DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-007, January 14, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html RESEÑA DE LA ONDA CORTA EN EL AÑO 2000 – traducción por Horacio Nigro de 2000, SHORTWAVE YEAR IN REVIEW se dispone en http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/swyir00s.html INFORME DX DESDE NORTEAMERICA. Nueva serie de informes para enero comenzó esta semana en Radio Enlace por Radio Nederland. Parte I, se repite el domingo 14 de enero a las 2355+ en 15315, 11715 9895 y el lunes 15 universal a las 0255+ en 9845, 6165. SELECTED ENGLISH LANGUAGE SWL/DX PROGRAMS ON SHORTWAVE (and a few amateur bulletins, too) compiled by John Norfolk, OKCOK, Has now been updated several times since the first posting earlier in January at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/dxpgms.html ** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, no trace of the station on the freq. I talk with my contact on Jan 12 to Base Esperanza, and he inform me that from the first days Jan 2001 the stn is out of the air, because the change of the endowment and LRA36 will resume its transmissions after Jan 20 with the new endowment at Base Esperanza (Gabriel Iván Barrera, Argentina, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** ANTARCTICA. Look for Nick, UA3YH, to be active as R1ANM from the Amundsen-Scott Base starting on/around January 15th through February 15th. R1ANW, Mirny: the operator after Wally's departure will be Slava Vasilkov. Slava worked as RX1OX/FJL from Franz-Joseph-Land before. He is a good CW operator. QSL should be via DL6YET (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. 15820L, La Red, 1240-1301 Jan 11, ID, comments, // 910 MW. SINPO: 45444. On USB mode, not a relay of stn hrd, but a continuous communications traffic between military personal and its homes & families, through phone contacts via LTA (hrd ID as Lima Tango Alfa some times) station located in the military Command of the Army, here in Buenos Aires. This confirm again about the origin of this argentine feeder relaying some MW stns of Buenos Aires city on SW in LSB/USB mode (Gabriel Iván Barrera, Argentina, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** BELARUS`. On 2338 the Mayak Relay was audible between 1915 tune in - 2315 (last check) in USB, // 3346. Seems to be a replacement of 2382 kHz. These Relays have been logged in the past on the following frequencies: 2338 (1/01), 2382 (9/00), 2738 (9/00), 2829 (9/00) 3346 (1/01), 3355 (9/00), 3564 (11/99) 4246 (12/99), 4541 (10/99) 4795,5 (8/00), 4855 (12/00), 4982 (9/00) 5134 (5/00), 5256 (12/99) (Willi Passmann, DX-Camp Breckerfeld, Germany Jan 13, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 4681.48 unID, Guayaramerín (Bolivia). Jan 2001 – 0030 cd. Is heard steadily most of the time but with pretty dull audio. UT -4 TC + "....en Guayaramerín". The programming consisted of music and a lot of "Mensajes". I have not any direct ID but Radio Paitití in Guayaramerín is listed. When I have listened they closed down at various times between 00-0030 UT. Start for the day is at 1230 UT. Also announces FM 100.1, which corresponds with the WRTH information re Radio Paitití. A very professional station (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Jan 14, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** BOUVET ISLAND. Chuck, 3Y0C, was heard over the weekend mainly on 20 meters on 14260 kHz between 2345 and 0030z. However, there were a few on 75 meters on 3772 kHz around 0245z. During the past week, he was also heard on 17/15/12/10 meters. An update from the WD4NGB Web page states the following from the island: "Murphy has struck again at Bouvet. They had an avalanche there this week along with the other bad weather, that killed a lot of the seals. That put their already very busy schedule on overload. The other news is they have been informed that the ship will be back to pick them up earlier than planned. They were given the date of March 2nd as the latest pickup date, but it could be as much as 2 weeks earlier than this." For up- to-date info and a new set of pictures from the island, check out the Web page: http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/3y0.htm (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11785.00, Rádio Guaíba, Pôrto Alegre; 0800-0830 good on 13/JAN/2001. At 0800 ad for the newspaper "Corréio do Povo", canned ID "Rádio Guaíba, Pôrto Alegre, Brasil, informação de credibilidade", and then its home page address was announced as http://www.guaiba.com.br At 0802 announcement for program "Guaíba Ecologia" which is broadcast at 0955-1055 local time from Monday to Friday. At 0803 the morning newscast "Jornal da Madrugada" was started (Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, Tokyo, Japan, Relámpago DX Logging via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. This is from Tony Jones in Paraguay. The AM service of R. Cultura from São Paulo, Brazil is also now on the Web. Those of you who have heard them on shortwave know their reputation for airing wonderful Brazilian music. Those who haven`t heard them are in for a treat. In my area, Cultura comes in better in the local summer, so it will be nice to hear them well in winter as well. 73— (Marie Lamb, swprograms Jan 14 via DXLD) Subject: http://www.tvcultura.com.br - Marie: This is the service you`ll have sometimes heard on 9615 or 17815 kHz (unfortunately the latter has been very irregular in recent months). São Paulo is currently on UT -2 (DST). http://www.tvcultura.com.br/radioam/radioam0101/programacaoam010114.htmand the FM page, mostly classical music: http://www.tvcultura.com.br/radiofm/radiofm0101/programacaofm010114.htm Cheers, (Tony Jones, Paraguay, via Lamb, swprograms via DXLD) ** CHILE. On this days, no trace of R Santa María (6029.6) blocked by R Martí and no trace of R Patagonia Chilena (6080v) & total inactivity of R Triunfal Evangélica (5824.8) inactive from some years. R Esperanza (6090) blocked by R Bandeirantes (Brazil) on same freq during day, local times (Gabriel Iván Barrera, Coronel Vidal DX camp, Argentina, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** CHINA. Hello Glenn, A few comments to DXLD 1-006 Re Liangas, CNR-8: Contradicts the schedule in DXLD 1-005, e.g. 0600- 0700 they say Uighur, not Mongolian. Altho some of the same frequencies may be used, the Chinese segments above would not be part of CNR-8 (gh) Unless there have been changes in the past few days the schedule I sent is correct. It also agrees perfectly with the BBCM schedule you ran a few days ago (Olle Alm, Sweden, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re: China apparently doesn`t give a damn about avoiding such clashes, even tho they attend coördination meetings (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s certainly true. When CRI started using the new high power transmitters to Europe there were wild clashes with existing assignments. After more than a year they finally left 6065 for 6040, 6065 being Radio Sweden`s key frequency for its evening transmissions to Europe and in regular use, more or less, since 1930. Now Iran, another of the intruder nations, remains on 6065. As the Asian nations have their own coordination meeting and just send in their completed files to the HFCC, European frequency managers are not able to discuss problems face-to-face with their Asian counterparts. Iran similarly only reports its schedule without taking part in the discussions (Olle Alm, Sweden, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. Re Falun Dafa. It is interesting to note that it is one and the same transmitter that is usually picked up in North America and is the strongest one here in Sweden and in the UK (as reported by Noël Green). I wonder what kind of antenna or beam they are using for this transmitter? Jamming on all three frequencies is modest to very strong here, depending on propagation. Regards (Olle Alm, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 2080.10 La Básica Mil-Cuarenta, Popayán (Colombia). Jan 2001 - 1100 UT. With the news px "La Red de Noticias Mil-Cuarenta" with features mostly from Popayán and Cauca. Harmonic from MW 1040 (2 x 1040.05 kc). Also heard on its original frequency but considerably worse. 2099.92 Radio Uno (Colombia). Jan 2001 - 1120 UT. Was heard with fantastic strength during local sunrise here in Quito. Certainly the station in Montería, but did not catch any local-ID. Was broadcasting the news programme "Noticiero Radio Uno", which sounded like a chain programme. Harmonic from MW 1050 kc (2 x 1049.96). 5520.16 Armonías del Palmar, Palmira (Colombia). Jan 2001 - 0200 UT. My unID from last SWB. Nearly reasonable signal and heard quite regularly. Colombian music and quite long blocks of ads –- all the time with the same male DJ. I couldn`t catch the jingle but it starts with "La Voz de......". Harmonic from MW 1380 kc (4 x 1380.04) (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Jan 14, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** COMOROS. Josep/EA3BT and Nuria/EA3WL became active from here on Saturday, around 1530z, as D68BT and D68WL. However, information from their pilot station state that upon the duo's arrival, it was raining cats and dogs and they only could build the 3 element beam for 10-15- 20 meters and had only 1 station active running only 100 watts. By the time you read this, they hope to build the 40-80 and 6 meters antennas and have the second station active. Their suggested frequencies are: CW - 10103 and 14025 kHz RTTY - 14083 and 21083 kHz SSB - 3795, 7052, 14195, 18145, 21195/21295, 24945, 28495 and 50110 In order to receive feedback from the DX community, the following pilot stations have been selected. You can get in touch with each pilot of your area/zone: Europe and Central/South America: Pere Galimany, EA3AJI - E-mail address: pilot_d68@ea3aji.com North America: Dr. Bill Avery, K6GNX - E-mail address: k6gnx@telemetry.com Japan, Asia & Oceania: Yuki Deguchi, JI6KVR - E-mail address: ji6kvr@orange.ocn.ne.jp Periodically information will be sent through the main DX reflectors. Remember that the logs will be posted daily, along with additional information and pictures posted by Xavier, EA3BHK, at the following web page: http://www.qsl.net/ea3bt (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COMOROS. D68C, COMOROS DXPEDITION. Don, G3XTT, from the "Five Star DXers Association", has sent out another huge press release (Bulletin #4) stating the forthcoming D68C DXpedition to the Comoros (active from about 8th to 28th February) is less than four weeks to go! This press release brings you the latest news, including some information about the technical innovations they will be using on the trip, and news of a series of awards for working D68C. So, their suggested operating frequencies: CW - 1822, 3502, 7002, 10102, 14022, 18072, 21022, 24892, 28022, 50102 SSB - 1842, 3795, 7052, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24295, 28495, 50145 RTTY - 3570, 7035, 14085, 21085, 28075 PSK31 - 14071, 21071, 28071 kHz Also - 28MHz FM: 29580; 6m beacon 50.090. Also remember that they will be working the main satellites. The D68C Web Page continues to be updated with the latest news. To remind everyone, the URL is: http://www.dxbands.com/comoros (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CONWAY REEF (Update). According to Raymundo, YS1RR, the planning for the Conway Reef DXpedition continues, and you can see the Conway Reef 2001 Licensee Authorization from the Government of Fiji on the Web Page at: http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3d2/licence/licence.htm He also mentions donations/contributions are NOT coming in for this operation. So far only 150 USD have been sent (from Korea only), none from Europe/Japan/USA. Nenad, VE3EXY, reports that once the team including Raymundo, YS1RR, are on their way to Conway, the only contact will be by the radio, and the source of info will be at the following Web site: http://www.magma.ca/~ve3exy Currently the web page just repeats the info, and provides the link to YU site. This site will be more interesting during the DX operation (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. 4260.68 Radio Pampa, Nicoya (Costa Rica). Jan 2001 - 0100 UT. My unID in the last SWB. I logged this station in May 2000 on the frequency of 4230.21 kc. The difference is that Radio Pampa now can be heard both better and more regularly, is heard both morning and evening. Always a female DJ. Harmonic from MW 1420 (3 x 1420.22 kc). (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Jan 14, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** CUBA/VENEZUELA. See VENEZUELA/CUBA ** ECUADOR. I am posting this contribution already Friday afternoon because tomorrow I and Susy have planned to have a good meal in a small village some 40 min by car away from the capital. The best dish on the whole you can get in Ecuador is of course served there. It`s called ``Ornado`` and is marinated pig meat prepared in the oven and served with various vegetables, and consumed lukewarm – perfect together with a Club beer! 3019.76 La Voz de la Juventud, Cañar (Ecuador). Dec 2000 - 1150 UT. A harmonic from MW 1510 kc (2 x 1509.88). Cañar is situated just outside the town of Cuenca. Very nice signal –- domestic music and a lot of hints about things happening during the day, New Years Eve. Interference from Radio Monumental on its harmonic, at present 3021.00 kc (2 x 1510.50). Radio Monumental has been logged by a lot of DXers in Sweden on MW; when that station is heard it can be worth while to check La Voz de la Juventud as well! (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Jan 14, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) [see also BOLIVIA, COLOMBIA, COSTA RICA, PERÚ] ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Erik, SM0AGD, reports that he will be visiting Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, from January 23rd through February 5th. This will be on Bioco Island, IOTA AF-010. Erik was active from the same location in 1975 and 1989. His amateur radio license has been granted and will be issued after his arrival. So, currently his callsign is not yet known. Erik is calling this an old-fashioned, small-scale DX-operation: Just one operator, low power and no directional antennas. He will be active on all HF bands, 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY, running only 100 watts into a vertical and wire antennas. High power is not allowed, but the location is good and should help somewhat. His QTH will be at the same old Hotel Bahia where he was staying in 1975 with a free view of the northern hemisphere over The Gulf of Guinea. Erik intends to spend some time in the CQWW 160m Contest on January 26-28th, and also in the BARTG RTTY Contest the same weekend. His friend Jan, SM5DJZ, has agreed to act as a pilot and will be able to QSP information in both directions. Jan`s E-mail address is: djz@swipnet.se This operation is sponsored by Northern California DX Foundation. QSLs go to his home callsign SM0AGD (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. 4845, Radio K`ekchi: the Baptist missionary in Cobán tells me that K`ekchi is running a little backup transmitter because of having blown a transformer in the old Gates main. Anselmo Cuc, the chief announcer/program manager hauled the transformer down to Guatemala City to be repaired --- but they have not gotten it back yet. The little transmitter is the one I built several years ago -- runs 500 watts. I tuned in just after dark [Jan 12] and it was booming in! I can`t wait to hear the main back on at full power. It has run as much as 4500 watts -- but when I was last there the Brothers were running it at 1200 watts to preserve tubes! Radio K`ekchi has also enlisted the services of Wayne Berger, Director of Engineering for TGNA in Guatemala City, to do an antenna update (Larry Baysinger, KY, Jan 12, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** ICELAND. 13865, National Radio, Jan 7 at 1215, SW relay of the FM service Radio Reykjavik, Channel 1. Channel 1 is the educational service, Channel 2 is Pop mx. Both are state run under Ríkisútvarpid, or National Radio. Some of these relays are live, and some taped. The ones at 1215 and 2300 are live nxcasts. The signal is in reduced carrier AM, USB modulated. All transmissions in Icelandic. When I tuned in at 1215 there were commercials for various businesses around Reykjavík, then at 1218 usual vocal mx, I think always by an Icelandic performer. 1220 ID and time check "Utvarp Reykjavík, klukan tutugu minuten gengen eitt", International nx 1220-1227, then national nx, including stories about schools at 1233, business 1235, bird population and migration to Iceland at 1237. Sports nx 1243. Time check 1245. Outtakes of Icelandic Prime Minister talking about education, and so on. At 1300 announcer said the nx is now over, and the TX abruptly went off. Very nice gray line propagation. SINPO 45444. Best signal I`ve heard from them in months. Very nice peaks, but went down somewhat toward the end of the broadcast (David Hodgson, TN, Cumbre DX via DXLD) I do my best with accents, but does anyone know how to make the crossed d at the end of Ríkisútvarpid as a special ASCII character? (gh) ** INDONESIA. 6070.9 RRI Jayapura. 1456-1507* Jan 13. Telephone conversations, local pops, Love Ambon, then signed off. Fair. Recently this frequency was better than 6069.8 which is used early evening time. Maybe the transmitter or antenna on 6070.9 was maintenanced (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN, Jembatan DX via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNION. 4U, ITU HQ. Plenty of activity from this one over the past week. There were operations on 80/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters CW/SSB. Keep an eye on the clusters for spots. QSL via CBA or the bureau (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. On Sunday 14 January 2001 I heard Radio Caroline announce at 16:15 UT that they were broadcasting to the USA on Satcom C3, 131 degrees west. I cannot remember the full details, but I am sure you will find them on either:- http://www.radiocaroline.co.uk or http://www.radio-caroline.nl The last-mentioned of these websites provides audio round the clock from Radio Caroline. However, I suspect that the Satcom C3 transmissions will only be available at the same times as the transmissions on Astra to Europe, and perhaps not all of those. For your information, the current times on Astra to Europe are:- Thursday and Friday 17:30 to 24:00; Saturday and Sunday 08:00-24:00; Monday and Tuesday 18:00-24:00. There are currently no broadcasts on Wednesdays, but I am sure there will be before long. Radio Caroline is also broadcast on a number of FM stations in Europe at various times, though I do not have any details of those (PAUL DAVID, uk, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. IRIB revised schedule Jan 2000, English: 1100-1230 15185 Pakistan, 15385 Persian Gulf, 21470 SEA/Australia, 21730 SEA/Australia, 15585 FE; 1530-1630 9635 India, 11775 SEA/India, 7115 SEA/India; 1930-2030 9022 Eu, 7215 Eu, 6110 Eu; 2130-2230 9780 SEA/Australia, 11740 SEA/Australia; 0030-0130 6065 CAm/SAm, 9022 CAm/SAm, 6135 NAm (Mick Ogrizek, Australia, Electronic DX Press Jan 14 via DXLD) ** ISRAËL. The English IBA TV (Channel 1) news, is now available, on demand, on the web. Reachable from http://mabat.iba.org.il and click on "IBA News" (I think; they're the only English words on this page.) or http://www.israelradio.org/english.html and click on "Click for TV News in English". When I tried today, there was an audio issue -it may just be a problem on my computer - if not, hopefully it`ll be fixed for tomorrow`s broadcast (Daniel Rosenzweig, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JORDAN. When listening today, Jan 11, Radio Jordan announced at the beginning of their English transmission at 1100 (actually starting two or three minutes earlier) on 11690 that they broadcast until 1355. And indeed, when listening at that time, Jordan abruptly went off the air at 1357. No trace of them on 17680 after that sign off (Erik Køie, Denmark, Electronic DX Press via DXLD) ** KASHMIR [non]. 4790.4, 5 Jan at 1520, Azad Kashmir, ID as Radio Pakistan and a program in English: "This programme was brought to you by the (?) Network International". S 4 (Björn Fransson, Sweden, SW Bulletin, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** KOREA SOUTH. In the "Multiwave Feedback" program of Jan 7, Radio Korea International advised that the station`s QSLs are handled by part-time staff members. The woman handling the English Section`s QSL requests generally comes in twice a week. Congratulations to the EDXP for 200 editions! (Bill Matthews, OH, Electronic DX Press via DXLD) RKI currently has nine txers at its disposal, at the Kimjae and Hwasung sites. These are: three 250 kW, five 10 kW [sic, means 100 kW?] and one 10 kW, with a choice of 19 antenna arrays. Relay transmissions via Radio Canada International (Sackville) began in April 1990, via Merlin/Skelton in May 1993, and via Merlin/Singapore in October 2000. Languages used are Korean, English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese and Russian (Bob Padula, EDXP Jan 13 via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. This may be [the non-new 100 kW previously reported here] txer I was hearing on 11730, *2100-2130+ carrying the Radio Lithuanian service. A note to me of Jan 10 from the Chief Engineer, Vytautas Usas, Lithuanian Radio, advises that there are no transmissions on 11730, suggesting that I am hearing a rebroadcast from an unspecified station (Bob Padula, Electronic DX Press Jan 14 via DXLD) ** NAMIBIA. 3290, Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, full data "NBC TV Centre" card, in 17 months, v/s P Schachtschneider - Manager Transmitters, with schedule and personal letter. This after my follow up was sent from South Africa by friends in Pretoria (Joe Talbot, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Its syndicated classical (Sony?) would not have satisfied former KVOD Denver listeners, but it was a whole lot better than nothing. Now Tulsa has nothing, as KCFM 94.1 has disappeared. Replaced, as monitored just after midnight January 13, by ``Tulsa`s New Soft Oldies 94.1 FM``. The http://www.kcfm.com website is gone, but an old test one is still there, http://test.webtek.com/kcfm/comtul.htm It leads to nothing, nor its sister station 104.5 The Edge. Perhaps it is also kaput; I haven`t tried to hear it. These belong(ed?) to Shamrock Communications, in turn the Scranton Times, which has (had?) a few other stations in Austin, Milwaukee, etc. KWGS *89.5 was off the hook in the few years KCFM existed, to downplay classical and go with news/talk, tho it still had some. KWGS also planned at one point to start a second outlet on 88.7 with classical, but I am not sure of the status of this. The demise of KCFM ought to revive at least the idea. However, KWGS has recently been preoccupied with installing a much-needed new transmitter, which has now been completed, but perhaps depleted its coffers. We wonder if Tulsa cares as much about this as the furore similar losses cause in Denver, Kansas City, Chicago.... (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) KCFM replaces classical format with `soft oldies' By JAMES D. WATTS JR. World Entertainment Writer, 1/9/01 KCFM (94.1 FM), Tulsa`s only full-time classical music station, ceased to be at the stroke of midnight Sunday. In its place on the dial is now KTSO, the format of which is contained in its call letters: "Tulsa's Soft Oldies." John Rogers, general manager of Shamrock Communications, the company that owns the former KCFM as well as modern rock station KMYZ (104.5 FM), said the decision to change the format was strictly business. "We decided that it just wasn`t in our best interests to continue with the classical music format," said Rogers, who took over the general manager position in September. "Some people came to us four years ago with this format, and they convinced us that there was a lot of interest in this market for classical programming. "We gave it four years, put our life`s blood into it and ended up discovering that we were reaching only 2 percent of the Tulsa market," he said. Rogers said the company conducted tests of several different formats in the month of October. The "soft oldies" format got the best response from the prime demographic group of adults 25 to 54 years old. The change from KCFM to KTSO leaves the University of Tulsa`s KWGS (89.5 FM) as the only source of classical music on the Tulsa airwaves. KWGS broadcasts a variety of classical music programs beginning at 7 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, including the popular National Public Radio program "Performance Today" and its locally created shows of concerts by the Tulsa Philharmonic and shows from the annual OK Mozart International Festival in Bartlesville. "I`m convinced that Tulsa will always have a classical music station," Rogers said. "I`m sure that someone will come along, pick up the classical format and carry it forward, and I wish them the best of luck in that." Conversely, KTSO becomes the eighth station in the Tulsa market to describe the music it plays -- whether pop, rock or country -- as "classic" or "oldies." (Tulsa World Jan 9 via DXLD) Classical void Regarding your Jan. 9 article, "KCFM replaces classical format with `soft oldies' ": Even though KCFM provided Tulsa with only second-rate classical music programming, it was the only full-time classical music station in the area and we are now left with a radio dial full of various forms of rock and country. The quality of a city can be measured by its music. Perhaps another station will step forward in the future to fill the classical void (Greg Moore, Tulsa, letter to the World, Jan 14 via DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. ``KBBN``: Per Brad Wells- KBBN is an acronym in the Pidgin language for the "Cry of the Bible Broadcasting Network". The name in Pidgin looks like this, "Krai Bilong Baibel Bradkesting Netwok". (via Nelson) Pidgin is transcribed phonetically --- there are spelling variants. Their website is http://www.harvesttemple.com/PNG/KBBN.html (Don Nelson, OR, Jan 7, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** PERÚ. 3340.00 Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco (Peru). Jan 2001 - 1100 UT. "Transmite Radio Altura". Slightly dull audio. 4495.78 unID, may be Peru. Jan 10 2001 - 0240cd UT. I heard this station for the first time this date, Jan 10 from 0230 UT up to close down 10 minutes later. Nonstop, probably Peruvian, music – no talk at all. The next day from start at about 1130 UT, also with nonstop music. Drifted continuously and slowly downwards with 3-4 tenth parts. The frequency of 4495.78 is the most interesting this time -– perhaps a new station. [not to be confused with the TIDGS mixing product 9725 minus 5030 -gh] 4600.72v Radio San Juan, San Juan de Saique (Peru). Jan 2001 - 0200 UT. A hopeless "Flying Dutchman", which I have formerly logged on 5421v and 5609v. Can probably be counted as a ``half legal`` transmitter when the DJ announced that they now (!) have applied for a licence at "el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones" and that it will take from one up to three (!) years to get this licence. This message was repeated several times while I was listening. 5760.34 Radio Tigre (Peru). Jan 2001 - 0000 UT is my unID from last SWB. "Radio Tigre", "Radio Cielo" and "Radio San Juan" (see 4600.72) must all be illegal transmitters? Formerly Radio Tigre has drifted around 5580-5645v. 6631.32 Radio Uno, Chiclayo (Peru). Jan 2001 – 0240 cd UT. New frequency for Radio Uno, which has been off the air for a while on 4577.32 and 4579.44, where I earlier logged the station. Was troubled by some Utility-QRM. Announced several times that besides MW also transmits on the 49 m band but without giving the exact frequency. Closed down with National Anthem at 0240 UT (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Jan 14, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** PHILIPPINES. FEBC: following up on an article in the January NRB [National Religious Broadcaster magazine], I spoke with Melinda Wong and Chris Slabaugh of FEBC in the USA. Slabaugh say that their SAVE (South East Asia Voice of Evangelism) is progressing. They have 4 TCI 4x4 curtains in place. The transmission lines still need to be completed, but they hope to start using them by the end of February. After this, FEBC will look to upgrade its vintage US Signal Corps transmitters. FEBC also reports that its Hmong broadcasts to Vietnam are jammed with a bubble jammer. Their website http://www.febc.org has excellent language information. The schedule for White Hmong [to Vietnam] is 12095 1100-1130 1300-1300; 9485 2300-2330 Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, and Sat. Also via Saipan Wed only 12120 1400-1430 (via Hans Johnson, Jan 12, Cumbre DX via DXLD) Which site are you refering to? Remember the old SEARV –- Southeast Asia Radio Voice? No relation, I suppose (gh) [later: Bocaue site] ** RUSSIA. Kai Ludwig reports in DXLD 1-006 about hearing R. Radonezh with Children`s Hour at 8 pm and wonders if it`s too late for Russian kids. I would say that it`s actually a perfect time spot for such a program. The majority of Russian children, just like their parents, are avid "owls." Only very little Russians go to sleep earlier than 9 pm. Besides, when it`s 8 pm in Moscow it`s only 7 pm in Ukraine (perhaps the biggest Russian-speaking audience for religious broadcasts) and Belorussia. The most popular children`s TV show "Spokoynoy nochi, malyshi!" is run on ORT daily from 8.45 to 9.00 pm. The real wonder of scheduling children`s programming comes from the Russian Service of TWR (located, by the way, in Germany). They carry their "Children`s Corner" Tue. through Sat. 10 to 10.15 pm (reruns of 6 pm broadcasts)! That's kind of late even for Russians. But then, again, it might be targeted mostly at listeners in Ukraine (Sergei Sosedkin, MI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 4940, 11 Jan at 0728, R Mix Master, Yakutsk several mornings. Normally seems to close around 0930. This day a sharp modulation, otherwise quite dull. QSA 2-3 (Olle Alm, Sweden, SW Bulletin, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) 4940, 2 Jan at 1215, Radio Miks Master, Yakutsk for the first time here! Pop, ads and IDs. At 1300 QRM from the Chinese, which probably is China Huayi BC and at 1400 only Tajikistan was on the frequency with V of Russia in Pushtu. S 2-3 on the Russian, which was the most interesting! Today, Jan 3, only the Chinese and the Indian were on the frequency!!! Good strength also at 0700 Jan 4! (Björn Fransson, Sweden, SW Bulletin, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** SAN AMBROSIO ISLAND. Marco, CE6TBN, Team Leader for the CE0XT DXpedition to San Ambrosio Island during the second week in February, reports that the team will use the following suggested frequencies: CW - 1827.5, 3504/3524, 7004/7024, 10104, 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894, 28004 and 50105 kHz SSB - 3795, 7075, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 and 50120 kHz RTTY - 7030, 14080, 18055, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz FM - 29400 kHz The 6 Meters Beacon will be on 50.105 MHz. It will repeat every 30-45 seconds. The team states that "they will probably listen on the same frequency, using the squelch of the rig to cut the noise down. When a signal break the squelch, that is a sign to get someone onto the 6 meter rig and begin making QSOs. We probably will run the beacon at 50 watts so that the rig doesn't get hot." A new team member was added. Mike Mraz, N6MZ, will replace Mario, CE6NE. Mike has been active from many locations, such as: 9M6OO (Spratly group) 1999, 9M6AAC 1999, BV0DX 1999, KH9/N6MZ 1998, ZK1XXP 1997, (Expedition of the Year at Dayton 1998) VK0IR Heard Island 1997, (Expedition of the Year at Dayton 1997) TO0R (FR5) 1997, FT5XL 1997, VR2WO 1997 and CQWW/CW SV5/N6MZ 1993. The following pilot stations have been chosen for the CE0XT operation: North America - Dr. Bill, K6GNX, - E-mail: bavery@telemetry.com Japan - Yosi, JA3AAW - E-mail: ja3aaw@sannet.ne.jp Europe - Still has not been chosen. DXpedition Web page for updates and info is: http://www.qsl.net/ce0xt (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SINGAPORE. [Re: DXLD 1-004] I did not know when the relay starts, but I think it must have been going on for 2 years already. In addition, 6150 also relays Gold FM (90.5) and Passion 99.5 (the station of the National Arts Council, but nominally under RCS). Also 98.7 now identifies as such and the Perfect 10 name has been dropped for some years now. On the other hand, RSI in English is in turn relayed by Newsradio 938 from 1200 to 1300 UT daily. 6150 therefore relays 4 stations at different times. To add to the confusion, some of the English stations do not carry their own news, but relay news from other stations (Class 95 runs news from 93.8), so just because you hear a NewsRadio or some other ID during the news does not mean that that is the station being relayed. Oli FM is relayed on 7170 the whole time. 6000 kHz relays the Mandarin channels: Capital FM (95.8, Full service format), Yes 93.3 (contemporary hits), and Love 97.2 (adult contemporary). The only 2 RCS stations not relayed at any time on SW is international Channel 96.3. This channel carries a local Japanese station as well as relays DW, DLF (both in German only) and RFI Monde (in French only). The other station, Symphony 92.4 is a classical music channel (Richard Lam, Singapore, Cumbre DX Jan 14 via DXLD) ** SOMALIA [and non]. 7530, Radio Hargeisa, Jan 8 1720 Heard in USB with vernacular and (Arabic?) programming. Spoken word, Horn of Africa type mx and religious px. Continues after 1800. This one is affected by the Chinese jamming transmitter on 7540 which is trying to blank out RFA, especially when the jammer runs its mx px, but otherwise reception is bearable. (I think they must be running 500 kW, but they are only effective in drowning out Radio Hargeisa 10 kHz down instead of doing damage to RFA!) (Richard Lam, Singapore, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** SOUTH AFRICA. Hi André and the list, I heard Radio Lusofonia quite good yesterday (13th) between 17 and 18 hours [on 7155]. At 1800 a strong Arabic speaking station took over completely. I think it`s Jordan, but am not sure. The Lusofonia program was mostly in English. Now: I heard the address, but am not sure about everything. Can you help me André? I heard: Radio Lusofonia, P O Box 1586, (Alberton) 1450, South Africa. Is it correct? What about the name of the town? Please help! 73 from (Björn Fransson, the island of Götland, Sweden, hard-core-dx Jan 14 via DXLD) ** SURINAME. 4991, R Apintie, 0620 Jan 8, Finally able to ID after many failed attempts. Fair signal strength with a few good peaks, but low, distorted modulation. Mixture of popular mx, but mostly American Soul/R&B. Positive ID 0630 in what sounded like pidgin English, or a local dialect. "R Apintie" was mentioned 6 times during this talk break. There was just mx played, with an occasional station ID. I heard an ID again at 0645, then into the song "Return of the mack". A CW song was thrown in around 0650 then The Bay City Rollers` "Saturday Nite". The signal peaked 0620-0720, fell in strength significantly after 0730 (David Hodgson, TN, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** TIBET [non]. Voice of Tibet. 13 January 2001: At 1253 UT tune in 15595 was on with a fair signal, no interference and in parallel a new frequency of 15680 replacing 15705. 15680 was fair with slight interference from 15685 WWCR. Vatican Radio started on 15595 at 1256 so no chance to hear end of broadcast there but ID heard on 15680 at 1258 with the transmitter off at 1259. 14 January 2001: At 1206 tune in 15680 was fair to good but with low audio and again slight interference from 15685 WWCR. 15595 was a poor signal but with louder audio which sounded slightly distorted and slight interference from 15585 REE Spain. The usual tones started on 15680 at 1208, not heard on 15595, and continued until 1211 when the interval signal started in parallel with 15595. The opening announcement was just after 1215 with a short piece of music at 1216 (Harry Brooks, UK, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also below under USA/TIBET: VOT did not even show on that survey a year ago, when I believe it was already existing (gh, DXLD) ** TIMOR EAST. 4W1CW and 4W1UN were heard active this past week. 4W1CW was heard on 24907 kHz and 4W1UN was heard on 10106 kHz, both between 0200-0230z (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKMENISTAN (Attention Prefix Hunters!). Start looking for amateurs in this country to use the special prefix EZ21 to commemorate the new Millennium. EZ21BO was spotted on 10112 kHz around 2100z and EZ21A around 14242 and 14266 kHz after 0230z (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKMENISTAN. 4930, Turkmen Radio has been using suppressed LSB for some time, i.e USB+carrier+vestigial LSB. I do not know why, but the normal reason is to make the audio louder or to displace the center of the signal away from interference on one side. The method may work on AM (used by some US AM stations), but on SW makes the signal more sensitive to fading distortion. They are using this on 4930 only; I never heard it on 5015 (Olle Alm, Sweden, Jan 12 also via Ludwig Jan 12, via Cumbre DX via DXLD) I thought, in theory, eliminating one of the sidebands either in transmission or reception, eliminates selective fading, i.e. sidebands fading independently and one cancelling the other out, and thus less distortion (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. Tonight`s Jim Lehrer NewsHour had an excellent segment on changes in domestic radio in the US. Here is a link to the story on the PBS website http://www.pbs.org/newshour/media/newsradio/index.html (Tom McNiff, Burke, Virginia, Jan 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. [Re: EOSS] Glenn, I am sorry to say that 426.250 is doesn't correspond directly to a cable channel. It would fall below cable 58 427.250 and above cable 57 421.250. If you have a tuner with great AFC range you might still be able to pull it through. 73, (Bob Delaney, Jan 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This contradicts the other item that cable 58 is 425.25 ? -- Aren`t there different cable systems slightly offset one from another? Saturday morning check finds the launch postponed until Sunday because of weather (gh) Subject: EOSS-46 Balloon Flight delayed 1 day From: Rick von Glahn rickvg@iex.net Date: 2001/01/13 Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc Due to weather considerations, our flight has been delayed 1 day. For details see: http://www.eoss.org/flight/flight.htm Thanks, Rick (via John Norfolk, DXLD) That is, from Sat 13th to Sun 14th at 1610 UT. All I could monitor was some ham traffic on 7235-LSB. The flight did take place Jan 14: see http://www.eoss.org/ansrecap/recap46.htm (gh, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Giovedì 18 Gennaio, il Marconi Radio Club (W1AA) celebrerà il 98mo anniversario della prima trasmissione transatlantica tra Cape Cod, Massachusetts e l`Inghilterra. Il Marconi Radio Club trasmetterà dalle 1200 alle 2200 TU da Cape Cod, utilizzando lo speciale nominativo W1AA/CC. "CC" e' stato il primo nominativo utilizzato dallo scienziato italiano per la sua stazione di Cape Cod, molto tempo prima che nascesse la FCC e che questa assegnasse ufficialmente il callsign. Operazioni in fonia e CW; QSL speciale via Bureau. (fonte: Bob "Whitey" Doherty, K1VV, via Radioincontro via DXLD) That`s Thursday, January 18 [see under USA in DXLD 0-166] ** U S A. SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station "W3I" to be active from Mount Airy, MD (30 miles North of Washington, DC), on January 20, 2001 (1400-2400z). Activity is to celebrate the 54th U.S. Presidential Inauguration. Suggested frequencies are [+/-]: 7.240, 14.240, 21.320, 28.420, 50.140 and 144.140 MHz. For QSL card, send your QSL and SASE to: MADRAS, P.O. Box 2468, Wheaton, MD 20902 or via bureau to W3LEO. ** U S A. SPECIAL EVENT. Be looking for the "Challenger Middle School ARC", KI6YG, in San Diego, CA, to be active January 28th, at 1430- 2400z. This activity is to commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy. Suggested frequencies are: 14.250, 21.350, 28.350, 146.52 MHz. QSL to: Challenger Middle School ARC, 10810 Parkdale Ave, San Diego, CA, 92126 (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF- 80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Might it be that the RTTY broadcasts are more motivated by the WWFV survivalist beliefs that the black helicopters/rioting in the streets/whatever are coming real soon now? I`m not sure that the ability to decode these broadcasts would survive the alleged catastrophe. And ever since the Dutch Blue Berets (U.N. peacekeeping troops) bravely ran away from the Serbians when they were supposed to be protecting the Bosnian Muslims in the Srebenica "safe" zone, I've had my doubts about the threat from U.N. troops (Joël Rubin, NY, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). The Voice of America continues to alter its schedule on [Germany] 1197 kHz, as it has done in the past, without prior notice. While in December there was a full hour of VOA News Now at 0600/0700 gmt, from January English is until 0630 only, followed by Serbian at 0630. 73, (Stefano Valianti, Italy, BDXC-UK Jan 14 via DXLD) ** U S A. [Re: Reports that Disney wants to buy WEVD-1050 NYC] Subject: Weekly Forward While the Forward Association, the owner of WEVD, used to put out a daily Yiddish newspaper which, for many years was socialist (it began to move towards the right end of labor when it supported FDR) it hasn't been daily since 1983. It is now weekly in three editions, Yiddish, English and Russian. The paper is best known in that most of the work of Isaac Bashevis Singer was published first as serials in the Forward (just as most of the work of such Victorian authors as Dickens and Conan Doyle was first published as serials in weekly magazines). From http://www.forward.com/history.html : THE FORWARD, founded on April 22, 1897, is a legendary name in American journalism and is revered among American Jews. Under the leadership of Founding Editor Abraham Cahan, the Forward fought for social justice, helped generations of immigrant Jews enter American life, broke some of the most significant news stories of this century, and was one of the earliest opponents of Communism. At one point the newspaper reached a daily circulation in Yiddish of 250,000. One of the features that distinguished the Forward from competitors was its presentation of great writing in the form of belles-lettres and fiction. Its contributors have included Isaac Bashevis Singer and Elie Wiesel, both of whom went on to receive the Nobel. The Forward had published the writing of virtually every master of Yiddish literature writing during its time. In 1983, with circulation declining, publishing was reduced to a weekly frequency. Its mission in recent years has been to preserve Yiddish literature and culture that was decimated by the Nazi genocide in Europe. In 1990, the English-language Forward was launched under the editorship of a longtime member of the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal, Seth Lipsky. The Forward Association`s decision to launch the Forward in English -- while maintaining the Yiddish "Forverts" as a separate publication -- was taken in partnership with a group of outside investors determined to carry on in the newspaper`s great tradition. In recent years the Forward has been a showcase for such writers as Saul Bellow, Chaim Potok, Philip Roth and Joseph Heller. Art Spiegelman`s comic strip on the Holocaust, "Maus," was serialized in the Forward before winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1992. In the spring of 1995, the Forward`s longtime owner was joined by a group of outside investors in a plan for a multi- million dollar investment to improve the paper even more. In the fall of 1995 the Forward Association launched a Russian edition of the Forward under the editorship of Vladimir "Velvl" Yedidowich. The newspaper is the only Jewish broadsheet in the Russian language in New York. Launch of the Forward in Russian comes at a time of growth and ferment in the Russian Jewish community, whose numbers have swelled to more than 300,000 in the New York area in recent years. The decision to publish the Forward followed approaches to the newspaper by a number of Russian intellectuals in New York interested in a strong secular Jewish voice that comprehended the hopes of social democracy and appreciated the cultural dimension to Jewish life (via Joël Rubin, NY, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** USA/TIBET. Washington, DC, Dec. 22, 2000 - Newly released research among the people of Tibet demonstrates that the Voice of America`s Tibetan Language Service is the most widely listened to radio station in Tibet, drawing more listeners than any other international station and exceeding the audience of stations sponsored and sanctioned by the Chinese government. A total of 45.2% of 582 adult exiles or travelers from Tibet in Dharamsala (India), Kathmandu (Nepal) and Bodhgaya (India) reported listening to VOA Tibetan at least once a week. So comprehensive is VOA Tibetan's impact that the survey could find only three of 582 listeners who were not VOA regulars. In the survey, Tibetan People's Radio placed second with 34.7%, Qinghai People`s Radio was third with 28.4%, another U.S. government- funded station, Radio Free Asia, was fourth with 22%, All India Radio was fifth with 21% and the Central People's Radio placed sixth at 13.9%. Because the research could not be conducted inside the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, it cannot be read as representative of the entire Tibetan population. However, it is the first clear indication that news and information about the world and the Tibetan people is reaching Tibet, despite Chinese government efforts to jam the signal. The research was commissioned by the International Broadcasting Bureau of the U.S. Government and was conducted in late 1999 and early 2000. "Since its establishment in 1991, VOA`s Tibetan language Service has been a lifeline to the people of Tibet," said Sanford J. Ungar, Director of VOA. "We now broadcast 4 hours a day, giving the people of that closed society a window on world news, regional events, and news of the Tibetan government in exile. VOA also provides Tibetans with news of American culture and institutions." Among all those interviewed who said they listened to any Tibetan or Chinese-language service of any major western broadcasters in the last year, 98.6% said they listened to VOA. Of these international radio listeners, 49.1% listened exclusively to VOA, while 46.1% listened to both VOA and RFA. Listeners to VOA, RFA, and BBC accounted for an additional 3.3%. In focus group research commissioned by the International Broadcasting Bureau, listeners said that they turn to international radio for news and information about Tibet, the Dalai Lama, his government in exile, and news of support for the Tibetan people from other government and non-government entities (VOA statement, via Mizuno Mitsuaki, Japan, January 5, via Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. Rick, W0IS, will be going on a mini-DXpedition here at the end of the month. Look for activity from Caracas beginning late Friday evening, January 26th. He will travel on Saturday for one day and expects to be active for one night from Los Roques (SA-035). Look for him to be on the air Sunday, January 28th, probably around 0400- 1000z. Activity will probably be somewhere near 7040 CW or 7075 SSB. Feel free to call him on CW even if he is on SSB, and he states that he will be glad to switch over to CW to give you a report. He will just be using a dipole. He believes his callsign will be YV5/W0IS, although he is not positive on the number. Please QSL to his home address or via the W0 bureau (KB8NW/OPDX January 15/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. 9.540,00 kHz, Radio Nacional de Venezuela: Después de varios meses sin poder captarla, parece ser que a las 11:00 horas UT es el único horario que se le puede escuchar aquí en Venezuela, aunque es interferida por Radio Suiza Internacional. La pudimos escuchar el día 11/01/2001 con un programa producido por la Universidad Simón Rodríguez, identificándose la estación como ``Radio Nacional Antena Internacional`` (Jorge García Rangel, Banda Tropical, Club Diexistas de la Amistad via DXLD) Only time audible there in Venezuela is at 1100. Are they really on 9540.00 to two decimal places? (gh, DXLD) ** VENEZUELA/CUBA. The talk show hosted by Hugo Chávez, president of what is now officially being called "la República Bolivariana de Venezuela" is now being relayed by R Rebelde and R Habana Cuba ("on five SW frequencies for the Americas"), it was said at the beginning of the Jan 14 edition monitored live at http://www.unionradio.com.ve The program is aired every Sun, at approx. 1400-1730, on various TV channels and a huge network of Venezuelan AM and FM stations. The relays via RHC seem to have started after Cuban president Castro`s visit to Venezuela last year, when the two leaders struck a deal by which Venezuela will sell petrol to Cuba on very advantageous terms. During Castro`s visit to Venezuela, he also participated on Chávez` "Aló Presidente" show, Oct 29. Chávez used to take numerous phone calls from ordinary citizens when he started hosting his show in May 1999, but the number of such calls seems to have dwindled. Chávez says there will be big celebrations in Venezuela to commemorate his failed coup against the Venezuelan government in 1992 (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, Jan 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###