DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-038, March 21, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] ** ALASKA. KNLS March 25, 2001 to October 27, 2001 (UTC) (kHz) TIME BAND FREQ. LANG. 0800 25m 11765 English 0900 25m 11765 Russian 1000 25m 11765 Mandarin 1100 31m 9615 Russian 1200 25m 11765 Mandarin 1300 25m 11870 English 1400 25m 11870 Mandarin 1500 25m 11870 Mandarin 1600 25m 11765 Mandarin 1700 25m 12105 Russian (via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) ** ALASKA [non]. Hello, Thanks for your inquiry. You asked: Is 3390 kHz your only operating frequency or what others? Can you advise me when operation is likely? ka2hpu@hotmail.com HAARP has only used the frequency 3.39 MHz on one occasion - during the March 1999 "Listening Test" which was an announced test for Hams and SWLs to listen for HAARP. We transmitted a CW signal on that occasion and sent out QSL cards to those reporting reception. During research, the frequency of operation is chosen based on a number of factors including the specific results desired, the state of solar activity and the degree of ionization. In addition, HAARP operates under a license from the NTIA which specifies that all operation will be on a "not to interfere basis" meaning that we must check the frequency first before transmitting. As a result it is not possible to know what the operating frequency will actually be prior to actually operating. Thanks for writing to us. Webmaster (HAARP March 7 via Wells, Bud Perkins, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. Music tests noted at 0410 March 21 on 21680, presumably Christian Voice, Darwin, one of their frequencies (Chris Hambly, Victoria, DX LISTENING DIGESTS) G'day, I have been listening to Christian Voice on 21680 from Darwin 0320 hrs UT with very strong signal here playing continuous Christian songs, with crackly link modulation noted, although modulation seems to settle down then gets crackly again. This frequency is in use 0000-0900 (Tim Gaynor, Gold Coast, Australia, March 21, ARDXC via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. Courtesy of the ABC Online News service, Monday 19 March 2001: Australia TV set to fade to black The troubled international television service, Australia TV, is to close down tonight. The Federal Government has offered to provide $10 to $15 million a year to maintain an international TV service. But the operator, Channel 7, says it has withdrawn the offer to continue the Asia- Pacific service. Channel 7 says Australia TV will cease operations immediately. The Government had selected Seven and SBS as the preferred bidder to run a revamped version of Australia TV, but differences between the broadcasters mean the partnership is not going ahead. The Prime Minister, John Howard, says the Government supports having an international television service broadcasting from Australia into the Asia-Pacific region. Mr Howard says he understands the service has been losing money for months, and Channel Seven's decision is a purely commercial one. "We would like to see some kind of service maintained," he said. "We'll look at other options and have discussions with people who may be interested, but the decision that the network's taken is a purely commercial decision and we can't stop it. ----------------------- (via Matt Francis, Canberra, AUSTRALIA, March 19, DXLD) ** BURMA [non]. Burma/Norway: Opposition radio to extend broadcasts | Text of report by Burmese opposition radio on 16 March DVB [Democratic Voice of Burma] plans to change its broadcasting times and some frequencies from Monday, 26 March. The change is being made to accommodate the expansion of DVB programmes. From Monday 26 March, the DVB broadcast at 0600-0625 Burma Standard Time [BST, 2330- 2355 gmt the previous day] will be extended to 0700 BST [0030 gmt]. The night programme at 2100 BST [1430 gmt] will be extended to 2200 BST [1530 gmt]. The main evening programme at 1915 BST [1245 gmt] will cease broadcasting from Sunday 25 March. The morning 0600-0700 BST programme will be broadcast on 11590 kHz in the 25m band and on 9495 kHz in the 31m band. The 2100-2200 BST night programme will be broadcast on 15405 kHz in the 19m band and on 5945 kHz in the 49m band. The night programme can also be received on the old 16m band frequency of 17415 kHz, but it will close at 2125 BST [1455 gmt]. The normal ethnic language programmes will be broadcast twice daily at 2145 and 0645 BST [1515 and 0015 gmt] respectively. These programmes will commence on Monday, 26 March. [Democratic Voice of Burma broadcasts from studios in Oslo, Norway via hired shortwave transmitters in Norway, Germany, Madagascar and the CIS.] Source: Democratic Voice of Burma, Oslo, in Burmese 1245 gmt 16 Mar 01 (BBCM via DXLD) Democratic Voice of Burma (Burmese: "Democratic Myanmar a-Than") is hostile to the current Burmese government (the "State Law and Order Restoration Council", SLORC). It began broadcasting on 19th July 1992, at which time it announced that it was operating on behalf of the government-in-exile, the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB). According to a statement in March 1996 "Democratic Voice of Burma's staff members are appointed by and accountable to a management committee which is chaired by the prime minister of the NCGUB". The programmes are believed to be broadcasts via transmitters in Norway, Germany, Madagascar and CIS states. This schedule, valid from 25 March 2001, is based on details announced by the broadcaster. Languages : Burmese, Karen, Kayan, Shan Address: PO Box 6720, St Olavs Plass, 0130 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47 2220 0021 Fax: +47 2236 2525 E-mail: dvbburma@online.no Web Site: http://www.communique.no/dvb --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0000-2359 On Demand BURMESE Global Net: http://www.communique.no/dvb - archive audio 1430-1530 Daily BURMESE As 5.945 15.405 and 17.415 (to 1455) includes 1515-1530 Daily Program in SHAN/KAREN/KAYAN 2330-0030 Daily BURMESE As 9.495 11.590 includes 0015-0030 Daily Progam in SHAN/KAREN/KAYAN --------------------------------------------------------------------- (© BBC Monitoring March 21, condensed for DXLD) ** CANADA. Re DXLD 1-037: Hi Glenn, I see that that my latest e-mail caused a bit of confusion. I tried too hard to economize, it seems. :) Here are the "conflicts" in detail: In the online version, the RCI sked effective March 25 shows an English broadcast to the Americas at 2200 UTC (5 p.m. EST), where none exists in the paper version. I should not have mentioned the other "conflict" at all, as there are many inconsistencies between the online and paper versions when it comes to transmitter power (100 vs. 250 kW). Actually, there are some weird blocks in the paper schedule where two different half-hour periods has the same frequency changing powers. Hope this clears things up. Regards, (Ricky Leong, QB, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. CFRB/CFRX, is on the air 24h except 2359-0000 on 1010, 6070; has Midday News M-F 1650-1700 and live audio via http://www.cfrb.com/ (© BBC Monitoring March 31, condensed for DXLD) Actually, I am quite certain they are also on the air during that minute, and have always felt it odd that BBCM`s system cannot convey this accurately. From April 2 the only program mentioned will be at 1550-1600 UT (gh) ** CANADA [non]. 19 march '01 TAIWAN/CANADA. 9735, Radio Vancouver Intl: It`s confirmed that 'RVI' is definitely not broadcasting on shortwave. Quoting below two mails that I received from Keith Perron, RVI : No We stoped broadcasting on shortwave. The audience was to small, we have a better responce from out from internet broadcasting. Our studies have showed that SW listening is down. K pe rvi@mybc.com We no longer broadcast on shortwave. We are only using internet, the audience on shortwave is not large enough for us to use shortwave. Keith Perron Radio Vancouver International (via Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The quote implies that they were actually on the air. I tried them regularly from when first advertised and never heard a thing. Did anyone actually hear anything, or was this just wishful thinking, as I expect? (Walt Salmaniw, BC, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** CUBA. During the "DXers Unlimited" broadcast of March 13, 2001 Arnie mentioned the show is now 18 minutes long. There apparently was a problem with the tape during the March 20, 2001 2112 broadcast of "DXers Unlimited". As the show progressed Arnie`s voice got slower and slower. Finally at 2125 RHC pulled the plug on "DXers Unlimited" and played music. It will be interesting to hear if the problem is fixed during the repeat broadcast on March 21, 2001 0140. 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DJIBOUTI. Radio to resume shortwave service with UNESCO aid Text of report by Djibouti radio on 17 March The RTD [Radio Television de Djibouti] transmission centre situated in Dorale today received a donation of equipment from the UNESCO, which included a batch of spare parts for the transmitters at the Dorale centre. The donation, estimated at 11m [US] dollars, was received this morning by the RTD director, Ahmed Dini Farah [phonetic], who was accompanied by employees of the technical department. The donation was delivered by Mr Said Daoud [phonetic], the head of the UNESCO office in Djibouti. The Dorale transmission centre, which was established in 1983 and from which the RTD broadcasts its programmes on shortwave and mediumwave, has had difficulties since 1996. This donation was made in response to a request for assistance to rehabilitate the equipment at the centre, which had been made to the UNESCO. The donation will enable the centre to resume broadcasts on shortwave. During the occasion, the RTD management thanked UNESCO for the donation, which will enable Radio Djibouti to optimally resume its broadcasts in shortwave. Source: Radio Djibouti, in French 1030 gmt 17 Mar 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) WTFK? We remember it well, 4780 (gh) ** INDONESIA. Indonesians are disappearing as fast as we can say Dengan Hormat. For example, the only RPDK stations on SW now are RPDT2 Manggarai-2960 and RPDT2 Ngada-2899. Other stations which have been cornerstones as late as last year and are now gone include RRI Kupang-3385 and RPDT2 Sumbawa Besar-3542. The problem with RRI-Biak seems to be a very poor modulator. I have heard it nicely for several days, and on other days the modulator seems to be barely functioning. It will probably go within the next year if not before. RRI Serui- 4606 is nicely heard, with a good signal and good modulator. RRI- Merauke on 3905 is spotty--it is on some days, but more often not on. -- Northern Australia is the place to hear Chinese stations. It is amazing just how many Chinese stations can be heard (Dan Henderson, Australia, NU via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS. Just included this for those interested in Radio Caroline with history and pictures. Also a mail list for the latest moans groans and gossip. This list has been going for two weeks and already has over 100 subscribers. Andy Cadier. Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). From: http://www.radiocaroline.de/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RadioCarolineMailingList This is the home of the new RadioCarolineMailingLIst which I am pleased to say is gaining members at a rapid rate. Best regards, Mark Stafford, Radio Caroline (via Andy Cadier, DXLD) ** IRELAND. 6295, Reflections Europe, 2320 March 18, program "Call to Worship", address in Holland, Michigan, ID as "Reflections Europe", "Thanks for listening, and good night"; Christian pirate! 500 watts, according to http://dnausers.d-n-a.net/dnetsNRo/shortwave.htm http://cisquet.future.easyspace.com/europe.htm says "This station only transmits on Sundays with religious broadcasts from various religious organisations. They more or less use the frequencies of Radio Fax (at the moment of the above recording these are announced as 3930, 6295 and 12255 kHz - of which 12255 was not audible at the moment in question)" (Ralph Brandi, NJ, SWBC via DXLD) ** ISRAEL. IBA English A-01 to NAm/WEu: 0400-0415 9435 15640 17545 1030-1035 15640 17545 1600-1630 15615 17545 (but 21665 instead of 17545 May 1 to Aug 31) 1900-1930 11605 15615 17545 and to Af 15640 N.B. Times will be one hour later until April 9 The complete Summer 2001 schedule is now available at: http://www.israelradio.org/summer01.html (Moshe Oren, Bezeq, March 20 via George Poppin, CA, and Doni Rosenzweig, NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY/VATICAN. Glenn, I haven`t checked the original Italian, but a colleague tells me that the word "smog" has entered the Italian language (spelt as in English, with no "Italianization") and so it seems likely that "electrosmog" is what is being used in Italian (and of course requires no translation). As for the substance of the story, no-one seems to have commented on any health effects to those that work at such transmitting stations. Given that tens of thousands of people must now have spent decades of their working lives at high-power stations it is interesting that no adverse health effects have been reported. I recall a case some years ago where a long-serving engineer at a large US TV transmitting station (perhaps even the one on the top of the Empire State Building) claimed to have suffered ill effects. (Must have been a while ago as presumably such stations have long been largely automated.) This makes some sense to me, given that the wavelengths used by TV are roughly the same as the length of the human body, or of individual limbs (Chris Greenway, UK, March 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. I`ve yet to see anyone but myself report the Spanish station from the SW during the 1080 experiment (or it could be NE, but that seems unlikely). Did not get an ID or any info besides musical format, so may never know for sure, but searching the SCT listings, I find only a few Mexicans on 1080 in the western part of the country (tried Coahuila, Durango, Nayarit, and all states west and north), and the first one is surely the most likely -- being on 1080 in a state neighboring TX would not seem a good idea: XEDT 1080 Ciudad Cuauhtémoc Chih / R Divertida 1 kw nd XEPAB 1080 La Paz BCS / R Celebridad 0.5/0.25 XEDY 1080 Ciudad Morelos BCN 1.5/0.25 The first two are also mentioned in Fred Cantu`s incomplete listings (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS. FYI, I have just published the new RN technical schedule [A-01]. To go straight to the page click http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/html/schedulea01.html (Andy Sennitt, RN, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. Radio New Zealand Int'l is one of many international broadcasters which want to make it as difficult for the listeners to find them as possible. Plenty of frequency changes during each day and also during the seasons. Obviously they think its more important to achieve a few dB/uV's (or whatever it is) more - instead of sticking to a simpler schedule. Knowing very well that RNZI isn`t broadcasting to Europe their new frequencies as of March 18th are not very good. Here in Denmark reception used to be excellent for several hours (08-11 on 15175) but no so any more. They start fading in around 0630-0700 UT on 15120 kHz and by 0705 - when they've finally achieved a fairly good signal - they switch off. By 0706 they commence broadcasting on 11720 kHz, which is a frequency completely covered by a Russian speaking station - so very poor reception here. At 0959 today RNZI announced that they would be closing down on 11720 and changing to 15175 -- but they remained on 11720 and at 1000 programming continued here on 11720 -- but now announcing 15175 kHz. Sic. At this time signal strength from RNZI had grown so much that it was on top of the Russian station here - and also VoA which were signing on at 1000 on 11720. Fairly readable till 1105. At 1106-1310, 15175 kHz is used and that gives quite good reception here in Denmark - especially if using lsb mode. Please note that the listed 1305-1650 transmission on 6095 kHz is used occasionally only. Btw - for whatever reason RNZI has now started identifying itself as "The Voice of the Pacific" as well. I think this is new !? So this station now uses three different IDs: "National Radio ", "Radio New Zealand International" and "The Voice of the Pacific". (Stig Hartvig Nielsen, Denmark, March 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) No, I think V. of the Pacific has been an informal slogan for some time (gh) Tuned in again this morning; 11720 changed to 15175 at 1105 unlike yesterday at 0958. Somebody must have remembered the new schedule :- )) BUT between 0958 and 1105 11720 is no longer audiable due to QRM from R Ukraine international on the same freq. Be interesting to hear if anyone can hear RNZI between 0958-1105 on 11720 in the world with out QRM from R Ukraine in the target area mainly. Many years on the SW bands From SE England, (Karl Kruger 73's :-{)} Electronic DX Press via DXLD) ** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI: http://www.rnzi.com Live RealAudio is available between these times (GMT): Sunday 1100-1305 and 1900-2230; Monday to Thursday 0300-0400, 0800-0900, 1100-1305 and 1700-2230; Friday 2100- 2105 and 1700-2010; Saturday 1100-1305. This schedule, based on information from RNZI, is valid from 18 March to 6 May 2001 (© BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** NIGER. Hello, I can hear ORTN Niamey on 45,65 in FM wide whole afternoon !! No sign of 6 mtr. hams; beacons; E2 or E3 video. GD DX (Ruud Brand, Holland, TVDX Weblist March 20 via Tim Bucknall, harmonics@yahoogroups.com via DXLD) Semi-harmonic as reported before ** OMAN. RADIO OMAN A'01 FREQ SCHEDULE ------------------------------ FREQ STRT STOP CIRAF LOC POWR AZIMUTH DAYS LANGUAGE 6085 0200 0400 39N,40W SEB 100 320 1234567 Arabic 6085 2000 2200 39SW,48 SEB 100 240 1234567 Arabic 6190 1800 2000 39SW,48 SEB 100 240 1234567 Arabic 7235 0100 0300 48,53 THU 100 220 1234567 Arabic 9515 0400 0600 39N,40W SEB 100 320 1234567 Arabic 9735 2000 2300 28,39 THU 100 315 1234567 Arabic 9760 2300 0100 28,39 THU 100 315 1234567 Arabic 13640 0600 1400 39N,40W SEB 100 320 1234567 Arabic 15140 1400 1500 28,39 THU 100 315 1234567 English 15140 1500 1800 28,39 THU 100 315 1234567 Arabic 15355 0300 0400 48,53 THU 100 220 1234567 English 15355 0400 0600 48,53 THU 100 220 1234567 Arabic 15355 1800 2000 48,53 THU 100 220 1234567 Arabic 15375 1400 1800 39SW,48 SEB 100 240 1234567 Arabic 17630 0600 1000 2 8,39 THU 100 315 1234567 Arabic Warm Regards, (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) So, no change in English; and HCJB will still be on 15140 at 1400- 1500, tho to SAm so could be worse here. Neither has paid any attention to our several complaints about the clash and abundant open frequencies nearby (gh, DXLD) ** PAPUA NIUGINI. From the Australian Broadcasting Corporation newsline. "*Armed stand-off continues at PNG defence HQ* An armed stand-off continues at Papua New Guinea's Defence Force headquarters this morning. Renegade soldiers are refusing to surrender, despite having forced the Government to cancel sweeping reforms of the PNG military. This is day five of the stand-off. About 100 soldiers, armed with weapons stolen from the Murray Barracks Armoury are refusing to surrender until they receive written assurances that a 50 per cent troop cut and other reforms are cancelled." I suggest that you keep an ear on Port Moresby on 9675 or 4890. The provincial stations on the 90 metre band may also be worth monitoring; yet they usually are in indigneous languages. "Prime Minister Sir Mekere Morauta announced their cancellation on national TV over the weekend. Sir Mekere says he did not give in to military pressure, but acted to prevent his political opponents taking advantage of the situation. Australian Prime Minister John Howard says the situation is cause for concern. Negotiations between defence officials and the renegade soldiers are expected to continue today." Also RA's Pacific Beat plus RNZI may give updates especially the former on 9770 and 6020 from 0900z (Robin VK7RH Harwood, Tasmania, March 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. QSL Radio Gardarika, St. Petersburg 6235 has a very nice card printed up by now. Ordinary mail answer to e-mail report. "Garadarika" is surely derived from the Viking name of this area where they settled long, long before St. Petersburg came into existence. (Anyone challenging my theory?) The Vikings called it "Gårdarike" (Johan Berglund, Trollhättan, Sweden, March 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA. R. Galkayo: Their homepage is http://www.radiogalkayo.com !!!! (Thorsten Hallmann, Germany, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Not .ca as given before (gh) ** SWEDEN [non]. Re DXLD 1-037: the info on Radio Sweden's usage via Sackville on RCI's technical schedule (foreign relays) is incorrect... Sweden will be using RCI's Sackville facility at 02-03 on 9755, and 03-04 on 11895 kHz... first half-hour in Swedish, second half in English... still using the WRN feeds? (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) On shortwave, a few weeks ago we added a new relay from the transmitters of Radio Canada International in Sackville, primarily intended for reception on the West Coast of North America. In today's radio program I was joined in the studio by Magnus Nilsson of Swedish Teracom, who organizes our shortwave schedules, and who tells us the Sackville relays have worked out so well that we are quadrupling them, with an additional broadcast in English, and two in Swedish. Our English relays from Sackville will be at 02:30 hrs on 9755 kHz, and at 03:30 hrs on 11895 kHz. Remember, these are primarily intended for the West Coast of North America, while we continue at those same times to broadcast from Sweden on 9495 kHz. RADIO SWEDEN ENGLISH PROGRAM SCHEDULE: Weekdays: SIXTY DEGREES NORTH The stories making the headlines. Reports, interviews and analysis from the team in Stockholm and our correspondents in the other Nordic capitals, and the following features: Monday: SportsScan Judi Milar keeps you up-to-date with the top sports news and results from the weekend, as well as reports from the wonderful - and sometimes weird - world of Swedish sports. Tuesday: MediaScan (first and third Tuesdays) The world's oldest program of its kind, on the air since 1948. Originally about shortwave, more recently about satellite broadcasting, and now radio in Cyberspace as well. Presented by George Wood. You're reading the online edition. Wednesday: Money Matters Our magazine of business and labor market news, brought to you by Nidia Hagstrom. Thursday: Nordic Report (first Thursday) GreenScan (second Thursday), HeartBeat (third Thursday) or the S-Files (last Thursday) Nordic Report is a joint production of Radio Sweden and Radio Finland, taking a Nordic look at a specific theme. GreenScan is our Environmental magazine, presented by Azariah Kiros. Gaby Katz presents our health and medical magazine "HeartBeat". And in "The S-Files" Kris Boswell will be taking a closer look at "The Sweden Behind the Headlines", with a focus on history. Friday: Our review of the Swedish newsweek Weekends: Saturday: Spectrum, Radio E's Weekend, Studio 49 or Sweden Today Spectrum, with Bill Schiller, brings you the latest on Swedish music, drama, art, and film. Weekend is produced by the BBC in co-operation with Europe's leading international broadcasters. We carry the regular programs with Swedish participants. Azariah Kiros invites guests to Studio 49 for more in-depth looks at Sweden. Sweden Today, presented by George Wood, is a round-up of the major Swedish stories from the past month. It's also available over a network of local radio stations around the world. Sunday: In Touch with Stockholm or Sounds Nordic. In Touch With Stockholm not only answers listeners' questions about Sweden, host Nidia Hagstrom also calls up and lets listeners talk directly with Swedish experts. You can send questions directly to: intouch@radiosweden.org Sounds Nordic offers the latest and best Swedish rock and pop music. Gaby Katz keeps your finger on the pulse. You can send requests to: soundsnordic@radiosweden.org More details as well as the daily news and on demand RealAudio can be found on our Web pages at: http://radiosweden.org You can sign up to have the list of each day's stories e-mailed directly to you, by writing to: radiosweden-subscribe@topica.com If you want to comment on anything we take up in a program, or have questions about this country, check out Talkback, our newly relaunched Internet discussion board, accessible from our homepage. For a copy of our current Swedish schedule, send a message to: svenska@radiosweden.org (SCDX/MediaScan March 20 via DXLD) ** TURKEY. For those of you fortunate enough to receive this within three hours of sending, a last-minute reminder: V. of Turkey`s new weekly live call-in show is scheduled to appear UT Tuesday 2315-2350 on 9655, 6020. Also webcast -- go to link at bottom of page http://www.trt.net.tr See my previous items about this in DXLD 1-032 and DXLD 1-035: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/dxld1032.txt http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/dxld1035.txt Note that from next week it will be at 2215 on 11845, 7190! Regards, Glenn Hauser (posting at 2020 UT March 20) ** TURKEY. HI GLENN, I JUST READ YOUR E-MAIL ON THE SCREEN. THANKS GLENN YOU ARE TERRIFIC! I UNDERSTAND THE REASON THAT YOUR HAVE OVER TEN THOUSAND LISTINGS ON GOOGLE, YOU ARE TOTALLY DEVOTED TO DX-ING AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS. THANKS AGAIN. WARMEST REGARDS FROM A FAN OF YOURS, (RESHIDE, VOT, March 20 via DXLD) We then enjoyed listening to ``Live from Turkey,`` which actually ran from 2312 until 2355; 9655 was fair here, but webcast was perfect. Only caller to get through was Tom Sundstrom, who invited VOT to participate in the next SWL Winterfest. Said he could not hear her over the phone, so had to listen to the radio. Besides the two phone numbers, also gave a fax number 90-312-490-9845. Reshide also thanked me at the end for the publicity. I then tried google search and found over 14K hits on my name... (gh, DXLD) ** U K. Hello Wolfgang and .... Regarding BBCWS Waveguide, as far as I have been able to establish, there will be no successor for the summer schedule period. 73s (Dave Kenny, BBCM, via Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. For several days and nights, reception of R. Nova Intenational [9290] has been very good here in Denmark (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, March 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [and non]. OTHER BROADCASTERS relayed by MERLIN, A-01: Freq From To Days Site kW deg Language Target 3955 2000 2100 smtwtfs Skelton 250 106 KBS GERMAN EUR 3975 2100 2130 smtwtfs Skelton 250 106 KBS ENGLISH EUR 5975 0500 0600 smtwtfs Skelton 250 150 NHK ENGLISH W EUR 6035 2000 2200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 NHK ENGLISH OC 6055 2100 2200 smtwtfs Skelton 300 110 NHK ENGLISH W EUR 6110 0130 0230 smtwtfs Ascension 250 235 RAI ITALIAN S AM 6115 2200 2300 smtwtfs Skelton 300 110 NHK JAPANESE W EUR 6135 0330 0400 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 NHK SWAHILI AF 6145 1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 250 175 KBS FRENCH EUR 6155 0130 0200 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 275 RTE C AM 6175 1700 1900 smtwtfs Skelton 250 150 NHK ENGLISH W EUR 6180 2100 2200 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 58 NHK ENGLISH EUR 7230 0500 0700 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 70 NHK ENGLISH EUR 9525 0100 0300 smtwtfs Sackville 250 212 VOV C AM 9535 0700 0800 smtwtfs Skelton 300 110 KBS KOREAN EUR 9640 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 100 140 KBS SE AS 9660 1100 1130 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 140 NHK JAPANESE EUR 9730 2300 2330 smtwtfs Singapore 100 13 ABC KHMER SE AS 9750 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 62 NHK ENGLISH EUR 9795 0300 0400 smtwtfs Sackville 250 212 VOV C AM 9795 0400 0500 smtwtfs Sackville 250 277 VOV N AM 9875 1200 1300 smtwtfs Vladivostok 500 228 SHB ENGLISH CHN 9940 1300 1400 smtwtfs Irkutsk 250 224 SHB ENGLISH S AS 11550 0900 0930 smtwtfs Taipei 250 205 ABC SE AS 11550 2130 2330 smtwtfs Taipei 250 205 ABC SE AS 11685 1000 1030 smtwtfs Singapore 250 135 RTE AUS 11710 0800 1000 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 70 NHK JAPANESE EUR 11710 1100 1200 smtwtfs Woofferton 250 70 NHK JAPANESE EUR 11740 0600 0700 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 NHK ENGLISH SE AS 11740 0700 0800 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 NHK JAPANESE SE AS 11740 0800 1000 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 NHK SE AS 11740 1030 1100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 NHK JAPANESE SE AS 11740 1130 1200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 NHK THAI SE AS 11740 1200 1230 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 NHK SE AS 11740 1230 1300 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 NHK CHINESE SE AS 11760 1600 1730 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 62 HCJB RUSSIAN RUSS 11765 0130 0230 smtwtfs Ascension 250 295 RAI ITALIAN C AM 11855 2100 2200 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 NHK ENGLISH AF 11860 0100 0300 smtwtfs Singapore 250 340 NHK JAPANESE SE AS 11870 1000 1100 smtwtfs Taipei 100 352 SHB ENGLISH CHN 11920 0700 0800 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 NHK JAPANESE OC 11920 0800 1000 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 NHK SE AS 11920 1000 1100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 RAI ITALIAN OC 12025 2100 2230 smtwtfs Skelton 250 165 HCJB ARABIC N AF 13640 1830 1900 smtwtfs Sackville 250 277 RTE N AM 13720 1800 1900 smtwtfs Skelton 300 140 WYFR N AF 15110 2330 0030 smtwtfs Taipei 250 225 ABC SE AS 15220 0700 0730 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 NHK ARABIC N AF 15220 2200 2300 smtwtfs Ascension 250 235 NHK JAPANESE S AM 15315 1800 1830 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 105 RTE ME 15320 1700 1800 smtwtfs Ascension 250 102 RAI ITALIAN AF 15360 1800 1900 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 61 KBS RUSSIAN RUSS 15400 1230 1300 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 NHK FRENCH AF 15435 1400 1530 smtwtfs Singapore 100 13 ABC CHINESE CHN 17635 1200 1300 smtwtfs Komsomolsk 250 213 SHB ENGLISH SE AS 17650 0800 1000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 NHK JAPANESE AF 17790 1230 1300 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 NHK FRENCH AF 17790 1300 1330 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 NHK JAPANESE AF 17865 0500 0530 smtwtfs Singapore 250 13 ABC KHMER SE AS 21615 0000 0030 smtwtfs Tinian 250 255 ABC SE AS 21630 1600 1700 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 NHK JAPANESE AF 21630 1700 1800 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 NHK ENGLISH AF 21630 1830 1900 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 RTE AF 21780 0400 0430 smtwtfs Tinian 250 255 ABC SE AS 1386 2000 2400 smtwtfs Kaliningrad *** 275 LBH RADIO EUR 3230 1801 2200 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 0 AFFILIATED S AF 3955 1800 1900 smtwtfs Skelton 250 170 CBS ENGLISH W EUR 3955 1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 250 170 CBS FRENCH W EUR 6145 1530 1600 .mtwtf. Meyerton 100 275 AFFILIATED S AF 6145 1600 1800 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 275 AFFILIATED S AF 6175 1500 1700 ......s Skelton 250 105 NEW EUR 6175 1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 300 110 CBS GERMAN W EUR 7325 2030 2100 .....f. Skelton 250 105 WALES RADIO EUR 7520 1730 1815 smtwtfs Grigoriopol 500 116 CHAIR FARSI W AS 9430 0200 0300 s...... Furman 500 315 NEW N AM 9675 1800 2200 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 160 AFFILIATED S AF 9795 0200 0230 ......s Rampisham 500 300 WALES RADIO N AM 11535 1630 1830 .....f. Grigoriopol 500 116 KRSI W AS 11540 1630 1830 s.....s Grigoriopol 500 116 KRSI W AS 11590 1630 1830 .mtwt.. Grigoriopol 500 116 KRSI W AS 11640 1900 2200 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 330 AFFILIATED W AF 12055 1830 1900 smtwtfs Grigoriopol 500 116 AFNL FARSI ME 15465 2000 2100 smtwtfs Armavir 100 284 AFFILIATED W EUR 17665 1800 1900 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 328 AFFILIATED W AF 17810 1230 1300 ......s Rampisham 500 61 WALES RADIO OC (Merlin / BBC via ADDX Andreas Volk, Germany, March 15 via DXLD) ** U S A. Glenn, I found an interesting web site I think I found it via Guido Schotmans` site http://gallery.uunet.be/gs/ I noticed the playlist is entirely reggae (which I love), so I checked it on my YB400 and was pleasantly surprised to hear it booming in. Well, not quite booming but loud on the peaks and audible on the fades. It is on 25950 kHz AM. It was suddenly gone at 1955 after 45 minutes of good reception (Dave Hughes, K.C. MO, USA, March 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s Portland OR ** U S A. VOA Director to Lead Goucher College Goucher College yesterday named as its 10th president Sanford J. Ungar, director of the Voice of America since 1999 and a former dean of the School of Communication at American University. Ungar, who is to begin work at Goucher on July 1, succeeds Judy Jolley Mohraz, who left the college in August, Debra Rubino, Goucher`s vice president for communications, said in a statement. Ungar was dean of AU`s School of Communication from 1986 until 1999. Since then, he has served as director of the VOA, the U.S. government's international radio broadcast service. Ungar, a graduate of Harvard University and the London School of Economics and Political Science, has been a special correspondent for the Economist magazine and managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine, as well as the host of several National Public Radio programs, Rubino said. He also has written for The Washington Post. Goucher is a 1,700-student liberal arts and science college near Baltimore (Washington Post March 18 via Mike Cooper, DXLD) So is he overstaying his VOA job until June 30, or what? (gh) Hi Glenn: Sandy`s note to VOA employees is below. We don`t know if President Bush will name a successor in time for his June 30 departure, or if we will be under an acting director for a while. Sandy said that he has been able to stay on as VOA director because presidential appointees in agencies under a presidentially-appointed board (the Broadcasting Board of Governors in our case) do not have to resign immediately, as was the case with other political appointees. 73 Kim --- To My Friends in VOA and IBB: As you may have heard, on Saturday the Board of Trustees of Goucher College offered me the opportunity to become president of this wonderful liberal arts and sciences college in Baltimore, and I have accepted. I am honored by this challenge and look forward to this next phase of my career, which will include a tenured professorship in the Departments of History and Communication and Media Studies. My joy is tempered, however, by the prospect of leaving this extraordinary institution. I have felt privileged to be a part of the VOA family and gratified to feel so well accepted in your midst. I am proud of what we do here and dedicated to helping preserve it in the strongest form possible. I will never forget these two years and all that I have learned from you. I expect to remain on duty here until June 30 and begin the next day at Goucher. I look forward to working with you over the next few months. Sandy Ungar (via Kim Elliott, March 21, DXLD) ** U S A. Subject: New NWR Voice. Glenn, Just a tid-bit in my mailbox that I was thinking might interest you as you have covered this subject on WOR (or on a COM) at one time. Regards, David Zantow N9EWO Janesville, WI ************************************ NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) voice improvement is in a new and important phase. Please listen and comment on some of the possible new voices on the NWR voice evaluation web site at: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/voicesamples.htm Everyone from employees to warning partners to the public is encouraged to listen and send their comments. A link to this new page, as well as a new Voice Improvement Processor (VIP) status page, has been added to the NWR homepage at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/index.html. Evaluation of voices will continue through June. There will be three types of evaluations of candidate voices. The first type is an informal voice evaluation conducted via the web site given above. The second is an independent, contractor-led evaluation by user focus groups. The third is an evaluation by a team of NWR warning partners appointed by IAEM, NEMA and EAS National Advisory Committee leaders. Individuals interested in participating should contact ASAP their respective group leader. Team appointees` names are due from group leaders in early April. Background: Last year a NWS team of field office, regional office and headquarters employees established requirements for a new NWR voice processing system. The new speech technologies under consideration incorporate actual human voices first on the market only last year. The Request for Proposals was issued on March 12 on the web at http://www.rdc.noaa.gov/~amd/90021.html (also linked from VIP status page). Contractor selection is expected later this year with national deployment beginning in early 2002. The current computer-synthesized voice is a product of 6-year-old technology and will be replaced in response to listener and partner demands for a clearer, more human-sounding voice system (via David Zantow, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [clandestine]. Glenn, Tuning in the militia hour on 3-21. 3260 usb, 3:05 ut, "Colonel Steve" reading number/letter combinations coded messages ("nancy nancy seven whiskey whiskey; kilo x-ray number six number five zulu") Each group repeated twice. Followed by 3 and 4 word coded messages (camels are good swimmers; peachy keen wheels; grandma sent grandpa home) also repeated twice. Ended w/ "End of messages for today, I`m putting this in the burn barrel." Then into the usual drivel. I needed a good laugh today. Thanks, Colonel Steve! (Dave Hughes, K.C. MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. AWR ``Wavescan`` - DX Program The AWR global DX program ``Wavescan`` is on the air each Sunday in the English Service from Adventist World Radio. In the hour long broadcast in English, ``Wavescan`` is presented during the first half of the program. In the half hour broadcasts in English, ``Wavescan`` is the feature program. This above scheduling is true for all AWR outlets, except Meyerton, which will carry one edition of ``Wavescan`` each Sunday, though the timing is not yet finalised. In addition, ``Wavescan`` can also be heard from Radio Miami International WRMI and from the Radio Reading Service ZLXA in New Zealand. You may also hear ``Wavescan`` from the AWR web page at http://www.awr.org (Adrian Peterson, AWR via DXLD) The A01 AWR schedule is posted on their website and English is shown as follows: Africa 0430-0500 11975 Meyerton 0500-0530 5960 Meyerton, 6015 Meyerton 0530-0600 11970 Meyerton 0830-0900 17780 Moosbrunn 1730-1800 12130 Meyerton 1800-1830 5960 Meyerton, 6100 Meyerton 2030-2100 9745 Meyerton 2100-2130 15195 Moosbrunn NW Europe 0830-0900 9610 Forli 1230-1300 9610 Forli 1530-1600 7165 Moosbrunn Middle East 1530-1600 17660 Moosbrunn 1730-1800 11965 Guam NorthEastAsia 1000-1100 11560 Guam 1330-1400 11705 Guam, 11980 Guam 2130-2200 11980 Guam, 15240 Guam South East Asia 1000-1030 11705 Guam 1300-1330 15385 Guam Southern Asia 0330-0400 17635 Moosbrunn 1400-1430 17720 Guam 1530-1600 17660 Moosbrunn 1600-1700 11850 Guam (Website via Mike Barraclough, March 19, DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. 4830.03 Unidentified 1040-1052, 20 March, Strong signal, weak audio and not identifying as Radio Táchira. Venezuelan news items separated by tones. ID's sounded like, "El Turico A-M... la diferencia" "El Turico A-M...?Maracay Mundial?, la diferencia." "Deportiva A-M...atravez del Equipo (?Turico?) A-M..." "A-M ?Turismo? (?Turico?)". Fading with local sunrise by 1100 (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZAMBIA. R. Christian Voice, Lusaka, Zambia, noted on 4965, 21 March, 0203-0258*, under severe noise and QRM. M ancr w/British accent played old US pop mx such as "Pretty Blue Eyes". There was a mention of "three o'clock news" at 0224. At 0230, another ancr appeared w/a short, enthusiastic spot suggesting a horse race. From 0238 to 0243 another (presumably prerecorded) ancr w/a US accent dwelt on that evergreen topic, "Forgiveness". The stn's address was announced immediately following. From 0256 to 0258, a jingle ("Radio Christian Voice. . .choice") was played twice, followed by carrier off (Richard M. Utter, location unknown, DX LISTENING DIGEST) re UNIDENTIFIED on 6350 in German at 0444-0501: Think this is Südwestrundfunk from ROHRDORF, South west Germany 7265 kHz. His intermediate frequency is approx. 455 kHz, and 2 x 455 kHz + 6350 kHz is close to 7265 (All the best, Erik Koie, Copenhagen, DX LISTENING DIGEST) But not close enough? Thought about the 6350 German unidentified station heard in Cyprus. Don`t think it was pirate. The frequency is not typical for German pirates as it is known to be very QRMy [sic]. And news at 0500?!? Strange as well. Maybe the problem lies in your receiver. It could be what is called in German a "Spiegelfrequenz". 7265 SudWestRundfunk minus 915kHz = 6350. I can hear that also with my old receivers. (Thorsten Hallmann, Muenster, Germany, DXLD) Wolfgang Büschel suggests a mixing product at Wertachtal, but no frequency formula seems to work (gh) ###