DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-002, January 5, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1064: See topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1064.html 2000, THE SHORTWAVE YEAR IN REVIEW, by gh, appears in the January 6 VOA COMMUNICATIONS WORLD. For full schedule see next item. Expanded version is available at (STREAM) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/swyir00.ram and (DOWNLOAD) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/swyir00.rm (SCRIPT) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/swyir00.html SCHEDULE OF DX PROGRAMS ON SHORTWAVE: Just added to the WOR website, John Norfolk resumes his very handy compilation: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/dxpgms.html ** AUSTRALIA [+non]. [in addition to the Singapore relays from Jan 3 already published] The following changes relative to the Shepparton transmission facility go into effect at close of business, Jan. 4: 0500-0600 UT in English to Asia on 17750 and 15415 kHz replacing Khmer. 1100-1230 UT in English to Asia on 11880 and 9475 kHz replacing Chinese. 1400-1500 UT in Chinese on 9475 kHz replacing English. 2200-2400 UT in English on 15240 kHz replacing Chinese (2200-2300) and Khmer (2300-0000). Additional broadcasts to Southeast Asia in English, Vietnamese and Indonesian are scheduled to follow later in January from transmitter sites in Taiwan, Saipan (Northern Marianas) and Darwin. The new broadcasts follow the Australian Government`s decision, last August, to give Radio Australia additional transmission funding to enable it to provide a reliable, credible and independent perspective on Australian and regional issues in Asia. RA would appreciate reception reports; however a personal reply may not be possible in all cases. Reports, which should include the listener`s postal address, may be sent to: Radio Australia GPO Box 428G Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia – (From the Radio Australia web site http://www.abc.net.au/ra and via Roger Broadbent of Radio Australia via John A. Figliozzi, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BANGLADESH. Whilst most of you in the Northern Hemisphere are experiencing the "The Big Freeze" or "Flooding" we are experiencing temperatures of 36 to 40'C during the past week, along with Wild Bush & Grass Fires & nasty flies. Here are a few loggings using Icom R75 & beverage antennas at Coorong National Park South Australia between 27th & 30th December 2000: [also: ETHIOPIA, PHILIPPINES, TAJIKISTAN] BANGLADESH, 9549 kHz(v) Bangladesh Betar, 1230 UT Dec 29, usual fanfare & ID in EE o/m with EE News & Commentary. Strong carrier (suffers low level audio & 50 Hz AC hum). Co-channel QRM China Radio International. 15518.7 kHz good level in // with het notched from R Ukraine Intl on 15520 (Leigh MORRIS, South Australia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. QSL received Dec 28 for a report sent Dec 20 to R. Difusora Taubaté, reactivated on 4925. Besides v/l, enclosed stickers, pens, keychains, and a nice T-shirt. V/S: Emílio Amadei Beringhs Neto, Diretor Superintendente. Address: Rua Dr. Sousa Alves 960, Taubaté-SP. I advise QSL-collectors to send reports to the station now, as they are currently disposed to reply, always accompanied by some good souvenirs. A big hug, (Rudolf Grimm, Brazil, Jan 5, radioescutas, translated by gh for DXLD) Same here, Rudolf, I just got a reply from the station with various stickers, pens, rulers, keychains, T-shirt, a great big package (Dinan Rogério, Brazil, Jan 5, radioescutas, translated by gh for DXLD) Does the T-shirt you got have the station logo on it? How many stickers did you get? I received a lot, 26 in all; some 5 keychains, 8 or 9 pens, 3 rulers and so forth. The station is really in a good mood toward DXers (Rudolf Grimm, ibid.) ** CANADA. 6160. Wonderful reception just now from CKZN in St John`s. Rarely heard here due to CKZU, just a few miles away from me. Strong signal with CBC news, assumed to be Vancouver, but went into Hour 3 of CBC overnight!!! Could barely hear our local outlet underneath (parallel to 690). Amazing propagation. Went onto SABC from South Africa, and announced the BBC after that. Interestingly within minutes, CKZU began to fade up to maybe 1/3 strength of CKZN. A wonderful DX catch!!! I'll be very interested if this propagation is reproduceable tomorrow night! All this occurred from 0703 to 0715 UT 5 January, 2001 (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Possibly related, I notice MW DXers remarking lately on abnormally good east-west propagation in North America. I wonder how far CKZU site actually is from you across the strait; not groundwave? (gh) ** CANADA. GH - Thanks for the tip on CJRT. CJRT is also carried on Bell ExpressVu, a Canadian DBS service. See http://www.global-cm.net for "the Canadian solution". (Tracy Wood, Sterling VA, Jan 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Glenn, CJRT switches format from classical to jazz A 'financial decision' by Shannon Kari, National Post: http://www.nationalpost.com/search/story.html?f=/stories/20010103/424481.html Gary Dunford's column from the Toronto Sun mentioned Tom Fulton. For years, he was an on-air personality at CJRT, hosting the weekly "On the Arts", among other programs. [and is going to AM740] Jim Paulson is another "blast from the past", a journeyman DJ, bouncing from station to station around here, for decades it seems. Getting back to CJRT [NON], they have relayed BBC news at 8 AM since at least the early 70s, probably earlier. I recall listening to "Radio Newsreel" back then, when morning reception of BBC WS on SW in NAm was dicey at best. And Peter Keigh had been the morning man for over 25 years. During the period I have often listened to his mellow voice in the morning and it shall be missed! CJRT always had a Bach cantata on Sunday mornings, usually between 8- 9 AM, which related to that day in the "Christian Year", e.g. 2nd Sunday of Christmas. Friday nights were always "A Night at the Opera". I recall the occasions I listened to some of Wagner's operas, such as Die Meistersinger or Götterdämmerung when they went beyond their usual 1 AM sign-off. Found this website that might be of interest: [Toronto callsign, frequency, ownership histories] http://www.rcc.ryerson.ca/schools/rta/ccf/stations/radio/TorontoRadioStations.html CJRT FORUM: Glenn, Nothing on the latest, but some interest: http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/17706 73, (Ivan Grishin, Ont., Jan 3-4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I just found a note from their previous, now missing program schedule, I was going to check out; hope it still be there, tho as a course it probably has a limited run anyway; also check CKUA: CJRT SUNDAY: 8 - 9 am EST Open College: History of Espionage (gh) ** CARIBBEAN area. Trans-equatorial FM DX just reported on Dec 30 from Santa Catarina in southern Brazil! De: "Rudolf Walter Grimm" rgrimm@kbonet.com.br Assunto: FM do exterior Antes da lista, os detalhes. As escutas em questão ocorreram no último dia 30 de dezembro, na Pousada Serra Bela, que fica a 4 km do centro de Urubici-SC, no sentido morro da Igreja. Urubici é uma cidade que dista cerca de 170 km de Florianópolis em direção ao centro do Estado de Santa Catarina. Após Bom Retiro, à esquerda, uns 25 km de estrada sinuosa (montanhas). A Pousada tem uma localização extremamente estratégica para DX-FM. Não se ouvem as emissoras de Florianópolis, Blumenau, Joinville, Itajaí.... os centros maiiores de Santa Catarina, que são facilmente captadas em Florianópolis, à beira do mar. A Pousada em si, tem nos lados sul, leste e oeste altas montanhas. Felizmente, há uma abertura para o norte, bem para a região de onde se originam os sinais de FM de interesse. Como disse, FMs locais de dia, quase zero, ou mesmo zero. A banda está literalmente vazia. No último sábado, 30 de dezembro, após a nossa subida pelas montanhas com o equipamento, meu pai foi dormir cedo, e eu sem pretensão alguma pensei em dar uma varredura pelo FM. Fui direto numa delas e encontrei sinal presente. As brasileiras (qualquer uma local ou próximas), continuavam totalmente ausentes. Quando comecei a varrer a banda, naquele estilo 'vara de pescar', com o fone de ouvido brandindo suavemente a antena telescópica para cima e para baixo, caminhando pelas dependencias da pousada, à frente de nosso apartamento, aí verifiquei que cai num Eldorado do FM. Não há comparação com a praia do Bom Abrigo, em Florianópolis. Comecei em 88.1, 88.3, 88.5, etc... e verifiquei que literalmente em grande parte nos canais de FM havia algo. Como já conheço de outras épocas algumas frequencias e suas identificações, não foi difícil situá-las. As demais, foram novidade. Inclusive trocando figurinhas com o Cláudio e com o Felipe Souto posteriormente, algumas eram esconhecidas para eles. Identifiquei o que pude, e as demais, verifiquei sinal presente, anotando alguma coisa de sua programação. O tempo era pouco, dado que a propagação trans-equatorial (TEP) de repente some do rádio. Por isso, a agilização nas escutas. Algumas frequencias tratavam-se, presumidamente, de FMs de algum ponto da América do Sul, pelos anúncios comerciais característicos de lojas e produtos. Detalhe: as escutas se iniciaram por volta de 20h45 indo até 23h00 (horário local). Frequencias ouvidas com sinais de emissoras de FM distantes: 88.1 R. Revelación, Puerto Rico - pregação em idioma espanhol. Bom sinal 88.5 R. Caraibes Intern., Fort-de-France, Martinica - música caribenha. Bom sinal 88.9 Emissora com comentários em francês. Sinal médio 89.3 Emissora da Martinica, com música caribenha. Bom sinal. 89.5 Emissora com comentário em idioma desconhecido (Creole? Papiamento?....). Bom sinal 89.7 Músicas em inglês com comentários intermediários em francês. Segundo o CRM, pode ser Fort-de-France, Martinica. Bom sinal 89.9 Emissora identificada como Rede Somzoomsat, de Fortaleza-CE. Sinal médio. 90.3 A primeira emissora que suspeito ser da América do Sul, dado que havia comerciais de hotéis, sabonetes, etc.... pode ser alguma de Buenos Aires. Conheço a comunicação de FMs de Buenos Aires pelas minhas viagens para lá. Tentativa. 90.5 Uma nova emissora com comentários em francês. Sinal médio (Até aqui, pude constatar que não havia nenhuma emissora brasileira de FM presente. Nenhuma mesmo!!!!). 90.7 Contínua música caribenha, em idioma desconhecido. Sinal médio. 91.5 Uma nova frequencia ocupada por uma emissora com comentários em francês. Bom sinal. 91.7 Emissora de FM de Ilhas Virgens, com música caribenha. Bom sinal [Z-Gold, Roadtown, Tortola, BVI -- FM Atlas XVIII via gh] 92.1 Emissora com música caribenha. Sinal médio (Neste ponto, cheguei à conclusão que a programação das emissoras num sábado à noite desfavoreciam por completo a possibilidade de uma boa identificação das mesmas. Tal como no Brasil, muitas emissoras tem músicas sequenciais, sem a preocupação de informar de quem emite os sinais). 92.5 Emissora de Porto Rico. Bom sinal [WORO Corozal - FM Atlas] 92.9 The Voice of Barbados, com comentários e músicas em inglês. Bom sinal 93.7 Emissora transmitindo música caribenha. 93.9 Comentários em um idioma desconhecido. Sinal médio 94.3 RFO Fort-de-France, Martinica, com comentários em francês. Bom sinal. 94.7 Novamente uma emissora com características de ser de alguma cidade grande da América do Sul, pelos avisos transmitidos. Sinal médio. 95.3 Emissora transmitindo música caribenha. Bom sinal 95.5 Emissora de Anguilla, transmitindo música caribenha. Sinal médio 96.1 Mais uma emissora que suponho ser do nosso continente, com comentários num espanhol típico da Argentina, ou mesmo do Chile. Sinal médio 96.7 Emissora transmitindo em inglês, com pregação religiosa onde o locutor mencionou 'Santa Lucia' por diversas vezes. Bom sinal. 97.3 Transmissão em inglês, com comentários religiosos. Segundo o CRM, trata-se de uma emissora de Santa Lucia. Bom sinal 97.9 Comentários em inglês e canção em inglês. O locutor referiu-se por 2 vezes a Trinidad. 98.1 Liberty FM, Bridgetown, Barbados. Bom sinal 98.5 Anúncios em espanhol. Também, prsumidamente uma emissora sul- americana. Sinal médio. 99.9 2 emissoras concorrendo na frequencia. Uma delas mencionou por 3 vezes WNOW ('dablio nao'... desculpem a interpretação, mas foi isto o que foi ouvido). [WNOW só pertence a AM 1030 em Carolina Norte -gh] 100.1 Emissora em inglês transmitindo uma pregação do Dr. Gene Scott. O início da programação do momento abriu com um locutor (SINPO 45554!!! a luz vermelha do 7600G permaneceu acesa...) dizendo: "The University Network of Los Angeles, California, presents, Dr. Gene Scott"... em seguida os comentários interminaveis do Dr. GS. O melhor sinal da noite. [acredito que seja Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla -gh] 101.1 R. Caribbean Intern., com música caribenha. 104.1 Yess Ten Four, de Bridgetown, Barbados, com comentários e músicas em inglês. Bom sinal 104.3 Emissora das Ilhas Virgens, com comentários (bate-papo) em inglês entre locutor e locutora. Sinal médio 105.7 Emissora com comentários em idioma inglês. Sinal médio Como informei antes, algumas foram fáceis de serem identificadas, pela característica conhecida anteriormente. As que não foram identificadas, não parei para procurar a identificação para não perder o controle do espectro da noite. Detalhe: Todas foram ouvidas em uma só noite. Para se fazer um DX ideal em FM por lá, precisar-se- iam pelo menos 3 noites. Farei na próxima temporada, com certeza, porque vale à pena. Quaisquer dúvidas, aguardamos resposta, sendo que o Cláudio R. Moraes e o Felipe Souto (ambos também desta lista) também poderão auxiliar em qualquer dúvida. Um forte abraço, (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, radioescutas via DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. On 4975 Jan 3 Ondas del Orteguaza, Florencia, 2115- , 343, with Adv for El Redentor then bc Musica Popular. On 5975 USB Dec 26 Radio Macarena/Autentica, Villavicencio, 2250- , 222, blocked by BBC WS, noted on USB to avoid QRM, with rlg pgm. 6178v Jan 3 LV del Llano, Villavicencio, 1200- , 222, with news, nothing on its fundamental frequency, noted Jan 4 at 0035 on 6185v. 9635 Jan 3 Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia, 2110-2125, 343, with non-stop Colombian folk music. No trace of Voz Cristiana (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia, DX LISTENING DIGEST)) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI has still not been able to raise the antenna for 7480 to the preferred height of 180 to 190 feet; waiting on a crew of tower workers. Until then, from the much lower elevation, it radiates at a very high vertical angle, about 25 degrees, which favors nearer targets such as southern NAm rather than further ones, where reception should improve once it is up and able to radiate at a lower angle. So says James Latham with Joe Bernard on RFPI Mailbag Jan 5. VISTA also arrived today, saying they still plan to switch 15049 to 15065 during January (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA [non]. We thought relays via Germany had stopped long ago, and indeed nothing audible on 9925 at 0014 check Jan 6, but here is the latest DTK schedule showing the Croatian Information Centre, all daily and effective 291000 to 250301: (gh) 9925 0000 0159 11-16 202 230 218 HIC 9925 0200 0359 6-10 112 300 216 HIC 9925 0400 0559 2-10 105 325 216 HIC 9470 0600 0759 55,59,60 202 230 218 HIC 13820 0800 0959 58,59,60 208 270 218 HIC 9655 2100 2159 38,39,52,53,57 306 160 216 HIC (via Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. R Veintiséis, Central España, Matanzas, 2440 harmonic, 0331- 0340 January 4, very good but distorted, with SP M DJ, telco callers, ID, mention of Villa Clara by DJ. Fundamental 1220 also decent (Terry Krueger, FL, Tocobaga DX via hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** DENMARK [non]. (Re: gh heard a bit of English) Dear Glenn, During the last weekend of the month I run my 'Tune In' Mailbag/technical matters show on Radio Denmark, at times including interviews with visiting listeners. In October, November and December I featured a listener who participated in some Peary Land Expeditions around 1949 - later he was a radio operator at Station Nord around 1953. What you heard were some of his radio communications FROM THAT TIME with the US Air Force machines flying supplies from Thule to Station Nord. In the earlier programs I among other things featured his LW/MW reception up there. Have a look at his photos (click to enlarge) at my site in connection with these interviews at: http://www.dr.dk/rdk/peary.htm (in Danish only) PS: At 05.43 we go 95 degrees from Kvitsøy to Russia on 7485. All the best, (Erik Køie / DR Radio, Jan 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. R Cristal, Santo Domingo, 5009.82, 2322-2334 January 3, fair (big carriers nearby, reducing the audio), with two SP announcers reading news, "Noticias a Tierra" I think it was called (Terry Krueger, FL, Tocobaga DX via hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 5009.25, R. Cristal Int`l, 0009 Jan 2, LA mx, IDs, still celebrating the holidays with "Jingle Bell Rock" at 0014, slightly undermodulated, good until AIR sign on @0018 (Phil Marshall, FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 5009.79, Radio Cristal, 2258-0011, LA pop and Christmas music, (plus one rendition of "Jingle Bell Rock" in English). Relaying Radio Pueblo, 1510 AM. Canned ID's for "Radio Pueblo" and "15-10-AM". Live announcer at 0000 with dual ID "...Radio Pueblo...Cubierto toda la República Dominicana de punta a punta. Y para los oyentes del ultramar la 15-10-AM...del Santo Domingo...con los 5010 kilociclos de Radio Cristal Internacional en la banda tropical de 60 metros. Cruzando fronteras..." Strong signal but mostly distorted audio on some canned ID's, (as if one of their tape machines was bad) (Mark Mohrmann, VT, Jan 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA. 7165 kHz, R Ethiopia, Gedja, 1600 UT ID Dec 30. This is the external service of Radio Ethiopia. EE PX with 1980s Western pop Mx. 1630 Fanfare, ID, News bulletin in EE read by o/m. 1638 Summary of Top News stories, then comment about food development px announced by Min of Agriculture; 1700 fanfare ID, Px continues in FF. Good signal whilst 9560 blocked by V of Turkey, 11800 untraced (Leigh MORRIS, South Australia DX-pedition, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GAMBIA. Hi Glenn - Rather precious QSL just arrived from Gambia Radio and TV Services on a colour postcard depicting 'Charme et couleurs de La Gambie': "Greetings from The Gambia. Thank you for your letter containing a reception report dated 20/2/2000. This is just to verify your report. We are ever so grateful. Thanks. Sara Grey-Johnson - Manager, Programmes." This was after 2 follow-ups to the WRTH address in Banjul. Just basking in the glow. This may not qualify as useful for your audience, although the fact that they are verifying is news of some kind. I know they`re audible on North American east coast DXpeditions. Heard on Lanzarote in the Canary Islands (inaudible here because of the BBC World Service, Orfordness, 500 kW) on 648 kHz at 2130-2230 UT on 20/2/00. English on a Sunday evening with Christian choral music, news at 2200 with local news and lifts from the BBC. Identification as 'Gambia Radio and Televison Service' on the hour and half hour. Lanzarote is 1100 miles from Banjul and I used a Panasonic RF-B45 barefoot. Rgds (Graham Bell, London, UK, Jan 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS. R Litoral, La Ceiba, 4832.08, first noted 2232-0002* December 25, fair and improving steadily to very good w/ M preacher in Miskito, gospel vocals, mentions of "Litoral" and "R Litoral." At 2329, M: "R Litoral, 4830 kHz... R Litoral, Apartado Postal 878, La Ceiba, Honduras." More gospel vocals into carrier, off. Subsequently heard on December 29 till 2347-0005*, similar format and in Miskito again, closing by M over music bed: "R Litoral... Apartado Postal 878, La Ceiba, Provincia Atlántida, Honduras..." then another ID, filler music, live M in Miskito, and off. Also on January 1, 2001, 2237-2350 with Miskito preacher, organ music at good level (Terry Krueger, FL, Tocobaga DX via hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** IRAQ/IRAN/KURDISTAN [non]. ``Mother of all Jamming Stations`` Continues to Plague 40 Meters NEWINGTON, CT, Jan 5, 2001--For some months now, regular users of the 40-meter band have been plagued from time to time by strong, very broad, frequency-hopping signals that somewhat resemble a slow-scan TV transmission. The signals, it turns out, originate from jamming stations in the Middle East. ``We know exactly what this is,`` said ARRL Monitoring System Coordinator Brennan Price, N4QX. ``This is a very high-power Iraqi jammer of a very high-power Iranian shortwave broadcast station.`` ARRL member Kris Mraz, N5KM, in Texas was among those inquiring about the signals' source. Mraz says he's heard the ``loud 'buzzing' signal`` on 7010 kHz but jumping around to 7050 and 7080 kHz as well. It's also been ``spotted`` on packet. Depending on propagation, the jammers might show up any time of day or night. An East Coast 40-meter operator reports the jamming signals have showed up around 7020 kHz and around 7200 kHz in the morning as well as other frequencies on the band. The signals occupy about 10 kHz of spectrum. Price says the shortwave broadcast station involved is The Voice of the People of Kurdistan, transmitted via The Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran facility in Teheran. ``The Iranian station has a daily transmission on 7100 kHz from the same facility, and Iraq has jammed that one also,`` he says. Price explains that the Iranian station -- which broadcasts anti- Saddam Hussein propaganda, hence the jamming -- jumps frequencies several times each broadcast in order to avoid the jamming. Unfortunately for 40-meter users, the Iraqi transmissions follow. This results in a situation where it's hard to predict when the jammers might show up on a given frequency block or how long they'll stay. ``I have no idea how anyone who wants to listen to the Iranian station can do so, given the mid-broadcast frequency shifts and the jamming,`` Price remarked. He also notes that neither station is transmitting where it is supposed to be. ``The Iranian and Iraqi telecommunications administrations have been advised of this,`` he said. ``Given the enmity between Iran and Iraq, coupled with strained relations between both countries and the US, it is highly unlikely that either country is going to cease operation just because we ask them to.`` Price says that such ``politically motivated`` intruders typically don't disappear until the political situation changes. ``The 'woodpecker' went away when the Cold War did,`` he said. ``This one will probably not go away until Saddam Hussein does.`` (ARRL January 5 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, and Brock Whaley, ATLGA, and Bill Smith, DALTX, DX LISTENING DIGEST) There were postings earlier this week on rec.radio.shortwave saying that Saddam had suffered a stroke and had been hospitalized, but that appears unlikely (Norfolk) ** IRELAND. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). From: http://www.radiowaves.fm/news/index.html Friday 5th January 2001. A station broadcasting from Ireland using the name Radio Tara International will be on 6298 kHz on the shortwave band for the next two weeks, starting tomorrow morning. They are requesting reception reports to the following email address: radiotara@hotmail.com and QSLs are available from Radio Tara Int, PO Box 220342, Wuppertal, Germany (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** ISLE OF MAN. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). From Andrew Smith 208@egroups.com Just received the following e-mail from Paul Rusling about the Isle Of Man radio project, in case anyone on this list is interested. IMIB plc web site http://www.longwaveradio.com Firstly may I wish you all a slightly belated (or was that bloated?) Happy New Year. We are STILL awaiting news of our Planning Application and therefore there is precious little to report. We are expecting to hear literally "any day now" as we understand the Planning Inspector goes off to the USA on January 6th and he was determined to get this case completed by then. Once the Inspector makes his recommendation, it will be considered by the Council of Ministers of the Isle of Man Government. Their decision will be laid before Tynwald, the Isle of Man's parliament. As soon as we do hear something, I shall send an E-mail to you at this address letting you know first, and the news will then go onto our web site a few hours later. Here's to a very eventful 2001! Best regards, Paul Rusling, Chief Executive (via Mike Terry, Jan 5, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. It was coming in OK here on 9875 around 0045 GMT and I'm on the fifth floor of a 14 floor radio frequency hostile building on the NYC end of Long Island (Astoria, Queens) where getting a decent antenna is difficult if not impossible. 6120 from Germany was much better. By the way (I`m sure it refers to the destroyed community of Lithuanian Jews) there's a saying in Yiddish "Lithuanians are so smart they repent BEFORE they sin." It must be tough now being one of ten people in Oklahoma who doesn't give a damn about college football. (Joel Rubin, Astoria, NY, Home of Steinway and Sons and, on the other end of the æsthetic spectrum, Imus in the Morning, Jan 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Not that tough –- I don`t associate with sports maniacs. The ABC affiliate, tho, kept blathering on about it before and after the game, pre-empting prime-time and late-night programming. I retch (gh) ** NETHERLANDS [and non]. Some of you may be interested in this item from our Website: Media Network is offering you the chance to ask the questions you`ve been wanting to ask about the ongoing digital shortwave tests involving Radio Netherlands and several other members of the Digital Radio Mondiale consortium. As ITU member countries prepare to ratify the DRM standard, Radio Netherlands engineer Jan- Peter Werkman has just returned from a monitoring trip to Ecuador and Bonaire. We`re preparing an updated feature with photos and audio recordings, and will also be talking to Jan-Peter. That discussion is planned for Thursday 11 January, and Jan-Peter will be happy to answer your questions. E-mail them to media@rnw.nl by 10 January 2001 at the latest. We`ll also be compiling a FAQ list about digital shortwave broadcasting, in an effort to better explain what it will mean for the listener (Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands Media Network via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** NICARAGUA. R Miskut, Puerto Cabezas, 5770, 2246-2305 January 1, SP vocals, M in Miskito, ID 2300 and into mix of reggae and pop oldies. Carrier + USB mode, good. Weren't they to have bumped their power by about the beginning of 2001? Signal the same, and in fact first log of them in a few weeks, though maybe I've just overlooked them (Terry Krueger, FL, Tocobaga DX via hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. (Re: DXLD 0-168). OK, here`s the real deal with this one- Per Ms. Wells. They have a shortwave transmitter, courtesy of David Robinson of FBN`s WTJC in North Carolina. They are ready to bring the transmitter into the country; in fact, they wanted to start on shortwave instead of FM. The problem is Pangtel won`t assign them a frequency. The Wells' seem to be under the impression that Pangtel doesn`t really know how to go about assigning them a frequency. Mr. Wells applied for a SW frequency over nine months ago, but nothing has happened. They aren`t saying that Pangtel doesn`t want to give them a frequency, just that their impression is that Pangtel isn't sure how to go about it. Ms. Wells alluded to the Japanese [government] assisting Pangtel in the recent past with the frequency coordination process, but couldn`t elaborate. In any event, KBBN FM is up and running. Power is from the local power company and they also have a generator as there are frequent blackouts. They are playing English music, but have some programming in Pidgin. They have started recruiting and training a local cadre of announcers. KBBN`s schedule is a bit shorter than the press item, but they hope to be on from 6 AM to 8 PM local starting next week. Their mailing address is KBBN, P. O. Box 617, Mt. Hagen, 281, Papua New Guinea. When I spoke to Pangtel, they did say that they thought it would be quite some time before KBBN got a shortwave frequency assigned. Pangtel thought that the Wells want to develop the FM and get it running well before expanding into shortwave. Both KBBN and Pangtel seem to agree that the frequency, not the arrival of the shortwave transmitter, is the sticking point to KBBN getting on shortwave. Finally, a look at the PNG press has Baibel alternatively spelled as 'Bible.' So I believe a rough translation of KBBN is Voice of Bible Broadcasting (via Hans Johnson Jan 4, Cumbre DX Special via DXLD) [Later that same day:] KBBN: I spoke with David Robinson of FBN this morning. KBBN will use shortwave to feed a network of about 10 FM repeaters in PNG. They decided to use shortwave as other means such as satellite were simply too expensive. Technically, the shortwave isn`t primarily a broadcast to the PNG people, but is rather a network feeder to FMs that will broadcast to them. Robinson has on hand two small transmitters in the 1 kW range. One is AM, the other is SSB compatible. Once KBBN has frequency approval, Robinson plans to travel to PNG to install the transmitters. He will also build a log periodic antenna. His intention is to shoot the signal straight up so as to minimize the skip zone. Robinson didn`t feel that DXers would be able to hear it and we had a good laugh as I told him that we accepted his challenge. Robinson elaborated on what I heard last night from Ms. Wells. The Japanese government traditionally handled frequency allocation and coordination for PNG, even for FM! Now the Japanese government have pulled out and Pangtel has no idea how to do this. That`s what KBBN shortwave is waiting on. KBBN is trying to get some help through the FCC in helping Pangtel to give them an allocation. Ideally, Robinson is looking for approval to operate in a frequency range(s). KBBN will conduct shortwave tests once the equipment is installed to see which frequencies work best and they request three or so specific frequencies from Pangtel. Robinson believes that these will be in the 3-7 MHz range and include both a 'winter' and 'summer' frequency (Hans Johnson, Jan 4, Cumbre DX Special via DXLD) They are on the Equator. What do they need seasonal frequencies for? Yeah, sure, just like DXers can`t hear the Northern Australian ``shower services`` on 120 and 60m (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA has been holding each evening on 4.890, Also 3.905 MHz, usually fade in between 0800~0900 (Colonel Jon Standingbear, Army Radio Station ADN3U, Beaumont, CA, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3905, Radio New Ireland, full data "Radio New Ireland" card, in 10 weeks, for taped report and $1 US, v/s Otto Malatana-Station Manager (Joe Talbot, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, Jan 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. 4577.57v, Radio Uno 1029-1100 Jan 5, distorted signal with drifting carrier. Andean vocals, 1032 canned ID with 2 or 3 short "Radio Uno" mentions. Frequency drift between .20 and .95, poor signal. On 4881.07 Radio Comas TV 1040-1101 Jan 5, Andean music, announcer between songs, ad, 1101 ID, good signal. On 4890.21 Radio Chota 0027-0213 Jan 4, Comunicados, Andean music, 0213 time check and ID in passing. Good signal (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES. 15190, R Pilipinas via Tinang 1830 Dec 29, Px in EE & Tagalog, EE ID ``This is R Pilipinas, the Overseas Service of the Philippines Broadcasting service,`` EE PX Dateline. 15190 Good, 11730 Fair, 11890 Poor in //. Dec 30, 15120 R Pilipinas via Tinang 0230 ID (as above), EE PX Dateline; 0300 Today`s Topic. 15120 Good, 15270 Poor, 11805 not heard. Station suffers poor audio, possible use of telephone feeder to transmitter site (Leigh MORRIS, South Ausralia DX-pedition, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. VORWS 7.180 Music, music, music. s9+30db, 1500 gmt Also on 7.125 from 0200~0500, Not as great signal, Lots of QRM amateur traffic (Colonel Jon Standingbear, Army Radio Station ADN3U, Beaumont, CA, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA. Radio Baydhabo heard on shortwave On 4 January, BBC Monitoring`s East Africa Unit in Nairobi heard pro- Rahanwein Resistance Army (RRA) Radio Baydhabo broadcasting on 6806 kHz. The radio was observed from tune-in at 1600 gmt until sign-off at 1800 gmt in the Rahanwein dialect of Somali. The station identification was in the Rahanwein dialect of Somali: Radio Baydhabo odka ururka RRA, which means: Radio Baydhabo, Voice of the RRA. Most of the broadcast was in the Rahanwein dialect, with identical brief news bulletins in Somali and in the Rahanwein dialect at 1700 gmt. The news bulletins contained local and foreign news reports, but there was no mention of fighting or of Baydhabo being cut off from the rest of Somalia. The radio signed off at 1800 gmt with a recital of Koranic verses. (Baydhabo is approx 250 km north west of Mogadishu) Source: Monitoring research 4 Jan 01 (BBCM Jan 5 via DXLD) ** SOMALIA. Subject: Hargesia [sic] Verified! Coming home from another day at the City Operations, my wife indicated that I had possibly a QSL (she knows when I get these QSL replies, those strange envelopes with unusual stamps). Going into my DX shack (where else would one find a QSL reply) noticed the envelope, with the Large seal for 'Republic of Somaliland'. Nervously, I hesitated, but urging from my wife, 'well go ahead open it' slowly opened the envelope. Out came two verification cards, showing the studios of Radio Hargesia, with station personnel at the controls and on the back full data details. The reverse also gave a brief explanation about the Republic of Somaliland`s history. Included with the full data QSL cards, was my own Prepared Cards, signed and stamped. The signature on the cards appear as 'A. Dobencs. Consul'. My reception was for November the 8th, 1977 on 11645, and the second logging was for October the 12th, 1987 on 11640 kHz. This ends my quest for a Radio Hargesia verification, after 24 years of trying to get a reply. Wouldn`t believe the lengths I went to get my reports verified, follow-ups, embassy routes, till finally just recently finding an address in Germany. Even had my good friend, Joe Talbot of Red Deer, Alberta, actually visit the station, on his trip to Africa. He just couldn`t get past the armed guards at the front gate. In fact, Joe attempted some time ago to get my reports verified by 'contacts' in Ethiopia. Thanks to Harald Kuhl for the address and to Joe Talbot, for his support. The chapter is closed on this one, my last African Country to get verified finally (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, ODXA via DXLD) Just talked to the QSL manager of Radio Hargeisa. He kindly asks to send sufficient return postage with your reports. An air mail letter from Germany costs DM 3.00, which is the equivalent of USD 1.50. vy73 (Harald Kuhl, swbc@topica.com via DXLD) ** SOUTH AMERICA. [BDXC-UK] From Somewhere in the Andes DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). From: http://members.nbci.com/rcochiguaz/ Radio Cochiguaz is a broadcasting station which began its activities when Cachito Mamani, fascinated by broadcasts of pirate radios he had picked up being transmitted by other colleagues, commented to a group of his friends on an idea he had been mulling over. When he and his friend Paco Jeréz [sic] got together, they suddenly came upon the name "Cochiguaz", which is of indigenous Quechua origin, it had an appealing phonetical sound to it, naturally born from its Andean roots, which was the main essence of the broadcaster in itself. Aided by Perico San Miguel and after several hours of hard work, the very first recordings were completed on Friday, January 10 of 1997. Radio Cochiguaz first came on the air, February 1 of 1997, transmitting from somewhere in South America, over a frequency of 11413 khz at 20:00 UTC and later on several other occasions, over 6925.6 khz. Radio Cochiguaz transmits from a secret location somewhere in the Andes and is the friendly voice of our dark-skinned America, carrying the sound of its particular music to many far-off corners of the globe, expressing the feeling of the Andean people, precisely because the greater part of its programmes, consist of authentic musical themes of our Andean inhabitants, the true origin of our broadcaster and its operator. Set up on a shoestring budget and almost handcrafted, Radio Cochiguaz sends out its signal from some place in South America, ably operated by Cachito Mamani; currently utilises and [sic] LSB, 100 watts output transmitter with and almost effective emitting power of 150 watts and a double dipole complete wave antenna with 4/1 balun, operating first from a different location which had to be changed because of an irregular energy supply. Since its very first broadcast, Radio Cochiguaz, utilising its two 6DQ6 valved transmitter, journeyed across three different South American countries to finally settle where it is transmitting from today, and to avoid being spotted, reckons with several broadcasting centres at its disposal. As from March 7 of 1998, Radio Cochiguaz is transmitting with a half wave inverted V dipole antenna with 1/1 balun from its Nr. 2 broadcasting centre. As from June 3 of 1998, Radio Cochiguaz moved its equipment to its Nr. 3 transmitting centre, from where it also broadcast with an inverted V antenna with 1/1 balun, coming on the air from this new site on the same date, producing excellent reception results as can be proven by reports received from several South American countries and this signal, originating directly from South America was picked up for the first time by listeners thousands of kilometres away, on a trans-continental journey to the Finnish city of Turku, and later received again in Höfer, Germany, on June 10 of this year; on both occasions over a frequency of 6980L khz. In 1999 we reached several times to Europe & USA over our frequency of 6950L khz. Radio Cochiguaz currently transmitting from South America, does so over frequencies 6950 and 6980 khz, holding two extra frequencies (6961 and 6970 khz) in reserve, all on the pirate 43 mts. band of South America. So far, Radio Cochiguaz has received dozens of letters from different South American countries as well as from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Africa, as well as from different European countries, thanks to several relays carried out there by our broadcaster friends "Jolly Roger Radio International" of Ireland, over frequencies 6238 and 6244 khz and also by other broadcaster friends. Radio Cochiguaz has several contacting addresses in other countries in order to guarantee reception of our listener friends correspondence and this does not mean that the location of its transmitters can be found in those countries. We are a true pirate broadcaster and we shall continue transmitting from secret place somewhere in South America for all our DX'ing friends. Radio Cochiguaz in 1998 during a poll organised by the free radio SRS-News bulletin from Sweden, obtained the first position, and in 1999 we obtained the second place. Technical Equipment: 100 Watts valve transmitter with two 6DQ6 tubes 1 antenna Coupler HC-200 - Tokyo Hy-Power 1 Audio recorder 1 0-2000 W wattmeter 1 Audio equipment 1 microphone 1 Inverted V antenna with 1/1 balun 1 digital receiver QSL policies: All Reception Reports which are exclusively received in our postal address and accompanied with 2 IRCs (International Reply Coupons), to cover return postage costs, will be confirmed with a QSL card. Reception reports received through E-Mail will not be confirmed with a QSL. Retransmitting service: Our transmitters are at the disposal of our colleague broadcasters free of charge, with the sole purpose of divulging the pirate broadcasters in areas of South America. So far, our transmitters have rebroadcast transmissions from: Jolly Roger Radio International - Laser Hot Hits - Radio Natalie - Radio Blandengue - FLARS - Free Radio Info - Radio Pasteur - Free Style Radio - Radio Marabu - Kiwi Radio - Radio Sue - Star Club Radio - Radio Free Willy - Radio Piraña Internacional - Voice of South Dublin - Dark Pampa Radio - Radio Mariquita - Radio X-treme International - Radio Titanic International. - Radio Dr. Tim - Britain Radio International - Radio Sin Fronteras - Radio Middle East - Radio Little Star & Radio Perfekt. New direct & fast contact address: *RC, Casilla 159, Santiago 14, Chile. E-Mailing address: radio_cochiguaz@yahoo.com rc@srs.pp.se radio.cochiguaz@usa.net FFFR!!!! Cachito Mamani, Radio Cochiguaz (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK Jan 5 via DXLD) ** SWEDEN. New trails of Iglesia del Pueblo. Dear Friends, As I guess many of you noted last weekend, there was no signal on air at the announced times and frequencies from Iglesia del Pueblo. I am very sorry for this but hope you trust the information about the replacing trails (four events in total). As mentioned in previous e-mail, this is the first short wave transmission from the organisation Iglesia del Pueblo, normally operating on low power community Radio in Stockholm (Sweden) area. Naturally, it is very interesting to know how the reception at different locations, also outside the primary target areas, are and reports as well as comments can be sent to: Short Wave Transmission, Iglesia del Pueblo, P. O. Box 122, SE-191 22 Sollentuna, Sweden The planned schedule looks as follows: 2001-01-07, Sunday 5925 kHz 21.00-21.30 UT Europe. 2001-01-08, Monday 5925 kHz 03.00-03.30 UT Europe, N and C America 2001-01-14, Sunday 5925 kHz 21.00-21.30 UT Europe. 2001-01-15, Monday 5925 kHz 03.00-03.30 UT Europe, N and C America ------ Yours sincerely, (Magnus Nilsson, Teracom, Hard-Core-DX mailing list Jan 3 via WORLD OF RADIO 1064, DXLD) ** TAIWAN. Received "TaipeiWave" newsletter by post today. They ask that reception reports be sent to: prog@cbs.org.tw They are no longer using engl@cbs.org.tw for correspondence. They also announce that the web page at http://www.cbs.org.tw is about to have some "exciting changes" over the next few months. The schedule is posted there (Mike Terry, UK, Jan 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I`m wondering if the budget cut will prevent them from continuing with two different sets of features each day as previously detailed here and at http://www.cbs.org.tw/special/languages/english.htm (gh) ** TAIWAN. Good news for our ham friends. At about 0915 this morning TWN all of a sudden moved back from 7090 to 7105. 7175 remains on this new channel ex 7150. Regards (Olle Alm, Sweden, Jan 4, via Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [recording of it on WOR 1064] ** TAJIKISTAN. 7245, R Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 1640 Dec 30, traditional folk mx, 1644 unusual stringed instrumental mx, 1645 Y/L with EE ID ``This is Dushanbe, the capital of the republic of Tajikistan``, O/M with EE ann ``May we remind you R Tajikistan can be heard daily at 1645 GMT & again at 0345 GMT on 7245 kHz. EE NX bulletin with mention of 100th anniversary & visits to Dushanbe by Foreign trade delegations. Fair signal spoilt by CC QRM. 1700 ID ``R Tajikistan, the Voice of the Republic of Tajikistan; thank you for listening.`` (Leigh MORRIS, South Australia DX-pedition, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. RUI to NAm in English at 0100: 9385 very good UT Dec 21, SINPO 3-4 4444. Held its own till end. Some splash from 9400 R. Bulgaria. At 0400, 9385 was 2-3 4343, propagational roll, splash from 9375. UT Fri 0100 Dec 21, no RUI. By 0130 the YL with ``Yankee, Whiskey, Foxtrot``. Also heard splash and found 9386.3 USB: two chaps in a conversation. Found two others a few kc down. One Slavic QSO. Other sounded Arabic. No idea who either one was. The YL with the 3- word group has been on a lot. The USB QSOs a new thing. Pretty good signal with QSB (Bob Thomas, CT, delayed P-mail, DXLD) ** UKRAINE. Glenn, Following is a reply I received today, Wednesday January 3, 2001. "1000 kW transmitters are too expensive to maintain now. The Radio Company of Ukraine has no sufficient means to pay for their rent. But soon it may became a reality - the 1000 kW Tx in Mykolayiv will replace 100 kW Tx in Brovary on the frequency of 9385 kHz. So, let us wait a little. Alexander Yegorov - DX-editor of Radio Ukraine International" 73 _.. . (Kraig, KG4LAC Krist, Annandale, VA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC WS Previews: *Fri Jan 5 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MERIDIAN – MASTERPIECE Eu Fri 0905, 1905, Sat 0105, Sun 2205, Mon 1405 Am Fri 1405, Sat 0105, Mon 2005, Tue 0605 Writers in a Nutshell, 8 x 25 min from Fri Jan 5 Lives and works of XX writers, studies of great figures from other areas of artistic endeavour. A tribute to the late producer Miriam Newman [i.e., a repeat series] * Fri Jan 5 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PATTERNS OF FAITH Eu Fri 1345, Mon 1845, Tue 0045, Wed 0430 Am Fri 1945, Tue 0045, Wed 0430 Religious Buildings, 4 x 15 min from Fri Jan 5 Visiting four British religious buildings: largest traditional Hindu temple outside India; oldest London synagogue; Skyspace; Anglican/RC Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham *Fri Jan 5 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| THE STORY OF AFRICA, 24 x 15 min from Jan 5 A major new series looking at the history of the continent from an African perspective, from the dawn of humankind in East Africa to the triumph over apartheid in South Africa. On African stream only, shortwave, all frequencies (AScension best in NAm): EAf Fri 1645 21660-CY 21470-AS 17885-SE 15420-SE 11940-SA 6190-SA; Fri 1945 21660-CY 21470-AS 15420-SE 11940-SA 6190-SA; Mon 0930 17885-SE 17640-CY 15420-SE 11940-SA 6190-SA; WAf Fri 1645 17830-AS 15400-AS; Fri 1945 17830-As 15400-AS; Mon 1130 [no SW fqs] *Fri Jan 5 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DISCOVERY Eu Fri 2005, Sat 0205, Mon 1505, Tue 1005 Am Sat 0205, Mon 2105, Tue 1505 Living Computers, 1 x 25 min from Jan 5 Bill Ditto, Georgia Tech *Fri Jan 5 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ESSENTIAL GUIDE Eu Fri 2030, Sat 0230, Mon 1530, Tue 1030 Am Sat 0230, Mon 2130, Tue 1530 Essential Guide to the XXI Century, 4 x 30 min from Jan 5 1) Meeting and Mating 2) The Future of the City 3) The Future of English 4) The Environment –- Water Shortage *Sat Jan 6 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| AGENDA Eu Sat 1830, Sun 0630 Am Sun 0630, 1030, 1730, 2230 Fictional Forecasting, interview with Arthur C. Clarke, 1 x 30 min, Jan 6-7 *Sun Jan 7 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| WORLDPLAY Specially commissioned radio plays from stations around the world, featuring younger writers relatively new to radio Eu Sun 0001, 1701 Am Sun 0001, Mon 0630 This Old Man, He Played One, by Conal Creedon, 1 x 60 min Jan 7-8 RTE Ireland production. An old man calls to reunite with the family he deserted; he dies and complications ensue *Sun Jan 7 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ASSIGNMENT Eu Sun 0730, 1830, Mon 0330 Am Sun 0730, 1830, Mon 0330 Laboratory of War, 3 x 30 min from Jan 7 How scientists are both creating and combating new challenges to international security *Mon Jan 8 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MUSIC MIX David Bowie at the BBC, 2 x 30 min from Jan 8 Eu Mon 0930, 1930, Tue 0130, 1430 Am Mon 1430, Tue 0130, 2030, Wed 0630 (BBC On Air, via Chris Hambly, WORLD OF RADIO 1064, DXLD) ** U S A. VOA Communications World January 6: This is our annual traditional show in which we play excerpts of New Year`s Eve broadcasts from around the world, heard via shortwave, the Internet, Hotbird, and Worldspace. The broadcasts came from radio stations in New Zealand, Australia, Guam*, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Russia (Perm), Lithuania, South Africa, Slovenia, Croatia, Benin, U.K., and Portugal*. (* snipped from the News Now version due to time constraints.) And Glenn Hauser reviews the year 2000 in international broadcasting. Schedule available by auto-reply from cwschedule@voa.gov or from http://www.trsc.com/cw All the best, (Kim Elliott, VOA CW, DXLD) ** U S A. Subject: Press Release: WBCQ - Complex Variables Studio Dear Glenn, Here is a press release concerning programming changes at WBCQ. I hope that things are well with you, and that the New Year is treating you well! Sincerely, Tasha Femkins - Complex Variables Studio Complex Variables Studio / WBCQ 7.415 MHz Press release: 1 - 5 - 2001 Two "music and entertainment" shows end, and two new shows emerge. (Effective 1 - 13 - 2001) "Hear Now", Hosted by "Brother X", and heard on Saturdays at 10 pm - 11 pm EST will be replaced by "Magic Radio", featuring: music, news, comedy and serial dramas, along with special guest hosts and interviews. The program host will be Tasha Femkins. "Le Bon Bon Club", Hosted by "Bittersweet", and heard on Saturdays 11 pm - midnight EST will be replaced by "The Big Kaboom". Hosted by "Brother X", this program will feature music and comedy along with political commentary and general irreverence toward everything and everyone. The name says it all. "Tasha Takes Control", hosted by Natasha Femkins, and heard on Fridays at 9 pm - 10 pm EST (following Allan Weiner Worldwide), will remain largely unchanged except for minor adjustments in preparation for syndication and distribution on domestic US FM stations. Karen (pronounced "car-in") Heilman (Bittersweet) becomes the Executive Producer of all three programs. Natasha Femkins becomes the Associate Producer of all three programs, (and still retains her position as Production Supervisor). Michael Ketter (Brother X) takes over the position of Music Director for Complex Variables Studio. The 43 one hour episodes of "Hear Now" and "Le Bon Bon Club" are available on audio CD or in mp3 audio data format for $10.00 each + S&H. Thanks Glen[n], Tasha Please direct all questions to: Tasha@complexvariablesstudio.com (412) 371-1205 (Tasha Femkins, Jan 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. ART BELL BACK ON AIR FEB. 5, 2001 LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5, 2001 ­ Art Bell, the radio personality famous for his spontaneous and compelling conversations about all things unexplained, has announced his return to radio. Bell resumes his reign as host of the most listened to live overnight radio program, Coast to Coast AM on Feb. 5 from 1 am to 6 am ET. Bell states, "The negotiation was brutal and bloody! The result: fewer commercials and back to five hours." Bell resigned last April because of family and legal issues that required his full attention. These have been resolved. His passion for radio and his audience has propelled him back with a renewed commitment to the unique show he created in 1993. Coast to Coast AM airs on more than 430 stations nationwide. "I am ecstatic to welcome Art Bell back to his program," said Kraig T. Kitchin, president/COO of Première Radio Networks. "It was a bloody negotiation –- pulling someone out of retirement always is. I am wildly enthusiastic to bring the news to affiliates and listeners nationwide Imagine their reaction! I also want to add my thanks to Mike Siegel." Première Radio Networks, Inc., a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications (NYSE:CCU), syndicates more than 60 radio programs to more than 7,800 radio affiliations and reaches over 180 million listeners weekly. Première is the number one radio network in the country and features the following personalities: Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Jim Rome, Rick Dees, Casey Kasem, Dr. Dean Edell, Bob (Kevoian) & Tom (Griswold), Phil Hendrie, Leeza Gibbons, Michael Reagan, Dave Koz, Blair Garner, Lionel, and others. Première is based in Sherman Oaks, Calif., with eleven offices nationwide. (Via radioguy, NRC-AM, Jan 4 via DXLD) I listened for a few minutes early Jan 5 with substitute host, and several Art fans were almost in tears that their `dear friend` is coming back (gh) ** U S A. Sunday, January 7, 2001 - KNUS-710/KRKS-990/KBJD-1650, Denver, CO will conduct a DX test at 2:00-3:00 am EST [0700-0800 UT]. Programming will include Morse code, unusual music, and other readily identifiable programming. The programming will be simulcast on all 3 stations. The stations will probably run day power / non-DA the first half hour and standard night power / patterns the second half hour. The stations would also like live feedback from listeners by telephone during this event. The telephone numbers will be 303-631- 2328 and 303-696-1971. Reception reports may be sent to: ATTN: Gregg Cassidy. KNUS-AM/KRKS-AM/KBJD-AM DX test, 3131 S. Vaughn Way, Suite 601, Aurora, CO 80014-3510. E-mail: DJ@1650thebeat.com (Arranged by Patrick Griffith.) (IRCA AM Newsflash via DXLD) ** U S A. 1700 FLORIDA WAFN, Miami Springs, 0138-0201 January 4, SP modern Christian vocals, heard thanks Tony Simon. Per Tony: "WAFN has dropped their English All Sports "The Fan" format and reverted to Spanish, as an affiliate of the "Voz Cristiana" religious network. Only local element was a "Radio Luz, WAFN, Miami Springs" ID thrown in whenever at the top of the hour." (Terry Krueger, FL, Tocobaga DX via hard-core-dx via DXLD) [so now \\ Voz Cristiana, Chile on SW with Miami studios?? -gh] ** U S A. The front page of the Jan. 2, 2001 Sacramento Bee has an article about KTNN in Window Rock, AZ. You can read it on the web at: http://www.sacbee.com/news/news/local02_20010102.html (Rich Toebe, IRCA via DXLD) Quite a moving portrait of poverty-stricken Navajo life, but it would be so much better if it did not revolve around listening to stupid ballgames, and keep referring to distant reception depending on ``the weather`` (gh) ** VANUATU/SOLOMON ISLANDS. 4.960, usually lose them by 1200, However Solomon Is 5.020 is normally covered by Cuba on 5.025 (Colonel Jon Standingbear, Army Radio Station ADN3U, Beaumont, CA, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Gist of following: National Radio of SADR wants reception reports and suggestions for clear frequencies to avoid [Moroccan imperialist] jamming. Likes to stay in 7450 to 7460 area, they say (tho last we heard they were on 7357). No mention of QSL or anything in reply for such help (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) SAHARA. COLABORA CON LA RADIO NACIONAL SAHARAUI La Radio Nacional Saharaui emite en O.M. en la frecuencia de 1.55O kHz y en O.C. en la de 7.460 kHz. Son señales que están siendo interferidas por los mismos que mantienne ocupado el Sahara Occidental por la fuerza de las armas desde hace 25 años. Estas interferencias obligan a cambiar levemente de frecuencia y así ocurre en O.C. que se puede escuchar la emision en 7.450 kHz. O en otras frecuencias, pero siempre cercanas a la de 7.460 kHz. La Radio Nacional Saharaui emite todos los días de 07:0O a 08:0O horas y de 20:00 a 01:00 hora local saharaui (H.E.). Emisión en castellano de 20:00 a 21:00 horas y el resto en árabe y lengua propia. [UT converted from UT+1: 0600-0700, 2000-2400 in Arabic and local language, 1900-2000 in Spanish] La Radio Nacional Saharaui necesita informes de recepción para conocer su alcance y calidad de cobertura para mejorar sus emisiones. También agradecerán observaciones técnicas, sobre los contenidos o sobre las condiciones de propagación. Aunque la emisión en O.C. se podrá recibir solamente en las zonas de más cercanas al Sáhara Occidental la de O.C., con las limitaciones de cobertura debidas a las condiciones de propagación, se puede recibir en todo el mundo. Para colaborar es necesario sintonizar las frecuencias y escuchar con detenimiento las frecuencias señaladas. Una vez conseguida la recepción se rellena el cuestionario adjunto y se envía de forma inmediata por correo electrrrónico a la siguiente dirección: tlpgahij@vc.ehu.es subject: RADIO NACIONAL SAHARAUI Cuantos más cuestionarios se envíen mejor. Debe rellenarse un cuestionario por cada día de escucha ya que las condiciones de propagación e interferencias varían. Se pueden acumular los cuestionarios de una semana y enviarlos todos a la vez. Estos controles de calidad se mantendrán hasta conseguir una emisión aceptable. Gracias por colaborar con la difusión de la causa saharaui. ------------------------------------------------------------ CUESTIONARIO DE RADIO ESCUCHA PARA LA RADIO NACIONAL SAHARAUI Nombre:.................................... Datos completos del lugar de recepción:.............................. Fecha de la recepción:............................................... local de la recepción:............................................... Frecuencia de recepción:............................................. Tiempo total de recepción:........................................... Tipo de receptor:.................................................... Tipo de antena:...................................................... LEGIBILIDAD (marcar el número correspondiente) 1.- Ilegible 2.- apenas legible, se distingue alguna palabra 3.- legible con dificultad 4.- legible casi sin dificultad 5.- perfectamente legible FUERZA DE LA SEÑAL (marcar el número correspondiente) 1.- Señal ínfima (apenas perceptible) 2.- señal muy débil. 3.- señal débil 4.- señal aceptable 5.- señal bastante buena 6.- señal buena 7.- señal moderadamente fuerte. 8.- señal fuerte 9.- señal muy fuerte OBSERVACIONES .......................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A R S O Association de soutien a un referendum libre et regulier au Sahara Occidental Address: cp 2229 CH-2800 DELEMONT 2 [SWITZERLAND -gh] E-mail: arso@arso.org URL: http://www.arso.org Tel.: +41 32 422 87 17 Fax: +41 32 422 87 01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Juan Jaramillo Blasco juanjaramillo@tsai.es) (via Noticias DX, Spain, Jan 4 via DXLD) ** ZANZIBAR. Yes, after a pile of reports, today I have received QSL from "Sauti Ya Tanzania-Zanzibar". As Enzio Gehrig suggested to me, I sent my last report to Khalid Hassan Rajab, Head of Shortwave Radio Transmitter, Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar, P. O. Box 1178 Zanzibar / Tanzania. With the report I sent a CD with the station recording, a PPC QSL, a S.A.E. and the only US banknote I had (a 5 $ one). I have received my PPC signed and sealed in the SAE I sent after 6 weeks. My 171 country! (M. Molano, Salamanca Spain, Hard-Core-DX mailing list, via DXLD) ###