DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-187, December 1, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html Note: please use wghauser@hotmail.com, not our yahoo address [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] WORLD OF RADIO #1107: (STREAM) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1107ram (DOWNLOAD) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1107.rm (SUMMARY) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1107.html NEXT AIRINGS ON WWCR: Sunday 0330 on 5070, 0730 on 3210, Monday 0100 and 0600 on 3210 NEXT AIRINGS ON RFPI: Sunday 0000, 0600, 1200 on some of: 21815-USB, 15040, 7445-USB {The following has already been updated UT December 2 at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/radioskd.html} WORLD OF RADIO, CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL BROADCAST SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE December 1, 2001 It always pays to check all RFPI frequencies beyond their scheduled hours. Schedule shown is nominal, but it is not unusual for one transmitter to be down. RFPI`s new schedule effective Nov. 30 leads to some changes; WWCR-1 *may* revive 9475 part-time. For latest updates see our Anomaly alert page: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Anomaly.html Days and times here are strictly UT. This schedule is for B-01, winter timings for standard time. Thu 0030 WOR WBCQ 7415 [first airing of each edition] Thu 0600 WOR WBCQ 7415 Thu 2130 WOR WWCR 15685 [may start early] Fri 1030 WOR WWCR 3210 Fri 1900 COM RFPI 21815-USB Fri 1930 WOR RFPI 21815-USB Fri 2215 MR WWCR 3210 [ex-3215, 9475] Fri 2330 WOR Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 87.35 96.55 105.55 Sat 0100 COM RFPI 15040 Sat 0130 WOR RFPI 15040 Sat 0300 WOR WWCR 3210 [ex-3215] Sat 0700 COM RFPI 7445-USB Sat 0730 WOR RFPI 7445-USB Sat 0900 WOR WRN1 to Europe, Australia, NZ, WorldSpace AfriStar, AsiaStar Sat 0955 WOR WNQM Nashville TN 1300 Sat 1230 WOR WWCR 15685 Sat 1300 COM RFPI 21815-USB Sat 1330 WOR RFPI 21815-USB Sat 1500 WOR WRN to North America, also WLIO-TV Lima OH SAP Sat 1730 COM RFPI 21815-USB Sat 1800 WOR RFPI 21815-USB Sat 1928 WOR WPKN Bridgeport CT 89.5 (week delay) Sat 2330 COM RFPI 21815-USB 15040 Sun 0000 WOR RFPI 15040 Sun 0330 WOR WWCR 5070 Sun 0530 COM RFPI 15040 7445-USB Sun 0600 WOR RFPI 7445-USB Sun 0728 WOR WWCR 3210 Sun 1130 COM RFPI [suspended; try webcast] Sun 1200 WOR RFPI 21815-USB Sun 1730 WOR Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 87.35 96.55 105.55 Mon 0100 WOR WWCR 3210 [ex-3215] Mon 0430 WOR WSUI Iowa City IA 910 (week delay) Mon 0600 WOR WWCR 3210 Mon 1730 WOR RFPI 21815-USB Tue 1200 WOR WWCR 15685 Tue 1900 WOR RFPI 21815-USB Tue 2000 COM RFPI 21815-USB 15040 Wed 0100 WOR RFPI 15040 Wed 0200 COM RFPI 15040 7445-USB Wed 0700 WOR RFPI 7445-USB Wed 0800 COM RFPI [suspended; try webcast] Wed 1300 WOR RFPI 21815-USB Wed 1400 COM RFPI 21815-USB Internet: see Our Current Audio page for availability: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Webcasts at times shown are available from all stations except WBCQ, WWCR, WNQM, Studio X. http://www.wrn.org/live.html http://www.boinklabs.com/ifpi.html http://www.rfpi.org http://www.wpkn.org http://wsui.uiowa.edu ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. Hi, Thanks to Andy Sennitt and his message in HCDX I could send a reception report to Voice of Afghanistan and immediately got the following reply. Also the press release was attached in good condition. 73 from (Björn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden, hard-core-dx via DXLD) Dear Björn, Thank you very much for your email. We shall be glad to send you a letter confirming your reception but in the meantime, we attach our press release for your information. Thank you for your interest and report on Voice of Afghanistan. Kind regards, Penny Munro, Voice of Afghanistan Afghan Broadcasting Company (via Fransson, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** ANTARCTICA. Según me explicó por teléfono, el socio argentino de AER Juan Francisco de la Torre Pérez, LU-083-AER, no le es posible sintonizar en 15476 la emisora argentina instalada en la Antártida LRA36 R. NACIONAL ARCANGEL SAN GRABRIEL, así como contactar por teléfono ya que nadie lo atiende. Por todo ello, parece probable que haya dejado definitivamente de emitir (Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España, EA4-0003-AER, Noticias DX Dec 1 via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. Feedback is soon expected to be available on-demand, according to Roger Broadbent. I haven't heard a specific timetable, but I suspect this would be within three months. Have a great weekend (-- Rich Cuff, PA, swprograms Nov 30 via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. **M** According to the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union website, the ABC will combine all its radio networks for a day of special programmes on Wednesday 12 December, and ABC Radio's print magazine "24 Hours" will include a special commemorative CD of the 'best moments in radio' in its December issue. Presumably Radio Australia will carry something on shortwave? (Bryan Clark, NZRDXL via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** CANADA. **M** CBC Radio is going to to mark the 100th anniversary of Marconi's success in sending the first radio signal across the Atlantic with a series of programmes in the 2 weeks up to 12 December. Check special site http://www.tuningtheworld.com for details of all the broadcasts - it takes a little time to download and activate. Thanks to Theo Donnelly in Vancouver for this item (Bryan Clark, NZRDXL via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) In the current Ask WWCR, George McClintock raises the question whether Marconi could actually have DXed ``...`` trans-Atlantically on longwave with lowpower transmission, lowgain reception. Could just have been random static sounding like ``S``. Even so, he undoubtedly started something... (gh, DXLD) ** CANADA. http://www.cbucc.org/barg01/bc31.htm Bargaining Communiqué # 31 November 30, 2001 (00:15 hrs) CBC Strikes First Dear Members, CBC served notice that as of 18:00 eastern on Sunday they will post working conditions. We consider this to be the first action taken toward a confrontation. Should this happen, do not sign any documents regarding working conditions. Go to work as normal. Should they refuse to let you in the building to work then they have locked you out. Please contact your local executive for further information. CBC presented us with two packages today. Neither contained real change save some "window dressing". The major items in each package are the same or in some cases worse than the packages you voted overwhelmingly to reject. In response to CBC's aggressive actions, we have decided to tell them that we may be taking job action Monday at 12:00 eastern. We are very disappointed that the CBC chose this route rather than conducting themselves in a manner that would respect both our members and the principle of trying to negotiate an equitable collective agreement. We will continue to negotiate and will keep you posted. In Solidarity, Your Negotiating Committee, John Seccareccia and Anton Szabo -Toronto, Chris Turner - Fredericton, Blayne Paige - Ottawa, Mike Sullivan and Len Deiter - CEP National Representatives, Rick Warren -Vancouver. (via Ricky Leong, QB, Nov 30, DXLD) ** CANADA. I have now a real audio file online with the ID of CKTM Télévision (Canada). You can hear it at http://gallery.uunet.be/gs/real/CKTM.rm This audio studio link was first discovered by David Hodgson, Nashville TN, USA, but not identified yet at that time. Now it seems to be clear that this signal is originating from CKTM Trois Rivières, Canada. With some cooperation from other DXers we managed to narrow down the result to this station. We do not have yet an e-mail or snail mail address available (or website) but if somebody on the list knows more, please do not hesitate to inform me, so that I can add it to my NFM home page. The recording you can hear was made by David on 26143-26150 kHz, 4 Nov 2001, 1330 UT (Guido Schotmans - Antwerp, BELGIUM, Nov 30, via David Hodgson, DXLD) ** CHILE. Tonight I syntonize without problems this new radio station: 6010, Radio Parinacota, 0150 music in Spanish, ID "Las 24 horas lo mejor ... R Parinocota" 33333 (Hugo López, Chile, Nov 30, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. Hi, I Received today the following e-mail from idea Radio, Bogota. Best wishes from (Björn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden, hard-core-dx via DXLD) From: ftb produzioni empresa idearadio@hotmail.com Respetado señor: Gracias por su reporte de sintonía el cual es correcto. Idea Radio transmite desde la capital de Colombia, Sur América, en 7380 kHz. Su nacimiento data desde la ciudad italiana de Genova (1993) y ahora recomenzamos labores aquí en Colombia. Los estudios de emisión son totalmente digitales con enlace a 2.5 GHz, y la torre de transmisión consta de un equipo RCA de 10 kW. El sistema de antena es Harris omnidireccional. Lo invitamos a enviar su reporte escrito al Apartado Aéreo 27533 (P.O. BOX) de Bogotá, Colombia, Sur América para recibir su QSL. Gracias, Atte, (Andrea Laudicina, Director general, Idea Radio, via Björn Fransson, Sweden, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** CONGO DR. R. Okapi will be the name for the UN FM and SW radio project here, hopefully to be launched in mid-January in Kinshasa, elsewhere in the country about a month later. The okapi is an animal http://www.animalsoftherainforest.com/okapi.htm unique to the country (David Smith, UN, via Jerry Berg, DX-plorer via DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. Typically, it pays to check all RFPI frequencies beyond their scheduled hours. Sat Dec 1 around 1515 I was hearing not only 21815-USB, but also 15040, now not supposed to come on until 2000; however, neither was audible earlier at 1300 when 21815 is supposed to be on. Also, I am hoping that their new direct webcast will continue funxioning, even during the hours when no SW frequencies are scheduled, 0800-1200, not to mention 1200-2000 when nothing but 21815 is scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. RHC, new 15120, Nov 23 2130-2258* Spanish mixing with Nigeria, both at equal level. A real mess. \\ 15230, 11705, 17750 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. FRECUENCIAS DE RADIO MARTI PERÍODO OCT 28/2001 HASTA MARZO 31/2002 HORARIO UTC FRECUENCIAS 00:00 04:00 11.775 kHz 00:00 04:00 7.365 " 03:00 04:00 7.405 " 04:00 07:00 11.775 " 04:00 07:00 9.805 " 04:00 10:00 7.405 " 04:00 10:00 6.030 " 07:00 10:00 7.365 " 07:00 10:00 5.980 " 10:00 15:00 9.565 " 10:00 13:00 6.060 " 12:00 14:00 7.405 " 13:00 19:30 13.820 " 13:00 00:00 11.930 " 14:00 17:00 11.815 " 15:00 22:00 21.675 " 17:00 22:00 9.565 " 19:30 03:00 13.820 " 22:00 00:00 15.330 " 22:00 04:00 6.030 " (via Oscar, FL, Nov 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. R. Federación, 4960.03, Nov 23, 0055-0106*, presumed: the same type of programming heard from it in the past. Religious talk in language, recitations. Unusual, distinctive folk music. S\off with bouncy march tune. Fair. La Voz del Upano???, 5040.06, very tentative, Nov 24 0230-0312* Spanish announcements, ads, jingles, sound effects. Wide variety of US rock music, Spanish pops, ballads. Poor in noise. Abrupt sign-off. Upano was on 5040.06 in the past. Otherwise, I really have no idea who this is (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. Excerpt from an interview with Deutsche Welle director Erik Bettermann, published in the "Berliner Zeitung" newspaper on Nov. 8 and reprinted in the December 2001 edition of the "Radio- Kurier" magazine; Bettermann was asked about Deutsche Welle radio and its 29 language services: ``In view of changing distribution technologies like the internet we will have to think about a concentration on five or six world languages, suitable for transmitting an idea of the German society. Alongside with this we need of course the crisis and prevention radio. But we will have to consider carefully which areas of the world needs programmes in national languages from the point of view of the Federal Republic of Germany. We cannot serve the whole world.`` (via Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA [non]. Don`t miss this week`s ``This American Life,`` which includes a long segment about R. Liberación, the CIA clandestine instrumental in bringing down the democratic left-wing government of Jacobo Árbenz in 1954. (I am not in the habit of listening always to TAL --- one loses interest after a show becomes *too* successful --- but having failed to connect with the shows I was looking for at 1800 UT Sat Dec 1, Riders Radio Theatre, and Schickele Mix, I found myself listening to TAL on WUWF instead, and I`m glad I did...) From roughly 9 to 34 minutes into the Dec 1 show is a segment by Nancy Updike, starting with interviewing Nick Grace (of Clandestine Radio Watch), who has listened to all 54 tapes of R. Liberación (accessiblized by FOIA??? Not clear). Numerous clips are included, but they keep talking over them!!!! Does it never occur to radio producers that this is extremely irritating and frustrating for their listeners? Just because you *can* fade down and talk over, does not mean you *should*! Some notes I made while listening: R. Liberación announced frequency of 3420 kilociclos (JBA as they were fading down to talk over). It was on the air from May to July, 1954, and was nothing but lies, pretending to broadcast from the jungles of Guatemala; actually, 80 percent of the programs were pre-recorded in Opa Locka, Florida, and sent by diplomatic pouch to the transmitter site in [Somoza`s] Nicaragua. However, from June some of the broadcasts were made from the `field`, evidenced by improperly grounded equipment producing a constant hum, but still not really from within Guatemala. Broadcasts started with Guatemalan national anthem, and included chimes typical of TGW and other stations in that country; slogan: ``Dios, Patria, Libertad``. The broadcasts were really a drama, including a staged fake attack on the station by government troops, with the station abruptly going off the air, only to return two days later victoriously claiming that the government could not keep them off the air. It was really BS, including seemingly coded messages, and the announcer at one point referring to an excessively ``military`` time as ``9,300 hours``. But this so shook up the populace, and Árbenz, that he eventually resigned, only to be replaced by a succession of repressive military dictators, thanks to us --- spelt U-S, and the CIA. There is a lot more in the 25-minute item than I have mentioned here, including recollections of someone who actually listened to Radio Liberación in 1954, and named one of the announcers, who is involved in the present government, so many years later. This American Life is available ondemand via website (tho maybe not the latest one yet), http://www.thislife.org and for numerous further airtimes on webcasting public radio stations, consult: http://www.publicradiofan.com/cgi-bin/program.pl?programid=28 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Dec 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ICELAND. Ríkisútvarpið are no longer on SW. On Nov 7 I received the following E-mail from the station: "I am sorry to tell you that from Sep 4, 2001, SW transmissions from RUV were temporarily suspended. Best regards, Gudrun Eyberg, International Relations, RUV." (Ghibaudo, France, DX-Window via DX-plorer via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Mike Cooper`s remarks about R. Caroline were forwarded to their mailing list and brought these responses, via Mike Terry: Hi Mike, yes please copy to Glen[n] Hauser. My word, I remember listening to him on Short Wave years ago. Good to know he is still producing his great DX shows. Thanks for the comments about our programmes. Cheers, Mark D. At 10:38 AM 12/1/2001 +0000, you wrote: >Thanks Mark, OK if I copy this to Glenn Hauser at DX Listening Digest please? Thanks for the great programmes, I listen regularly via satellite - the best 75 pounds I ever spent (for the receiver from Richard). LA Mike ----- Original Message ----- From: caroline To: RadioCarolineMailinglist@yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 10:11 AM Thanks for the update Mike. I will remove the Satcom info from the Caroline South ID ASAP, although it may take a week or two to get it changed and circulated. I thought the correspondent Mike Cooper was somewhat disingenuous about our programming. He obviously hasn't heard Caroline lately !! Cheers, Mark D., Caroline South. The Radio Caroline Mailinglist on the web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RadioCarolineMailinglist (via Mike Terry) OK, Radio Caroline might not be on Sat Comm 3 possibly anymore --- but the station does appear to have been on there certainly until recently from the faxes/phone calls, etc. received at their studio in Maidstone, England from American listeners to Radio Caroline, apparently listening via the satellite according to their comments received at the radio station... Radio Caroline certainly does have a fair old hard core of regular listeners in America which do seem to respond, listen and contact the radio station daily... Radio Caroline can still be heard in the USA on Short Wave via the facilities of WBCQ The Planet in Maine USA from Thursday through to Sunday and a good response has also been received to those broadcasts from listeners in the Americas as well... Radio Caroline is still the UK and Europe's longest running rock and pop radio rebel and for those able to listen via the Astra 1G satellite or Internet, Radio Caroline's resident Beatles fanatic David Foster will be doing a tribute to George Harrison on his show today Saturday, 1st December 2001 between 12 noon and 3 p.m. GMT; the show will also include lots or rare and more unusual Beatles and Solo music and interviews from George Harrison. Radio Caroline 1964 - 2001 and onwards - The Legend Lives On!!! (corfield, Dec 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hello, Some comments about the quality of programming on Radio Caroline have appeared on a recent bulletin. For the sake of balance I would like to let you know about this programme which is part of their schedule. I would be interested to know if your monitors know of others with the mix of styles included here. I think you might agree that this not MOR listening. Best regards (Paul Sherratt, Dec 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The Global Jukebox contact: Paul Sherratt at info@theglobaljukebox.com office: 76-78 Nantwich Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 6AL (UK) phone: fax : ( 0 ) 1782 775367 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Playlist. This week's programme is on-line now and be accessed at any time with excellent audio at http://www.spydaradio.co.uk This show is available for the week commencing 25th November until replaced by a new edition. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ist Hour The Sadies - Loved On Look - cd Tremendous Efforts -Bloodshot BS070 http://www.bloodshotrecords.com *Proper Andrew Bird's Bowl Of Fire - Core And Rind - cd The Swimming Hour - Ryko RCD10606 * Proper --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Groove Juice Symphony - Bim Bim Bam Bam - cd Pits, Pulp & All (Limited edition live tracks ) http://www.barrencewhitfield.com Little George Sueref & The Blue Stars - Tell Your Mother - cd Little George Sueref & The Blue Stars - Pussycat PCD 001 Lazy Lester - Ponderosa Stomp - cd Located In The Record Center Of The South - Ace CDCHD686 http://www.acerecords.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Rockin' Sam with Kid King's Combo - Don't Let Your Daddy Slow walk You Down cd as above Kelly Hogan - I'll Go To My Grave Loving You - cd Because It feels Good - Bloodshot 079 * Proper Mary Margaret O'Hara - Dear Darling - cd Miss America - Kcoh KOC 3 7919 * Koch --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gigi - Guramayle - cd Gigi - Palm Pictures PALMCD2068-2 Jah Wobble, Bill Laswell - Alsema Dub - cd Radioaxiom - A Dub Transmission - Palm Pictures PALMCD 2073-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rasha - Azara Al Hay - cd Tea In Marrakech - Sterns / Earthworks STEW44CD http://www.sternsmusic.com Bill Jones - Farewell To Nova Scotia - cd-ep Bits And Pieces - BRICK003CD http://www.brickwallmusic.com Mary Gauthier - Different Kind Of Gone - cd Drag Queens In Limousines - Munich MRCD214 http://www.munichrecords.com. * Proper --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Hour approx. Gurf Morlix - Fallin' Off The Face Of The Wall - cd Toad Of Titicaca - Catamount CCR004 http://www.catamountco.com Lucinda Williams - Sweet Old World - cd Sweet Old World - Chameleon 61351-2 Songs & Readings By Country Joe McDonald, Indigo Girls w/ Ani Difranco, Arlo Guthrie, Tim Robbins, Ramblin' Jack Elliot from the cd ' Til we Outnumber 'Em - The Songs Of Woody Guthrie - Righteous Babe RBR019-D - info@therighteousbabe.com also http://www.woodyguthrie.org. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cuarteto Patria & Manu Dibango - Rumba Makossa - cd The Rough Guide To Afro-Cuba - RGNET 1070 CD http://www.worldmusic.net El Piquetón De Felix Rondón - Pica Y Pala - cd Misericordia, Qué Es Esto ! - Tumi TUM103 http://www.tumimusic.com Orlando Cachaito Lopez - Conversacion - cd Orlando Cachaito Lopez - WCD061 http://www.worldcircuit.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Simon - The Late Great Johnny Ace - LP Hearts And Bones Little George Sueref - The Clock -cd as before Johnny Ace - So Lonely - cd The Memorial Album - MCA --------------------------------------------------------------------- Manu Chao - La Vacaloca - cd World 2001 - Virgin Macka B - Mad Cow - cd Suspicious - Ariwa ARICD138 Hoosier Hot Shots - I Like Bananas, Because They Have No Bones, cd Novelty Songs 1914-1946 Crazy & Obscure TRIKONT US 0276 * Klang http://www.trikont.de --------------------------------------------------------------------- Four Piece Suit - Kolme Kitaraa - cd Ready To Where ? - Ocean Music OMUS2006 http://www.oceanmusic.com Max Falcon - Money Back Guarantee cd The Fraternity Story Vol 2 - Ace CDHD822 Little George Sueref - Six Sixty Six - cd as previous --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly Joe Phelps - Clementine - cd Sky Like a Broken Clock Ryko RCD10612 --------------------------------------------------------------------- On the next show : Simon Jones aka The Folk Bloke is back with the best of the new releases New cds from Musa K, A mighty re-issue from Ace - James Carr - one of the all-time-great soul singers, The Walkabouts, Tim Carroll, Paul Burch , Luke Doucet, and that big man from Ranch Records , California, Cyrus Clarke. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Global Juke Box is available 24 hours & 7 days per week at http://www.spydaradio.co.uk This is via RealPlayer which can be obtained free at http://www.real.com Past playlists are archived courtesy of ~ Lorcan Mongey at http://www.avistic.demon.co.uk Gig Information, reviews, news and more go http://www.revolutionsuk.com - Brand new site due very soon Gig information and more go to http://www.netrhythms.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------------------- Satellite transmission details for Radio Caroline ~ Wednesdays 22.00 - midnight UK on Astra 1G for Europe --------------------------------------------------------------------- Spyda Radio's Weekly Programmes : *Sunday Paul Sherratt Global Jukebox * Monday Danny Garlick The Slipstream * Tuesday Gail Comfort The Comfort Zone * Wednesday Laurence Arnold Caffeine Buzz * Thursday Bob Paterson The Alternative Experience * Friday Alan O'Leary Big Al's Guest List * Saturday Karen Miller The Miller Told Her Tale + Monthly Show from Barry Everitt - Borderline Radio (via Paul Sherratt, Dec 1, DXLD) ** JORDAN. R. Jordan, 11690, Nov 23, 1500-1731* --- heard past several weeks with better than usual signal. Jordan is strong, overpowering the RTTY on frequency. Two minutes of English news at 1500, 1600. Program on the origin of Ramadan, variety of local pops, techno-pop dance music. Announced that English starts at 1400 (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1107, DXLD) ** KASHMIR. The special broadcasts for Ramzan from Radio Kashmir, Srinagar on 4950 was noted signing off at 0025 today. Earlier they used to sign off at 0005. So the new schedule for Ramzan until December 17,2001 is 2330-0025. (Must recheck on coming days). At 0025 the tx goes off air and starts regular tranmissions from 0120. 73 (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, Nov 30, dx_india via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. North Korea has changed the schedule for overseas service from November 5. The frequency of 11 MHz or less is used altogether. It is the frequency 4405 and 3560 kHz relay. 3250 kHz currently used for Japanese is not announced. See http://www2.starcat.ne.jp/~ndxc/nk.htm (Nagoya DXers Circle Dec 1 via DXLD) ** NEW ZEALAND. **M** From NZ Radio DX League, Bryan Clark : 01 December 2001 04:46 During December, there will be a number of special broadcasts to mark the centenary of the first long range radio reception --- Marconi's trans-Atlantic experiment. In some quarters this is seen as the dawn of radio broadcasting as we know it. On Sunday 9 December, Radio New Zealand's National Network will highlight Marconi during the 'Sounds Historical' programme -- 8.05pm to 10pm NZLT, or 0705-0900 UT on RNZI shortwave 11675 kHz. On Sunday 30 December, RNZ National Programme will provisionally carry a documentary about Marconi. This may air after the 6pm news bulletin. If at that time will be relayed on RNZI shortwave at 0505 UT on 15340 kHz. Thanks to 'Sounds Historical' host Jim Sullivan for these items (Bryan Clark, NZRDXL via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) --- This mailing list provided to the DXing community by The NZ Radio DX League --- http://radiodx.com To un-subscribe, please visit http://radiodx.com/cgi-bin/listargate.cgi ** NICARAGUA. R. Miskut, 5770 reduced carrier USB, Nov 22 0105-0159* Spanish talk, ballads, ID, s/off with national anthem. Good, but irregular; also heard Nov 23-24 at 2300-0210+ (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [non]. My presumed log on 5761.1 of Radio Miskut must have been the Costa Rican harmonic instead (Hans Johnson, FL, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Radio Center from Moscow (1503 AM) will perform Christmas test broadcasts to North America on December 23, 24 and 25th 0300- 0500 UT, 5925 kHz via St. Petersburg 200 kW transmitter. First hour will be in Russian and second - mostly in English. This test is dedicated to 70th anniversary of start of regular Christian broadcasting on shortwaves [i.e., HCJB! --gh]. The US phone number to contact will be announced during the programme. E-mails to contact are: letters@radiocentre.org, letters@radiocenter.net or radiocenter@mail.ru. Postal address for reports and suggestions: Radio Center, ul.Nikolskaya,7, 103012 Moscow, RUSSIA (Konstantin Gusev gusev@itep.ru http://www.radio.hobby.ru ICQ:8858045 Dec 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA [non]. On Thu, 22 Nov 2001 Qiao Xiaoli wrote: Could you tell me the mail or email address of these three Tamil clandestine radio stations ? TBC-LONDON ----- tbcradio@hotmail.com IBC-TAMIL ------ info@ibc_tamil.co.uk VOT-EELAM ------ mail@eelamweb.com (D. Prabakaran, Mettupalayam, dx-india via DXLD) ** U K. Kenny Everett documentary to be broadcast by the BBC this Christmas --- DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). From: http://www.offshoreradio.co.uk/evtimes.htm During the early seventies, having been fired by Radio One, Kenny Everett was desperate for work. Commercial radio was still a few years away so the only alternative was BBC local radio, where the financial rewards were meagre. Journalist Paul Rowley tells the story of Kenny's "wilderness years" in a special documentary to be broadcast on most BBC local stations over the Christmas period. Not all the transmission dates and times are finalised but here are the details that we know so far. The list will be updated as and when more information becomes available. [no doubt many if not most of these also webcast ---gh] STATION DATE AND TIME BBC Radio Bristol 25 December 17.00 / 28 December 13.00 BBC Radio Cleveland 26 December 18.00 BBC Radio Cornwall 31 December 18.05 BBC Radio Cumbria 28 December 17.05 BBC Radio Derby 26 December 18.00 BBC Radio Devon 31 December 18.05 BBC Essex 26 December or 1 January - details to be confirmed BBC Radio Gloucestershire 27 December 15.00 BBC Radio Guernsey 27 December 18.00 BBC Hereford and Worcester 25 December 17.00 BBC Radio Humberside 31 December 16.00, 1 January 18.00 BBC Radio Jersey 26 December 10.00 BBC Radio Kent 27 December 06.00 /18.00 BBC Radio Lancashire 25 December 16.00 / 26 December 13.00 BBC Radio Leeds 27 December 16.00 BBC Radio Lincolnshire 25 December 13.00 BBC GMR 26 December 09.00 BBC Radio Merseyside 26 December 12.05 BBC Radio Newcastle 1 January 18.00 BBC Radio Norfolk 31 December 17.00 BBC Radio Nottingham 24 December 18.00 BBC Radio Sheffield 25 December 17.00 BBC Radio Shropshire 25 December 17.00 BBC Radio Solent 27 December 16.00 BBC Southern Counties Radio 28 December 18.00 BBC Radio Stoke 25 December 17.00 BBC Three Counties Radio 1 January 18.00 BBC Wiltshire Sound 25 December time to be confirmed BBC WM 25 December 18.00 / 28 December 20.00 BBC Radio York 1 January 12.00 (I heard this superb website recently plugged on Steve Wright's Radio 2 show; how times have changed - Mike). In the December update to The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame, you will find: News of Radio 270's Hal Yorke and Noel Miller; some new listeners' photos; Radio Caroline's Gordon Cruse writes; we remember Christmases past on the North Sea; there is a whole page devoted to the genius of Kenny Everett; and more..... I am also asking for your help in tracking down more sixties broadcasters. Hope you enjoy it, Jonathan, The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame http://www.offshoreradio.co.uk (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK Dec 1 via DXLD) ** U S A. WMLK, 9465, Nov 23 *1600-1930*, still here M-F with usual teachings of Elder Jacob O. Meyer and the Assemblies of Yahweh. IDs, address, fair to good (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7354.36, "WRNO": The station being relayed here is WBSN-FM, 89.1, New Orleans, 2330-0000+ Nov 24 with Christian rock, ID for FM 89.1. No mention of call letters, but it`s the same programming as on the WBSN website http://www.lifesongs.com/ (Jerry Berg, MA, DX-plorer via DXLD) ** U S A. Conrad's Garage: Frank Conrad's garage near Pittsburgh is widely considered to be the birthplace of modern broadcasting. For 94-year-old Harry Mills, memories of Conrad's earliest broadcasts still ring with excitement. Hear the story of radio's early days Friday on All Things Considered. It's part of NPR's continuing Lost and Found Sound series. Listen: http://www.npr.org/ramfiles/atc/20011130.atc.06.ram (via gh, DXLD) Last evening, NPR'S "All Things Considered" had a segment on the "oldest radio station" --- KDKA in Pittsburgh. You can hear the Real Audio archive file. It is under the "Lost and Found Sound" title. (Tom McNiff, Burke, Virginia, USA, DXLD) Producer Joe Richman tells the story of Frank Conrad, the Pittsburgh man whose garage tinkering resulted in the first commercial radio station, KDKA. It was Conrad who first played music from a record over the airwaves. In 1920, Conrad made sustained broadcasts of the human voice. There had been experiments with such technology earlier, but most of radio to that point had consisted of Morse Code signals. Richman visited a man who heard the original broadcasts to bring us this story. It's part of the series, Lost & Found Sound. (12:30) listen with Real Audio (via Tom McNiff, VA, Dec 1, DXLD) ** U S A. George Harrison: An Appreciation http://www.kunm.org KUNM, the University of New Mexico's public radio station (89.9 FM), will present a two-hour special to mark the passing of musician George Harrison, Saturday evening, December 1 from 6 to 8 [MST = UT minus 7, so Sunday UT 0100-0300]. Harrison died Thursday, having lost his battle with cancer. George Harrison: An Appreciation is produced by KUNM Production Co- Director Paul Ingles. It includes reflections from fans, both here in New Mexico and across the country, who comment about the impact George Harrison's music has had on their lives. The bulk of the program is devoted to Harrison's music: 30 songs from his early days as lead guitarist for The Beatles, through his post-Beatles solo and collaborative work. Among the music selections: Harrison-penned Beatle tracks like "Love You To," "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and "Here Comes the Sun;" "All Things Must Pass," "Isn't It A Pity," and an early demo of "Let it Down," from his landmark 1970 All Things Must Pass release; and samples of his many solo releases and his late career collaboration with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison and Jeff Lynne in the Traveling Wilburys. "The impact of The Beatles on modern music is staggering," says Ingles, "and Harrison's role as an instrumentalist and as a writer of some of the Beatles most memorable tunes makes him an extremely important figure to remember. And some would say his post-Beatles work is even more significant as he consistently delivered messages of peace, love and tolerance. His words have crucial importance to today's troubled world." "What I like about George Harrison is that his lyrics express a search for the knowledge of God," said Kate Pourshariati of Philadelphia for the program, "or even the Sufi-like yearning to be released from the body." Gary Eshbaugh of Morrisville, Pennsylvania added, "I think the thing that stands out for me about George Harrison is how he was able to maintain his own identity and calm strength in the midst of such larger-than-life figures as (John) Lennon and (Paul) McCartney." "When he started to do his solo music, I really fell in love with it because of the spiritual message of his songs," said Suzanne Kryder of Placitas, New Mexico. "The messages were that we are all suffering and we're hurting each other as a result of our suffering…So that if we can be aware of our own suffering and then deal with our own pain, then possibly we won't be hurting other people" The program, produced by Ingles' Cedar Creek Studios in association with KUNM, will also be heard on public radio stations across the country. SONGS FEATURED IN GEORGE HARRISON: AN APPRECIATION Love You To - Beatles - Revolver Everybody's Tryin' To Be My Baby - Beatles - Beatles For Sale Don't Bother Me - Beatles - With The Beatles I Need You - Beatles - Help! If I Needed Someone - Beatles - Rubber Soul Taxman - Beatles - Revolver Fixing a Hole - Beatles - Sgt. Pepper Within You Without You - Beatles - Sgt. Pepper While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Beatles - Anthology 3 + White Album Here Comes The Sun - Beatles - Abbey Road Something - Beatles - Abbey Road All Things Must Pass - George Harrison - All Things Must Pass Isn't It A Pity (Version 2) - George Harrison - All Things Must Pass My Sweet Lord - George Harrison - Concert For Bangla Desh Bangladesh - George Harrison - Concert For Bangla Desh Let It Down - All Things Must Pass - 2001 Edition Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) - Living In The Material World Maya Love - Living In The Material World Living in the Material World - Living In The Material World Dark Horse - Dark Horse Far East Man - Dark Horse Answer's At The End - Extra Texture Tired of Midnight Blue - Extra Texture This Guitar (Can't Keep From Cryin') - Extra Texture Woman Don't You Cry For Me - 33 1/3 Your Love Is Forever - George Harrison Crackerbox Palace - 33 1/3 Cloud Nine - Cloud Nine Someplace Else - Cloud Nine Handle Me With Care - Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1 End of the Line - Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1 Just For Today - Cloud Nine (http://www.kunm.org Nov 30 via gh, DXLD) Looking through the pdf December issue of Zounds, here are some more KUNM highlights, DATES AND TIMES here UT: Mons Dec 3, 10, 31, 0530-0630, Moon Over Morocco continues Fri Dec 7 1530-1600, discussion of university architecture Sun Dec 9 0300-0500, Italian-American Doowop special with Charlie Z. Fri Dec 14 1530-1600, interview with new NM Symphony Orchestra director Mon Dec 24 0530-0630, ``Green Chili Stew``, local drama Tue Dec 25 1300-, special on Chimayó sanctuary Wed Dec 26 0000-0100, Xmas Between the Ears (new name for Imagination Workshop comedy special, no doubt also on many other stations) (via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WNYC holiday specials page: http://www.wnyc.org/wnycmail/index_holiday01.html (Kevin A. Kelly, Arlington, Massachusetts, USA, publicradiofan.com Nov 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Regarding my previous report on 1710: I always use UTC. I have not noted 1710 on this evening (0230 UT, 12/1), but it is the Jewish Sabbath as of sundown. Perhaps it will be back on tomorrow evening? If so, its sign-on time might indicate transmitter or studio sunset. It was on until at least 0700 UT this morning (11/30) though weaker than my first report, certainly not the Middle East at this late hour! (Jim Renfrew, Byron NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Although Jim Renfrew reported this in UT giving the impression that it might be international DX, I don't believe that it's Israel as I had it strong through 0700 UT (0200 EST) last night. Israel would've been well into daylight by then. My guess is a location in the northeast corridor (Bruce Conti, Nashua NH, NRC-AM via DXLD) And my guess, should anyone in NYC want to go give the location a look-see, would be 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, world HQ of the Lubavitcher Chasidim. They certainly would have the wherewithal to put something like this on the air. Silly me, just went to the radio to see if I can hear it tonight --- but it's Friday night, the Jewish Sabbath, and anything called "Lubavitcher Radio" would most certainly be silent this evening! (Scott Fybush, NRC-AM via DXLD) ###