, Nov 22, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR: >Is 15685 Sat 1230-1300 clashing again with V. of Tibet? Hi Glenn, V. of Tibet, via Dushanbe, Tajikistan is still there, co- channel 15685 200 kW 125 degrs, 1225-1255 UT. BUT WWCR today ahead as usual. WWCR signal on that channel 75 %, VoT 25 %. At least in Western Europe, WWCR will always be ahead. Maybe let’s say in Eastern Europe (1 megameter easterly), in ME, CIS states, Asia, VoT will have the stronger signal. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, Nov 21) ** BOLIVIA. R. Victoria is new or reactivated on 7053, heard Nov 21 at 2050 UT, announcing twice it is on ``41 MHz'' SW from Villa Abecia. This is near Camargo in southern Bolivia (Rogildo Fontenelle Aragao, Cochabamba, member of DX Clube Paulista) **CANADA. Thanks to tips from Ricky Leong and Neal Ford in Montreal for this information today. Similar to the posting from last week, CKVL, the French language sister station of CIQC in Montreal, has begun running a French language tape loop on their new frequency of 690 kHz AM. Unlike the tape on 940 kHz. in English, the French service is not giving any call letters. It is simply IDing, in French, as "Info Six Quatre-Vingt Dix" (translated Info six-ninety). Also, unlike the English service, there is no mention of a relationship with CNN and Bloomberg. They simply indicate that this is a station owned by MetroMedia CMR in Montreal. They also are claiming to be the first and only French language, all news service in "America". Finally, unlike the English service on 940 kHz, they are not indicating an official start-up date for regular programming. The description of the service is very similar to that of the English service, with a half-hour rotation of news, weather, traffic, sports, business news, etc. In a follow-up to the new call letters being used by 940 kHz 9-40 News CKNN, I have checked with the CRTC in Ottawa. They have had no official request from CIQC 600 to acquire the call letters of CKNN. The CRTC is looking into this matter and has promised to advise me directly of any further developments. ------ Whoops! Just as I am about to click on the SEND button, the tape loop on 690 kHz has just stopped and the transmitter has shut off at 2025 UT (3:25 PM EST), but keep an ear tuned to this one. It should be back soon, I would think. (Sheldon Harvey, Greenfield Park, Quebec) ** CUBA. HUNTING HARMONICS WITH HAUSER: I can remember that at the height of the last sun spot cycle we heard harmonics of Voz del Llano and Zambia around midday above 30 MHz here in Germany. That was fun. vy73 (Harald Kuhl) Unfortunately my current receivers do not tune above 29999 kHz. We heard Llano and a number of other Latin American 5th harmonics (from 6 MHz band) and 6th harmonics (from 5 MHz band) in the 30 MHz plus range, not to mention 2nd harmonics from the 15 MHz band. As a poor substitute we decided to scan downward from 29999 the afternoon of Nov 21, and soon encountered a bubble jammer covering roughly 29863 to 29873 at 2114. Yes, that is Cuba 3 x 9955 against WRMI! Next we found another bubble jammer at 29472-29482, and that is 3 x 9825, another Cuban, against Marti. It seems these particular harmonics are about 3 times as wide as on the fundamentals. Of course, several transmitters could be involved in each case. Harmonics of the victims themselves were not audible. Since the lower one is inside the 10 meter hamband, the intruder watch folk ought to raise a ruckus, if they realize what and whence it is. Just two more pertinent frequencies Arnie won't be discussing on his DXUL harmonic special! Europeans are having good luck in the 23-25 MHz range with harmonics, but so far I have not been able to hear anything there yet. This could bring us 2nd harmonics of 11 MHz band, and 4th harmonics of 6 MHz band stations. I urge others to check 23000-24800 and 30000+ kHz and report what they may find (Glenn Hauser, OK) Glenn, I was interested in your comments on harmonics. I remember that it was you who introduced me to the concept of harmonic DXing through your article in the 1969/70 edition of How to listen to the World, which I am looking at as I type this. I remember one radio engineer saying we should not mention this subject in print because 'harmonics are not supposed to exist, and we do not want to draw attention to them'. I still think there is some mileage in this subject. I can remember one day at BBC Monitoring in the 70's when we could not find a clear monitorable frequency for Algiers in Arabic. Purely out of desperation, I started checking possible harmonics and found a clear, strong signal somewhere above 19 Megs which I fed to the monitor, who was delighted. The skill, as I'm sure you'll agree, lies in being able to distinguish between real transmitter harmonics and those generated inside the receiver. It stands to reason that if you can hear the harmonic but not the fundamental, then it's genuine :-) [Right, but sometimes both are audible and both are propagating independently] Glenn, as far as I am concerned you are the only person I'm aware of who has consistently encouraged people to explore this area of the hobby. I believe I did write a script once for the AWR Europe DX programme on the subject, but that was all. Inasmuch as I have heard stations on harmonics that I have never heard on the fundamental, I encourage you to promote this specialist topic. 73, (Andy Sennitt, Nov 22) ** ECUADOR. Noted half hour of nice Andean music on La Voz de los Andes Spanish service to the Americas, 15140, UT Sat Nov 20 at 0200- 0230. I then went looking on the website for the PROGRAM schedule for this service; finally gave up after a fifth to a quarter of an hour wasted. It just does not seem to be there, this basic and essential info. Can anyone find it? I've asked Allen Graham about this (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** FRANCE. Good morning: It is just past 16:00 UTC and an announcement on World Radio Network said labour problems at Radio France International make regular programming unavailable. So far the news is the only program affected as they are broadcasting programs such as "Reach Out". We will see what is on at 1635 when I usually listen to Club 95-16. (Mick Delmage, Alberta, Nov 21) BBCM had reported a strike against French public broadcasting radio and TV, including RFI, started UT Nov 15 at 2300 (Hauser) On satellite at least RFI programming was run but no news or Club 95- 16. Asia-Pacific news was run as usual. Not sure, but these programs could have been produced before the strike. I will try to keep you updated. I missed the HF broadcasts (Mick Delmage, Alberta, Nov 22) ** INDONESIA. 15149.82 Voice of Indonesia, foreign service in English noted at very listenable levels @*2000-2100*. (19-Nov/Quaglieri-NY) The second report of this recently. Wish I could say it were listenable here, but at least Nov 22 at 2025 check, very little signal, and splash from HCJB 15140 (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** IRAN. - English services for B99: 1530-1630 9885 Indian sub-continent, 11775 & 7245 SEA 1930-2030 9022 C/WEu, 11765 CEu 2130-2230 11740 & 13745 Au/SEA 0030-0130 6065 CAm, 9022 CAm/SAm, 6135 NAm 1100-1230 13710 Pakistan, 15395 ME, 21470 NAu/SEA, 15585 FE (Electronic DX Press Nov 22) Note the 0030 frequencies, 49 instead of 31m, and no mention of 15084, where this was reported recently; possibly a switching mistake or later change. BTW, I was enjoying the nice Persian music on 15084 Nov 22 around 0520 (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** ISRAEL/NORWAY. Another clash: 13800 1900-2000 long established NOR/DEN via Kvitsoe tx suffers co-ch QRM, I suppose registered KOL Israel Jerusalem 250 kW 330 degr in Hebrew language. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Nov 21) Soon to be fixed: Moshe Oren of Bezeq writes that from Nov 25 at 1000, the switch from 17545 to 13800 by Israel will be at 2000 instead of 1900. BTW, the sked posted at IBA's website omitted the time for a weekly Saturday only Spanish/Ladino broadcast. Per the complete schedule Moshe sent, it is 1555-1630 on 15640, 15650, and 1600-1630 on 17705, 17535 (Glenn Hauser) ** KOREA SOUTH. Thruout Dec, RKI's website features a World Cyberstamp Exhibition of about 1500 stamps taken from listeners' letters, along with some kind of competition. Since Nov 1, 8 RKI jingles have been rearranged into three styles - traditional, modern and trot(?). Tooru Yamashita likes them and wants to put them on his ABI website. A new program since Nov 1 on Thursdays is Korea and Its Splendours (RKI Multiwave Feedback Nov 21 via Hauser) ** ST HELENA. Regarding the breakdown of the RMS St. Helena, preventing cargo, mail and passengers from reaching STH on schedule: Substitute vessels have been chartered, first into the island by early December. (The Islander newspaper, Ascension) Please see The Islander web site for more details at (via sthelena list) More places to keep up with the St. Helena situation: (Larry Greenfield, whose travels plans have been ruined by all this, sthelena list) RMS Update at (sthelena list) ** SOMALIA. Here are some info regarding Somalia: 7074 Hargeisa Not heard for quiet some time now 6900 Holy Koran Not Heard since ISRAEL D.F R is on 6898 6859v R Mogadishu is on 6853 for the time being 7088 R Mogadishu reported at 1600-1700 (Voice of the People). I had thought this station was a second transmission of R. Mogadishu (V.O.P) due to its Signature tune (Military Band Tune) sounding the same as Voice of the people but it fact it was R. Gaalkacyo and like all Somali Stations it has also changed freq many times - it was on 7060, then 7088 and now 7012 6690v R Mogadishu 1500-1900 (Voice of the People). Has 6690 replaced 11204 kHz ? Voice of the people was off the air for nearly 4 months and was reactivated on 2 Oct on 6750 and was there for less that 15 days and it has not been heard again until now and here are the frequencies used by this station in the past: from 11204 to 6822 - 6754 - 6540 - 6584. (Mahendra Vaghjee In the Indian Ocean, Nov 21, copy of reply to an inquiry by Anker Petersen) ** U S A. For the record, the Radio Hall of Fame broadcast was in fact UT Sun Nov 21 at 0300-0400 on WGN 720 Chicago, among others. We just listened to a tape of this well-produced hour, mostly above the Mexican. Casey Kasem in an opening retrospective of WW II leading up to induction of Kate Smith even mentioned shortwave and my birthday. Read all about it at as Jim Bohannon plugged. It was preceded by a repeat of WGN's Diamond Anniversary special, scheduled for 7 pm, but not actually starting until 0113 UT. Annoying about WGN: you never know how long the newscasts will be, hence when other programming will start (Glenn Hauser, OK) ###